* WELCOME dear Stackless python programmer.
 * This example is based on the ideas from EVE presentation, held
 * at US PyCon 2006 and presented by CCP games. If you haven't yet read
 * the powerpoint, please go and read it, so you understant what are
 * the features I'm demoing you here.
 * http://www.stackless.com/Members/rmtew/News%20Archive/newsPyCon2006Pres
 * Quick disclaimer:
 * This code is a stripped down from Project Xenocide svn repository
 * to contain only the most important parts. Because of that I needed to
 * truncate some classes, move a few methods, created a few globals
 * and drop a huge amount of code (like unittesting framework, log4cxx etc) 
 * which we use, but are not needed here. That's why the code is a bit mess. ;)
 * If you are interested, the full Project Xenocide source is available
 * at www.projectxenocide.com 
 * The basic workflow of this example is the following:
 *  1) Initialize python
 *  2) Export class Sync and method stacklessMain to python using boost.python
 *  3) Run a simple test to verify that python is working.
 *  4) Start the staclessMain, which is a C++ method, as the "main tasklet" into
 *     stackless context.
 *  5) Execute a few tests which demonstrate the beNice, Watchdog and Sleeper features.  
 * A word about the tests: 
 * We use TDD (Test Driven Development) with project xenocide and we have found it usefull.
 * The features of this demo are all presented as simple tests. The Sync class has
 * a handy method, Sync::pushTestResult(py::object), which takes a python object, which
 * can be anything (number, string etc). Once the test case is completed, the results
 * are checked that they match what they are supposed to be. If you don't know 
 * what TDD is, I'd suggest that you go and read some documentation (from Wikipedia, 
 * for example)
 * Notice that both popTestResult and py::extract can throw an error if they fail,
 * and these errors are not catched at this demo. Anyway, if everything is right,
 * they wont throw anything and the tests are executed as they should. 
 * TEST 1: Just verify that the pushTestResult, boost::python and python itself are working.
 * It simply pushes number 42 as a test result and then it reads it and asserts that it really
 * is the number 42.
 * TEST 2: Create a tasklet, which calls beNice four times.
 * TEST 3: Tests the watchdog feature. The idea is, that every running tasklet
 * should call beNice as soon as possible. Once every tasklet has called beNice,
 * the watchdog exists and returns Py_None. With game programming, for example
 * in our Project Xenocide, the method containing the watchdog loop is called
 * once every frame. So if a tasklet takes too much time without calling beNice,
 * the FPS rate slows down and this is bad.
 * And this is the idea of the watchdog. If one process (a tasklet) goes wild,
 * and, for example, goes into while 1: -loop, the watchdog hits the execution limit
 * (which sould normally be much larger than the current 1000 executions in this demo)
 * and the watchdog method exists returning the tasklet object which took too much time.
 * This can be then used for stacktrace, debugging etc.
 * So this test creates a tasklet running while 1 -loop and waits that the watchdog hits the limit.
 * TEST 4: This tests the Sleeper system. Sync.sleepReal() is used to put the calling
 * tasklet into sleep so, that it doesn't use any processor time. It does not sleep
 * actually the specified amount of time, but it could very easily be modified to do
 * actual sleeping. 
 * This test creates five tasklets, which each sleeps for a different amount of time.
 * The system, which handles the sleeping, must wake the sleepers only when
 * the specified amount of time has passed, so this test verifies that the tasklets
 * are awaken in correct time (or actually in the correct order)
 * If you have any guestions, please email to stackless mailing list (stackless@stackless.com),
 * or contact me (Juho "Garo" Makinen) at #xenocide IRC channel, located at freenode.net irc
 * network, or mailing me directly to juho.makinen@gmail.com
 * - Juho Makinen, http://www.juhonkoti.net, 2006-04-04

The correct output of this tech demo should be the following:
Checking that we could execute a python code. retval == 42 (expected 42)
from stacklessMain: c is: 1
from stacklessMain: c is: 2
from stacklessMain: c is: 3
from stacklessMain: c is: 4
Checking that c is actually four: c == 4
Watchdog interrupted a tasklet which was running too long without calling beNice
Killing this tasklet, retval: 0 (expecting 0)
I'm awake, I slept for 250 time units
I'm awake, I slept for 500 time units
I'm awake, I slept for 1000 time units
I'm awake, I slept for 1000 time units
I'm awake, I slept for 2000 time units