// testbench.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "python.h" #include "simwrapper.h" class rTasklet; typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD rTasklet *m_foo; } PyPythonScriptObject; static PyObject *PyPythonScript_NewScript(rTasklet *script); static void PyPythonScript_DeallocScript(PyPythonScriptObject *pso); static PyObject *PyPythonScript_GetAttr(PyPythonScriptObject *self, char *name); PyTypeObject PyPythonScript_Type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, /*ob_size*/ "simscript", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(PyPythonScriptObject), /*tp_basicsize*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ /* methods */ (destructor)PyPythonScript_DeallocScript, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)PyPythonScript_GetAttr, /*tp_getattr*/ (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/ 0, /*tp_compare*/ 0, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/ 0, /*tp_hash*/ }; /* Allocation and deallocation of pythonscript Objects */ static PyObject * PyPythonScript_NewScript(rTasklet *foo) { PyPythonScriptObject *pso; pso = PyObject_NEW(PyPythonScriptObject, &PyPythonScript_Type); if (pso == NULL) return NULL; pso->m_foo = foo; return (PyObject *)pso; } static void PyPythonScript_DeallocScript(PyPythonScriptObject *pso) { PyObject_DEL(pso); } static PyObject * PyPythonScript_getname(PyPythonScriptObject *self, PyObject* args) { // Parse arguments static char *str; if(PyTuple_Size(args) == 1) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"s", &str)) return NULL; } else { return PyString_FromString(str); } return Py_None; } extern int PyStackless_Schedule(); static PyObject * PyPythonScript_breaker(PyPythonScriptObject *self, PyObject* args) { // Parse arguments static char *str; if(PyTuple_Size(args) == 1) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"s", &str)) return NULL; } else { return Py_None; } // Suspend script execution and switch execution back // This call should save this execution stack for this tasklet // and restore PySW_SuspendTasklet(); return Py_None; } // Object method registration structure static PyMethodDef PyPythonScript_methods[] = { {"foobar", (PyCFunction)PyPythonScript_getname, METH_VARARGS}, {"breaker", (PyCFunction)PyPythonScript_breaker, METH_VARARGS}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static PyObject * PyPythonScript_GetAttr(PyPythonScriptObject *self, char *name) { return Py_FindMethod(PyPythonScript_methods, (PyObject *)self, name); } int TestConditionFunction( PyObject *condf ) { if (condf && PyCallable_Check(condf)) { int cret = 0; PyObject *pValue = PyObject_CallObject(condf, NULL); if (pValue != NULL) { cret = PyInt_AsLong(pValue); Py_DECREF(pValue); } return cret; } return -1; } /* note: to switch back to windows mode, change * /subsystem:console back to * /subsystem:windows in the configuration window. */ /* q&d function to check, print and clear errors */ #include "malloc.h" void CPCE (int ret, char *msg) { if (ret) { printf("%s\n", msg); PyErr_Print(); } else printf("%s OK\n", msg); } // Wrapper tasklet class class rTasklet { public: // PyThreadState *m_interp; PyObject *m_script_code; PyObject *m_tasklet; public: rTasklet() { // m_interp = Py_NewInterpreter(); // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); PyPythonScript_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type; PyObject *iface_class = PyPythonScript_NewScript(this); PyImport_AddModule("simscript"); Py_InitModule4("simscript", PyPythonScript_methods, NULL, iface_class, PYTHON_API_VERSION); PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict; pName = PyString_FromString("__main__"); pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); PySW_SetPath("C:\\codebase\\main\\development\\3rdparty\\stackless_wrapper\\testbench"); PyObject *stacklessmodule = PyImport_AddModule("stackless"); pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); } void CompileAndExecuteMain( char* code ) { // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); m_script_code = Py_CompileString(code, "pythoncode", Py_file_input); Py_INCREF(m_script_code); PyObject *mainobj = PyImport_ExecCodeModule("__main__", m_script_code); if( !mainobj ) PyErr_Print(); } PyObject *CreateTask(char* func_name ) { // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict; pName = PyString_FromString("__main__"); pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); m_tasklet = NULL; PyObject *func = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, func_name); if (func && PyCallable_Check(func)) m_tasklet = PySW_CreateTasklet( func ); Py_XINCREF(m_tasklet); return m_tasklet; } void RunTask( char* msg ) { // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); CPCE(PySW_RunTasklet(m_tasklet), msg); } void ContinueTask(char* msg ) { // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); CPCE(PySW_ContinueTasklet(m_tasklet), msg); } void ResetTask(char* msg ) { // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); CPCE(PySW_ResetTasklet(m_tasklet), msg); } void DeleteTask( char* msg ) { if( m_tasklet ) { // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); CPCE(PySW_CleanupTasklet( m_tasklet ), msg); Py_CLEAR(m_tasklet); } } PyObject *GetTask() { return m_tasklet; } PyObject *GetFunction(char *func_name) { // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict; pName = PyString_FromString("__main__"); pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); return PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, func_name); } void Destroy( char* msg ) { // PyThreadState *old_state = PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); // PyThreadState_Clear(m_interp); // Interpreter deletion does not work yet! And it leakes now memory ... // PyThreadState_Swap(NULL); // Should not be required ... nobody has tested these python calls together // PyThreadState_Delete(m_interp); // PyThreadState_Swap(NULL); // PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); // CPCE( true, msg); // Py_EndInterpreter( m_interp ); } }; char sourcecode[] = " \n\ \n\ import simscript \n\ # import winsound \n\ # import sdk32 \n\ \n\ # winsound.PlaySound(\"c:\\WINDOWS\\MEDIA\\tada.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME') \n\ # sdk32.MessageBox(\"Jep\",\"foobar\",win32con.MB_OK) \n\ simscript.foobar(\"mainA\") \n\ \n\ def condition_func(): \n\ return 42 \n\ \n\ def run1(): \n\ print 'run1 starting' \n\ simscript.breaker('A\') \n\ print 'run1 between A/B' \n\ simscript.breaker('B') \n\ print 'run1 finished' \n\ \n\ def run2(): \n\ print 'run2 starting' \n\ simscript.breaker('C') \n\ print 'run2 between C/D' \n\ simscript.breaker('D') \n\ print 'run2 finished' \n\ \n\ simscript.foobar('mainB') \n\ "; #if 0 int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { char *msg = NULL; // 1. Init python and stackless PyEval_InitThreads(); Py_Initialize(); int code = Py_IsInitialized(); /* no threads needed */ // 2. Init execution wrapper PySW_InitWrapper(); /* // 3. Store this instances threadstate PyThreadState *m_interp = PyEval_SaveThread(); // 4. Each script will have its own interpreter PyEval_AcquireLock(); m_interp = Py_NewInterpreter(); PyThreadState_Swap(m_interp); */ for( int loops = 0; loops<100; loops++) { // 5. Create two task objects (both contain independent interpreter and tasklet defs) rTasklet *task1 = new rTasklet(); rTasklet *task2 = new rTasklet(); // 6. Assign source code and execute main level for both tasklets objects task1->CompileAndExecuteMain( sourcecode ); task2->CompileAndExecuteMain( sourcecode ); // 7. Create new tasklet for both tasklet objects task1->CreateTask( "run1" ); task2->CreateTask( "run2" ); // 8. Start executing tasks in sequence task1->RunTask("8. Execute tasklet 1 till point \"A\""); task2->RunTask("9. Execute tasklet 2 till point \"C\""); task1->ContinueTask("10. Continue tasklet 1 till point \"B\""); /* CT dropped */ msg = "11. Call condition func in a middle of tasklet 1 execution"; PyObject *condf = task1->GetFunction("condition_func"); printf("%s returns %d\n", msg, TestConditionFunction( condf )); task2->ContinueTask("12. Continue tasklet 2 till point \"D\""); task1->ContinueTask("13. Continue tasklet 1 till end"); task1->ResetTask("14. Reset tasklet 1"); task1->DeleteTask("15. Delete tasklet 1"); task2->DeleteTask("16. Delete tasklet 2 (suspended)"); task1->Destroy( "17. Destroy tasklet 1 internals (interpreter etc.)"); task2->Destroy( "18. Destroy tasklet 2 internals (interpreter etc.)"); delete task1; delete task2; } return 0; }