.. _stackless-scheduler: ************************************** The scheduler --- How tasklets are run ************************************** The two main ways in which Stackless schedules its tasklets are pre-emptive scheduling and cooperative scheduling. However, there are many ways these two approaches can be used to suit the needs of a given application. ====================== Cooperative scheduling ====================== The simplest way to run the scheduler is cooperatively. Programmers still need to know when blocking will occur in their code and deal with it appropriately. But unlike pre-emptive scheduling, they can know exactly where blocking will occur and this in turn allows them a good idea about how their code will behave in cooperation with whatever else may be running in tasklets. Example - running a simple function within a tasklet:: >>> def function(n): ... for i in range(n): ... print i+1 ... stackless.schedule() ... >>> stackless.tasklet(function)(3) >>> stackless.run() 1 2 3 In the example above, a function *func* is defined, then a tasklet created for it to be called within. The scheduler is then run, which schedules the tasklet four times. The fourth time the tasklet is scheduled, the function exits and because of this the tasklet also. The code to run in a tasklet:: def function(n): for i in range(n): print i+1 stackless.schedule() The first step is having code to run in a tasklet. Here *func* simply loops *n* times, in each iteration printing which iteration it is, then giving the other scheduled tasklets a chance to run by calling :func:`stackless.schedule`. Creating the tasklet:: stackless.tasklet(function)(3) With *func* to run, a tasklet is bound to it and arguments provided which in this case are a value of ``3`` for *n*. When the tasklet is first scheduled and *func* first called within it, the arguments are passed into the call. The act of creating a tasklet in this way automatically inserts it into the scheduler, so there is no need to hold a reference to it. Running the scheduler:: stackless.run() Next the scheduler is run. It will exit when there are no tasklets remaining within it. Note that this tasklet will be scheduled four times. The first will be the initial run of the tasklet, which will start a call into *func* within it providing whatever arguments were given (in this case for *n*). The second and third are also the second and third prints, and finally a fourth time when :func:`stackless.schedule` returns and the function exits and therefore the tasklet also. If the developer knows that as long as the application is to run, there will be tasklets in the scheduler to be run as shown here, the application can be driven by a call to :func:`stackless.run`. However, it is not always that simple and there are many reasons why the scheduler may be empty, and repeated calls to :func:`stackless.run` need to be made after creation of new tasklets or reinsertion of old ones which were blocked outside of it. .. _uncooperative-tasklets: -------------------------------- Detecting uncooperative tasklets -------------------------------- In practice, it is very rare that a tasklet will run without yielding to allow others to run. More often than not, tasklets are blocked waiting for events to occur often enough that they do not need to explicitly yield. But occasionally unforeseen situations can occur where code paths lead to yields not being hit, or perhaps bad code enters an infinite loop. With this in mind, it is often more useful to take advantage of the pre-emptive scheduling functionality, to detect long running tasklets. The way this works is to pass in a sufficiently high timeout that the only tasklets which hit it are those which are not yielding. Idiom - detecting uncooperative tasklets:: while 1: t = stackless.run(1000000) if t is not None: t.insert() print "*** Uncooperative tasklet", t, "detected ***" traceback.print_stack(t.frame) Scheduling cooperatively, but pre-empting uncooperative tasklets:: t = stackless.run(1000000) As most tasklets will yield before having executed ``1000000`` instructions, the only tasklets which will be interrupted and returned will be those that are not yielding and therefore being uncooperative. Ensuring the interrupted tasklet resumes:: if t is not None: t.insert() Interrupted tasklets are no longer in the scheduler. We do not know what this tasklet was doing, and to leave it uncompleted may depending on our application be unacceptable. The call to :meth:`tasklet.insert` puts the it at the end of the list of runnable tasklets in the scheduler, forcibly ensuring the others have a chance to run before it gets another. It might also be reasonable to assume that any tasklet that gets interrupted in this manner is behaving wrong, and that to kill it having recorded as much information about it as possible (like its call stack) before doing so is better. Killing the interrupted tasklet:: if t is not None: print "*** Uncooperative tasklet", t, "detected ***" traceback.print_stack(t.frame) t.kill() .. note:: Tasklets that do long running calls outside of Python are not something this mechanism has any insight into. These calls might be doing synchronous IO, complex :mod:`math` module operations that execute in the underlying C library or a range of other things. --------------------- Pumping the scheduler --------------------- The most obvious way to use Stackless is to put all your logic into tasklets and to run the scheduler, where there is an expectation that when the scheduler exits so does your application. However, by taking this approach your application is built within the Stackless framework and has to be structured around being run within the scheduler. This may be unacceptable if you want more control over how your application runs or is structured. It may seem to rule out the use of cooperative scheduling and push you towards pre-emptive scheduling, so that your application or framework can drive Stackless instead. However, there is a way to retain the benefits of cooperative scheduling and still have your application or framework in control. This is called pumping the scheduler. Idiom - pumping the scheduler:: def ApplicationMainLoop(): while 1: ProcessMessages() ApplicationLoopStuff() Etc() stackless.run() RescheduleBlockedTasklets() Pumping the scheduler works by having code that explicitly yields, yield onto a channel, instead of calling :func:`stackless.schedule` and instead yielding back into the scheduler. By doing so, the scheduler is empty after each tasklet that was scheduled has run. This means that a scheduler run is effectively an act of running each scheduled tasklet once, and it can be pumped within an application or frameworks main loop. Yielding outside of the scheduler:: def CustomYield(): customYieldChannel.receive() Defining a custom function that code can call to yield their tasklets outside of the scheduler, is as simple as having a channel for them to wait on. There will never be any tasklets sending on the channel, so those that call will always block onto it. Rescheduling blocked tasklets:: def RescheduleBlockedTasklets(): while customYieldChannel.balance < 0: customYieldChannel.send(None) .. _slp-chan-pref-ex1: When we want to reinsert all the blocked tasklets back into the scheduler, we simply do sends on the channel as long as there are receivers. However, there is one situation we want to avoid. We do not want to run each receiving tasklet as we do a send to it. In order to avoid this, we need to make sure that our channel simply inserts the receiving tasklet into the scheduler to be run in due course instead. Configuring the channel to be yielded onto:: customYieldChannel = stackless.channel() customYieldChannel.preference = 1 This is a simple change to the :attr:`channel.preference` attribute of the channel when it is created. .. note:: If you pump the scheduler, your tasklets cannot call :func:`stackless.schedule`. To do so, without knowledge of what you are doing, will result in a tasklet that continuously gets scheduled. And the call to :func:`stackless.run` will not exit until the tasklet yields in another manner out of the scheduler, errors or exits. ====================== Pre-emptive scheduling ====================== If you want a lot of the work of using operating system threads without a lot of the benefits, then pre-emptive scheduling is a good choice. Making the scheduler work in a pre-emptive manner, is a simple matter of giving it a timeout value. Example - running a simple tasklet within the scheduler:: >>> def function(): ... i = 0 ... while True: ... print i+1 ... i += 1 ... >>> stackless.tasklet(function)() >>> stackless.run(100) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In this case, the scheduler runs until a maximum of ``100`` instructions have been executed in the Python virtual machine. At which point, whatever tasklet is currently running is returned when :func:`stackless.run` exits. The standard way to employ this is to pump the scheduler, reinserting the interrupted tasklet. Idiom - pre-emptive scheduling:: while True: ProcessMessages() ApplicationLoopStuff() Etc() t = stackless.run(100) if t is None: break t.insert() Run the scheduler for ``100`` instructions:: t = stackless.run(100) There are two things to note here, if *t* is ``None`` then there are no tasklets in the scheduler to run. If *t* is not ``None``, then it is an interrupted tasklet that needs to be reinserted into the scheduler. Detect an empty scheduler:: if t is None: break It may be that an empty scheduler indicates that all the work is done, or it may not. How this work is actually handled depends on the implementation details of your solution. Reinsert the interrupted tasklet:: t.insert() .. note:: You are not running the scheduler for ``100`` instructions, you are running it until any subsequently scheduled tasklet runs for at least that many instructions. If all your tasklets always explicitly yield before this many instructions have been executed, then the :func:`stackless.run` call will not exit until for some reason one does not. -------------------------------------------- Running the scheduler for ``n`` instructions -------------------------------------------- Running the scheduler until a scheduled tasklet runs for *n* consecutive instructions is one way pre-emptive scheduling might work. However, if you want to structure your application or framework in such a way that it drives Stackless rather than the other way round, then you need the scheduler to exit instead. The scheduler can be directed to work in this way, by giving it a :func:`totaltimeout ` flag value. Idiom - pre-emptive scheduler pumping:: while True: ProcessMessages() ApplicationLoopStuff() Etc() t = stackless.run(100, totaltimeout=True) if t is None: break t.insert() .. _slp-exc-section: ========== Exceptions ========== Exceptions that occur within tasklets and are uncaught are raised out of the :func:`stackless.run` call, to be handled by its caller. Example - an exception raised out of the scheduler:: >>> def func_loop(): ... while 1: ... stackless.schedule() ... >>> def func_exception(): ... raise Exception("catch this") ... >>> stackless.tasklet(func_loop)() >>> stackless.tasklet(func_exception)() >>> stackless.run() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "", line 2, in func_exception Exception: catch this This may not be the desired behaviour, and a more acceptable one might be that the exception is caught and dealt with in the tasklet it occurred in before that tasklet exits. --------------------------- Catching tasklet exceptions --------------------------- We want to change the new behaviour to be: #. The tasklet with the uncaught exception exits normally. #. The uncaught exception is examined and handled before the tasklet exits. #. The scheduler continues running. There are two ways to accomplish these things. You can either monkey-patch the tasklet creation process, or you can use a custom function for all your tasklet creation. Example - a custom tasklet creation function:: def new_tasklet(f, *args, **kwargs): def safe_tasklet(): try: f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return stackless.tasklet(safe_tasklet)() new_tasklet(some_function, 1, 2, 3, key="value") Example - monkey-patching the tasklet creation process:: def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): f = self.tempval def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs): try: old_f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() self.tempval = new_f stackless.tasklet.setup(self, f, args, kwargs) stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__ stackless.tasklet(some_function)(1, 2, 3, key=value) Printing the call stack in the case of an exception is good enough for these examples, but in practice the call stack might instead be recorded in a database. .. note:: We catch :exc:`Exception` explicitly, rather than catching any exception which might occur. The reason for this is to avoid catching exceptions we should not be catching like :exc:`SystemExit` or :ref:`TaskletExit `, which derive from the lower level :exc:`BaseException`.