/* DICE demo application for embedded systems, version 1 */ #include "Python.h" #include "stackless_api.h" /*=== Python Code ====*/ char * python_prog = " \ \n\ import game \n\ \n\ def everySecond(): \n\ print 'Hello' \n\ game.sleepInCpp(5.0) \n\ print 'Goodbye' \n\ \n\ "; /*=====================*/ /* * to my understanding, the above *function* is not called * every second (spawning a new task all the time), * but the resulting tasklet is called every second, until it * is done. * So, what we are actually doing is to create a task, that * has to wait for some event (in this case, time passing by), * and then to resume. */ PyObject *timemod; double pytime(void) { return PyFloat_AsDouble(PyObject_CallMethod(timemod, "clock", "")); } void pysleep(double seconds) { PyObject *ret = PyObject_CallMethod(timemod, "sleep", "f", seconds); Py_XDECREF(ret); } int wrap(PyObject *ign) { Py_XDECREF(ign); return ign ? 0 : -1; } static PyObject * sleepInCpp(PyObject *self, PyObject *seconds) { double time_to_wait, wait_until; time_to_wait = PyFloat_AsDouble(seconds); if (PyErr_Occurred()) return NULL; wait_until = pytime() + time_to_wait; while (pytime() < wait_until) { /* let other processes run */ printf("sleepInCpp activated\n"); if (wrap(PyStackless_Schedule(Py_None, 0))) return NULL; } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyMethodDef game_methods[] = { { "sleepInCpp", sleepInCpp, METH_O, "run the game for n seconds" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* * The Game Engine (not so sophisticated :-) */ void run_game_engine(void) { printf("Game Engine was started\n"); while (PyStackless_GetRunCount() > 0) { /* note that we are not a tasklet in this context */ printf("Game is computing for 1 second.\n"); pysleep(1.0); if (wrap(PyStackless_Schedule(Py_None, 0))) return; } printf("Game Engine is shutting down.\n"); } /* create a simple main program and run it, */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { PyObject *main, *game; PyObject *func, *args; PyTaskletObject *process; Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]); Py_Initialize(); /* get the time python methods */ timemod = PyImport_ImportModule("time"); /* create a module for the game */ game = Py_InitModule("game", game_methods); /* run the definition in main module */ main = PyImport_AddModule("__main__"); PyRun_SimpleString(python_prog); /* runs in main */ /* start the python function as a tasklet */ func = PyObject_GetAttrString(main, "everySecond"); process = PyTasklet_New(NULL, func); Py_DECREF(func); /* initialize the tasklet args */ args = PyTuple_New(0); PyTasklet_Call(process, args, NULL); Py_DECREF(args); /* now let's run the "game engine" */ run_game_engine(); Py_Finalize(); return 0; }