/* Code to handle accessing $name$ objects as sequence objects */ static int $abbrev$_length($abbrev$object *self) { /* XXXX Return the size of the object */ } static PyObject * $abbrev$_concat($abbrev$object *self, PyObject *bb) { /* XXXX Return the concatenation of self and bb */ } static PyObject * $abbrev$_repeat($abbrev$object *self, int n) { /* XXXX Return a new object that is n times self */ } static PyObject * $abbrev$_item($abbrev$object *self, int i) { /* XXXX Return the i-th object of self */ } static PyObject * $abbrev$_slice($abbrev$object *self, int ilow, int ihigh) { /* XXXX Return the ilow..ihigh slice of self in a new object */ } static int $abbrev$_ass_item($abbrev$object *self, int i, PyObject *v) { /* XXXX Assign to the i-th element of self */ return 0; } static int $abbrev$_ass_slice(PyListObject *self, int ilow, int ihigh, PyObject *v) { /* XXXX Replace ilow..ihigh slice of self with v */ return 0; } static PySequenceMethods $abbrev$_as_sequence = { (inquiry)$abbrev$_length, /*sq_length*/ (binaryfunc)$abbrev$_concat, /*sq_concat*/ (intargfunc)$abbrev$_repeat, /*sq_repeat*/ (intargfunc)$abbrev$_item, /*sq_item*/ (intintargfunc)$abbrev$_slice, /*sq_slice*/ (intobjargproc)$abbrev$_ass_item, /*sq_ass_item*/ (intintobjargproc)$abbrev$_ass_slice, /*sq_ass_slice*/ }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */