.. _2to3-reference: 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation =============================================== .. sectionauthor:: Benjamin Peterson 2to3 is a Python program that reads your Python 2.x source code and applies a series of *fixers* to transform it into valid Python 3.x code. Using 2to3 ---------- 2to3 can be run with a list of files to transform or a directory to recursively traverse looking for files with the ``.py`` extension. Here is a sample Python 2.x source file, :file:`example.py`:: def greet(name): print "Hello, {0}!".format(name) print "What's your name?" name = raw_input() greet(name) It can be converted to Python 3.x code via 2to3 on the command line:: $ 2to3 example.py A diff against the original source file will be printed. 2to3 can also write the needed modifications right back to the source file. (A backup of the original file will also be made.) This is done with the :option:`-w` flag:: $ 2to3 -w example.py :file:`example.py` will now look like this:: def greet(name): print("Hello, {0}!".format(name)) print("What's your name?") name = input() greet(name) Comments and and exact indentation will be preserved throughout the translation process. By default, 2to3 will run a set of predefined fixers. The :option:`-l` flag lists all avaible fixers. An explicit set of fixers to run can be given by use of the :option:`-f` flag. The following example runs only the ``imports`` and ``has_key`` fixers:: $ 2to3 -f imports -f has_key example.py Some fixers are *explicit*, meaning they aren't run be default and must be listed on the command line. Here, in addition to the default fixers, the ``idioms`` fixer is run:: $ 2to3 -f all -f idioms example.py Notice how ``all`` enables all default fixers. Sometimes 2to3 will find will find a place in your source code that needs to be changed, but 2to3 cannot fix automatically. In this case, 2to3 will print a warning beneath the diff for a file. :mod:`lib2to3` - 2to3's library ------------------------------- .. module:: lib2to3 :synopsis: the 2to3 library .. moduleauthor:: Guido van Rossum .. moduleauthor:: Collin Winter .. XXX What is the public interface anyway?