.. XXX this whole file is outdated :mod:`StringIO` --- Read and write strings as files =================================================== .. module:: StringIO :synopsis: Read and write strings as if they were files. This module implements a file-like class, :class:`StringIO`, that reads and writes a string buffer (also known as *memory files*). See the description of file objects for operations (section :ref:`bltin-file-objects`). (For standard strings, see :class:`str`.) .. class:: StringIO([buffer]) When a :class:`StringIO` object is created, it can be initialized to an existing string by passing the string to the constructor. If no string is given, the :class:`StringIO` will start empty. In both cases, the initial file position starts at zero. The following methods of :class:`StringIO` objects require special mention: .. method:: StringIO.getvalue() Retrieve the entire contents of the "file" at any time before the :class:`StringIO` object's :meth:`close` method is called. .. method:: StringIO.close() Free the memory buffer. Example usage:: import StringIO output = StringIO.StringIO() output.write('First line.\n') print('Second line.', file=output) # Retrieve file contents -- this will be # 'First line.\nSecond line.\n' contents = output.getvalue() # Close object and discard memory buffer -- # .getvalue() will now raise an exception. output.close() :mod:`cStringIO` --- Faster version of :mod:`StringIO` ====================================================== .. module:: cStringIO :synopsis: Faster version of StringIO, but not subclassable. .. moduleauthor:: Jim Fulton .. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. The module :mod:`cStringIO` provides an interface similar to that of the :mod:`StringIO` module. Heavy use of :class:`StringIO.StringIO` objects can be made more efficient by using the function :func:`StringIO` from this module instead. Since this module provides a factory function which returns objects of built-in types, there's no way to build your own version using subclassing. Use the original :mod:`StringIO` module in that case. Unlike the memory files implemented by the :mod:`StringIO` module, those provided by this module are not able to accept strings that cannot be encoded in plain ASCII. Calling :func:`StringIO` with a string parameter populates the object with the buffer representation of the string, instead of encoding the string. Another difference from the :mod:`StringIO` module is that calling :func:`StringIO` with a string parameter creates a read-only object. Unlike an object created without a string parameter, it does not have write methods. These objects are not generally visible. They turn up in tracebacks as :class:`StringI` and :class:`StringO`. The following data objects are provided as well: .. data:: InputType The type object of the objects created by calling :func:`StringIO` with a string parameter. .. data:: OutputType The type object of the objects returned by calling :func:`StringIO` with no parameters. There is a C API to the module as well; refer to the module source for more information. Example usage:: import cStringIO output = cStringIO.StringIO() output.write('First line.\n') print('Second line.', file=output) # Retrieve file contents -- this will be # 'First line.\nSecond line.\n' contents = output.getvalue() # Close object and discard memory buffer -- # .getvalue() will now raise an exception. output.close()