Magic: 12321 Internal Form Definition File (do not change) Number of forms: 1 =============== FORM =============== Name: main_form Width: 170.000000 Height: 190.000000 Number of Objects: 4 -------------------- class: 1 type: 1 box: 0.000000 0.000000 170.000000 190.000000 boxtype: 1 colors: 47 47 alignment: 4 style: 0 size: 11.000000 lcol: 0 label: name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: 11 type: 0 box: 10.000000 140.000000 150.000000 40.000000 boxtype: 1 colors: 47 47 alignment: 4 style: 0 size: 11.000000 lcol: 0 label: Button 1 name: button1 callback: argument: -------------------- class: 11 type: 0 box: 10.000000 100.000000 150.000000 40.000000 boxtype: 1 colors: 47 47 alignment: 4 style: 0 size: 11.000000 lcol: 0 label: Button 2 name: button2 callback: argument: -------------------- class: 11 type: 6 box: 10.000000 10.000000 150.000000 40.000000 boxtype: 1 colors: 47 47 alignment: 4 style: 0 size: 11.000000 lcol: 0 label: EXIT name: exitbutton callback: argument: ============================== create_the_forms