.. highlightlang:: c .. _instancemethod-objects: Instance Method Objects ----------------------- .. index:: object: instancemethod An instance method is a wrapper for a :cdata:`PyCFunction` and the new way to bind a :cdata:`PyCFunction` to a class object. It replaces the former call ``PyMethod_New(func, NULL, class)``. .. cvar:: PyTypeObject PyInstanceMethod_Type This instance of :ctype:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python instance method type. It is not exposed to Python programs. .. cfunction:: int PyInstanceMethod_Check(PyObject *o) Return true if *o* is an instance method object (has type :cdata:`PyInstanceMethod_Type`). The parameter must not be *NULL*. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyInstanceMethod_New(PyObject *func) Return a new instance method object, with *func* being any callable object *func* is is the function that will be called when the instance method is called. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyInstanceMethod_Function(PyObject *im) Return the function object associated with the instance method *im*. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyInstanceMethod_GET_FUNCTION(PyObject *im) Macro version of :cfunc:`PyInstanceMethod_Function` which avoids error checking. .. _method-objects: Method Objects -------------- .. index:: object: method Methods are bound function objects. Methods are always bound to an instance of an user-defined class. Unbound methods (methods bound to a class object) are no longer available. .. cvar:: PyTypeObject PyMethod_Type .. index:: single: MethodType (in module types) This instance of :ctype:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python method type. This is exposed to Python programs as ``types.MethodType``. .. cfunction:: int PyMethod_Check(PyObject *o) Return true if *o* is a method object (has type :cdata:`PyMethod_Type`). The parameter must not be *NULL*. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyMethod_New(PyObject *func, PyObject *self) Return a new method object, with *func* being any callable object and *self* the instance the method should be bound. *func* is is the function that will be called when the method is called. *self* must not be *NULL*. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyMethod_Function(PyObject *meth) Return the function object associated with the method *meth*. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(PyObject *meth) Macro version of :cfunc:`PyMethod_Function` which avoids error checking. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyMethod_Self(PyObject *meth) Return the instance associated with the method *meth*. .. cfunction:: PyObject* PyMethod_GET_SELF(PyObject *meth) Macro version of :cfunc:`PyMethod_Self` which avoids error checking. .. cfunction:: int PyMethod_ClearFreeList() Clear the free list. Return the total number of freed items.