# Copyright (c) YEAR Python Software Foundation.
# This version of the catalog contains only doc strings, which a
# developer can access interactively during development.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-06-10 19:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\n"

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:93
msgid "Override server_bind to store the server name."
msgstr ""

#. The Python system version, truncated to its first component.
#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:102
msgid ""
"HTTP request handler base class.\n"
"    The following explanation of HTTP serves to guide you through the\n"
"    code as well as to expose any misunderstandings I may have about\n"
"    HTTP (so you don't need to read the code to figure out I'm wrong\n"
"    :-).\n"
"    HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is an extensible protocol on\n"
"    top of a reliable stream transport (e.g. TCP/IP).  The protocol\n"
"    recognizes three parts to a request:\n"
"    1. One line identifying the request type and path\n"
"    2. An optional set of RFC-822-style headers\n"
"    3. An optional data part\n"
"    The headers and data are separated by a blank line.\n"
"    The first line of the request has the form\n"
"    <command> <path> <version>\n"
"    where <command> is a (case-sensitive) keyword such as GET or POST,\n"
"    <path> is a string containing path information for the request,\n"
"    and <version> should be the string \"HTTP/1.0\".  <path> is encoded\n"
"    using the URL encoding scheme (using %xx to signify the ASCII\n"
"    character with hex code xx).\n"
"    The protocol is vague about whether lines are separated by LF\n"
"    characters or by CRLF pairs -- for compatibility with the widest\n"
"    range of clients, both should be accepted.  Similarly, whitespace\n"
"    in the request line should be treated sensibly (allowing multiple\n"
"    spaces between components and allowing trailing whitespace).\n"
"    Similarly, for output, lines ought to be separated by CRLF pairs\n"
"    but most clients grok LF characters just fine.\n"
"    If the first line of the request has the form\n"
"    <command> <path>\n"
"    (i.e. <version> is left out) then this is assumed to be an HTTP\n"
"    0.9 request; this form has no optional headers and data part and\n"
"    the reply consists of just the data.\n"
"    The reply form of the HTTP 1.0 protocol again has three parts:\n"
"    1. One line giving the response code\n"
"    2. An optional set of RFC-822-style headers\n"
"    3. The data\n"
"    Again, the headers and data are separated by a blank line.\n"
"    The response code line has the form\n"
"    <version> <responsecode> <responsestring>\n"
"    where <version> is the protocol version (always \"HTTP/1.0\"),\n"
"    <responsecode> is a 3-digit response code indicating success or\n"
"    failure of the request, and <responsestring> is an optional\n"
"    human-readable string explaining what the response code means.\n"
"    This server parses the request and the headers, and then calls a\n"
"    function specific to the request type (<command>).  Specifically,\n"
"    a request SPAM will be handled by a method do_SPAM().  If no\n"
"    such method exists the server sends an error response to the\n"
"    client.  If it exists, it is called with no arguments:\n"
"    do_SPAM()\n"
"    Note that the request name is case sensitive (i.e. SPAM and spam\n"
"    are different requests).\n"
"    The various request details are stored in instance variables:\n"
"    - client_address is the client IP address in the form (host,\n"
"    port);\n"
"    - command, path and version are the broken-down request line;\n"
"    - headers is an instance of mimetools.Message (or a derived\n"
"    class) containing the header information;\n"
"    - rfile is a file object open for reading positioned at the\n"
"    start of the optional input data part;\n"
"    - wfile is a file object open for writing.\n"
"    The first thing to be written must be the response line.  Then\n"
"    follow 0 or more header lines, then a blank line, and then the\n"
"    actual data (if any).  The meaning of the header lines depends on\n"
"    the command executed by the server; in most cases, when data is\n"
"    returned, there should be at least one header line of the form\n"
"    Content-type: <type>/<subtype>\n"
"    where <type> and <subtype> should be registered MIME types,\n"
"    e.g. \"text/html\" or \"text/plain\".\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:213
msgid ""
"Parse a request (internal).\n"
"        The request should be stored in self.raw_request; the results\n"
"        are in self.command, self.path, self.request_version and\n"
"        self.headers.\n"
"        Return value is 1 for success, 0 for failure; on failure, an\n"
"        error is sent back.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:250
msgid ""
"Handle a single HTTP request.\n"
"        You normally don't need to override this method; see the class\n"
"        __doc__ string for information on how to handle specific HTTP\n"
"        commands such as GET and POST.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:269
msgid ""
"Send and log an error reply.\n"
"        Arguments are the error code, and a detailed message.\n"
"        The detailed message defaults to the short entry matching the\n"
"        response code.\n"
"        This sends an error response (so it must be called before any\n"
"        output has been generated), logs the error, and finally sends\n"
"        a piece of HTML explaining the error to the user.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:299
msgid ""
"Send the response header and log the response code.\n"
"        Also send two standard headers with the server software\n"
"        version and the current date.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:318
msgid "Send a MIME header."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:323
msgid "Send the blank line ending the MIME headers."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:328
msgid ""
"Log an accepted request.\n"
"        This is called by send_reponse().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:338
msgid ""
"Log an error.\n"
"        This is called when a request cannot be fulfilled.  By\n"
"        default it passes the message on to log_message().\n"
"        Arguments are the same as for log_message().\n"
"        XXX This should go to the separate error log.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:352
msgid ""
"Log an arbitrary message.\n"
"        This is used by all other logging functions.  Override\n"
"        it if you have specific logging wishes.\n"
"        The first argument, FORMAT, is a format string for the\n"
"        message to be logged.  If the format string contains\n"
"        any % escapes requiring parameters, they should be\n"
"        specified as subsequent arguments (it's just like\n"
"        printf!).\n"
"        The client host and current date/time are prefixed to\n"
"        every message.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:374
msgid "Return the server software version string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:378
msgid "Return the current date and time formatted for a message header."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:388
msgid "Return the current time formatted for logging."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:402
msgid ""
"Return the client address formatted for logging.\n"
"        This version looks up the full hostname using gethostbyaddr(),\n"
"        and tries to find a name that contains at least one dot.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/BaseHTTPServer.py:462
msgid ""
"Test the HTTP request handler class.\n"
"    This runs an HTTP server on port 8000 (or the first command line\n"
"    argument).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Bastion.py:36
msgid ""
"Helper class used by the Bastion() function.\n"
"    You could subclass this and pass the subclass as the bastionclass\n"
"    argument to the Bastion() function, as long as the constructor has\n"
"    the same signature (a get() function and a name for the object).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Bastion.py:45
msgid ""
"        Arguments:\n"
"        get - a function that gets the attribute value (by name)\n"
"        name - a human-readable name for the original object\n"
"               (suggestion: use repr(object))\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Bastion.py:58
msgid ""
"Return a representation string.\n"
"        This includes the name passed in to the constructor, so that\n"
"        if you print the bastion during debugging, at least you have\n"
"        some idea of what it is.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Bastion.py:68
msgid ""
"Get an as-yet undefined attribute value.\n"
"        This calls the get() function that was passed to the\n"
"        constructor.  The result is stored as an instance variable so\n"
"        that the next time the same attribute is requested,\n"
"        __getattr__() won't be invoked.\n"
"        If the get() function raises an exception, this is simply\n"
"        passed on -- exceptions are not cached.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Note: we define *two* ad-hoc functions here, get1 and get2.
#. Both are intended to be called in the same way: get(name).
#. It is clear that the real work (getting the attribute
#. from the object and calling the filter) is done in get1.
#. Why can't we pass get1 to the bastion?  Because the user
#. would be able to override the filter argument!  With get2,
#. overriding the default argument is no security loophole:
#. all it does is call it.
#. Also notice that we can't place the object and filter as
#. instance variables on the bastion object itself, since
#. the user has full access to all instance variables!
#: Lib/Bastion.py:86
msgid ""
"Create a bastion for an object, using an optional filter.\n"
"    See the Bastion module's documentation for background.\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"    object - the original object\n"
"    filter - a predicate that decides whether a function name is OK;\n"
"             by default all names are OK that don't start with '_'\n"
"    name - the name of the object; default repr(object)\n"
"    bastionclass - class used to create the bastion; default BastionClass\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Bastion.py:113 :121
msgid "Internal function for Bastion().  See source comments."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Bastion.py:130
msgid "Test the Bastion() function."
msgstr ""

#. Determine platform specifics
#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:33
msgid ""
"Complete HTTP server with GET, HEAD and POST commands.\n"
"    GET and HEAD also support running CGI scripts.\n"
"    The POST command is *only* implemented for CGI scripts.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:50
msgid ""
"Serve a POST request.\n"
"        This is only implemented for CGI scripts.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:62
msgid "Version of send_head that support CGI scripts"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:69
msgid ""
"Test whether self.path corresponds to a CGI script.\n"
"        Return a tuple (dir, rest) if self.path requires running a\n"
"        CGI script, None if not.  Note that rest begins with a\n"
"        slash if it is not empty.\n"
"        The default implementation tests whether the path\n"
"        begins with one of the strings in the list\n"
"        self.cgi_directories (and the next character is a '/'\n"
"        or the end of the string).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:94
msgid "Test whether argument path is an executable file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:98
msgid "Test whether argument path is a Python script."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:103
msgid "Execute a CGI script."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:275
msgid "Internal routine to get nobody's uid"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/CGIHTTPServer.py:291
msgid "Test for executable file."
msgstr ""

#. self.__sections will never have [DEFAULT] in it
#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:187
msgid "Return a list of section names, excluding [DEFAULT]"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:192
msgid ""
"Create a new section in the configuration.\n"
"        Raise DuplicateSectionError if a section by the specified name\n"
"        already exists.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:202
msgid ""
"Indicate whether the named section is present in the configuration.\n"
"        The DEFAULT section is not acknowledged.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:209
msgid "Return a list of option names for the given section name."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:220
msgid "Return whether the given section has the given option."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:224
msgid ""
"Read and parse a filename or a list of filenames.\n"
"        Files that cannot be opened are silently ignored; this is\n"
"        designed so that you can specify a list of potential\n"
"        configuration file locations (e.g. current directory, user's\n"
"        home directory, systemwide directory), and all existing\n"
"        configuration files in the list will be read.  A single\n"
"        filename may also be given.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:244
msgid ""
"Like read() but the argument must be a file-like object.\n"
"        The `fp' argument must have a `readline' method.  Optional\n"
"        second argument is the `filename', which if not given, is\n"
"        taken from fp.name.  If fp has no `name' attribute, `<???>' is\n"
"        used.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:260
msgid ""
"Get an option value for a given section.\n"
"        All % interpolations are expanded in the return values, based on the\n"
"        defaults passed into the constructor, unless the optional argument\n"
"        `raw' is true.  Additional substitutions may be provided using the\n"
"        `vars' argument, which must be a dictionary whose contents overrides\n"
"        any pre-existing defaults.\n"
"        The section DEFAULT is special.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:327
msgid "Check for the existence of a given option in a given section."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:337
msgid "Set an option."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:349
msgid "Write an .ini-format representation of the configuration state."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:365
msgid "Remove an option."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:380
msgid "Remove a file section."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ConfigParser.py:406
msgid ""
"Parse a sectioned setup file.\n"
"        The sections in setup file contains a title line at the top,\n"
"        indicated by a name in square brackets (`[]'), plus key/value\n"
"        options lines, indicated by `name: value' format lines.\n"
"        Continuation are represented by an embedded newline then\n"
"        leading whitespace.  Blank lines, lines beginning with a '#',\n"
"        and just about everything else is ignored.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:549
msgid ""
"real_value, coded_value = value_decode(STRING)\n"
"        Called prior to setting a cookie's value from the network\n"
"        representation.  The VALUE is the value read from HTTP\n"
"        header.\n"
"        Override this function to modify the behavior of cookies.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:559
msgid ""
"real_value, coded_value = value_encode(VALUE)\n"
"        Called prior to setting a cookie's value from the dictionary\n"
"        representation.  The VALUE is the value being assigned.\n"
"        Override this function to modify the behavior of cookies.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:574
msgid "Private method for setting a cookie's value"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:581
msgid "Dictionary style assignment."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:587
msgid "Return a string suitable for HTTP."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:603
msgid "Return a string suitable for JavaScript."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:611
msgid ""
"Load cookies from a string (presumably HTTP_COOKIE) or\n"
"        from a dictionary.  Loading cookies from a dictionary 'd'\n"
"        is equivalent to calling:\n"
"            map(Cookie.__setitem__, d.keys(), d.values())\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:654
msgid ""
"    SimpleCookie supports strings as cookie values.  When setting\n"
"    the value using the dictionary assignment notation, SimpleCookie\n"
"    calls the builtin str() to convert the value to a string.  Values\n"
"    received from HTTP are kept as strings.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:668
msgid ""
"    SerialCookie supports arbitrary objects as cookie values. All\n"
"    values are serialized (using cPickle) before being sent to the\n"
"    client.  All incoming values are assumed to be valid Pickle\n"
"    Note: Large cookie values add overhead because they must be\n"
"    retransmitted on every HTTP transaction.\n"
"    Note: HTTP has a 2k limit on the size of a cookie.  This class\n"
"    does not check for this limit, so be careful!!!\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Cookie.py:689
msgid ""
"    SmartCookie supports arbitrary objects as cookie values.  If the\n"
"    object is a string, then it is quoted.  If the object is not a\n"
"    string, however, then SmartCookie will use cPickle to serialize\n"
"    the object into a string representation.\n"
"    Note: Large cookie values add overhead because they must be\n"
"    retransmitted on every HTTP transaction.\n"
"    Note: HTTP has a 2k limit on the size of a cookie.  This class\n"
"    does not check for this limit, so be careful!!!\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/MimeWriter.py:16
msgid ""
"Generic MIME writer.\n"
"    Methods:\n"
"    __init__()\n"
"    addheader()\n"
"    flushheaders()\n"
"    startbody()\n"
"    startmultipartbody()\n"
"    nextpart()\n"
"    lastpart()\n"
"    A MIME writer is much more primitive than a MIME parser.  It\n"
"    doesn't seek around on the output file, and it doesn't use large\n"
"    amounts of buffer space, so you have to write the parts in the\n"
"    order they should occur on the output file.  It does buffer the\n"
"    headers you add, allowing you to rearrange their order.\n"
"    General usage is:\n"
"    f = <open the output file>\n"
"    w = MimeWriter(f)\n"
"    ...call w.addheader(key, value) 0 or more times...\n"
"    followed by either:\n"
"    f = w.startbody(content_type)\n"
"    ...call f.write(data) for body data...\n"
"    or:\n"
"    w.startmultipartbody(subtype)\n"
"    for each part:\n"
"        subwriter = w.nextpart()\n"
"        ...use the subwriter's methods to create the subpart...\n"
"    w.lastpart()\n"
"    The subwriter is another MimeWriter instance, and should be\n"
"    treated in the same way as the toplevel MimeWriter.  This way,\n"
"    writing recursive body parts is easy.\n"
"    Warning: don't forget to call lastpart()!\n"
"    XXX There should be more state so calls made in the wrong order\n"
"    are detected.\n"
"    Some special cases:\n"
"    - startbody() just returns the file passed to the constructor;\n"
"      but don't use this knowledge, as it may be changed.\n"
"    - startmultipartbody() actually returns a file as well;\n"
"      this can be used to write the initial 'if you can read this your\n"
"      mailer is not MIME-aware' message.\n"
"    - If you call flushheaders(), the headers accumulated so far are\n"
"      written out (and forgotten); this is useful if you don't need a\n"
"      body part at all, e.g. for a subpart of type message/rfc822\n"
"      that's (mis)used to store some header-like information.\n"
"    - Passing a keyword argument 'prefix=<flag>' to addheader(),\n"
"      start*body() affects where the header is inserted; 0 means\n"
"      append at the end, 1 means insert at the start; default is\n"
"      append for addheader(), but insert for start*body(), which use\n"
"      it to determine where the Content-Type header goes.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:4
msgid "Exception raised by Queue.get(block=0)/get_nowait()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:8
msgid "Exception raised by Queue.put(block=0)/put_nowait()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:13
msgid ""
"Initialize a queue object with a given maximum size.\n"
"        If maxsize is <= 0, the queue size is infinite.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:25
msgid "Return the approximate size of the queue (not reliable!)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:32
msgid "Return 1 if the queue is empty, 0 otherwise (not reliable!)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:39
msgid "Return 1 if the queue is full, 0 otherwise (not reliable!)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:46
msgid ""
"Put an item into the queue.\n"
"        If optional arg 'block' is 1 (the default), block if\n"
"        necessary until a free slot is available.  Otherwise (block\n"
"        is 0), put an item on the queue if a free slot is immediately\n"
"        available, else raise the Full exception.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:67
msgid ""
"Put an item into the queue without blocking.\n"
"        Only enqueue the item if a free slot is immediately available.\n"
"        Otherwise raise the Full exception.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:75
msgid ""
"Remove and return an item from the queue.\n"
"        If optional arg 'block' is 1 (the default), block if\n"
"        necessary until an item is available.  Otherwise (block is 0),\n"
"        return an item if one is immediately available, else raise the\n"
"        Empty exception.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/Queue.py:97
msgid ""
"Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking.\n"
"        Only get an item if one is immediately available.  Otherwise\n"
"        raise the Empty exception.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:25
msgid ""
"Simple HTTP request handler with GET and HEAD commands.\n"
"    This serves files from the current directory and any of its\n"
"    subdirectories.  It assumes that all files are plain text files\n"
"    unless they have the extension \".html\" in which case it assumes\n"
"    they are HTML files.\n"
"    The GET and HEAD requests are identical except that the HEAD\n"
"    request omits the actual contents of the file.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:40
msgid "Serve a GET request."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:47
msgid "Serve a HEAD request."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:53
msgid ""
"Common code for GET and HEAD commands.\n"
"        This sends the response code and MIME headers.\n"
"        Return value is either a file object (which has to be copied\n"
"        to the outputfile by the caller unless the command was HEAD,\n"
"        and must be closed by the caller under all circumstances), or\n"
"        None, in which case the caller has nothing further to do.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:89
msgid ""
"Helper to produce a directory listing (absent index.html).\n"
"        Return value is either a file object, or None (indicating an\n"
"        error).  In either case, the headers are sent, making the\n"
"        interface the same as for send_head().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:125
msgid ""
"Translate a /-separated PATH to the local filename syntax.\n"
"        Components that mean special things to the local file system\n"
"        (e.g. drive or directory names) are ignored.  (XXX They should\n"
"        probably be diagnosed.)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:144
msgid ""
"Copy all data between two file objects.\n"
"        The SOURCE argument is a file object open for reading\n"
"        (or anything with a read() method) and the DESTINATION\n"
"        argument is a file object open for writing (or\n"
"        anything with a write() method).\n"
"        The only reason for overriding this would be to change\n"
"        the block size or perhaps to replace newlines by CRLF\n"
"        -- note however that this the default server uses this\n"
"        to copy binary data as well.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SimpleHTTPServer.py:160
msgid ""
"Guess the type of a file.\n"
"        Argument is a PATH (a filename).\n"
"        Return value is a string of the form type/subtype,\n"
"        usable for a MIME Content-type header.\n"
"        The default implementation looks the file's extension\n"
"        up in the table self.extensions_map, using text/plain\n"
"        as a default; however it would be permissible (if\n"
"        slow) to look inside the data to make a better guess.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:140
msgid ""
"Base class for server classes.\n"
"    Methods for the caller:\n"
"    - __init__(server_address, RequestHandlerClass)\n"
"    - serve_forever()\n"
"    - handle_request()  # if you do not use serve_forever()\n"
"    - fileno() -> int   # for select()\n"
"    Methods that may be overridden:\n"
"    - server_bind()\n"
"    - server_activate()\n"
"    - get_request() -> request, client_address\n"
"    - verify_request(request, client_address)\n"
"    - server_close()\n"
"    - process_request(request, client_address)\n"
"    - close_request(request)\n"
"    - handle_error()\n"
"    Methods for derived classes:\n"
"    - finish_request(request, client_address)\n"
"    Class variables that may be overridden by derived classes or\n"
"    instances:\n"
"    - address_family\n"
"    - socket_type\n"
"    - reuse_address\n"
"    Instance variables:\n"
"    - RequestHandlerClass\n"
"    - socket\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:179 :318
msgid "Constructor.  May be extended, do not override."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:184 :336
msgid ""
"Called by constructor to activate the server.\n"
"        May be overridden.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:192
msgid "Handle one request at a time until doomsday."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:208
msgid "Handle one request, possibly blocking."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:221
msgid ""
"Verify the request.  May be overridden.\n"
"        Return true if we should proceed with this request.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:229
msgid ""
"Call finish_request.\n"
"        Overridden by ForkingMixIn and ThreadingMixIn.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:237 :344
msgid ""
"Called to clean-up the server.\n"
"        May be overridden.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:245
msgid "Finish one request by instantiating RequestHandlerClass."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:249 :368
msgid "Called to clean up an individual request."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:253
msgid ""
"Handle an error gracefully.  May be overridden.\n"
"        The default is to print a traceback and continue.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:268
msgid ""
"Base class for various socket-based server classes.\n"
"    Defaults to synchronous IP stream (i.e., TCP).\n"
"    Methods for the caller:\n"
"    - __init__(server_address, RequestHandlerClass)\n"
"    - serve_forever()\n"
"    - handle_request()  # if you don't use serve_forever()\n"
"    - fileno() -> int   # for select()\n"
"    Methods that may be overridden:\n"
"    - server_bind()\n"
"    - server_activate()\n"
"    - get_request() -> request, client_address\n"
"    - verify_request(request, client_address)\n"
"    - process_request(request, client_address)\n"
"    - close_request(request)\n"
"    - handle_error()\n"
"    Methods for derived classes:\n"
"    - finish_request(request, client_address)\n"
"    Class variables that may be overridden by derived classes or\n"
"    instances:\n"
"    - address_family\n"
"    - socket_type\n"
"    - request_queue_size (only for stream sockets)\n"
"    - reuse_address\n"
"    Instance variables:\n"
"    - server_address\n"
"    - RequestHandlerClass\n"
"    - socket\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:326
msgid ""
"Called by constructor to bind the socket.\n"
"        May be overridden.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:352
msgid ""
"Return socket file number.\n"
"        Interface required by select().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:360
msgid ""
"Get the request and client address from the socket.\n"
"        May be overridden.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:374
msgid "UDP server class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:396
msgid "Mix-in class to handle each request in a new process."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:402
msgid "Internal routine to wait for died children."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:418
msgid "Fork a new subprocess to process the request."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:443
msgid "Mix-in class to handle each request in a new thread."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:446
msgid "Start a new thread to process the request."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:473
msgid ""
"Base class for request handler classes.\n"
"    This class is instantiated for each request to be handled.  The\n"
"    constructor sets the instance variables request, client_address\n"
"    and server, and then calls the handle() method.  To implement a\n"
"    specific service, all you need to do is to derive a class which\n"
"    defines a handle() method.\n"
"    The handle() method can find the request as self.request, the\n"
"    client address as self.client_address, and the server (in case it\n"
"    needs access to per-server information) as self.server.  Since a\n"
"    separate instance is created for each request, the handle() method\n"
"    can define arbitrary other instance variariables.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Default buffer sizes for rfile, wfile.
#. We default rfile to buffered because otherwise it could be
#. really slow for large data (a getc() call per byte); we make
#. wfile unbuffered because (a) often after a write() we want to
#. read and we need to flush the line; (b) big writes to unbuffered
#. files are typically optimized by stdio even when big reads
#. aren't.
#: Lib/SocketServer.py:523
msgid "Define self.rfile and self.wfile for stream sockets."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/SocketServer.py:548
msgid "Define self.rfile and self.wfile for datagram sockets."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/UserString.py:125
msgid ""
"mutable string objects\n"
"    Python strings are immutable objects.  This has the advantage, that\n"
"    strings may be used as dictionary keys.  If this property isn't needed\n"
"    and you insist on changing string values in place instead, you may cheat\n"
"    and use MutableString.\n"
"    But the purpose of this class is an educational one: to prevent\n"
"    people from inventing their own mutable string class derived\n"
"    from UserString and than forget thereby to remove (override) the\n"
"    __hash__ method inherited from ^UserString.  This would lead to\n"
"    errors that would be very hard to track down.\n"
"    A faster and better solution is to rewrite your program using lists."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/__future__.py:49
msgid ""
"Return first release in which this feature was recognized.\n"
"        This is a 5-tuple, of the same form as sys.version_info.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/__future__.py:57
msgid ""
"Return release in which this feature will become mandatory.\n"
"        This is a 5-tuple, of the same form as sys.version_info, or, if\n"
"        the feature was dropped, is None.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. these are overridable defaults
#: Lib/asynchat.py:53
msgid ""
"This is an abstract class.  You must derive from this class, and add\n"
"    the two methods collect_incoming_data() and found_terminator()"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/asynchat.py:68
msgid "Set the input delimiter.  Can be a fixed string of any length, an integer, or None"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/asynchat.py:160
msgid "predicate for inclusion in the readable for select()"
msgstr ""

#. return len(self.ac_out_buffer) or len(self.producer_fifo) or (not self.connected)
#. this is about twice as fast, though not as clear.
#: Lib/asynchat.py:164
msgid "predicate for inclusion in the writable for select()"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/asynchat.py:174
msgid "automatically close this channel once the outgoing queue is empty"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/atexit.py:12
msgid ""
"run any registered exit functions\n"
"    _exithandlers is traversed in reverse order so functions are executed\n"
"    last in, first out.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/atexit.py:23
msgid ""
"register a function to be executed upon normal program termination\n"
"    func - function to be called at exit\n"
"    targs - optional arguments to pass to func\n"
"    kargs - optional keyword arguments to pass to func\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/base64.py:15
msgid "Encode a file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/base64.py:27
msgid "Decode a file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/base64.py:35
msgid "Encode a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/base64.py:43
msgid "Decode a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/base64.py:51
msgid "Small test program"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:14
msgid ""
"Generic Python debugger base class.\n"
"    This class takes care of details of the trace facility;\n"
"    a derived class should implement user interaction.\n"
"    The standard debugger class (pdb.Pdb) is an example.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:127
msgid ""
"This method is called when there is the remote possibility\n"
"        that we ever need to stop in this function."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:132
msgid "This method is called when we stop or break at this line."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:136
msgid "This method is called when a return trap is set here."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:140
msgid ""
"This method is called if an exception occurs,\n"
"        but only if we are to stop at or just below this level."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:148
msgid "Stop after one line of code."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:154
msgid "Stop on the next line in or below the given frame."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:160
msgid "Stop when returning from the given frame."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:166
msgid "Start debugging from here."
msgstr ""

#. XXX Keeping state in the class is a mistake -- this means
#. you cannot have more than one active Bdb instance.
#: Lib/bdb.py:404
msgid ""
"Breakpoint class\n"
"    Implements temporary breakpoints, ignore counts, disabling and\n"
"    (re)-enabling, and conditionals.\n"
"    Breakpoints are indexed by number through bpbynumber and by\n"
"    the file,line tuple using bplist.  The former points to a\n"
"    single instance of class Breakpoint.  The latter points to a\n"
"    list of such instances since there may be more than one\n"
"    breakpoint per line.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bdb.py:484
msgid ""
"Determine which breakpoint for this file:line is to be acted upon.\n"
"    Called only if we know there is a bpt at this\n"
"    location.  Returns breakpoint that was triggered and a flag\n"
"    that indicates if it is ok to delete a temporary bp.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/binhex.py:120
msgid "Write data to the coder in 3-byte chunks"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/binhex.py:159
msgid "Write data to the RLE-coder in suitably large chunks"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/binhex.py:258
msgid "(infilename, outfilename) - Create binhex-encoded copy of a file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/binhex.py:280
msgid "Read data via the decoder in 4-byte chunks"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/binhex.py:287
msgid "Read at least wtd bytes (or until EOF)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/binhex.py:324
msgid "Read data via the RLE-coder"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/binhex.py:480
msgid "(infilename, outfilename) - Decode binhexed file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bisect.py:4
msgid ""
"Insert item x in list a, and keep it sorted assuming a is sorted.\n"
"    If x is already in a, insert it to the right of the rightmost x.\n"
"    Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the\n"
"    slice of a to be searched.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bisect.py:23
msgid ""
"Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.\n"
"    The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e <= x, and all e in\n"
"    a[i:] have e > x.  So if x already appears in the list, i points just\n"
"    beyond the rightmost x already there.\n"
"    Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the\n"
"    slice of a to be searched.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bisect.py:44
msgid ""
"Insert item x in list a, and keep it sorted assuming a is sorted.\n"
"    If x is already in a, insert it to the left of the leftmost x.\n"
"    Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the\n"
"    slice of a to be searched.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/bisect.py:62
msgid ""
"Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.\n"
"    The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e < x, and all e in\n"
"    a[i:] have e >= x.  So if x already appears in the list, i points just\n"
"    before the leftmost x already there.\n"
"    Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the\n"
"    slice of a to be searched.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:48
msgid "Set weekday (Monday=0, Sunday=6) to start each week."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:56
msgid "Return 1 for leap years, 0 for non-leap years."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:60
msgid ""
"Return number of leap years in range [y1, y2).\n"
"       Assume y1 <= y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:67
msgid ""
"Return weekday (0-6 ~ Mon-Sun) for year (1970-...), month (1-12),\n"
"       day (1-31)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:74
msgid ""
"Return weekday (0-6 ~ Mon-Sun) and number of days (28-31) for\n"
"       year, month."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:83
msgid ""
"Return a matrix representing a month's calendar.\n"
"       Each row represents a week; days outside this month are zero."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:98
msgid "Center a string in a field."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:105
msgid "Print a single week (no newline)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:109
msgid "Returns a single week in a string (no newline)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:120
msgid "Return a header for a week."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:131
msgid "Print a month's calendar."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:135
msgid "Return a month's calendar string (multi-line)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:150
msgid "Prints 3-column formatting for year calendars"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:154
msgid "Returns a string formatted from 3 strings, centered within 3 columns."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:159
msgid "Print a year's calendar."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:163
msgid "Returns a year's calendar as a multi-line string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/calendar.py:196
msgid "Unrelated but handy function to calculate Unix timestamp from GMT."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:59
msgid ""
"Write a log message, if there is a log file.\n"
"    Even though this function is called initlog(), you should always\n"
"    use log(); log is a variable that is set either to initlog\n"
"    (initially), to dolog (once the log file has been opened), or to\n"
"    nolog (when logging is disabled).\n"
"    The first argument is a format string; the remaining arguments (if\n"
"    any) are arguments to the % operator, so e.g.\n"
"        log(\"%s: %s\", \"a\", \"b\")\n"
"    will write \"a: b\" to the log file, followed by a newline.\n"
"    If the global logfp is not None, it should be a file object to\n"
"    which log data is written.\n"
"    If the global logfp is None, the global logfile may be a string\n"
"    giving a filename to open, in append mode.  This file should be\n"
"    world writable!!!  If the file can't be opened, logging is\n"
"    silently disabled (since there is no safe place where we could\n"
"    send an error message).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:94
msgid "Write a log message to the log file.  See initlog() for docs."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:98
msgid "Dummy function, assigned to log when logging is disabled."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:112
msgid ""
"Parse a query in the environment or from a file (default stdin)\n"
"        Arguments, all optional:\n"
"        fp              : file pointer; default: sys.stdin\n"
"        environ         : environment dictionary; default: os.environ\n"
"        keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in\n"
"            URL encoded forms should be treated as blank strings.\n"
"            A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as\n"
"            blank strings.  The default false value indicates that\n"
"            blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were\n"
"            not included.\n"
"        strict_parsing: flag indicating what to do with parsing errors.\n"
"            If false (the default), errors are silently ignored.\n"
"            If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:165
msgid ""
"Parse a query given as a string argument.\n"
"        Arguments:\n"
"        qs: URL-encoded query string to be parsed\n"
"        keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in\n"
"            URL encoded queries should be treated as blank strings.\n"
"            A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as\n"
"            blank strings.  The default false value indicates that\n"
"            blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were\n"
"            not included.\n"
"        strict_parsing: flag indicating what to do with parsing errors.\n"
"            If false (the default), errors are silently ignored.\n"
"            If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:191
msgid ""
"Parse a query given as a string argument.\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"    qs: URL-encoded query string to be parsed\n"
"    keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in\n"
"        URL encoded queries should be treated as blank strings.  A\n"
"        true value indicates that blanks should be retained as blank\n"
"        strings.  The default false value indicates that blank values\n"
"        are to be ignored and treated as if they were  not included.\n"
"    strict_parsing: flag indicating what to do with parsing errors. If\n"
"        false (the default), errors are silently ignored. If true,\n"
"        errors raise a ValueError exception.\n"
"    Returns a list, as G-d intended.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:226
msgid ""
"Parse multipart input.\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"    fp   : input file\n"
"    pdict: dictionary containing other parameters of conten-type header\n"
"    Returns a dictionary just like parse_qs(): keys are the field names, each\n"
"    value is a list of values for that field.  This is easy to use but not\n"
"    much good if you are expecting megabytes to be uploaded -- in that case,\n"
"    use the FieldStorage class instead which is much more flexible.  Note\n"
"    that content-type is the raw, unparsed contents of the content-type\n"
"    header.\n"
"    XXX This does not parse nested multipart parts -- use FieldStorage for\n"
"    that.\n"
"    XXX This should really be subsumed by FieldStorage altogether -- no\n"
"    point in having two implementations of the same parsing algorithm.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:317
msgid ""
"Parse a Content-type like header.\n"
"    Return the main content-type and a dictionary of options.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Dummy attributes
#: Lib/cgi.py:342
msgid "Like FieldStorage, for use when no file uploads are possible."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:355
msgid "Constructor from field name and value."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:361
msgid "Return printable representation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:367
msgid ""
"Store a sequence of fields, reading multipart/form-data.\n"
"    This class provides naming, typing, files stored on disk, and\n"
"    more.  At the top level, it is accessible like a dictionary, whose\n"
"    keys are the field names.  (Note: None can occur as a field name.)\n"
"    The items are either a Python list (if there's multiple values) or\n"
"    another FieldStorage or MiniFieldStorage object.  If it's a single\n"
"    object, it has the following attributes:\n"
"    name: the field name, if specified; otherwise None\n"
"    filename: the filename, if specified; otherwise None; this is the\n"
"        client side filename, *not* the file name on which it is\n"
"        stored (that's a temporary file you don't deal with)\n"
"    value: the value as a *string*; for file uploads, this\n"
"        transparently reads the file every time you request the value\n"
"    file: the file(-like) object from which you can read the data;\n"
"        None if the data is stored a simple string\n"
"    type: the content-type, or None if not specified\n"
"    type_options: dictionary of options specified on the content-type\n"
"        line\n"
"    disposition: content-disposition, or None if not specified\n"
"    disposition_options: dictionary of corresponding options\n"
"    headers: a dictionary(-like) object (sometimes rfc822.Message or a\n"
"        subclass thereof) containing *all* headers\n"
"    The class is subclassable, mostly for the purpose of overriding\n"
"    the make_file() method, which is called internally to come up with\n"
"    a file open for reading and writing.  This makes it possible to\n"
"    override the default choice of storing all files in a temporary\n"
"    directory and unlinking them as soon as they have been opened.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:410
msgid ""
"Constructor.  Read multipart/* until last part.\n"
"        Arguments, all optional:\n"
"        fp              : file pointer; default: sys.stdin\n"
"            (not used when the request method is GET)\n"
"        headers         : header dictionary-like object; default:\n"
"            taken from environ as per CGI spec\n"
"        outerboundary   : terminating multipart boundary\n"
"            (for internal use only)\n"
"        environ         : environment dictionary; default: os.environ\n"
"        keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in\n"
"            URL encoded forms should be treated as blank strings.\n"
"            A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as\n"
"            blank strings.  The default false value indicates that\n"
"            blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were\n"
"            not included.\n"
"        strict_parsing: flag indicating what to do with parsing errors.\n"
"            If false (the default), errors are silently ignored.\n"
"            If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:522
msgid "Return a printable representation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:540
msgid "Dictionary style indexing."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:554
msgid "Dictionary style get() method, including 'value' lookup."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:565
msgid "Dictionary style keys() method."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:574
msgid "Dictionary style has_key() method."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:582
msgid "Dictionary style len(x) support."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:586
msgid "Internal: read data in query string format."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:597
msgid "Internal: read a part that is itself multipart."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:611
msgid "Internal: read an atomic part."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:622
msgid "Internal: read binary data."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:635
msgid "Internal: read lines until EOF or outerboundary."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:643
msgid "Internal: read lines until EOF."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:652
msgid "Internal: read lines until outerboundary."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:680
msgid "Internal: skip lines until outer boundary if defined."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:699
msgid ""
"Overridable: return a readable & writable file.\n"
"        The file will be used as follows:\n"
"        - data is written to it\n"
"        - seek(0)\n"
"        - data is read from it\n"
"        The 'binary' argument is unused -- the file is always opened\n"
"        in binary mode.\n"
"        This version opens a temporary file for reading and writing,\n"
"        and immediately deletes (unlinks) it.  The trick (on Unix!) is\n"
"        that the file can still be used, but it can't be opened by\n"
"        another process, and it will automatically be deleted when it\n"
"        is closed or when the current process terminates.\n"
"        If you want a more permanent file, you derive a class which\n"
"        overrides this method.  If you want a visible temporary file\n"
"        that is nevertheless automatically deleted when the script\n"
"        terminates, try defining a __del__ method in a derived class\n"
"        which unlinks the temporary files you have created.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:731
msgid ""
"Form content as dictionary with a list of values per field.\n"
"    form = FormContentDict()\n"
"    form[key] -> [value, value, ...]\n"
"    form.has_key(key) -> Boolean\n"
"    form.keys() -> [key, key, ...]\n"
"    form.values() -> [[val, val, ...], [val, val, ...], ...]\n"
"    form.items() ->  [(key, [val, val, ...]), (key, [val, val, ...]), ...]\n"
"    form.dict == {key: [val, val, ...], ...}\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:749
msgid ""
"Form content as dictionary expecting a single value per field.\n"
"    If you only expect a single value for each field, then form[key]\n"
"    will return that single value.  It will raise an IndexError if\n"
"    that expectation is not true.  If you expect a field to have\n"
"    possible multiple values, than you can use form.getlist(key) to\n"
"    get all of the values.  values() and items() are a compromise:\n"
"    they return single strings where there is a single value, and\n"
"    lists of strings otherwise.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:783 :811
msgid "This class is present for backwards compatibility only."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:837
msgid ""
"Robust test CGI script, usable as main program.\n"
"    Write minimal HTTP headers and dump all information provided to\n"
"    the script in HTML form.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:891
msgid "Dump the shell environment as HTML."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:903
msgid "Dump the contents of a form as HTML."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:920
msgid "Dump the current directory as HTML."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:939
msgid "Dump a list of environment variables used by CGI as HTML."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/cgi.py:986
msgid "Replace special characters '&', '<' and '>' by SGML entities."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/chunk.py:79
msgid "Return the name (ID) of the current chunk."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/chunk.py:83
msgid "Return the size of the current chunk."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/chunk.py:97
msgid ""
"Seek to specified position into the chunk.\n"
"        Default position is 0 (start of chunk).\n"
"        If the file is not seekable, this will result in an error.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/chunk.py:121
msgid ""
"Read at most size bytes from the chunk.\n"
"        If size is omitted or negative, read until the end\n"
"        of the chunk.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/chunk.py:144
msgid ""
"Skip the rest of the chunk.\n"
"        If you are not interested in the contents of the chunk,\n"
"        this method should be called so that the file points to\n"
"        the start of the next chunk.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:28
msgid ""
"Base class for InteractiveConsole.\n"
"    This class deals with parsing and interpreter state (the user's\n"
"    namespace); it doesn't deal with input buffering or prompting or\n"
"    input file naming (the filename is always passed in explicitly).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:37
msgid ""
"        The optional 'locals' argument specifies the dictionary in\n"
"        which code will be executed; it defaults to a newly created\n"
"        dictionary with key \"__name__\" set to \"__console__\" and key\n"
"        \"__doc__\" set to None.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:50
msgid ""
"Compile and run some source in the interpreter.\n"
"        Arguments are as for compile_command().\n"
"        One several things can happen:\n"
"        1) The input is incorrect; compile_command() raised an\n"
"        exception (SyntaxError or OverflowError).  A syntax traceback\n"
"        will be printed by calling the showsyntaxerror() method.\n"
"        2) The input is incomplete, and more input is required;\n"
"        compile_command() returned None.  Nothing happens.\n"
"        3) The input is complete; compile_command() returned a code\n"
"        object.  The code is executed by calling self.runcode() (which\n"
"        also handles run-time exceptions, except for SystemExit).\n"
"        The return value is 1 in case 2, 0 in the other cases (unless\n"
"        an exception is raised).  The return value can be used to\n"
"        decide whether to use sys.ps1 or sys.ps2 to prompt the next\n"
"        line.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:89
msgid ""
"Execute a code object.\n"
"        When an exception occurs, self.showtraceback() is called to\n"
"        display a traceback.  All exceptions are caught except\n"
"        SystemExit, which is reraised.\n"
"        A note about KeyboardInterrupt: this exception may occur\n"
"        elsewhere in this code, and may not always be caught.  The\n"
"        caller should be prepared to deal with it.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:111
msgid ""
"Display the syntax error that just occurred.\n"
"        This doesn't display a stack trace because there isn't one.\n"
"        If a filename is given, it is stuffed in the exception instead\n"
"        of what was there before (because Python's parser always uses\n"
"        \"<string>\" when reading from a string).\n"
"        The output is written by self.write(), below.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:144
msgid ""
"Display the exception that just occurred.\n"
"        We remove the first stack item because it is our own code.\n"
"        The output is written by self.write(), below.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:167
msgid ""
"Write a string.\n"
"        The base implementation writes to sys.stderr; a subclass may\n"
"        replace this with a different implementation.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:177
msgid ""
"Closely emulate the behavior of the interactive Python interpreter.\n"
"    This class builds on InteractiveInterpreter and adds prompting\n"
"    using the familiar sys.ps1 and sys.ps2, and input buffering.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:185
msgid ""
"        The optional locals argument will be passed to the\n"
"        InteractiveInterpreter base class.\n"
"        The optional filename argument should specify the (file)name\n"
"        of the input stream; it will show up in tracebacks.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:199
msgid "Reset the input buffer."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:203
msgid ""
"Closely emulate the interactive Python console.\n"
"        The optional banner argument specify the banner to print\n"
"        before the first interaction; by default it prints a banner\n"
"        similar to the one printed by the real Python interpreter,\n"
"        followed by the current class name in parentheses (so as not\n"
"        to confuse this with the real interpreter -- since it's so\n"
"        close!).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:248
msgid ""
"Push a line to the interpreter.\n"
"        The line should not have a trailing newline; it may have\n"
"        internal newlines.  The line is appended to a buffer and the\n"
"        interpreter's runsource() method is called with the\n"
"        concatenated contents of the buffer as source.  If this\n"
"        indicates that the command was executed or invalid, the buffer\n"
"        is reset; otherwise, the command is incomplete, and the buffer\n"
"        is left as it was after the line was appended.  The return\n"
"        value is 1 if more input is required, 0 if the line was dealt\n"
"        with in some way (this is the same as runsource()).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:269
msgid ""
"Write a prompt and read a line.\n"
"        The returned line does not include the trailing newline.\n"
"        When the user enters the EOF key sequence, EOFError is raised.\n"
"        The base implementation uses the built-in function\n"
"        raw_input(); a subclass may replace this with a different\n"
"        implementation.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/code.py:283
msgid ""
"Closely emulate the interactive Python interpreter.\n"
"    This is a backwards compatible interface to the InteractiveConsole\n"
"    class.  When readfunc is not specified, it attempts to import the\n"
"    readline module to enable GNU readline if it is available.\n"
"    Arguments (all optional, all default to None):\n"
"    banner -- passed to InteractiveConsole.interact()\n"
"    readfunc -- if not None, replaces InteractiveConsole.raw_input()\n"
"    local -- passed to InteractiveInterpreter.__init__()\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:50
msgid ""
" Defines the interface for stateless encoders/decoders.\n"
"        The .encode()/.decode() methods may implement different error\n"
"        handling schemes by providing the errors argument. These\n"
"        string values are defined:\n"
"         'strict' - raise a ValueError error (or a subclass)\n"
"         'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next\n"
"         'replace' - replace with a suitable replacement character;\n"
"                    Python will use the official U+FFFD REPLACEMENT\n"
"                    CHARACTER for the builtin Unicode codecs.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:65
msgid ""
" Encodes the object input and returns a tuple (output\n"
"            object, length consumed).\n"
"            errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to\n"
"            'strict' handling.\n"
"            The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use\n"
"            StreamCodec for codecs which have to keep state in order to\n"
"            make encoding/decoding efficient.\n"
"            The encoder must be able to handle zero length input and\n"
"            return an empty object of the output object type in this\n"
"            situation.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:84
msgid ""
" Decodes the object input and returns a tuple (output\n"
"            object, length consumed).\n"
"            input must be an object which provides the bf_getreadbuf\n"
"            buffer slot. Python strings, buffer objects and memory\n"
"            mapped files are examples of objects providing this slot.\n"
"            errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to\n"
"            'strict' handling.\n"
"            The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use\n"
"            StreamCodec for codecs which have to keep state in order to\n"
"            make encoding/decoding efficient.\n"
"            The decoder must be able to handle zero length input and\n"
"            return an empty object of the output object type in this\n"
"            situation.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:116
msgid ""
" Creates a StreamWriter instance.\n"
"            stream must be a file-like object open for writing\n"
"            (binary) data.\n"
"            The StreamWriter may implement different error handling\n"
"            schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These\n"
"            parameters are defined:\n"
"             'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass)\n"
"             'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next\n"
"             'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:135
msgid ""
" Writes the object's contents encoded to self.stream.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:142
msgid ""
" Writes the concatenated list of strings to the stream\n"
"            using .write().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:149
msgid ""
" Flushes and resets the codec buffers used for keeping state.\n"
"            Calling this method should ensure that the data on the\n"
"            output is put into a clean state, that allows appending\n"
"            of new fresh data without having to rescan the whole\n"
"            stream to recover state.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:163 :289 :355 :458
msgid ""
" Inherit all other methods from the underlying stream.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:173
msgid ""
" Creates a StreamReader instance.\n"
"            stream must be a file-like object open for reading\n"
"            (binary) data.\n"
"            The StreamReader may implement different error handling\n"
"            schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These\n"
"            parameters are defined:\n"
"             'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass)\n"
"             'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next\n"
"             'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character;\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Unsliced reading:
#: Lib/codecs.py:192
msgid ""
" Decodes data from the stream self.stream and returns the\n"
"            resulting object.\n"
"            size indicates the approximate maximum number of bytes to\n"
"            read from the stream for decoding purposes. The decoder\n"
"            can modify this setting as appropriate. The default value\n"
"            -1 indicates to read and decode as much as possible.  size\n"
"            is intended to prevent having to decode huge files in one\n"
"            step.\n"
"            The method should use a greedy read strategy meaning that\n"
"            it should read as much data as is allowed within the\n"
"            definition of the encoding and the given size, e.g.  if\n"
"            optional encoding endings or state markers are available\n"
"            on the stream, these should be read too.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:234
msgid ""
" Read one line from the input stream and return the\n"
"            decoded data.\n"
"            Note: Unlike the .readlines() method, this method inherits\n"
"            the line breaking knowledge from the underlying stream's\n"
"            .readline() method -- there is currently no support for\n"
"            line breaking using the codec decoder due to lack of line\n"
"            buffering. Sublcasses should however, if possible, try to\n"
"            implement this method using their own knowledge of line\n"
"            breaking.\n"
"            size, if given, is passed as size argument to the stream's\n"
"            .readline() method.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:258
msgid ""
" Read all lines available on the input stream\n"
"            and return them as list of lines.\n"
"            Line breaks are implemented using the codec's decoder\n"
"            method and are included in the list entries.\n"
"            sizehint, if given, is passed as size argument to the\n"
"            stream's .read() method.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:276
msgid ""
" Resets the codec buffers used for keeping state.\n"
"            Note that no stream repositioning should take place.\n"
"            This method is primarily intended to be able to recover\n"
"            from decoding errors.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Optional attributes set by the file wrappers below
#: Lib/codecs.py:297
msgid ""
" StreamReaderWriter instances allow wrapping streams which\n"
"        work in both read and write modes.\n"
"        The design is such that one can use the factory functions\n"
"        returned by the codec.lookup() function to construct the\n"
"        instance.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:310
msgid ""
" Creates a StreamReaderWriter instance.\n"
"            stream must be a Stream-like object.\n"
"            Reader, Writer must be factory functions or classes\n"
"            providing the StreamReader, StreamWriter interface resp.\n"
"            Error handling is done in the same way as defined for the\n"
"            StreamWriter/Readers.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Optional attributes set by the file wrappers below
#: Lib/codecs.py:363
msgid ""
" StreamRecoder instances provide a frontend - backend\n"
"        view of encoding data.\n"
"        They use the complete set of APIs returned by the\n"
"        codecs.lookup() function to implement their task.\n"
"        Data written to the stream is first decoded into an\n"
"        intermediate format (which is dependent on the given codec\n"
"        combination) and then written to the stream using an instance\n"
"        of the provided Writer class.\n"
"        In the other direction, data is read from the stream using a\n"
"        Reader instance and then return encoded data to the caller.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:384
msgid ""
" Creates a StreamRecoder instance which implements a two-way\n"
"            conversion: encode and decode work on the frontend (the\n"
"            input to .read() and output of .write()) while\n"
"            Reader and Writer work on the backend (reading and\n"
"            writing to the stream).\n"
"            You can use these objects to do transparent direct\n"
"            recodings from e.g. latin-1 to utf-8 and back.\n"
"            stream must be a file-like object.\n"
"            encode, decode must adhere to the Codec interface, Reader,\n"
"            Writer must be factory functions or classes providing the\n"
"            StreamReader, StreamWriter interface resp.\n"
"            encode and decode are needed for the frontend translation,\n"
"            Reader and Writer for the backend translation. Unicode is\n"
"            used as intermediate encoding.\n"
"            Error handling is done in the same way as defined for the\n"
"            StreamWriter/Readers.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:466
msgid ""
" Open an encoded file using the given mode and return\n"
"        a wrapped version providing transparent encoding/decoding.\n"
"        Note: The wrapped version will only accept the object format\n"
"        defined by the codecs, i.e. Unicode objects for most builtin\n"
"        codecs. Output is also codec dependent and will usually by\n"
"        Unicode as well.\n"
"        Files are always opened in binary mode, even if no binary mode\n"
"        was specified. Thisis done to avoid data loss due to encodings\n"
"        using 8-bit values. The default file mode is 'rb' meaning to\n"
"        open the file in binary read mode.\n"
"        encoding specifies the encoding which is to be used for the\n"
"        the file.\n"
"        errors may be given to define the error handling. It defaults\n"
"        to 'strict' which causes ValueErrors to be raised in case an\n"
"        encoding error occurs.\n"
"        buffering has the same meaning as for the builtin open() API.\n"
"        It defaults to line buffered.\n"
"        The returned wrapped file object provides an extra attribute\n"
"        .encoding which allows querying the used encoding. This\n"
"        attribute is only available if an encoding was specified as\n"
"        parameter.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:510
msgid ""
" Return a wrapped version of file which provides transparent\n"
"        encoding translation.\n"
"        Strings written to the wrapped file are interpreted according\n"
"        to the given data_encoding and then written to the original\n"
"        file as string using file_encoding. The intermediate encoding\n"
"        will usually be Unicode but depends on the specified codecs.\n"
"        Strings are read from the file using file_encoding and then\n"
"        passed back to the caller as string using data_encoding.\n"
"        If file_encoding is not given, it defaults to data_encoding.\n"
"        errors may be given to define the error handling. It defaults\n"
"        to 'strict' which causes ValueErrors to be raised in case an\n"
"        encoding error occurs.\n"
"        The returned wrapped file object provides two extra attributes\n"
"        .data_encoding and .file_encoding which reflect the given\n"
"        parameters of the same name. The attributes can be used for\n"
"        introspection by Python programs.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/codecs.py:549
msgid ""
" make_identity_dict(rng) -> dict\n"
"        Return a dictionary where elements of the rng sequence are\n"
"        mapped to themselves.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Check for source consisting of only blank lines and comments
#: Lib/codeop.py:6
msgid ""
"Compile a command and determine whether it is incomplete.\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"    source -- the source string; may contain \\n characters\n"
"    filename -- optional filename from which source was read; default \"<input>\"\n"
"    symbol -- optional grammar start symbol; \"single\" (default) or \"eval\"\n"
"    Return value / exceptions raised:\n"
"    - Return a code object if the command is complete and valid\n"
"    - Return None if the command is incomplete\n"
"    - Raise SyntaxError or OverflowError if the command is a syntax error\n"
"      (OverflowError if the error is in a numeric constant)\n"
"    Approach:\n"
"    First, check if the source consists entirely of blank lines and\n"
"    comments; if so, replace it with 'pass', because the built-in\n"
"    parser doesn't always do the right thing for these.\n"
"    Compile three times: as is, with \\n, and with \\n\\n appended.  If\n"
"    it compiles as is, it's complete.  If it compiles with one \\n\n"
"    appended, we expect more.  If it doesn't compile either way, we\n"
"    compare the error we get when compiling with \\n or \\n\\n appended.\n"
"    If the errors are the same, the code is broken.  But if the errors\n"
"    are different, we expect more.  Not intuitive; not even guaranteed\n"
"    to hold in future releases; but this matches the compiler's\n"
"    behavior from Python 1.4 through 1.5.2, at least.\n"
"    Caveat:\n"
"    It is possible (but not likely) that the parser stops parsing\n"
"    with a successful outcome before reaching the end of the source;\n"
"    in this case, trailing symbols may be ignored instead of causing an\n"
"    error.  For example, a backslash followed by two newlines may be\n"
"    followed by arbitrary garbage.  This will be fixed once the API\n"
"    for the parser is better.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/commands.py:34
msgid "Return output of \"ls -ld <file>\" in a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/commands.py:43
msgid "Return output (stdout or stderr) of executing cmd in a shell."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/commands.py:51
msgid "Return (status, output) of executing cmd in a shell."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/compileall.py:23
msgid ""
"Byte-compile all modules in the given directory tree.\n"
"    Arguments (only dir is required):\n"
"    dir:       the directory to byte-compile\n"
"    maxlevels: maximum recursion level (default 10)\n"
"    ddir:      if given, purported directory name (this is the\n"
"               directory name that will show up in error messages)\n"
"    force:     if 1, force compilation, even if timestamps are up-to-date\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/compileall.py:76
msgid ""
"Byte-compile all module on sys.path.\n"
"    Arguments (all optional):\n"
"    skip_curdir: if true, skip current directory (default true)\n"
"    maxlevels:   max recursion level (default 0)\n"
"    force: as for compile_dir() (default 0)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/compileall.py:94
msgid "Script main program."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/copy.py:67
msgid ""
"Shallow copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.\n"
"    See the module's __doc__ string for more info.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/copy.py:140
msgid ""
"Deep copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.\n"
"    See the module's __doc__ string for more info.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/copy.py:216 Lib/pickle.py:510
msgid ""
"Keeps a reference to the object x in the memo.\n"
"    Because we remember objects by their id, we have\n"
"    to assure that possibly temporary objects are kept\n"
"    alive by referencing them.\n"
"    We store a reference at the id of the memo, which should\n"
"    normally not be used unless someone tries to deepcopy\n"
"    the memo itself...\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/curses/textpad.py:6
msgid "Draw a rectangle."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/curses/textpad.py:17
msgid ""
"Editing widget using the interior of a window object.\n"
"     Supports the following Emacs-like key bindings:\n"
"    Ctrl-A      Go to left edge of window.\n"
"    Ctrl-B      Cursor left, wrapping to previous line if appropriate.\n"
"    Ctrl-D      Delete character under cursor.\n"
"    Ctrl-E      Go to right edge (stripspaces off) or end of line (stripspaces on).\n"
"    Ctrl-F      Cursor right, wrapping to next line when appropriate.\n"
"    Ctrl-G      Terminate, returning the window contents.\n"
"    Ctrl-H      Delete character backward.\n"
"    Ctrl-J      Terminate if the window is 1 line, otherwise insert newline.\n"
"    Ctrl-K      If line is blank, delete it, otherwise clear to end of line.\n"
"    Ctrl-L      Refresh screen.\n"
"    Ctrl-N      Cursor down; move down one line.\n"
"    Ctrl-O      Insert a blank line at cursor location.\n"
"    Ctrl-P      Cursor up; move up one line.\n"
"    Move operations do nothing if the cursor is at an edge where the movement\n"
"    is not possible.  The following synonyms are supported where possible:\n"
"    KEY_LEFT = Ctrl-B, KEY_RIGHT = Ctrl-F, KEY_UP = Ctrl-P, KEY_DOWN = Ctrl-N\n"
"    KEY_BACKSPACE = Ctrl-h\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/curses/textpad.py:50
msgid "Go to the location of the first blank on the given line."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/curses/textpad.py:62
msgid "Process a single editing command."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/curses/textpad.py:130
msgid "Collect and return the contents of the window."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/curses/textpad.py:147
msgid "Edit in the widget window and collect the results."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/curses/wrapper.py:13
msgid ""
"Wrapper function that initializes curses and calls another function,\n"
"    restoring normal keyboard/screen behavior on error.\n"
"    The callable object 'func' is then passed the main window 'stdscr'\n"
"    as its first argument, followed by any other arguments passed to\n"
"    wrapper().\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Members:
#. a
#.      first sequence
#. b
#.      second sequence; differences are computed as "what do
#.      we need to do to 'a' to change it into 'b'?"
#. b2j
#.      for x in b, b2j[x] is a list of the indices (into b)
#.      at which x appears; junk elements do not appear
#. b2jhas
#.      b2j.has_key
#. fullbcount
#.      for x in b, fullbcount[x] == the number of times x
#.      appears in b; only materialized if really needed (used
#.      only for computing quick_ratio())
#. matching_blocks
#.      a list of (i, j, k) triples, where a[i:i+k] == b[j:j+k];
#.      ascending & non-overlapping in i and in j; terminated by
#.      a dummy (len(a), len(b), 0) sentinel
#. opcodes
#.      a list of (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) tuples, where tag is
#.      one of
#.          'replace'   a[i1:i2] should be replaced by b[j1:j2]
#.          'delete'    a[i1:i2] should be deleted
#.          'insert'    b[j1:j2] should be inserted
#.          'equal'     a[i1:i2] == b[j1:j2]
#. isjunk
#.      a user-supplied function taking a sequence element and
#.      returning true iff the element is "junk" -- this has
#.      subtle but helpful effects on the algorithm, which I'll
#.      get around to writing up someday <0.9 wink>.
#.      DON'T USE!  Only __chain_b uses this.  Use isbjunk.
#. isbjunk
#.      for x in b, isbjunk(x) == isjunk(x) but much faster;
#.      it's really the has_key method of a hidden dict.
#.      DOES NOT WORK for x in a!
#: Lib/difflib.py:287
msgid ""
"Construct a SequenceMatcher.\n"
"        Optional arg isjunk is None (the default), or a one-argument\n"
"        function that takes a sequence element and returns true iff the\n"
"        element is junk. None is equivalent to passing \"lambda x: 0\", i.e.\n"
"        no elements are considered to be junk.  For example, pass\n"
"            lambda x: x in \" \\t\"\n"
"        if you're comparing lines as sequences of characters, and don't\n"
"        want to synch up on blanks or hard tabs.\n"
"        Optional arg a is the first of two sequences to be compared.  By\n"
"        default, an empty string.  The elements of a must be hashable.  See\n"
"        also .set_seqs() and .set_seq1().\n"
"        Optional arg b is the second of two sequences to be compared.  By\n"
"        default, an empty string.  The elements of b must be hashable. See\n"
"        also .set_seqs() and .set_seq2().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:348
msgid ""
"Set the two sequences to be compared.\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher()\n"
"        >>> s.set_seqs(\"abcd\", \"bcde\")\n"
"        >>> s.ratio()\n"
"        0.75\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:360
msgid ""
"Set the first sequence to be compared.\n"
"        The second sequence to be compared is not changed.\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, \"abcd\", \"bcde\")\n"
"        >>> s.ratio()\n"
"        0.75\n"
"        >>> s.set_seq1(\"bcde\")\n"
"        >>> s.ratio()\n"
"        1.0\n"
"        >>>\n"
"        SequenceMatcher computes and caches detailed information about the\n"
"        second sequence, so if you want to compare one sequence S against\n"
"        many sequences, use .set_seq2(S) once and call .set_seq1(x)\n"
"        repeatedly for each of the other sequences.\n"
"        See also set_seqs() and set_seq2().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:386
msgid ""
"Set the second sequence to be compared.\n"
"        The first sequence to be compared is not changed.\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, \"abcd\", \"bcde\")\n"
"        >>> s.ratio()\n"
"        0.75\n"
"        >>> s.set_seq2(\"abcd\")\n"
"        >>> s.ratio()\n"
"        1.0\n"
"        >>>\n"
"        SequenceMatcher computes and caches detailed information about the\n"
"        second sequence, so if you want to compare one sequence S against\n"
"        many sequences, use .set_seq2(S) once and call .set_seq1(x)\n"
"        repeatedly for each of the other sequences.\n"
"        See also set_seqs() and set_seq1().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. CAUTION:  stripping common prefix or suffix would be incorrect.
#. E.g.,
#.    ab
#.    acab
#. Longest matching block is "ab", but if common prefix is
#. stripped, it's "a" (tied with "b").  UNIX(tm) diff does so
#. strip, so ends up claiming that ab is changed to acab by
#. inserting "ca" in the middle.  That's minimal but unintuitive:
#. "it's obvious" that someone inserted "ac" at the front.
#. Windiff ends up at the same place as diff, but by pairing up
#. the unique 'b's and then matching the first two 'a's.
#: Lib/difflib.py:464
msgid ""
"Find longest matching block in a[alo:ahi] and b[blo:bhi].\n"
"        If isjunk is not defined:\n"
"        Return (i,j,k) such that a[i:i+k] is equal to b[j:j+k], where\n"
"            alo <= i <= i+k <= ahi\n"
"            blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi\n"
"        and for all (i',j',k') meeting those conditions,\n"
"            k >= k'\n"
"            i <= i'\n"
"            and if i == i', j <= j'\n"
"        In other words, of all maximal matching blocks, return one that\n"
"        starts earliest in a, and of all those maximal matching blocks that\n"
"        start earliest in a, return the one that starts earliest in b.\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, \" abcd\", \"abcd abcd\")\n"
"        >>> s.find_longest_match(0, 5, 0, 9)\n"
"        (0, 4, 5)\n"
"        If isjunk is defined, first the longest matching block is\n"
"        determined as above, but with the additional restriction that no\n"
"        junk element appears in the block.  Then that block is extended as\n"
"        far as possible by matching (only) junk elements on both sides.  So\n"
"        the resulting block never matches on junk except as identical junk\n"
"        happens to be adjacent to an \"interesting\" match.\n"
"        Here's the same example as before, but considering blanks to be\n"
"        junk.  That prevents \" abcd\" from matching the \" abcd\" at the tail\n"
"        end of the second sequence directly.  Instead only the \"abcd\" can\n"
"        match, and matches the leftmost \"abcd\" in the second sequence:\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x==\" \", \" abcd\", \"abcd abcd\")\n"
"        >>> s.find_longest_match(0, 5, 0, 9)\n"
"        (1, 0, 4)\n"
"        If no blocks match, return (alo, blo, 0).\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, \"ab\", \"c\")\n"
"        >>> s.find_longest_match(0, 2, 0, 1)\n"
"        (0, 0, 0)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:564
msgid ""
"Return list of triples describing matching subsequences.\n"
"        Each triple is of the form (i, j, n), and means that\n"
"        a[i:i+n] == b[j:j+n].  The triples are monotonically increasing in\n"
"        i and in j.\n"
"        The last triple is a dummy, (len(a), len(b), 0), and is the only\n"
"        triple with n==0.\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, \"abxcd\", \"abcd\")\n"
"        >>> s.get_matching_blocks()\n"
"        [(0, 0, 2), (3, 2, 2), (5, 4, 0)]\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:604
msgid ""
"Return list of 5-tuples describing how to turn a into b.\n"
"        Each tuple is of the form (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2).  The first tuple\n"
"        has i1 == j1 == 0, and remaining tuples have i1 == the i2 from the\n"
"        tuple preceding it, and likewise for j1 == the previous j2.\n"
"        The tags are strings, with these meanings:\n"
"        'replace':  a[i1:i2] should be replaced by b[j1:j2]\n"
"        'delete':   a[i1:i2] should be deleted.\n"
"                    Note that j1==j2 in this case.\n"
"        'insert':   b[j1:j2] should be inserted at a[i1:i1].\n"
"                    Note that i1==i2 in this case.\n"
"        'equal':    a[i1:i2] == b[j1:j2]\n"
"        >>> a = \"qabxcd\"\n"
"        >>> b = \"abycdf\"\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, a, b)\n"
"        >>> for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():\n"
"        ...    print (\"%7s a[%d:%d] (%s) b[%d:%d] (%s)\" %\n"
"        ...           (tag, i1, i2, a[i1:i2], j1, j2, b[j1:j2]))\n"
"         delete a[0:1] (q) b[0:0] ()\n"
"          equal a[1:3] (ab) b[0:2] (ab)\n"
"        replace a[3:4] (x) b[2:3] (y)\n"
"          equal a[4:6] (cd) b[3:5] (cd)\n"
"         insert a[6:6] () b[5:6] (f)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:659
msgid ""
"Return a measure of the sequences' similarity (float in [0,1]).\n"
"        Where T is the total number of elements in both sequences, and\n"
"        M is the number of matches, this is 2,0*M / T.\n"
"        Note that this is 1 if the sequences are identical, and 0 if\n"
"        they have nothing in common.\n"
"        .ratio() is expensive to compute if you haven't already computed\n"
"        .get_matching_blocks() or .get_opcodes(), in which case you may\n"
"        want to try .quick_ratio() or .real_quick_ratio() first to get an\n"
"        upper bound.\n"
"        >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, \"abcd\", \"bcde\")\n"
"        >>> s.ratio()\n"
"        0.75\n"
"        >>> s.quick_ratio()\n"
"        0.75\n"
"        >>> s.real_quick_ratio()\n"
"        1.0\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. viewing a and b as multisets, set matches to the cardinality
#. of their intersection; this counts the number of matches
#. without regard to order, so is clearly an upper bound
#: Lib/difflib.py:685
msgid ""
"Return an upper bound on ratio() relatively quickly.\n"
"        This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on .ratio(), and\n"
"        is faster to compute.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:714
msgid ""
"Return an upper bound on ratio() very quickly.\n"
"        This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on .ratio(), and\n"
"        is faster to compute than either .ratio() or .quick_ratio().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/difflib.py:726
msgid ""
"Use SequenceMatcher to return list of the best \"good enough\" matches.\n"
"    word is a sequence for which close matches are desired (typically a\n"
"    string).\n"
"    possibilities is a list of sequences against which to match word\n"
"    (typically a list of strings).\n"
"    Optional arg n (default 3) is the maximum number of close matches to\n"
"    return.  n must be > 0.\n"
"    Optional arg cutoff (default 0.6) is a float in [0, 1].  Possibilities\n"
"    that don't score at least that similar to word are ignored.\n"
"    The best (no more than n) matches among the possibilities are returned\n"
"    in a list, sorted by similarity score, most similar first.\n"
"    >>> get_close_matches(\"appel\", [\"ape\", \"apple\", \"peach\", \"puppy\"])\n"
"    ['apple', 'ape']\n"
"    >>> import keyword\n"
"    >>> get_close_matches(\"wheel\", keyword.kwlist)\n"
"    ['while']\n"
"    >>> get_close_matches(\"apple\", keyword.kwlist)\n"
"    []\n"
"    >>> get_close_matches(\"accept\", keyword.kwlist)\n"
"    ['except']\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dircache.py:14
msgid "Reset the cache completely."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dircache.py:19
msgid "List directory contents, using cache."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dircache.py:41
msgid "Add '/' suffixes to directories."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dis.py:11
msgid ""
"Disassemble classes, methods, functions, or code.\n"
"    With no argument, disassemble the last traceback.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dis.py:46
msgid "Disassemble a traceback (default: last traceback)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dis.py:56
msgid "Disassemble a code object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dis.py:100
msgid ""
"Detect all offsets in a byte code which are jump targets.\n"
"    Return the list of offsets.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dis.py:297
msgid "Simple test program to disassemble a file."
msgstr ""

#. XXX GNU tar 1.13 has a nifty option to add a prefix directory.
#. It's pretty new, though, so we certainly can't require it --
#. but it would be nice to take advantage of it to skip the
#. "create a tree of hardlinks" step!  (Would also be nice to
#. detect GNU tar to use its 'z' option and save a step.)
#: Lib/distutils/archive_util.py:17
msgid ""
"Create a (possibly compressed) tar file from all the files under\n"
"    'base_dir'.  'compress' must be \"gzip\" (the default), \"compress\",\n"
"    \"bzip2\", or None.  Both \"tar\" and the compression utility named by\n"
"    'compress' must be on the default program search path, so this is\n"
"    probably Unix-specific.  The output tar file will be named 'base_dir' +\n"
"    \".tar\", possibly plus the appropriate compression extension (\".gz\",\n"
"    \".bz2\" or \".Z\").  Return the output filename.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. This initially assumed the Unix 'zip' utility -- but
#. apparently InfoZIP's zip.exe works the same under Windows, so
#. no changes needed!
#: Lib/distutils/archive_util.py:60
msgid ""
"Create a zip file from all the files under 'base_dir'.  The output\n"
"    zip file will be named 'base_dir' + \".zip\".  Uses either the InfoZIP\n"
"    \"zip\" utility (if installed and found on the default search path) or\n"
"    the \"zipfile\" Python module (if available).  If neither tool is\n"
"    available, raises DistutilsExecError.  Returns the name of the output\n"
"    zip file.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/archive_util.py:132
msgid ""
"Create an archive file (eg. zip or tar).  'base_name' is the name\n"
"    of the file to create, minus any format-specific extension; 'format'\n"
"    is the archive format: one of \"zip\", \"tar\", \"ztar\", or \"gztar\".\n"
"    'root_dir' is a directory that will be the root directory of the\n"
"    archive; ie. we typically chdir into 'root_dir' before creating the\n"
"    archive.  'base_dir' is the directory where we start archiving from;\n"
"    ie. 'base_dir' will be the common prefix of all files and\n"
"    directories in the archive.  'root_dir' and 'base_dir' both default\n"
"    to the current directory.  Returns the name of the archive file.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/bcppcompiler.py:27
msgid ""
"Concrete class that implements an interface to the Borland C/C++\n"
"    compiler, as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. 'compiler_type' is a class attribute that identifies this class.  It
#. keeps code that wants to know what kind of compiler it's dealing with
#. from having to import all possible compiler classes just to do an
#. 'isinstance'.  In concrete CCompiler subclasses, 'compiler_type'
#. should really, really be one of the keys of the 'compiler_class'
#. dictionary (see below -- used by the 'new_compiler()' factory
#. function) -- authors of new compiler interface classes are
#. responsible for updating 'compiler_class'!
#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:22
msgid ""
"Abstract base class to define the interface that must be implemented\n"
"    by real compiler classes.  Also has some utility methods used by\n"
"    several compiler classes.\n"
"    The basic idea behind a compiler abstraction class is that each\n"
"    instance can be used for all the compile/link steps in building a\n"
"    single project.  Thus, attributes common to all of those compile and\n"
"    link steps -- include directories, macros to define, libraries to link\n"
"    against, etc. -- are attributes of the compiler instance.  To allow for\n"
"    variability in how individual files are treated, most of those\n"
"    attributes may be varied on a per-compilation or per-link basis.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Note that some CCompiler implementation classes will define class
#. attributes 'cpp', 'cc', etc. with hard-coded executable names;
#. this is appropriate when a compiler class is for exactly one
#. compiler/OS combination (eg. MSVCCompiler).  Other compiler
#. classes (UnixCCompiler, in particular) are driven by information
#. discovered at run-time, since there are many different ways to do
#. basically the same things with Unix C compilers.
#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:123
msgid ""
"Define the executables (and options for them) that will be run\n"
"        to perform the various stages of compilation.  The exact set of\n"
"        executables that may be specified here depends on the compiler\n"
"        class (via the 'executables' class attribute), but most will have:\n"
"          compiler      the C/C++ compiler\n"
"          linker_so     linker used to create shared objects and libraries\n"
"          linker_exe    linker used to create binary executables\n"
"          archiver      static library creator\n"
"        On platforms with a command-line (Unix, DOS/Windows), each of these\n"
"        is a string that will be split into executable name and (optional)\n"
"        list of arguments.  (Splitting the string is done similarly to how\n"
"        Unix shells operate: words are delimited by spaces, but quotes and\n"
"        backslashes can override this.  See\n"
"        'distutils.util.split_quoted()'.)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:176
msgid ""
"Ensures that every element of 'definitions' is a valid macro\n"
"        definition, ie. either (name,value) 2-tuple or a (name,) tuple.  Do\n"
"        nothing if all definitions are OK, raise TypeError otherwise.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Delete from the list of macro definitions/undefinitions if
#. already there (so that this one will take precedence).
#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:195
msgid ""
"Define a preprocessor macro for all compilations driven by this\n"
"        compiler object.  The optional parameter 'value' should be a\n"
"        string; if it is not supplied, then the macro will be defined\n"
"        without an explicit value and the exact outcome depends on the\n"
"        compiler used (XXX true? does ANSI say anything about this?)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Delete from the list of macro definitions/undefinitions if
#. already there (so that this one will take precedence).
#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:212
msgid ""
"Undefine a preprocessor macro for all compilations driven by\n"
"        this compiler object.  If the same macro is defined by\n"
"        'define_macro()' and undefined by 'undefine_macro()' the last call\n"
"        takes precedence (including multiple redefinitions or\n"
"        undefinitions).  If the macro is redefined/undefined on a\n"
"        per-compilation basis (ie. in the call to 'compile()'), then that\n"
"        takes precedence.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:231
msgid ""
"Add 'dir' to the list of directories that will be searched for\n"
"        header files.  The compiler is instructed to search directories in\n"
"        the order in which they are supplied by successive calls to\n"
"        'add_include_dir()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:239
msgid ""
"Set the list of directories that will be searched to 'dirs' (a\n"
"        list of strings).  Overrides any preceding calls to\n"
"        'add_include_dir()'; subsequence calls to 'add_include_dir()' add\n"
"        to the list passed to 'set_include_dirs()'.  This does not affect\n"
"        any list of standard include directories that the compiler may\n"
"        search by default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:250
msgid ""
"Add 'libname' to the list of libraries that will be included in\n"
"        all links driven by this compiler object.  Note that 'libname'\n"
"        should *not* be the name of a file containing a library, but the\n"
"        name of the library itself: the actual filename will be inferred by\n"
"        the linker, the compiler, or the compiler class (depending on the\n"
"        platform).\n"
"        The linker will be instructed to link against libraries in the\n"
"        order they were supplied to 'add_library()' and/or\n"
"        'set_libraries()'.  It is perfectly valid to duplicate library\n"
"        names; the linker will be instructed to link against libraries as\n"
"        many times as they are mentioned.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:266
msgid ""
"Set the list of libraries to be included in all links driven by\n"
"        this compiler object to 'libnames' (a list of strings).  This does\n"
"        not affect any standard system libraries that the linker may\n"
"        include by default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:275
msgid ""
"Add 'dir' to the list of directories that will be searched for\n"
"        libraries specified to 'add_library()' and 'set_libraries()'.  The\n"
"        linker will be instructed to search for libraries in the order they\n"
"        are supplied to 'add_library_dir()' and/or 'set_library_dirs()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:283
msgid ""
"Set the list of library search directories to 'dirs' (a list of\n"
"        strings).  This does not affect any standard library search path\n"
"        that the linker may search by default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:291
msgid ""
"Add 'dir' to the list of directories that will be searched for\n"
"        shared libraries at runtime.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:297
msgid ""
"Set the list of directories to search for shared libraries at\n"
"        runtime to 'dirs' (a list of strings).  This does not affect any\n"
"        standard search path that the runtime linker may search by\n"
"        default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:306
msgid ""
"Add 'object' to the list of object files (or analogues, such as\n"
"        explicitly named library files or the output of \"resource\n"
"        compilers\") to be included in every link driven by this compiler\n"
"        object.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:314
msgid ""
"Set the list of object files (or analogues) to be included in\n"
"        every link to 'objects'.  This does not affect any standard object\n"
"        files that the linker may include by default (such as system\n"
"        libraries).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:326
msgid ""
"Typecheck and fix-up some of the arguments to the 'compile()'\n"
"        method, and return fixed-up values.  Specifically: if 'output_dir'\n"
"        is None, replaces it with 'self.output_dir'; ensures that 'macros'\n"
"        is a list, and augments it with 'self.macros'; ensures that\n"
"        'include_dirs' is a list, and augments it with 'self.include_dirs'.\n"
"        Guarantees that the returned values are of the correct type,\n"
"        i.e. for 'output_dir' either string or None, and for 'macros' and\n"
"        'include_dirs' either list or None.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Get the list of expected output (object) files 
#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:362
msgid ""
"Determine the list of object files corresponding to 'sources',\n"
"        and figure out which ones really need to be recompiled.  Return a\n"
"        list of all object files and a dictionary telling which source\n"
"        files can be skipped.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:395
msgid ""
"Typecheck and fix up some arguments supplied to various methods.\n"
"        Specifically: ensure that 'objects' is a list; if output_dir is\n"
"        None, replace with self.output_dir.  Return fixed versions of\n"
"        'objects' and 'output_dir'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:414
msgid ""
"Typecheck and fix up some of the arguments supplied to the\n"
"        'link_*' methods.  Specifically: ensure that all arguments are\n"
"        lists, and augment them with their permanent versions\n"
"        (eg. 'self.libraries' augments 'libraries').  Return a tuple with\n"
"        fixed versions of all arguments.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:452
msgid ""
"Return true if we need to relink the files listed in 'objects'\n"
"        to recreate 'output_file'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:477
msgid ""
"Preprocess a single C/C++ source file, named in 'source'.\n"
"        Output will be written to file named 'output_file', or stdout if\n"
"        'output_file' not supplied.  'macros' is a list of macro\n"
"        definitions as for 'compile()', which will augment the macros set\n"
"        with 'define_macro()' and 'undefine_macro()'.  'include_dirs' is a\n"
"        list of directory names that will be added to the default list.\n"
"        Raises PreprocessError on failure.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:496
msgid ""
"Compile one or more source files.  'sources' must be a list of\n"
"        filenames, most likely C/C++ files, but in reality anything that\n"
"        can be handled by a particular compiler and compiler class\n"
"        (eg. MSVCCompiler can handle resource files in 'sources').  Return\n"
"        a list of object filenames, one per source filename in 'sources'.\n"
"        Depending on the implementation, not all source files will\n"
"        necessarily be compiled, but all corresponding object filenames\n"
"        will be returned.\n"
"        If 'output_dir' is given, object files will be put under it, while\n"
"        retaining their original path component.  That is, \"foo/bar.c\"\n"
"        normally compiles to \"foo/bar.o\" (for a Unix implementation); if\n"
"        'output_dir' is \"build\", then it would compile to\n"
"        \"build/foo/bar.o\".\n"
"        'macros', if given, must be a list of macro definitions.  A macro\n"
"        definition is either a (name, value) 2-tuple or a (name,) 1-tuple.\n"
"        The former defines a macro; if the value is None, the macro is\n"
"        defined without an explicit value.  The 1-tuple case undefines a\n"
"        macro.  Later definitions/redefinitions/ undefinitions take\n"
"        precedence.\n"
"        'include_dirs', if given, must be a list of strings, the\n"
"        directories to add to the default include file search path for this\n"
"        compilation only.\n"
"        'debug' is a boolean; if true, the compiler will be instructed to\n"
"        output debug symbols in (or alongside) the object file(s).\n"
"        'extra_preargs' and 'extra_postargs' are implementation- dependent.\n"
"        On platforms that have the notion of a command-line (e.g. Unix,\n"
"        DOS/Windows), they are most likely lists of strings: extra\n"
"        command-line arguments to prepand/append to the compiler command\n"
"        line.  On other platforms, consult the implementation class\n"
"        documentation.  In any event, they are intended as an escape hatch\n"
"        for those occasions when the abstract compiler framework doesn't\n"
"        cut the mustard.\n"
"        Raises CompileError on failure.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:544
msgid ""
"Link a bunch of stuff together to create a static library file.\n"
"        The \"bunch of stuff\" consists of the list of object files supplied\n"
"        as 'objects', the extra object files supplied to\n"
"        'add_link_object()' and/or 'set_link_objects()', the libraries\n"
"        supplied to 'add_library()' and/or 'set_libraries()', and the\n"
"        libraries supplied as 'libraries' (if any).\n"
"        'output_libname' should be a library name, not a filename; the\n"
"        filename will be inferred from the library name.  'output_dir' is\n"
"        the directory where the library file will be put.\n"
"        'debug' is a boolean; if true, debugging information will be\n"
"        included in the library (note that on most platforms, it is the\n"
"        compile step where this matters: the 'debug' flag is included here\n"
"        just for consistency).\n"
"        Raises LibError on failure.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:583
msgid ""
"Link a bunch of stuff together to create an executable or\n"
"        shared library file.\n"
"        The \"bunch of stuff\" consists of the list of object files supplied\n"
"        as 'objects'.  'output_filename' should be a filename.  If\n"
"        'output_dir' is supplied, 'output_filename' is relative to it\n"
"        (i.e. 'output_filename' can provide directory components if\n"
"        needed).\n"
"        'libraries' is a list of libraries to link against.  These are\n"
"        library names, not filenames, since they're translated into\n"
"        filenames in a platform-specific way (eg. \"foo\" becomes \"libfoo.a\"\n"
"        on Unix and \"foo.lib\" on DOS/Windows).  However, they can include a\n"
"        directory component, which means the linker will look in that\n"
"        specific directory rather than searching all the normal locations.\n"
"        'library_dirs', if supplied, should be a list of directories to\n"
"        search for libraries that were specified as bare library names\n"
"        (ie. no directory component).  These are on top of the system\n"
"        default and those supplied to 'add_library_dir()' and/or\n"
"        'set_library_dirs()'.  'runtime_library_dirs' is a list of\n"
"        directories that will be embedded into the shared library and used\n"
"        to search for other shared libraries that *it* depends on at\n"
"        run-time.  (This may only be relevant on Unix.)\n"
"        'export_symbols' is a list of symbols that the shared library will\n"
"        export.  (This appears to be relevant only on Windows.)\n"
"        'debug' is as for 'compile()' and 'create_static_lib()', with the\n"
"        slight distinction that it actually matters on most platforms (as\n"
"        opposed to 'create_static_lib()', which includes a 'debug' flag\n"
"        mostly for form's sake).\n"
"        'extra_preargs' and 'extra_postargs' are as for 'compile()' (except\n"
"        of course that they supply command-line arguments for the\n"
"        particular linker being used).\n"
"        Raises LinkError on failure.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:688
msgid ""
"Return the compiler option to add 'dir' to the list of\n"
"        directories searched for libraries.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:694
msgid ""
"Return the compiler option to add 'dir' to the list of\n"
"        directories searched for runtime libraries.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:700
msgid ""
"Return the compiler option to add 'dir' to the list of libraries\n"
"        linked into the shared library or executable.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:706
msgid ""
"Search the specified list of directories for a static or shared\n"
"        library file 'lib' and return the full path to that file.  If\n"
"        'debug' true, look for a debugging version (if that makes sense on\n"
"        the current platform).  Return None if 'lib' wasn't found in any of\n"
"        the specified directories.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:859
msgid ""
" Determine the default compiler to use for the given platform.\n"
"        osname should be one of the standard Python OS names (i.e. the\n"
"        ones returned by os.name) and platform the common value\n"
"        returned by sys.platform for the platform in question.\n"
"        The default values are os.name and sys.platform in case the\n"
"        parameters are not given.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. XXX this "knows" that the compiler option it's describing is
#. "--compiler", which just happens to be the case for the three
#. commands that use it.
#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:898
msgid ""
"Print list of available compilers (used by the \"--help-compiler\"\n"
"    options to \"build\", \"build_ext\", \"build_clib\").\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:919
msgid ""
"Generate an instance of some CCompiler subclass for the supplied\n"
"    platform/compiler combination.  'plat' defaults to 'os.name'\n"
"    (eg. 'posix', 'nt'), and 'compiler' defaults to the default compiler\n"
"    for that platform.  Currently only 'posix' and 'nt' are supported, and\n"
"    the default compilers are \"traditional Unix interface\" (UnixCCompiler\n"
"    class) and Visual C++ (MSVCCompiler class).  Note that it's perfectly\n"
"    possible to ask for a Unix compiler object under Windows, and a\n"
"    Microsoft compiler object under Unix -- if you supply a value for\n"
"    'compiler', 'plat' is ignored.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. XXX it would be nice (mainly aesthetic, and so we don't generate
#. stupid-looking command lines) to go over 'macros' and eliminate
#. redundant definitions/undefinitions (ie. ensure that only the
#. latest mention of a particular macro winds up on the command
#. line).  I don't think it's essential, though, since most (all?)
#. Unix C compilers only pay attention to the latest -D or -U
#. mention of a macro on their command line.  Similar situation for
#. 'include_dirs'.  I'm punting on both for now.  Anyways, weeding out
#. redundancies like this should probably be the province of
#. CCompiler, since the data structures used are inherited from it
#. and therefore common to all CCompiler classes.
#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:961
msgid ""
"Generate C pre-processor options (-D, -U, -I) as used by at least\n"
"    two types of compilers: the typical Unix compiler and Visual C++.\n"
"    'macros' is the usual thing, a list of 1- or 2-tuples, where (name,)\n"
"    means undefine (-U) macro 'name', and (name,value) means define (-D)\n"
"    macro 'name' to 'value'.  'include_dirs' is just a list of directory\n"
"    names to be added to the header file search path (-I).  Returns a list\n"
"    of command-line options suitable for either Unix compilers or Visual\n"
"    C++.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/ccompiler.py:1012
msgid ""
"Generate linker options for searching library directories and\n"
"    linking with specific libraries.  'libraries' and 'library_dirs' are,\n"
"    respectively, lists of library names (not filenames!) and search\n"
"    directories.  Returns a list of command-line options suitable for use\n"
"    with some compiler (depending on the two format strings passed in).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. 'sub_commands' formalizes the notion of a "family" of commands,
#. eg. "install" as the parent with sub-commands "install_lib",
#. "install_headers", etc.  The parent of a family of commands
#. defines 'sub_commands' as a class attribute; it's a list of
#.    (command_name : string, predicate : unbound_method | string | None)
#. tuples, where 'predicate' is a method of the parent command that
#. determines whether the corresponding command is applicable in the
#. current situation.  (Eg. we "install_headers" is only applicable if
#. we have any C header files to install.)  If 'predicate' is None,
#. that command is always applicable.
#. 'sub_commands' is usually defined at the *end* of a class, because
#. predicates can be unbound methods, so they must already have been
#. defined.  The canonical example is the "install" command.
#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:19
msgid ""
"Abstract base class for defining command classes, the \"worker bees\"\n"
"    of the Distutils.  A useful analogy for command classes is to think of\n"
"    them as subroutines with local variables called \"options\".  The options\n"
"    are \"declared\" in 'initialize_options()' and \"defined\" (given their\n"
"    final values, aka \"finalized\") in 'finalize_options()', both of which\n"
"    must be defined by every command class.  The distinction between the\n"
"    two is necessary because option values might come from the outside\n"
"    world (command line, config file, ...), and any options dependent on\n"
"    other options must be computed *after* these outside influences have\n"
"    been processed -- hence 'finalize_options()'.  The \"body\" of the\n"
"    subroutine, where it does all its work based on the values of its\n"
"    options, is the 'run()' method, which must also be implemented by every\n"
"    command class.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. late import because of mutual dependence between these classes
#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:54
msgid ""
"Create and initialize a new Command object.  Most importantly,\n"
"        invokes the 'initialize_options()' method, which is the real\n"
"        initializer and depends on the actual command being\n"
"        instantiated.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:130
msgid ""
"Set default values for all the options that this command\n"
"        supports.  Note that these defaults may be overridden by other\n"
"        commands, by the setup script, by config files, or by the\n"
"        command-line.  Thus, this is not the place to code dependencies\n"
"        between options; generally, 'initialize_options()' implementations\n"
"        are just a bunch of \"self.foo = None\" assignments.\n"
"           \n"
"        This method must be implemented by all command classes.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:143
msgid ""
"Set final values for all the options that this command supports.\n"
"        This is always called as late as possible, ie.  after any option\n"
"        assignments from the command-line or from other commands have been\n"
"        done.  Thus, this is the place to to code option dependencies: if\n"
"        'foo' depends on 'bar', then it is safe to set 'foo' from 'bar' as\n"
"        long as 'foo' still has the same value it was assigned in\n"
"        'initialize_options()'.\n"
"        This method must be implemented by all command classes.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:172
msgid ""
"A command's raison d'etre: carry out the action it exists to\n"
"        perform, controlled by the options initialized in\n"
"        'initialize_options()', customized by other commands, the setup\n"
"        script, the command-line, and config files, and finalized in\n"
"        'finalize_options()'.  All terminal output and filesystem\n"
"        interaction should be done by 'run()'.\n"
"        This method must be implemented by all command classes.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:186
msgid ""
"If the current verbosity level is of greater than or equal to\n"
"        'level' print 'msg' to stdout.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:193 Lib/distutils/filelist.py:61
msgid ""
"Print 'msg' to stdout if the global DEBUG (taken from the\n"
"        DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable) flag is true.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:226
msgid ""
"Ensure that 'option' is a string; if not defined, set it to\n"
"        'default'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:232
msgid ""
"Ensure that 'option' is a list of strings.  If 'option' is\n"
"        currently a string, we split it either on /,s*/ or /s+/, so\n"
"        \"foo bar baz\", \"foo,bar,baz\", and \"foo,   bar baz\" all become\n"
"        [\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\"].\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:262
msgid "Ensure that 'option' is the name of an existing file."
msgstr ""

#. Option_pairs: list of (src_option, dst_option) tuples
#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:283
msgid ""
"Set the values of any \"undefined\" options from corresponding\n"
"        option values in some other command object.  \"Undefined\" here means\n"
"        \"is None\", which is the convention used to indicate that an option\n"
"        has not been changed between 'initialize_options()' and\n"
"        'finalize_options()'.  Usually called from 'finalize_options()' for\n"
"        options that depend on some other command rather than another\n"
"        option of the same command.  'src_cmd' is the other command from\n"
"        which option values will be taken (a command object will be created\n"
"        for it if necessary); the remaining arguments are\n"
"        '(src_option,dst_option)' tuples which mean \"take the value of\n"
"        'src_option' in the 'src_cmd' command object, and copy it to\n"
"        'dst_option' in the current command object\".\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:308
msgid ""
"Wrapper around Distribution's 'get_command_obj()' method: find\n"
"        (create if necessary and 'create' is true) the command object for\n"
"        'command', call its 'ensure_finalized()' method, and return the\n"
"        finalized command object.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:324
msgid ""
"Run some other command: uses the 'run_command()' method of\n"
"        Distribution, which creates and finalizes the command object if\n"
"        necessary and then invokes its 'run()' method.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:332
msgid ""
"Determine the sub-commands that are relevant in the current\n"
"        distribution (ie., that need to be run).  This is based on the\n"
"        'sub_commands' class attribute: each tuple in that list may include\n"
"        a method that we call to determine if the subcommand needs to be\n"
"        run for the current distribution.  Return a list of command names.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:363
msgid ""
"Copy a file respecting verbose, dry-run and force flags.  (The\n"
"        former two default to whatever is in the Distribution object, and\n"
"        the latter defaults to false for commands that don't define it.)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:379
msgid ""
"Copy an entire directory tree respecting verbose, dry-run,\n"
"        and force flags.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:391
msgid "Move a file respecting verbose and dry-run flags."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:398
msgid "Spawn an external command respecting verbose and dry-run flags."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:414
msgid ""
"Special case of 'execute()' for operations that process one or\n"
"        more input files and generate one output file.  Works just like\n"
"        'execute()', except the operation is skipped and a different\n"
"        message printed if 'outfile' already exists and is newer than all\n"
"        files listed in 'infiles'.  If the command defined 'self.force',\n"
"        and it is true, then the command is unconditionally run -- does no\n"
"        timestamp checks.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cmd.py:457
msgid ""
"Common base class for installing some files in a subdirectory.\n"
"    Currently used by install_data and install_scripts.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/bdist.py:18
msgid ""
"Print list of available formats (arguments to \"--format\" option).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. definitions and headers
#: Lib/distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py:317
msgid ""
"Generate the text of an RPM spec file and return it as a\n"
"        list of strings (one per line).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py:463
msgid ""
"Format the changelog correctly and convert it to a list of strings\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Yechh, blecch, ackk: this is ripped straight out of build_ext.py,
#. with only names changed to protect the innocent!
#: Lib/distutils/command/build_clib.py:135
msgid ""
"Ensure that the list of libraries (presumably provided as a\n"
"           command option 'libraries') is valid, i.e. it is a list of\n"
"           2-tuples, where the tuples are (library_name, build_info_dict).\n"
"           Raise DistutilsSetupError if the structure is invalid anywhere;\n"
"           just returns otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py:262
msgid ""
"Ensure that the list of extensions (presumably provided as a\n"
"        command option 'extensions') is valid, i.e. it is a list of\n"
"        Extension objects.  We also support the old-style list of 2-tuples,\n"
"        where the tuples are (ext_name, build_info), which are converted to\n"
"        Extension instances here.\n"
"        Raise DistutilsSetupError if the structure is invalid anywhere;\n"
"        just returns otherwise.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py:480
msgid ""
"Walk the list of source files in 'sources', looking for SWIG\n"
"        interface (.i) files.  Run SWIG on all that are found, and\n"
"        return a modified 'sources' list with SWIG source files replaced\n"
"        by the generated C (or C++) files.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py:527
msgid ""
"Return the name of the SWIG executable.  On Unix, this is\n"
"        just \"swig\" -- it should be in the PATH.  Tries a bit harder on\n"
"        Windows.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py:563
msgid ""
"Convert the name of an extension (eg. \"foo.bar\") into the name\n"
"        of the file from which it will be loaded (eg. \"foo/bar.so\", or\n"
"        \"foo\\bar.pyd\").\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py:577
msgid ""
"Return the list of symbols that a shared extension has to\n"
"        export.  This either uses 'ext.export_symbols' or, if it's not\n"
"        provided, \"init\" + module_name.  Only relevant on Windows, where\n"
"        the .pyd file (DLL) must export the module \"init\" function.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. The python library is always needed on Windows.  For MSVC, this
#. is redundant, since the library is mentioned in a pragma in
#. config.h that MSVC groks.  The other Windows compilers all seem
#. to need it mentioned explicitly, though, so that's what we do.
#. Append '_d' to the python import library on debug builds.
#: Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py:589
msgid ""
"Return the list of libraries to link against when building a\n"
"        shared extension.  On most platforms, this is just 'ext.libraries';\n"
"        on Windows, we add the Python library (eg. python20.dll).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_py.py:112
msgid ""
"Return the directory, relative to the top of the source\n"
"           distribution, where package 'package' should be found\n"
"           (at least according to the 'package_dir' option, if any)."
msgstr ""

#. Map package names to tuples of useful info about the package:
#.    (package_dir, checked)
#. package_dir - the directory where we'll find source files for
#.   this package
#. checked - true if we have checked that the package directory
#.   is valid (exists, contains __init__.py, ... ?)
#: Lib/distutils/command/build_py.py:213
msgid ""
"Finds individually-specified Python modules, ie. those listed by\n"
"        module name in 'self.py_modules'.  Returns a list of tuples (package,\n"
"        module_base, filename): 'package' is a tuple of the path through\n"
"        package-space to the module; 'module_base' is the bare (no\n"
"        packages, no dots) module name, and 'filename' is the path to the\n"
"        \".py\" file (relative to the distribution root) that implements the\n"
"        module.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_py.py:270
msgid ""
"Compute the list of all modules that will be built, whether\n"
"        they are specified one-module-at-a-time ('self.py_modules') or\n"
"        by whole packages ('self.packages').  Return a list of tuples\n"
"        (package, module, module_file), just like 'find_modules()' and\n"
"        'find_package_modules()' do."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/build_scripts.py:50
msgid ""
"Copy each script listed in 'self.scripts'; if it's marked as a\n"
"        Python script in the Unix way (first line matches 'first_line_re',\n"
"        ie. starts with \"#!\" and contains \"python\"), then adjust the first\n"
"        line to refer to the current Python interpreter as we copy.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. We do this late, and only on-demand, because this is an expensive
#. import.
#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:98
msgid ""
"Check that 'self.compiler' really is a CCompiler object;\n"
"        if not, make it one.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:180
msgid ""
"Construct a source file from 'body' (a string containing lines\n"
"        of C/C++ code) and 'headers' (a list of header files to include)\n"
"        and run it through the preprocessor.  Return true if the\n"
"        preprocessor succeeded, false if there were any errors.\n"
"        ('body' probably isn't of much use, but what the heck.)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:199
msgid ""
"Construct a source file (just like 'try_cpp()'), run it through\n"
"        the preprocessor, and return true if any line of the output matches\n"
"        'pattern'.  'pattern' should either be a compiled regex object or a\n"
"        string containing a regex.  If both 'body' and 'headers' are None,\n"
"        preprocesses an empty file -- which can be useful to determine the\n"
"        symbols the preprocessor and compiler set by default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:228
msgid ""
"Try to compile a source file built from 'body' and 'headers'.\n"
"        Return true on success, false otherwise.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:247
msgid ""
"Try to compile and link a source file, built from 'body' and\n"
"        'headers', to executable form.  Return true on success, false\n"
"        otherwise.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:268
msgid ""
"Try to compile, link to an executable, and run a program\n"
"        built from 'body' and 'headers'.  Return true on success, false\n"
"        otherwise.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:296
msgid ""
"Determine if function 'func' is available by constructing a\n"
"        source file that refers to 'func', and compiles and links it.\n"
"        If everything succeeds, returns true; otherwise returns false.\n"
"        The constructed source file starts out by including the header\n"
"        files listed in 'headers'.  If 'decl' is true, it then declares\n"
"        'func' (as \"int func()\"); you probably shouldn't supply 'headers'\n"
"        and set 'decl' true in the same call, or you might get errors about\n"
"        a conflicting declarations for 'func'.  Finally, the constructed\n"
"        'main()' function either references 'func' or (if 'call' is true)\n"
"        calls it.  'libraries' and 'library_dirs' are used when\n"
"        linking.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:329
msgid ""
"Determine if 'library' is available to be linked against,\n"
"        without actually checking that any particular symbols are provided\n"
"        by it.  'headers' will be used in constructing the source file to\n"
"        be compiled, but the only effect of this is to check if all the\n"
"        header files listed are available.  Any libraries listed in\n"
"        'other_libraries' will be included in the link, in case 'library'\n"
"        has symbols that depend on other libraries.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/config.py:344
msgid ""
"Determine if the system header file named by 'header_file'\n"
"        exists and can be found by the preprocessor; return true if so,\n"
"        false otherwise.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/install.py:554
msgid ""
"Return true if the current distribution has any Python\n"
"        modules to install."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/install_lib.py:173
msgid ""
"Return the list of files that would be installed if this command\n"
"        were actually run.  Not affected by the \"dry-run\" flag or whether\n"
"        modules have actually been built yet.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/install_lib.py:196
msgid ""
"Get the list of files that are input to this command, ie. the\n"
"        files that get installed as they are named in the build tree.\n"
"        The files in this list correspond one-to-one to the output\n"
"        filenames returned by 'get_outputs()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:20
msgid ""
"Print all possible values for the 'formats' option (used by\n"
"    the \"--help-formats\" command-line option).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:154
msgid ""
"Ensure that all required elements of meta-data (name, version,\n"
"        URL, (author and author_email) or (maintainer and\n"
"        maintainer_email)) are supplied by the Distribution object; warn if\n"
"        any are missing.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. If we have a manifest template, see if it's newer than the
#. manifest; if so, we'll regenerate the manifest.
#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:187
msgid ""
"Figure out the list of files to include in the source\n"
"        distribution, and put it in 'self.filelist'.  This might involve\n"
"        reading the manifest template (and writing the manifest), or just\n"
"        reading the manifest, or just using the default file set -- it all\n"
"        depends on the user's options and the state of the filesystem.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:271
msgid ""
"Add all the default files to self.filelist:\n"
"          - README or README.txt\n"
"          - setup.py\n"
"          - test/test*.py\n"
"          - all pure Python modules mentioned in setup script\n"
"          - all C sources listed as part of extensions or C libraries\n"
"            in the setup script (doesn't catch C headers!)\n"
"        Warns if (README or README.txt) or setup.py are missing; everything\n"
"        else is optional.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:325
msgid ""
"Read and parse the manifest template file named by\n"
"        'self.template' (usually \"MANIFEST.in\").  The parsing and\n"
"        processing is done by 'self.filelist', which updates itself\n"
"        accordingly.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:355
msgid ""
"Prune off branches that might slip into the file list as created\n"
"        by 'read_template()', but really don't belong there:\n"
"          * the build tree (typically \"build\")\n"
"          * the release tree itself (only an issue if we ran \"sdist\"\n"
"            previously with --keep-temp, or it aborted)\n"
"          * any RCS or CVS directories\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:371
msgid ""
"Write the file list in 'self.filelist' (presumably as filled in\n"
"        by 'add_defaults()' and 'read_template()') to the manifest file\n"
"        named by 'self.manifest'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:383
msgid ""
"Read the manifest file (named by 'self.manifest') and use it to\n"
"        fill in 'self.filelist', the list of files to include in the source\n"
"        distribution.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Create all the directories under 'base_dir' necessary to
#. put 'files' there; the 'mkpath()' is just so we don't die
#. if the manifest happens to be empty.
#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:401
msgid ""
"Create the directory tree that will become the source\n"
"        distribution archive.  All directories implied by the filenames in\n"
"        'files' are created under 'base_dir', and then we hard link or copy\n"
"        (if hard linking is unavailable) those files into place.\n"
"        Essentially, this duplicates the developer's source tree, but in a\n"
"        directory named after the distribution, containing only the files\n"
"        to be distributed.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Don't warn about missing meta-data here -- should be (and is!)
#. done elsewhere.
#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:446
msgid ""
"Create the source distribution(s).  First, we create the release\n"
"        tree with 'make_release_tree()'; then, we create all required\n"
"        archive files (according to 'self.formats') from the release tree.\n"
"        Finally, we clean up by blowing away the release tree (unless\n"
"        'self.keep_temp' is true).  The list of archive files created is\n"
"        stored so it can be retrieved later by 'get_archive_files()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/command/sdist.py:470
msgid ""
"Return the list of archive files created when the command\n"
"        was run, or None if the command hasn't run yet.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/core.py:51
msgid ""
"The gateway to the Distutils: do everything your setup script needs\n"
"    to do, in a highly flexible and user-driven way.  Briefly: create a\n"
"    Distribution instance; find and parse config files; parse the command\n"
"    line; run each Distutils command found there, customized by the options\n"
"    supplied to 'setup()' (as keyword arguments), in config files, and on\n"
"    the command line.\n"
"    The Distribution instance might be an instance of a class supplied via\n"
"    the 'distclass' keyword argument to 'setup'; if no such class is\n"
"    supplied, then the Distribution class (in dist.py) is instantiated.\n"
"    All other arguments to 'setup' (except for 'cmdclass') are used to set\n"
"    attributes of the Distribution instance.\n"
"    The 'cmdclass' argument, if supplied, is a dictionary mapping command\n"
"    names to command classes.  Each command encountered on the command line\n"
"    will be turned into a command class, which is in turn instantiated; any\n"
"    class found in 'cmdclass' is used in place of the default, which is\n"
"    (for command 'foo_bar') class 'foo_bar' in module\n"
"    'distutils.command.foo_bar'.  The command class must provide a\n"
"    'user_options' attribute which is a list of option specifiers for\n"
"    'distutils.fancy_getopt'.  Any command-line options between the current\n"
"    and the next command are used to set attributes of the current command\n"
"    object.\n"
"    When the entire command-line has been successfully parsed, calls the\n"
"    'run()' method on each command object in turn.  This method will be\n"
"    driven entirely by the Distribution object (which each command object\n"
"    has a reference to, thanks to its constructor), and the\n"
"    command-specific options that became attributes of each command\n"
"    object.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/core.py:165
msgid ""
"Run a setup script in a somewhat controlled environment, and\n"
"    return the Distribution instance that drives things.  This is useful\n"
"    if you need to find out the distribution meta-data (passed as\n"
"    keyword args from 'script' to 'setup()', or the contents of the\n"
"    config files or command-line.\n"
"    'script_name' is a file that will be run with 'execfile()';\n"
"    'sys.argv[0]' will be replaced with 'script' for the duration of the\n"
"    call.  'script_args' is a list of strings; if supplied,\n"
"    'sys.argv[1:]' will be replaced by 'script_args' for the duration of\n"
"    the call.\n"
"    'stop_after' tells 'setup()' when to stop processing; possible\n"
"    values:\n"
"      init\n"
"        stop after the Distribution instance has been created and\n"
"        populated with the keyword arguments to 'setup()'\n"
"      config\n"
"        stop after config files have been parsed (and their data\n"
"        stored in the Distribution instance)\n"
"      commandline\n"
"        stop after the command-line ('sys.argv[1:]' or 'script_args')\n"
"        have been parsed (and the data stored in the Distribution)\n"
"      run [default]\n"
"        stop after all commands have been run (the same as if 'setup()'\n"
"        had been called in the usual way\n"
"    Returns the Distribution instance, which provides all information\n"
"    used to drive the Distutils.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. XXX since this function also checks sys.version, it's not strictly a
#. "config.h" check -- should probably be renamed...
#: Lib/distutils/cygwinccompiler.py:348
msgid ""
"Check if the current Python installation (specifically, config.h)\n"
"    appears amenable to building extensions with GCC.  Returns a tuple\n"
"    (status, details), where 'status' is one of the following constants:\n"
"      CONFIG_H_OK\n"
"        all is well, go ahead and compile\n"
"      CONFIG_H_NOTOK\n"
"        doesn't look good\n"
"        not sure -- unable to read config.h\n"
"    'details' is a human-readable string explaining the situation.\n"
"    Note there are two ways to conclude \"OK\": either 'sys.version' contains\n"
"    the string \"GCC\" (implying that this Python was built with GCC), or the\n"
"    installed \"config.h\" contains the string \"__GNUC__\".\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/cygwinccompiler.py:398
msgid ""
" Try to find out the versions of gcc, ld and dllwrap.\n"
"        If not possible it returns None for it.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dep_util.py:16
msgid ""
"Return true if 'source' exists and is more recently modified than\n"
"    'target', or if 'source' exists and 'target' doesn't.  Return false if\n"
"    both exist and 'target' is the same age or younger than 'source'.\n"
"    Raise DistutilsFileError if 'source' does not exist.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dep_util.py:36
msgid ""
"Walk two filename lists in parallel, testing if each source is newer\n"
"    than its corresponding target.  Return a pair of lists (sources,\n"
"    targets) where source is newer than target, according to the semantics\n"
"    of 'newer()'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. If the target doesn't even exist, then it's definitely out-of-date.
#: Lib/distutils/dep_util.py:58
msgid ""
"Return true if 'target' is out-of-date with respect to any file\n"
"    listed in 'sources'.  In other words, if 'target' exists and is newer\n"
"    than every file in 'sources', return false; otherwise return true.\n"
"    'missing' controls what we do when a source file is missing; the\n"
"    default (\"error\") is to blow up with an OSError from inside 'stat()';\n"
"    if it is \"ignore\", we silently drop any missing source files; if it is\n"
"    \"newer\", any missing source files make us assume that 'target' is\n"
"    out-of-date (this is handy in \"dry-run\" mode: it'll make you pretend to\n"
"    carry out commands that wouldn't work because inputs are missing, but\n"
"    that doesn't matter because you're not actually going to run the\n"
"    commands).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dep_util.py:103
msgid ""
"Makes 'dst' from 'src' (both filenames) by calling 'func' with\n"
"    'args', but only if it needs to: i.e. if 'dst' does not exist or 'src'\n"
"    is newer than 'dst'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dir_util.py:22
msgid ""
"Create a directory and any missing ancestor directories.  If the\n"
"       directory already exists (or if 'name' is the empty string, which\n"
"       means the current directory, which of course exists), then do\n"
"       nothing.  Raise DistutilsFileError if unable to create some\n"
"       directory along the way (eg. some sub-path exists, but is a file\n"
"       rather than a directory).  If 'verbose' is true, print a one-line\n"
"       summary of each mkdir to stdout.  Return the list of directories\n"
"       actually created."
msgstr ""

#. First get the list of directories to create
#: Lib/distutils/dir_util.py:91
msgid ""
"Create all the empty directories under 'base_dir' needed to\n"
"       put 'files' there.  'base_dir' is just the a name of a directory\n"
"       which doesn't necessarily exist yet; 'files' is a list of filenames\n"
"       to be interpreted relative to 'base_dir'.  'base_dir' + the\n"
"       directory portion of every file in 'files' will be created if it\n"
"       doesn't already exist.  'mode', 'verbose' and 'dry_run' flags are as\n"
"       for 'mkpath()'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dir_util.py:121
msgid ""
"Copy an entire directory tree 'src' to a new location 'dst'.  Both\n"
"       'src' and 'dst' must be directory names.  If 'src' is not a\n"
"       directory, raise DistutilsFileError.  If 'dst' does not exist, it is\n"
"       created with 'mkpath()'.  The end result of the copy is that every\n"
"       file in 'src' is copied to 'dst', and directories under 'src' are\n"
"       recursively copied to 'dst'.  Return the list of files that were\n"
"       copied or might have been copied, using their output name.  The\n"
"       return value is unaffected by 'update' or 'dry_run': it is simply\n"
"       the list of all files under 'src', with the names changed to be\n"
"       under 'dst'.\n"
"       'preserve_mode' and 'preserve_times' are the same as for\n"
"       'copy_file'; note that they only apply to regular files, not to\n"
"       directories.  If 'preserve_symlinks' is true, symlinks will be\n"
"       copied as symlinks (on platforms that support them!); otherwise\n"
"       (the default), the destination of the symlink will be copied.\n"
"       'update' and 'verbose' are the same as for 'copy_file'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dir_util.py:197
msgid ""
"Recursively remove an entire directory tree.  Any errors are ignored\n"
"    (apart from being reported to stdout if 'verbose' is true).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. 'global_options' describes the command-line options that may be
#. supplied to the setup script prior to any actual commands.
#. Eg. "./setup.py -n" or "./setup.py --quiet" both take advantage of
#. these global options.  This list should be kept to a bare minimum,
#. since every global option is also valid as a command option -- and we
#. don't want to pollute the commands with too many options that they
#. have minimal control over.
#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:29
msgid ""
"The core of the Distutils.  Most of the work hiding behind 'setup'\n"
"    is really done within a Distribution instance, which farms the work out\n"
"    to the Distutils commands specified on the command line.\n"
"    Setup scripts will almost never instantiate Distribution directly,\n"
"    unless the 'setup()' function is totally inadequate to their needs.\n"
"    However, it is conceivable that a setup script might wish to subclass\n"
"    Distribution for some specialized purpose, and then pass the subclass\n"
"    to 'setup()' as the 'distclass' keyword argument.  If so, it is\n"
"    necessary to respect the expectations that 'setup' has of Distribution.\n"
"    See the code for 'setup()', in core.py, for details.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Default values for our command-line options
#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:103
msgid ""
"Construct a new Distribution instance: initialize all the\n"
"        attributes of a Distribution, and then use 'attrs' (a dictionary\n"
"        mapping attribute names to values) to assign some of those\n"
"        attributes their \"real\" values.  (Any attributes not mentioned in\n"
"        'attrs' will be assigned to some null value: 0, None, an empty list\n"
"        or dictionary, etc.)  Most importantly, initialize the\n"
"        'command_obj' attribute to the empty dictionary; this will be\n"
"        filled in with real command objects by 'parse_command_line()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:219
msgid ""
"Get the option dictionary for a given command.  If that\n"
"        command's option dictionary hasn't been created yet, then create it\n"
"        and return the new dictionary; otherwise, return the existing\n"
"        option dictionary.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:263
msgid ""
"Find as many configuration files as should be processed for this\n"
"        platform, and return a list of filenames in the order in which they\n"
"        should be parsed.  The filenames returned are guaranteed to exist\n"
"        (modulo nasty race conditions).\n"
"        On Unix, there are three possible config files: pydistutils.cfg in\n"
"        the Distutils installation directory (ie. where the top-level\n"
"        Distutils __inst__.py file lives), .pydistutils.cfg in the user's\n"
"        home directory, and setup.cfg in the current directory.\n"
"        On Windows and Mac OS, there are two possible config files:\n"
"        pydistutils.cfg in the Python installation directory (sys.prefix)\n"
"        and setup.cfg in the current directory.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. We now have enough information to show the Macintosh dialog that allows
#. the user to interactively specify the "command line".
#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:360
msgid ""
"Parse the setup script's command line, taken from the\n"
"        'script_args' instance attribute (which defaults to 'sys.argv[1:]'\n"
"        -- see 'setup()' in core.py).  This list is first processed for\n"
"        \"global options\" -- options that set attributes of the Distribution\n"
"        instance.  Then, it is alternately scanned for Distutils commands\n"
"        and options for that command.  Each new command terminates the\n"
"        options for the previous command.  The allowed options for a\n"
"        command are determined by the 'user_options' attribute of the\n"
"        command class -- thus, we have to be able to load command classes\n"
"        in order to parse the command line.  Any error in that 'options'\n"
"        attribute raises DistutilsGetoptError; any error on the\n"
"        command-line raises DistutilsArgError.  If no Distutils commands\n"
"        were found on the command line, raises DistutilsArgError.  Return\n"
"        true if command-line was successfully parsed and we should carry\n"
"        on with executing commands; false if no errors but we shouldn't\n"
"        execute commands (currently, this only happens if user asks for\n"
"        help).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. late import because of mutual dependence between these modules
#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:433
msgid ""
"Parse the command-line options for a single command.\n"
"        'parser' must be a FancyGetopt instance; 'args' must be the list\n"
"        of arguments, starting with the current command (whose options\n"
"        we are about to parse).  Returns a new version of 'args' with\n"
"        the next command at the front of the list; will be the empty\n"
"        list if there are no more commands on the command line.  Returns\n"
"        None if the user asked for help on this command.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:532
msgid ""
"Set final values for all the options on the Distribution\n"
"        instance, analogous to the .finalize_options() method of Command\n"
"        objects.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. late import because of mutual dependence between these modules
#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:554
msgid ""
"Show help for the setup script command-line in the form of\n"
"        several lists of command-line options.  'parser' should be a\n"
"        FancyGetopt instance; do not expect it to be returned in the\n"
"        same state, as its option table will be reset to make it\n"
"        generate the correct help text.\n"
"        If 'global_options' is true, lists the global options:\n"
"        --verbose, --dry-run, etc.  If 'display_options' is true, lists\n"
"        the \"display-only\" options: --name, --version, etc.  Finally,\n"
"        lists per-command help for every command name or command class\n"
"        in 'commands'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:603
msgid ""
"If there were any non-global \"display-only\" options\n"
"        (--help-commands or the metadata display options) on the command\n"
"        line, display the requested info and return true; else return\n"
"        false.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:642
msgid ""
"Print a subset of the list of all commands -- used by\n"
"        'print_commands()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:663
msgid ""
"Print out a help message listing all available commands with a\n"
"        description of each.  The list is divided into \"standard commands\"\n"
"        (listed in distutils.command.__all__) and \"extra commands\"\n"
"        (mentioned in self.cmdclass, but not a standard command).  The\n"
"        descriptions come from the command class attribute\n"
"        'description'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Currently this is only used on Mac OS, for the Mac-only GUI
#. Distutils interface (by Jack Jansen)
#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:699
msgid ""
"Get a list of (command, description) tuples.\n"
"        The list is divided into \"standard commands\" (listed in\n"
"        distutils.command.__all__) and \"extra commands\" (mentioned in\n"
"        self.cmdclass, but not a standard command).  The descriptions come\n"
"        from the command class attribute 'description'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:734
msgid ""
"Return the class that implements the Distutils command named by\n"
"        'command'.  First we check the 'cmdclass' dictionary; if the\n"
"        command is mentioned there, we fetch the class object from the\n"
"        dictionary and return it.  Otherwise we load the command module\n"
"        (\"distutils.command.\" + command) and fetch the command class from\n"
"        the module.  The loaded class is also stored in 'cmdclass'\n"
"        to speed future calls to 'get_command_class()'.\n"
"        Raises DistutilsModuleError if the expected module could not be\n"
"        found, or if that module does not define the expected class.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:773
msgid ""
"Return the command object for 'command'.  Normally this object\n"
"        is cached on a previous call to 'get_command_obj()'; if no command\n"
"        object for 'command' is in the cache, then we either create and\n"
"        return it (if 'create' is true) or return None.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:801
msgid ""
"Set the options for 'command_obj' from 'option_dict'.  Basically\n"
"        this means copying elements of a dictionary ('option_dict') to\n"
"        attributes of an instance ('command').\n"
"        'command_obj' must be a Command instance.  If 'option_dict' is not\n"
"        supplied, uses the standard option dictionary for this command\n"
"        (from 'self.command_options').\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:843
msgid ""
"Reinitializes a command to the state it was in when first\n"
"        returned by 'get_command_obj()': ie., initialized but not yet\n"
"        finalized.  This provides the opportunity to sneak option\n"
"        values in programmatically, overriding or supplementing\n"
"        user-supplied values from the config files and command line.\n"
"        You'll have to re-finalize the command object (by calling\n"
"        'finalize_options()' or 'ensure_finalized()') before using it for\n"
"        real.  \n"
"        'command' should be a command name (string) or command object.  If\n"
"        'reinit_subcommands' is true, also reinitializes the command's\n"
"        sub-commands, as declared by the 'sub_commands' class attribute (if\n"
"        it has one).  See the \"install\" command for an example.  Only\n"
"        reinitializes the sub-commands that actually matter, ie. those\n"
"        whose test predicates return true.\n"
"        Returns the reinitialized command object.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:885
msgid ""
"Print 'msg' if 'level' is greater than or equal to the verbosity\n"
"        level recorded in the 'verbose' attribute (which, currently, can be\n"
"        only 0 or 1).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:894
msgid ""
"Run each command that was seen on the setup script command line.\n"
"        Uses the list of commands found and cache of command objects\n"
"        created by 'get_command_obj()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Already been here, done that? then return silently.
#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:905
msgid ""
"Do whatever it takes to run a command (including nothing at all,\n"
"        if the command has already been run).  Specifically: if we have\n"
"        already created and run the command named by 'command', return\n"
"        silently without doing anything.  If the command named by 'command'\n"
"        doesn't even have a command object yet, create one.  Then invoke\n"
"        'run()' on that command object (or an existing one).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:962
msgid ""
"Dummy class to hold the distribution meta-data: name, version,\n"
"    author, and so forth.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:981
msgid ""
"Write the PKG-INFO file into the release tree.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/dist.py:1064
msgid ""
"Convert a 4-tuple 'help_options' list as found in various command\n"
"    classes to the 3-tuple form required by FancyGetopt.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:16
msgid "The root of all Distutils evil."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:20
msgid ""
"Unable to load an expected module, or to find an expected class\n"
"    within some module (in particular, command modules and classes)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:25
msgid ""
"Some command class (or possibly distribution class, if anyone\n"
"    feels a need to subclass Distribution) is found not to be holding\n"
"    up its end of the bargain, ie. implementing some part of the\n"
"    \"command \"interface."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:32
msgid "The option table provided to 'fancy_getopt()' is bogus."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:36
msgid ""
"Raised by fancy_getopt in response to getopt.error -- ie. an\n"
"    error in the command line usage."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:41
msgid ""
"Any problems in the filesystem: expected file not found, etc.\n"
"    Typically this is for problems that we detect before IOError or\n"
"    OSError could be raised."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:47
msgid ""
"Syntactic/semantic errors in command options, such as use of\n"
"    mutually conflicting options, or inconsistent options,\n"
"    badly-spelled values, etc.  No distinction is made between option\n"
"    values originating in the setup script, the command line, config\n"
"    files, or what-have-you -- but if we *know* something originated in\n"
"    the setup script, we'll raise DistutilsSetupError instead."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:56
msgid ""
"For errors that can be definitely blamed on the setup script,\n"
"    such as invalid keyword arguments to 'setup()'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:61
msgid ""
"We don't know how to do something on the current platform (but\n"
"    we do know how to do it on some platform) -- eg. trying to compile\n"
"    C files on a platform not supported by a CCompiler subclass."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:67
msgid ""
"Any problems executing an external program (such as the C\n"
"    compiler, when compiling C files)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:72
msgid ""
"Internal inconsistencies or impossibilities (obviously, this\n"
"    should never be seen if the code is working!)."
msgstr ""

#. Exception classes used by the CCompiler implementation classes
#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:77
msgid "Syntax error in a file list template."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:82
msgid "Some compile/link operation failed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:85
msgid "Failure to preprocess one or more C/C++ files."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:88
msgid "Failure to compile one or more C/C++ source files."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:91
msgid ""
"Failure to create a static library from one or more C/C++ object\n"
"    files."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:95
msgid ""
"Failure to link one or more C/C++ object files into an executable\n"
"    or shared library file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/errors.py:99
msgid "Attempt to process an unknown file type."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/extension.py:25
msgid ""
"Just a collection of attributes that describes an extension\n"
"    module and everything needed to build it (hopefully in a portable\n"
"    way, but there are hooks that let you be as unportable as you need).\n"
"    Instance attributes:\n"
"      name : string\n"
"        the full name of the extension, including any packages -- ie.\n"
"        *not* a filename or pathname, but Python dotted name\n"
"      sources : [string]\n"
"        list of source filenames, relative to the distribution root\n"
"        (where the setup script lives), in Unix form (slash-separated)\n"
"        for portability.  Source files may be C, C++, SWIG (.i),\n"
"        platform-specific resource files, or whatever else is recognized\n"
"        by the \"build_ext\" command as source for a Python extension.\n"
"      include_dirs : [string]\n"
"        list of directories to search for C/C++ header files (in Unix\n"
"        form for portability)\n"
"      define_macros : [(name : string, value : string|None)]\n"
"        list of macros to define; each macro is defined using a 2-tuple,\n"
"        where 'value' is either the string to define it to or None to\n"
"        define it without a particular value (equivalent of \"#define\n"
"        FOO\" in source or -DFOO on Unix C compiler command line)\n"
"      undef_macros : [string]\n"
"        list of macros to undefine explicitly\n"
"      library_dirs : [string]\n"
"        list of directories to search for C/C++ libraries at link time\n"
"      libraries : [string]\n"
"        list of library names (not filenames or paths) to link against\n"
"      runtime_library_dirs : [string]\n"
"        list of directories to search for C/C++ libraries at run time\n"
"        (for shared extensions, this is when the extension is loaded)\n"
"      extra_objects : [string]\n"
"        list of extra files to link with (eg. object files not implied\n"
"        by 'sources', static library that must be explicitly specified,\n"
"        binary resource files, etc.)\n"
"      extra_compile_args : [string]\n"
"        any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use\n"
"        when compiling the source files in 'sources'.  For platforms and\n"
"        compilers where \"command line\" makes sense, this is typically a\n"
"        list of command-line arguments, but for other platforms it could\n"
"        be anything.\n"
"      extra_link_args : [string]\n"
"        any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use\n"
"        when linking object files together to create the extension (or\n"
"        to create a new static Python interpreter).  Similar\n"
"        interpretation as for 'extra_compile_args'.\n"
"      export_symbols : [string]\n"
"        list of symbols to be exported from a shared extension.  Not\n"
"        used on all platforms, and not generally necessary for Python\n"
"        extensions, which typically export exactly one symbol: \"init\" +\n"
"        extension_name.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:41
msgid ""
"Wrapper around the standard 'getopt()' module that provides some\n"
"    handy extra functionality:\n"
"      * short and long options are tied together\n"
"      * options have help strings, and help text can be assembled\n"
"        from them\n"
"      * options set attributes of a passed-in object\n"
"      * boolean options can have \"negative aliases\" -- eg. if\n"
"        --quiet is the \"negative alias\" of --verbose, then \"--quiet\"\n"
"        on the command line sets 'verbose' to false\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:115
msgid ""
"Return true if the option table for this parser has an\n"
"        option with long name 'long_option'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:120
msgid ""
"Translate long option name 'long_option' to the form it \n"
"        has as an attribute of some object: ie., translate hyphens\n"
"        to underscores."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:139
msgid "Set the aliases for this option parser."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:144
msgid ""
"Set the negative aliases for this option parser.\n"
"        'negative_alias' should be a dictionary mapping option names to\n"
"        option names, both the key and value must already be defined\n"
"        in the option table."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:153
msgid ""
"Populate the various data structures that keep tabs on the\n"
"        option table.  Called by 'getopt()' before it can do anything\n"
"        worthwhile.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:235
msgid ""
"Parse the command-line options in 'args' and store the results\n"
"        as attributes of 'object'.  If 'args' is None or not supplied, uses\n"
"        'sys.argv[1:]'.  If 'object' is None or not supplied, creates a new\n"
"        OptionDummy object, stores option values there, and returns a tuple\n"
"        (args, object).  If 'object' is supplied, it is modified in place\n"
"        and 'getopt()' just returns 'args'; in both cases, the returned\n"
"        'args' is a modified copy of the passed-in 'args' list, which is\n"
"        left untouched.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:302
msgid ""
"Returns the list of (option, value) tuples processed by the\n"
"        previous run of 'getopt()'.  Raises RuntimeError if\n"
"        'getopt()' hasn't been called yet.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Blithely assume the option table is good: probably wouldn't call
#. 'generate_help()' unless you've already called 'getopt()'.
#. First pass: determine maximum length of long option names
#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:313
msgid ""
"Generate help text (a list of strings, one per suggested line of\n"
"        output) from the option table for this FancyGetopt object.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:414
msgid ""
"wrap_text(text : string, width : int) -> [string]\n"
"    Split 'text' into multiple lines of no more than 'width' characters\n"
"    each, and return the list of strings that results.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:475
msgid ""
"Convert a long option name to a valid Python identifier by\n"
"    changing \"-\" to \"_\".\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:482
msgid ""
"Dummy class just used as a place to hold command-line option\n"
"    values as instance attributes."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/fancy_getopt.py:486
msgid ""
"Create a new OptionDummy instance.  The attributes listed in\n"
"        'options' will be initialized to None."
msgstr ""

#. Stolen from shutil module in the standard library, but with
#. custom error-handling added.
#: Lib/distutils/file_util.py:22
msgid ""
"Copy the file 'src' to 'dst'; both must be filenames.  Any error\n"
"    opening either file, reading from 'src', or writing to 'dst', raises\n"
"    DistutilsFileError.  Data is read/written in chunks of 'buffer_size'\n"
"    bytes (default 16k).  No attempt is made to handle anything apart from\n"
"    regular files.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. XXX if the destination file already exists, we clobber it if
#. copying, but blow up if linking.  Hmmm.  And I don't know what
#. macostools.copyfile() does.  Should definitely be consistent, and
#. should probably blow up if destination exists and we would be
#. changing it (ie. it's not already a hard/soft link to src OR
#. (not update) and (src newer than dst).
#: Lib/distutils/file_util.py:79
msgid ""
"Copy a file 'src' to 'dst'.  If 'dst' is a directory, then 'src' is\n"
"    copied there with the same name; otherwise, it must be a filename.  (If\n"
"    the file exists, it will be ruthlessly clobbered.)  If 'preserve_mode'\n"
"    is true (the default), the file's mode (type and permission bits, or\n"
"    whatever is analogous on the current platform) is copied.  If\n"
"    'preserve_times' is true (the default), the last-modified and\n"
"    last-access times are copied as well.  If 'update' is true, 'src' will\n"
"    only be copied if 'dst' does not exist, or if 'dst' does exist but is\n"
"    older than 'src'.  If 'verbose' is true, then a one-line summary of the\n"
"    copy will be printed to stdout.\n"
"    'link' allows you to make hard links (os.link) or symbolic links\n"
"    (os.symlink) instead of copying: set it to \"hard\" or \"sym\"; if it is\n"
"    None (the default), files are copied.  Don't set 'link' on systems that\n"
"    don't support it: 'copy_file()' doesn't check if hard or symbolic\n"
"    linking is available.\n"
"    Under Mac OS, uses the native file copy function in macostools; on\n"
"    other systems, uses '_copy_file_contents()' to copy file contents.\n"
"    Return a tuple (dest_name, copied): 'dest_name' is the actual name of\n"
"    the output file, and 'copied' is true if the file was copied (or would\n"
"    have been copied, if 'dry_run' true).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/file_util.py:183
msgid ""
"Move a file 'src' to 'dst'.  If 'dst' is a directory, the file will\n"
"    be moved into it with the same name; otherwise, 'src' is just renamed\n"
"    to 'dst'.  Return the new full name of the file.\n"
"    Handles cross-device moves on Unix using 'copy_file()'.  What about\n"
"    other systems???\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/file_util.py:244
msgid ""
"Create a file with the specified name and write 'contents' (a\n"
"    sequence of strings without line terminators) to it.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/filelist.py:23
msgid ""
"A list of files built by on exploring the filesystem and filtered by\n"
"    applying various patterns to what we find there.\n"
"    Instance attributes:\n"
"      dir\n"
"        directory from which files will be taken -- only used if\n"
"        'allfiles' not supplied to constructor\n"
"      files\n"
"        list of filenames currently being built/filtered/manipulated\n"
"      allfiles\n"
"        complete list of files under consideration (ie. without any\n"
"        filtering applied)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/filelist.py:216
msgid ""
"Select strings (presumably filenames) from 'self.files' that\n"
"        match 'pattern', a Unix-style wildcard (glob) pattern.  Patterns\n"
"        are not quite the same as implemented by the 'fnmatch' module: '*'\n"
"        and '?'  match non-special characters, where \"special\" is platform-\n"
"        dependent: slash on Unix; colon, slash, and backslash on\n"
"        DOS/Windows; and colon on Mac OS.\n"
"        If 'anchor' is true (the default), then the pattern match is more\n"
"        stringent: \"*.py\" will match \"foo.py\" but not \"foo/bar.py\".  If\n"
"        'anchor' is false, both of these will match.\n"
"        If 'prefix' is supplied, then only filenames starting with 'prefix'\n"
"        (itself a pattern) and ending with 'pattern', with anything in between\n"
"        them, will match.  'anchor' is ignored in this case.\n"
"        If 'is_regex' is true, 'anchor' and 'prefix' are ignored, and\n"
"        'pattern' is assumed to be either a string containing a regex or a\n"
"        regex object -- no translation is done, the regex is just compiled\n"
"        and used as-is.\n"
"        Selected strings will be added to self.files.\n"
"        Return 1 if files are found.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/filelist.py:262
msgid ""
"Remove strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match\n"
"        'pattern'.  Other parameters are the same as for\n"
"        'include_pattern()', above.  \n"
"        The list 'self.files' is modified in place.\n"
"        Return 1 if files are found.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/filelist.py:289
msgid ""
"Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames\n"
"    (relative to 'dir').\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/filelist.py:321
msgid ""
"Translate a shell-like glob pattern to a regular expression; return\n"
"    a string containing the regex.  Differs from 'fnmatch.translate()' in\n"
"    that '*' does not match \"special characters\" (which are\n"
"    platform-specific).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/filelist.py:342
msgid ""
"Translate a shell-like wildcard pattern to a compiled regular\n"
"    expression.  Return the compiled regex.  If 'is_regex' true,\n"
"    then 'pattern' is directly compiled to a regex (if it's a string)\n"
"    or just returned as-is (assumes it's a regex object).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/msvccompiler.py:57
msgid ""
"Get list of devstudio versions from the Windows registry.  Return a\n"
"       list of strings containing version numbers; the list will be\n"
"       empty if we were unable to access the registry (eg. couldn't import\n"
"       a registry-access module) or the appropriate registry keys weren't\n"
"       found."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/msvccompiler.py:93
msgid ""
"Get a list of devstudio directories (include, lib or path).  Return\n"
"       a list of strings; will be empty list if unable to access the\n"
"       registry or appropriate registry keys not found."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/msvccompiler.py:134
msgid ""
"Try to find an MSVC executable program 'exe' (from version\n"
"       'version_number' of MSVC) in several places: first, one of the MSVC\n"
"       program search paths from the registry; next, the directories in the\n"
"       PATH environment variable.  If any of those work, return an absolute\n"
"       path that is known to exist.  If none of them work, just return the\n"
"       original program name, 'exe'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/msvccompiler.py:156
msgid ""
"Set environment variable 'name' to an MSVC path type value obtained\n"
"       from 'get_msvc_paths()'.  This is equivalent to a SET command prior\n"
"       to execution of spawned commands."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/msvccompiler.py:166 Lib/distutils/mwerkscompiler.py:19
msgid ""
"Concrete class that implements an interface to Microsoft Visual C++,\n"
"       as defined by the CCompiler abstract class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/spawn.py:22
msgid ""
"Run another program, specified as a command list 'cmd', in a new\n"
"    process.  'cmd' is just the argument list for the new process, ie.\n"
"    cmd[0] is the program to run and cmd[1:] are the rest of its arguments.\n"
"    There is no way to run a program with a name different from that of its\n"
"    executable.\n"
"    If 'search_path' is true (the default), the system's executable search\n"
"    path will be used to find the program; otherwise, cmd[0] must be the\n"
"    exact path to the executable.  If 'verbose' is true, a one-line summary\n"
"    of the command will be printed before it is run.  If 'dry_run' is true,\n"
"    the command will not actually be run.\n"
"    Raise DistutilsExecError if running the program fails in any way; just\n"
"    return on success.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. XXX this doesn't seem very robust to me -- but if the Windows guys
#. say it'll work, I guess I'll have to accept it.  (What if an arg
#. contains quotes?  What other magic characters, other than spaces,
#. have to be escaped?  Is there an escaping mechanism other than
#. quoting?)
#: Lib/distutils/spawn.py:49
msgid ""
"Quote command-line arguments for DOS/Windows conventions: just\n"
"    wraps every argument which contains blanks in double quotes, and\n"
"    returns a new argument list.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/spawn.py:148
msgid ""
"Try to find 'executable' in the directories listed in 'path' (a\n"
"    string listing directories separated by 'os.pathsep'; defaults to\n"
"    os.environ['PATH']).  Returns the complete filename or None if not\n"
"    found.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:28
msgid ""
"Set the python_build flag to true; this means that we're\n"
"    building Python itself.  Only called from the setup.py script\n"
"    shipped with Python.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:37
msgid ""
"Return the directory containing installed Python header files.\n"
"    If 'plat_specific' is false (the default), this is the path to the\n"
"    non-platform-specific header files, i.e. Python.h and so on;\n"
"    otherwise, this is the path to platform-specific header files\n"
"    (namely config.h).\n"
"    If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.prefix or\n"
"    sys.exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:64
msgid ""
"Return the directory containing the Python library (standard or\n"
"    site additions).\n"
"    If 'plat_specific' is true, return the directory containing\n"
"    platform-specific modules, i.e. any module from a non-pure-Python\n"
"    module distribution; otherwise, return the platform-shared library\n"
"    directory.  If 'standard_lib' is true, return the directory\n"
"    containing standard Python library modules; otherwise, return the\n"
"    directory for site-specific modules.\n"
"    If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.prefix or\n"
"    sys.exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:116
msgid ""
"Do any platform-specific customization of the CCompiler instance\n"
"    'compiler'.  Mainly needed on Unix, so we can plug in the information\n"
"    that varies across Unices and is stored in Python's Makefile.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:136
msgid "Return full pathname of installed config.h file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:143
msgid "Return full pathname of installed Makefile from the Python build."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:151
msgid ""
"Parse a config.h-style file.\n"
"    A dictionary containing name/value pairs is returned.  If an\n"
"    optional dictionary is passed in as the second argument, it is\n"
"    used instead of a new dictionary.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:186
msgid ""
"Parse a Makefile-style file.\n"
"    A dictionary containing name/value pairs is returned.  If an\n"
"    optional dictionary is passed in as the second argument, it is\n"
"    used instead of a new dictionary.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. This algorithm does multiple expansion, so if vars['foo'] contains
#. "${bar}", it will expand ${foo} to ${bar}, and then expand
#. ${bar}... and so forth.  This is fine as long as 'vars' comes from
#. 'parse_makefile()', which takes care of such expansions eagerly,
#. according to make's variable expansion semantics.
#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:263
msgid ""
"Expand Makefile-style variables -- \"${foo}\" or \"$(foo)\" -- in\n"
"    'string' according to 'vars' (a dictionary mapping variable names to\n"
"    values).  Variables not present in 'vars' are silently expanded to the\n"
"    empty string.  The variable values in 'vars' should not contain further\n"
"    variable expansions; if 'vars' is the output of 'parse_makefile()',\n"
"    you're fine.  Returns a variable-expanded version of 's'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:291
msgid "Initialize the module as appropriate for POSIX systems."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:316
msgid "Initialize the module as appropriate for NT"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:333
msgid "Initialize the module as appropriate for Macintosh systems"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:353
msgid ""
"With no arguments, return a dictionary of all configuration\n"
"    variables relevant for the current platform.  Generally this includes\n"
"    everything needed to build extensions and install both pure modules and\n"
"    extensions.  On Unix, this means every variable defined in Python's\n"
"    installed Makefile; on Windows and Mac OS it's a much smaller set.\n"
"    With arguments, return a list of values that result from looking up\n"
"    each argument in the configuration variable dictionary.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py:385
msgid ""
"Return the value of a single variable using the dictionary\n"
"    returned by 'get_config_vars()'.  Equivalent to\n"
"      get_config_vars().get(name)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:17
msgid ""
"Provides a file-like object that takes care of all the things you\n"
"       commonly want to do when processing a text file that has some\n"
"       line-by-line syntax: strip comments (as long as \"#\" is your\n"
"       comment character), skip blank lines, join adjacent lines by\n"
"       escaping the newline (ie. backslash at end of line), strip\n"
"       leading and/or trailing whitespace.  All of these are optional\n"
"       and independently controllable.\n"
"       Provides a 'warn()' method so you can generate warning messages that\n"
"       report physical line number, even if the logical line in question\n"
"       spans multiple physical lines.  Also provides 'unreadline()' for\n"
"       implementing line-at-a-time lookahead.\n"
"       Constructor is called as:\n"
"           TextFile (filename=None, file=None, **options)\n"
"       It bombs (RuntimeError) if both 'filename' and 'file' are None;\n"
"       'filename' should be a string, and 'file' a file object (or\n"
"       something that provides 'readline()' and 'close()' methods).  It is\n"
"       recommended that you supply at least 'filename', so that TextFile\n"
"       can include it in warning messages.  If 'file' is not supplied,\n"
"       TextFile creates its own using the 'open()' builtin.\n"
"       The options are all boolean, and affect the value returned by\n"
"       'readline()':\n"
"         strip_comments [default: true]\n"
"           strip from \"#\" to end-of-line, as well as any whitespace\n"
"           leading up to the \"#\" -- unless it is escaped by a backslash\n"
"         lstrip_ws [default: false]\n"
"           strip leading whitespace from each line before returning it\n"
"         rstrip_ws [default: true]\n"
"           strip trailing whitespace (including line terminator!) from\n"
"           each line before returning it\n"
"         skip_blanks [default: true}\n"
"           skip lines that are empty *after* stripping comments and\n"
"           whitespace.  (If both lstrip_ws and rstrip_ws are false,\n"
"           then some lines may consist of solely whitespace: these will\n"
"           *not* be skipped, even if 'skip_blanks' is true.)\n"
"         join_lines [default: false]\n"
"           if a backslash is the last non-newline character on a line\n"
"           after stripping comments and whitespace, join the following line\n"
"           to it to form one \"logical line\"; if N consecutive lines end\n"
"           with a backslash, then N+1 physical lines will be joined to\n"
"           form one logical line.\n"
"         collapse_join [default: false]\n"
"           strip leading whitespace from lines that are joined to their\n"
"           predecessor; only matters if (join_lines and not lstrip_ws)\n"
"       Note that since 'rstrip_ws' can strip the trailing newline, the\n"
"       semantics of 'readline()' must differ from those of the builtin file\n"
"       object's 'readline()' method!  In particular, 'readline()' returns\n"
"       None for end-of-file: an empty string might just be a blank line (or\n"
"       an all-whitespace line), if 'rstrip_ws' is true but 'skip_blanks' is\n"
"       not."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:82
msgid ""
"Construct a new TextFile object.  At least one of 'filename'\n"
"           (a string) and 'file' (a file-like object) must be supplied.\n"
"           They keyword argument options are described above and affect\n"
"           the values returned by 'readline()'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:119
msgid ""
"Open a new file named 'filename'.  This overrides both the\n"
"           'filename' and 'file' arguments to the constructor."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:128
msgid ""
"Close the current file and forget everything we know about it\n"
"           (filename, current line number)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:154
msgid ""
"Print (to stderr) a warning message tied to the current logical\n"
"           line in the current file.  If the current logical line in the\n"
"           file spans multiple physical lines, the warning refers to the\n"
"           whole range, eg. \"lines 3-5\".  If 'line' supplied, it overrides\n"
"           the current line number; it may be a list or tuple to indicate a\n"
"           range of physical lines, or an integer for a single physical\n"
"           line."
msgstr ""

#. If any "unread" lines waiting in 'linebuf', return the top
#. one.  (We don't actually buffer read-ahead data -- lines only
#. get put in 'linebuf' if the client explicitly does an
#. 'unreadline()'.
#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:165
msgid ""
"Read and return a single logical line from the current file (or\n"
"           from an internal buffer if lines have previously been \"unread\"\n"
"           with 'unreadline()').  If the 'join_lines' option is true, this\n"
"           may involve reading multiple physical lines concatenated into a\n"
"           single string.  Updates the current line number, so calling\n"
"           'warn()' after 'readline()' emits a warning about the physical\n"
"           line(s) just read.  Returns None on end-of-file, since the empty\n"
"           string can occur if 'rstrip_ws' is true but 'strip_blanks' is\n"
"           not."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:291
msgid ""
"Read and return the list of all logical lines remaining in the\n"
"           current file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/text_file.py:303
msgid ""
"Push 'line' (a string) onto an internal buffer that will be\n"
"           checked by future 'readline()' calls.  Handy for implementing\n"
"           a parser with line-at-a-time lookahead."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/util.py:18
msgid ""
"Return a string that identifies the current platform.  This is used\n"
"    mainly to distinguish platform-specific build directories and\n"
"    platform-specific built distributions.  Typically includes the OS name\n"
"    and version and the architecture (as supplied by 'os.uname()'),\n"
"    although the exact information included depends on the OS; eg. for IRIX\n"
"    the architecture isn't particularly important (IRIX only runs on SGI\n"
"    hardware), but for Linux the kernel version isn't particularly\n"
"    important.\n"
"    Examples of returned values:\n"
"       linux-i586\n"
"       linux-alpha (?)\n"
"       solaris-2.6-sun4u\n"
"       irix-5.3\n"
"       irix64-6.2\n"
"       \n"
"    For non-POSIX platforms, currently just returns 'sys.platform'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/util.py:76
msgid ""
"Return 'pathname' as a name that will work on the native filesystem,\n"
"    i.e. split it on '/' and put it back together again using the current\n"
"    directory separator.  Needed because filenames in the setup script are\n"
"    always supplied in Unix style, and have to be converted to the local\n"
"    convention before we can actually use them in the filesystem.  Raises\n"
"    ValueError on non-Unix-ish systems if 'pathname' either starts or\n"
"    ends with a slash.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/util.py:102
msgid ""
"Return 'pathname' with 'new_root' prepended.  If 'pathname' is\n"
"    relative, this is equivalent to \"os.path.join(new_root,pathname)\".\n"
"    Otherwise, it requires making 'pathname' relative and then joining the\n"
"    two, which is tricky on DOS/Windows and Mac OS.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/util.py:135
msgid ""
"Ensure that 'os.environ' has all the environment variables we\n"
"    guarantee that users can use in config files, command-line options,\n"
"    etc.  Currently this includes:\n"
"      HOME - user's home directory (Unix only)\n"
"      PLAT - description of the current platform, including hardware\n"
"             and OS (see 'get_platform()')\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/util.py:157
msgid ""
"Perform shell/Perl-style variable substitution on 'string'.  Every\n"
"    occurrence of '$' followed by a name is considered a variable, and\n"
"    variable is substituted by the value found in the 'local_vars'\n"
"    dictionary, or in 'os.environ' if it's not in 'local_vars'.\n"
"    'os.environ' is first checked/augmented to guarantee that it contains\n"
"    certain values: see 'check_environ()'.  Raise ValueError for any\n"
"    variables not found in either 'local_vars' or 'os.environ'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. check for Python 1.5.2-style {IO,OS}Error exception objects
#: Lib/distutils/util.py:182
msgid ""
"Generate a useful error message from an EnvironmentError (IOError or\n"
"    OSError) exception object.  Handles Python 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 styles, and\n"
"    does what it can to deal with exception objects that don't have a\n"
"    filename (which happens when the error is due to a two-file operation,\n"
"    such as 'rename()' or 'link()'.  Returns the error message as a string\n"
"    prefixed with 'prefix'.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
#. doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
#. bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
#: Lib/distutils/util.py:209
msgid ""
"Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and\n"
"    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those\n"
"    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.\n"
"    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can\n"
"    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character\n"
"    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote\n"
"    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of\n"
"    words.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Generate a message if we weren't passed one
#: Lib/distutils/util.py:271
msgid ""
"Perform some action that affects the outside world (eg.  by writing\n"
"    to the filesystem).  Such actions are special because they are disabled\n"
"    by the 'dry_run' flag, and announce themselves if 'verbose' is true.\n"
"    This method takes care of all that bureaucracy for you; all you have to\n"
"    do is supply the function to call and an argument tuple for it (to\n"
"    embody the \"external action\" being performed), and an optional message\n"
"    to print.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/util.py:297
msgid ""
"Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0).\n"
"    True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values\n"
"    are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'.  Raises ValueError if\n"
"    'val' is anything else.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. First, if the caller didn't force us into direct or indirect mode,
#. figure out which mode we should be in.  We take a conservative
#. approach: choose direct mode *only* if the current interpreter is
#. in debug mode and optimize is 0.  If we're not in debug mode (-O
#. or -OO), we don't know which level of optimization this
#. interpreter is running with, so we can't do direct
#. byte-compilation and be certain that it's the right thing.  Thus,
#. always compile indirectly if the current interpreter is in either
#. optimize mode, or if either optimization level was requested by
#. the caller.
#: Lib/distutils/util.py:316
msgid ""
"Byte-compile a collection of Python source files to either .pyc\n"
"    or .pyo files in the same directory.  'py_files' is a list of files\n"
"    to compile; any files that don't end in \".py\" are silently skipped.\n"
"    'optimize' must be one of the following:\n"
"      0 - don't optimize (generate .pyc)\n"
"      1 - normal optimization (like \"python -O\")\n"
"      2 - extra optimization (like \"python -OO\")\n"
"    If 'force' is true, all files are recompiled regardless of\n"
"    timestamps.\n"
"    The source filename encoded in each bytecode file defaults to the\n"
"    filenames listed in 'py_files'; you can modify these with 'prefix' and\n"
"    'basedir'.  'prefix' is a string that will be stripped off of each\n"
"    source filename, and 'base_dir' is a directory name that will be\n"
"    prepended (after 'prefix' is stripped).  You can supply either or both\n"
"    (or neither) of 'prefix' and 'base_dir', as you wish.\n"
"    If 'verbose' is true, prints out a report of each file.  If 'dry_run'\n"
"    is true, doesn't actually do anything that would affect the filesystem.\n"
"    Byte-compilation is either done directly in this interpreter process\n"
"    with the standard py_compile module, or indirectly by writing a\n"
"    temporary script and executing it.  Normally, you should let\n"
"    'byte_compile()' figure out to use direct compilation or not (see\n"
"    the source for details).  The 'direct' flag is used by the script\n"
"    generated in indirect mode; unless you know what you're doing, leave\n"
"    it set to None.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/util.py:448
msgid ""
"Return a version of the string escaped for inclusion in an\n"
"    RFC-822 header, by ensuring there are 8 spaces space after each newline.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/version.py:35
msgid ""
"Abstract base class for version numbering classes.  Just provides\n"
"    constructor (__init__) and reproducer (__repr__), because those\n"
"    seem to be the same for all version numbering classes.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/version.py:67
msgid ""
"Version numbering for anal retentives and software idealists.\n"
"    Implements the standard interface for version number classes as\n"
"    described above.  A version number consists of two or three\n"
"    dot-separated numeric components, with an optional \"pre-release\" tag\n"
"    on the end.  The pre-release tag consists of the letter 'a' or 'b'\n"
"    followed by a number.  If the numeric components of two version\n"
"    numbers are equal, then one with a pre-release tag will always\n"
"    be deemed earlier (lesser) than one without.\n"
"    The following are valid version numbers (shown in the order that\n"
"    would be obtained by sorting according to the supplied cmp function):\n"
"        0.4       0.4.0  (these two are equivalent)\n"
"        0.4.1\n"
"        0.5a1\n"
"        0.5b3\n"
"        0.5\n"
"        0.9.6\n"
"        1.0\n"
"        1.0.4a3\n"
"        1.0.4b1\n"
"        1.0.4\n"
"    The following are examples of invalid version numbers:\n"
"        1\n"
"        1.3.a4\n"
"        1.3pl1\n"
"        1.3c4\n"
"    The rationale for this version numbering system will be explained\n"
"    in the distutils documentation.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/distutils/version.py:232
msgid ""
"Version numbering for anarchists and software realists.\n"
"    Implements the standard interface for version number classes as\n"
"    described above.  A version number consists of a series of numbers,\n"
"    separated by either periods or strings of letters.  When comparing\n"
"    version numbers, the numeric components will be compared\n"
"    numerically, and the alphabetic components lexically.  The following\n"
"    are all valid version numbers, in no particular order:\n"
"        1.5.1\n"
"        1.5.2b2\n"
"        161\n"
"        3.10a\n"
"        8.02\n"
"        3.4j\n"
"        1996.07.12\n"
"        3.2.pl0\n"
"        2g6\n"
"        11g\n"
"        0.960923\n"
"        2.2beta29\n"
"        1.13++\n"
"        5.5.kw\n"
"        2.0b1pl0\n"
"    In fact, there is no such thing as an invalid version number under\n"
"    this scheme; the rules for comparison are simple and predictable,\n"
"    but may not always give the results you want (for some definition\n"
"    of \"want\").\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:546
msgid ""
"f, globs, verbose=0, name=\"NoName\" -> run examples from f.__doc__.\n"
"    Use dict globs as the globals for execution.\n"
"    Return (#failures, #tries).\n"
"    If optional arg verbose is true, print stuff even if there are no\n"
"    failures.\n"
"    Use string name in failure msgs.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:573
msgid ""
"prefix, base -> true iff name prefix + \".\" + base is \"private\".\n"
"    Prefix may be an empty string, and base does not contain a period.\n"
"    Prefix is ignored (although functions you write conforming to this\n"
"    protocol may make use of it).\n"
"    Return true iff base begins with an (at least one) underscore, but\n"
"    does not both begin and end with (at least) two underscores.\n"
"    >>> is_private(\"a.b\", \"my_func\")\n"
"    0\n"
"    >>> is_private(\"____\", \"_my_func\")\n"
"    1\n"
"    >>> is_private(\"someclass\", \"__init__\")\n"
"    0\n"
"    >>> is_private(\"sometypo\", \"__init_\")\n"
"    1\n"
"    >>> is_private(\"x.y.z\", \"_\")\n"
"    1\n"
"    >>> is_private(\"_x.y.z\", \"__\")\n"
"    0\n"
"    >>> is_private(\"\", \"\")  # senseless but consistent\n"
"    0\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:600
msgid ""
"Class Tester -- runs docstring examples and accumulates stats.\n"
"In normal use, function doctest.testmod() hides all this from you,\n"
"so use that if you can.  Create your own instances of Tester to do\n"
"fancier things.\n"
"    runstring(s, name)\n"
"        Search string s for examples to run; use name for logging.\n"
"        Return (#failures, #tries).\n"
"    rundoc(object, name=None)\n"
"        Search object.__doc__ for examples to run; use name (or\n"
"        object.__name__) for logging.  Return (#failures, #tries).\n"
"    rundict(d, name)\n"
"        Search for examples in docstrings in all of d.values(); use name\n"
"        for logging.  Return (#failures, #tries).\n"
"    run__test__(d, name)\n"
"        Treat dict d like module.__test__.  Return (#failures, #tries).\n"
"    summarize(verbose=None)\n"
"        Display summary of testing results, to stdout.  Return\n"
"        (#failures, #tries).\n"
"    merge(other)\n"
"        Merge in the test results from Tester instance \"other\".\n"
">>> from doctest import Tester\n"
">>> t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0)\n"
">>> t.runstring(r'''\n"
"...      >>> x = x * 2\n"
"...      >>> print x\n"
"...      42\n"
"... ''', 'XYZ')\n"
"Failure in example: print x\n"
"from line #2 of XYZ\n"
"Expected: 42\n"
"Got: 84\n"
"(1, 2)\n"
">>> t.runstring(\">>> x = x * 2\\n>>> print x\\n84\\n\", 'example2')\n"
"(0, 2)\n"
">>> t.summarize()\n"
"1 items had failures:\n"
"   1 of   2 in XYZ\n"
"***Test Failed*** 1 failures.\n"
"(1, 4)\n"
">>> t.summarize(verbose=1)\n"
"1 items passed all tests:\n"
"   2 tests in example2\n"
"1 items had failures:\n"
"   1 of   2 in XYZ\n"
"4 tests in 2 items.\n"
"3 passed and 1 failed.\n"
"***Test Failed*** 1 failures.\n"
"(1, 4)\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:665
msgid ""
"mod=None, globs=None, verbose=None, isprivate=None\n"
"See doctest.__doc__ for an overview.\n"
"Optional keyword arg \"mod\" is a module, whose globals are used for\n"
"executing examples.  If not specified, globs must be specified.\n"
"Optional keyword arg \"globs\" gives a dict to be used as the globals\n"
"when executing examples; if not specified, use the globals from\n"
"module mod.\n"
"In either case, a copy of the dict is used for each docstring\n"
"Optional keyword arg \"verbose\" prints lots of stuff if true, only\n"
"failures if false; by default, it's true iff \"-v\" is in sys.argv.\n"
"Optional keyword arg \"isprivate\" specifies a function used to determine\n"
"whether a name is private.  The default function is doctest.is_private;\n"
"see its docs for details.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:708
msgid ""
"        s, name -> search string s for examples to run, logging as name.\n"
"        Use string name as the key for logging the outcome.\n"
"        Return (#failures, #examples).\n"
"        >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1)\n"
"        >>> test = r'''\n"
"        ...    # just an example\n"
"        ...    >>> x = 1 + 2\n"
"        ...    >>> x\n"
"        ...    3\n"
"        ... '''\n"
"        >>> t.runstring(test, \"Example\")\n"
"        Running string Example\n"
"        Trying: x = 1 + 2\n"
"        Expecting: nothing\n"
"        ok\n"
"        Trying: x\n"
"        Expecting: 3\n"
"        ok\n"
"        0 of 2 examples failed in string Example\n"
"        (0, 2)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:745
msgid ""
"        object, name=None -> search object.__doc__ for examples to run.\n"
"        Use optional string name as the key for logging the outcome;\n"
"        by default use object.__name__.\n"
"        Return (#failures, #examples).\n"
"        If object is a class object, search recursively for method\n"
"        docstrings too.\n"
"        object.__doc__ is examined regardless of name, but if object is\n"
"        a class, whether private names reached from object are searched\n"
"        depends on the constructor's \"isprivate\" argument.\n"
"        >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)\n"
"        >>> def _f():\n"
"        ...     '''Trivial docstring example.\n"
"        ...     >>> assert 2 == 2\n"
"        ...     '''\n"
"        ...     return 32\n"
"        ...\n"
"        >>> t.rundoc(_f)  # expect 0 failures in 1 example\n"
"        (0, 1)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:788
msgid ""
"        d. name -> search for docstring examples in all of d.values().\n"
"        For k, v in d.items() such that v is a function or class,\n"
"        do self.rundoc(v, name + \".\" + k).  Whether this includes\n"
"        objects with private names depends on the constructor's\n"
"        \"isprivate\" argument.\n"
"        Return aggregate (#failures, #examples).\n"
"        >>> def _f():\n"
"        ...    '''>>> assert 1 == 1\n"
"        ...    '''\n"
"        >>> def g():\n"
"        ...    '''>>> assert 2 != 1\n"
"        ...    '''\n"
"        >>> d = {\"_f\": _f, \"g\": g}\n"
"        >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)\n"
"        >>> t.rundict(d, \"rundict_test\")  # _f is skipped\n"
"        (0, 1)\n"
"        >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0, isprivate=lambda x,y: 0)\n"
"        >>> t.rundict(d, \"rundict_test_pvt\")  # both are searched\n"
"        (0, 2)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:829
msgid ""
"d, name -> Treat dict d like module.__test__.\n"
"        Return (#failures, #tries).\n"
"        See testmod.__doc__ for details.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:862
msgid ""
"        verbose=None -> summarize results, return (#failures, #tests).\n"
"        Print summary of test results to stdout.\n"
"        Optional arg 'verbose' controls how wordy this is.  By\n"
"        default, use the verbose setting established by the\n"
"        constructor.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:915
msgid ""
"        other -> merge in test results from the other Tester instance.\n"
"        If self and other both have a test result for something\n"
"        with the same name, the (#failures, #tests) results are\n"
"        summed, and a warning is printed to stdout.\n"
"        >>> from doctest import Tester\n"
"        >>> t1 = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)\n"
"        >>> t1.runstring('''\n"
"        ... >>> x = 12\n"
"        ... >>> print x\n"
"        ... 12\n"
"        ... ''', \"t1example\")\n"
"        (0, 2)\n"
"        >>>\n"
"        >>> t2 = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)\n"
"        >>> t2.runstring('''\n"
"        ... >>> x = 13\n"
"        ... >>> print x\n"
"        ... 13\n"
"        ... ''', \"t2example\")\n"
"        (0, 2)\n"
"        >>> common = \">>> assert 1 + 2 == 3\\n\"\n"
"        >>> t1.runstring(common, \"common\")\n"
"        (0, 1)\n"
"        >>> t2.runstring(common, \"common\")\n"
"        (0, 1)\n"
"        >>> t1.merge(t2)\n"
"        *** Tester.merge: 'common' in both testers; summing outcomes.\n"
"        >>> t1.summarize(1)\n"
"        3 items passed all tests:\n"
"           2 tests in common\n"
"           2 tests in t1example\n"
"           2 tests in t2example\n"
"        6 tests in 3 items.\n"
"        6 passed and 0 failed.\n"
"        Test passed.\n"
"        (0, 6)\n"
"        >>>\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:990
msgid ""
"m, name=None, globs=None, verbose=None, isprivate=None, report=1\n"
"    Test examples in docstrings in functions and classes reachable from\n"
"    module m, starting with m.__doc__.  Private names are skipped.\n"
"    Also test examples reachable from dict m.__test__ if it exists and is\n"
"    not None.  m.__dict__ maps names to functions, classes and strings;\n"
"    function and class docstrings are tested even if the name is private;\n"
"    strings are tested directly, as if they were docstrings.\n"
"    Return (#failures, #tests).\n"
"    See doctest.__doc__ for an overview.\n"
"    Optional keyword arg \"name\" gives the name of the module; by default\n"
"    use m.__name__.\n"
"    Optional keyword arg \"globs\" gives a dict to be used as the globals\n"
"    when executing examples; by default, use m.__dict__.  A copy of this\n"
"    dict is actually used for each docstring, so that each docstring's\n"
"    examples start with a clean slate.\n"
"    Optional keyword arg \"verbose\" prints lots of stuff if true, prints\n"
"    only failures if false; by default, it's true iff \"-v\" is in sys.argv.\n"
"    Optional keyword arg \"isprivate\" specifies a function used to\n"
"    determine whether a name is private.  The default function is\n"
"    doctest.is_private; see its docs for details.\n"
"    Optional keyword arg \"report\" prints a summary at the end when true,\n"
"    else prints nothing at the end.  In verbose mode, the summary is\n"
"    detailed, else very brief (in fact, empty if all tests passed).\n"
"    Advanced tomfoolery:  testmod runs methods of a local instance of\n"
"    class doctest.Tester, then merges the results into (or creates)\n"
"    global Tester instance doctest.master.  Methods of doctest.master\n"
"    can be called directly too, if you want to do something unusual.\n"
"    Passing report=0 to testmod is especially useful then, to delay\n"
"    displaying a summary.  Invoke doctest.master.summarize(verbose)\n"
"    when you're done fiddling.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:1061
msgid ""
"    A pointless class, for sanity-checking of docstring testing.\n"
"    Methods:\n"
"        square()\n"
"        get()\n"
"    >>> _TestClass(13).get() + _TestClass(-12).get()\n"
"    1\n"
"    >>> hex(_TestClass(13).square().get())\n"
"    '0xa9'\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:1075
msgid ""
"val -> _TestClass object with associated value val.\n"
"        >>> t = _TestClass(123)\n"
"        >>> print t.get()\n"
"        123\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:1085
msgid ""
"square() -> square TestClass's associated value\n"
"        >>> _TestClass(13).square().get()\n"
"        169\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/doctest.py:1095
msgid ""
"get() -> return TestClass's associated value.\n"
"        >>> x = _TestClass(-42)\n"
"        >>> print x.get()\n"
"        -42\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:12
msgid ""
"Normalize the case of a pathname.\n"
"    On MS-DOS it maps the pathname to lowercase, turns slashes into\n"
"    backslashes.\n"
"    Other normalizations (such as optimizing '../' away) are not allowed\n"
"    (this is done by normpath).\n"
"    Previously, this version mapped invalid consecutive characters to a\n"
"    single '_', but this has been removed.  This functionality should\n"
"    possibly be added as a new function."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:25
msgid ""
"Return whether a path is absolute.\n"
"    Trivial in Posix, harder on the Mac or MS-DOS.\n"
"    For DOS it is absolute if it starts with a slash or backslash (current\n"
"    volume), or if a pathname after the volume letter and colon starts with\n"
"    a slash or backslash."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:36
msgid "Join two (or more) paths."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:50
msgid ""
"Split a path into a drive specification (a drive letter followed\n"
"    by a colon) and path specification.\n"
"    It is always true that drivespec + pathspec == p."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:60
msgid ""
"Split a path into head (everything up to the last '/') and tail\n"
"    (the rest).  After the trailing '/' is stripped, the invariant\n"
"    join(head, tail) == p holds.\n"
"    The resulting head won't end in '/' unless it is the root."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:80
msgid ""
"Split a path into root and extension.\n"
"    The extension is everything starting at the first dot in the last\n"
"    pathname component; the root is everything before that.\n"
"    It is always true that root + ext == p."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:97
msgid "Return the tail (basename) part of a path."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:103
msgid "Return the head (dirname) part of a path."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:109
msgid "Return the longest prefix of all list elements."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:125 Lib/macpath.py:109 Lib/posixpath.py:138
msgid "Return the size of a file, reported by os.stat()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:130 Lib/macpath.py:114 Lib/posixpath.py:143
msgid "Return the last modification time of a file, reported by os.stat()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:135 Lib/macpath.py:119 Lib/posixpath.py:148
msgid "Return the last access time of a file, reported by os.stat()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:141
msgid ""
"Is a path a symbolic link?\n"
"    This will always return false on systems where posix.lstat doesn't exist."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:148
msgid ""
"Does a path exist?\n"
"    This is false for dangling symbolic links."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:159
msgid "Is a path a dos directory?"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:169
msgid "Is a path a regular file?"
msgstr ""

#. XXX This degenerates in: 'is this the root?' on DOS
#: Lib/dospath.py:179
msgid "Is a path a mount point?"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:186
msgid ""
"Directory tree walk.\n"
"    For each directory under top (including top itself, but excluding\n"
"    '.' and '..'), func(arg, dirname, filenames) is called, where\n"
"    dirname is the name of the directory and filenames is the list\n"
"    files files (and subdirectories etc.) in the directory.\n"
"    The func may modify the filenames list, to implement a filter,\n"
"    or to impose a different order of visiting."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:208
msgid ""
"Expand paths beginning with '~' or '~user'.\n"
"    '~' means $HOME; '~user' means that user's home directory.\n"
"    If the path doesn't begin with '~', or if the user or $HOME is unknown,\n"
"    the path is returned unchanged (leaving error reporting to whatever\n"
"    function is called with the expanded path as argument).\n"
"    See also module 'glob' for expansion of *, ? and [...] in pathnames.\n"
"    (A function should also be defined to do full *sh-style environment\n"
"    variable expansion.)"
msgstr ""

#. XXX With COMMAND.COM you can use any characters in a variable name,
#. XXX except '^|<>='.
#: Lib/dospath.py:232
msgid ""
"Expand paths containing shell variable substitutions.\n"
"    The following rules apply:\n"
"        - no expansion within single quotes\n"
"        - no escape character, except for '$$' which is translated into '$'\n"
"        - ${varname} is accepted.\n"
"        - varnames can be made out of letters, digits and the character '_'"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:293
msgid ""
"Normalize a path, e.g. A//B, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A/B.\n"
"    Also, components of the path are silently truncated to 8+3 notation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/dospath.py:329 Lib/macpath.py:224 Lib/posixpath.py:378
msgid "Return an absolute path."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/filecmp.py:22
msgid ""
"Compare two files.\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"    f1 -- First file name\n"
"    f2 -- Second file name\n"
"    shallow -- Just check stat signature (do not read the files).\n"
"               defaults to 1.\n"
"    use_statcache -- Do not stat() each file directly: go through\n"
"                     the statcache module for more efficiency.\n"
"    Return value:\n"
"    integer -- 1 if the files are the same, 0 otherwise.\n"
"    This function uses a cache for past comparisons and the results,\n"
"    with a cache invalidation mechanism relying on stale signatures.\n"
"    Of course, if 'use_statcache' is true, this mechanism is defeated,\n"
"    and the cache will never grow stale.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/filecmp.py:86
msgid ""
"A class that manages the comparison of 2 directories.\n"
"    dircmp(a,b,ignore=None,hide=None)\n"
"      A and B are directories.\n"
"      IGNORE is a list of names to ignore,\n"
"        defaults to ['RCS', 'CVS', 'tags'].\n"
"      HIDE is a list of names to hide,\n"
"        defaults to [os.curdir, os.pardir].\n"
"    High level usage:\n"
"      x = dircmp(dir1, dir2)\n"
"      x.report() -> prints a report on the differences between dir1 and dir2\n"
"       or\n"
"      x.report_partial_closure() -> prints report on differences between dir1\n"
"            and dir2, and reports on common immediate subdirectories.\n"
"      x.report_full_closure() -> like report_partial_closure,\n"
"            but fully recursive.\n"
"    Attributes:\n"
"     left_list, right_list: The files in dir1 and dir2,\n"
"        filtered by hide and ignore.\n"
"     common: a list of names in both dir1 and dir2.\n"
"     left_only, right_only: names only in dir1, dir2.\n"
"     common_dirs: subdirectories in both dir1 and dir2.\n"
"     common_files: files in both dir1 and dir2.\n"
"     common_funny: names in both dir1 and dir2 where the type differs between\n"
"        dir1 and dir2, or the name is not stat-able.\n"
"     same_files: list of identical files.\n"
"     diff_files: list of filenames which differ.\n"
"     funny_files: list of files which could not be compared.\n"
"     subdirs: a dictionary of dircmp objects, keyed by names in common_dirs.\n"
"     "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/filecmp.py:273
msgid ""
"Compare common files in two directories.\n"
"    a, b -- directory names\n"
"    common -- list of file names found in both directories\n"
"    shallow -- if true, do comparison based solely on stat() information\n"
"    use_statcache -- if true, use statcache.stat() instead of os.stat()\n"
"    Returns a tuple of three lists:\n"
"      files that compare equal\n"
"      files that are different\n"
"      filenames that aren't regular files.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fnmatch.py:20
msgid ""
"Test whether FILENAME matches PATTERN.\n"
"    Patterns are Unix shell style:\n"
"    *       matches everything\n"
"    ?       matches any single character\n"
"    [seq]   matches any character in seq\n"
"    [!seq]  matches any char not in seq\n"
"    An initial period in FILENAME is not special.\n"
"    Both FILENAME and PATTERN are first case-normalized\n"
"    if the operating system requires it.\n"
"    If you don't want this, use fnmatchcase(FILENAME, PATTERN).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fnmatch.py:41
msgid ""
"Test whether FILENAME matches PATTERN, including case.\n"
"    This is a version of fnmatch() which doesn't case-normalize\n"
"    its arguments.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fnmatch.py:53
msgid ""
"Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression.\n"
"    There is no way to quote meta-characters.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/formatter.py:286
msgid "Minimal writer interface to use in testing & inheritance."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fpformat.py:33
msgid ""
"Return (sign, intpart, fraction, expo) or raise an exception:\n"
"    sign is '+' or '-'\n"
"    intpart is 0 or more digits beginning with a nonzero\n"
"    fraction is 0 or more digits\n"
"    expo is an integer"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fpformat.py:48
msgid "Remove the exponent by changing intpart and fraction."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fpformat.py:62
msgid "Round or extend the fraction to size digs."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fpformat.py:88
msgid ""
"Format x as [-]ddd.ddd with 'digs' digits after the point\n"
"    and at least one digit before.\n"
"    If digs <= 0, the point is suppressed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fpformat.py:104
msgid ""
"Format x as [-]d.dddE[+-]ddd with 'digs' digits after the point\n"
"    and exactly one digit before.\n"
"    If digs is <= 0, one digit is kept and the point is suppressed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/fpformat.py:136
msgid "Interactive test run."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:78
msgid ""
"An FTP client class.\n"
"    To create a connection, call the class using these argument:\n"
"            host, user, passwd, acct\n"
"    These are all strings, and have default value ''.\n"
"    Then use self.connect() with optional host and port argument.\n"
"    To download a file, use ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + filename),\n"
"    or ftp.retrbinary() with slightly different arguments.\n"
"    To upload a file, use ftp.storlines() or ftp.storbinary(),\n"
"    which have an open file as argument (see their definitions\n"
"    below for details).\n"
"    The download/upload functions first issue appropriate TYPE\n"
"    and PORT or PASV commands.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:112
msgid ""
"Connect to host.  Arguments are:\n"
"        - host: hostname to connect to (string, default previous host)\n"
"        - port: port to connect to (integer, default previous port)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:124
msgid ""
"Get the welcome message from the server.\n"
"        (this is read and squirreled away by connect())"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:131
msgid ""
"Set the debugging level.\n"
"        The required argument level means:\n"
"        0: no debugging output (default)\n"
"        1: print commands and responses but not body text etc.\n"
"        2: also print raw lines read and sent before stripping CR/LF"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:140
msgid ""
"Use passive or active mode for data transfers.\n"
"        With a false argument, use the normal PORT mode,\n"
"        With a true argument, use the PASV command."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:208
msgid "Expect a response beginning with '2'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:215
msgid ""
"Abort a file transfer.  Uses out-of-band data.\n"
"        This does not follow the procedure from the RFC to send Telnet\n"
"        IP and Synch; that doesn't seem to work with the servers I've\n"
"        tried.  Instead, just send the ABOR command as OOB data."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:227
msgid "Send a command and return the response."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:232
msgid "Send a command and expect a response beginning with '2'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:237
msgid ""
"Send a PORT command with the current host and the given\n"
"        port number.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:247
msgid "Create a new socket and send a PORT command for it."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:257
msgid ""
"Initiate a transfer over the data connection.\n"
"        If the transfer is active, send a port command and the\n"
"        transfer command, and accept the connection.  If the server is\n"
"        passive, send a pasv command, connect to it, and start the\n"
"        transfer command.  Either way, return the socket for the\n"
"        connection and the expected size of the transfer.  The\n"
"        expected size may be None if it could not be determined.\n"
"        Optional `rest' argument can be a string that is sent as the\n"
"        argument to a RESTART command.  This is essentially a server\n"
"        marker used to tell the server to skip over any data up to the\n"
"        given marker.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:295
msgid "Like nstransfercmd() but returns only the socket."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:299
msgid "Login, default anonymous."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:325
msgid ""
"Retrieve data in binary mode.\n"
"        `cmd' is a RETR command.  `callback' is a callback function is\n"
"        called for each block.  No more than `blocksize' number of\n"
"        bytes will be read from the socket.  Optional `rest' is passed\n"
"        to transfercmd().\n"
"        A new port is created for you.  Return the response code.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:345
msgid ""
"Retrieve data in line mode.\n"
"        The argument is a RETR or LIST command.\n"
"        The callback function (2nd argument) is called for each line,\n"
"        with trailing CRLF stripped.  This creates a new port for you.\n"
"        print_line() is the default callback."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:369
msgid "Store a file in binary mode."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:380
msgid "Store a file in line mode."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:394
msgid "Send new account name."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:399
msgid "Return a list of files in a given directory (default the current)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:408
msgid ""
"List a directory in long form.\n"
"        By default list current directory to stdout.\n"
"        Optional last argument is callback function; all\n"
"        non-empty arguments before it are concatenated to the\n"
"        LIST command.  (This *should* only be used for a pathname.)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:423
msgid "Rename a file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:430
msgid "Delete a file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:440
msgid "Change to a directory."
msgstr ""

#. Note that the RFC doesn't say anything about 'SIZE'
#: Lib/ftplib.py:453
msgid "Retrieve the size of a file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:460
msgid "Make a directory, return its full pathname."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:465
msgid "Remove a directory."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:469
msgid "Return current working directory."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:474
msgid "Quit, and close the connection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:480
msgid "Close the connection without assuming anything about it."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:490
msgid ""
"Parse the '150' response for a RETR request.\n"
"    Returns the expected transfer size or None; size is not guaranteed to\n"
"    be present in the 150 message.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:507
msgid ""
"Parse the '227' response for a PASV request.\n"
"    Raises error_proto if it does not contain '(h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2)'\n"
"    Return ('host.addr.as.numbers', port#) tuple."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:527
msgid ""
"Parse the '257' response for a MKD or PWD request.\n"
"    This is a response to a MKD or PWD request: a directory name.\n"
"    Returns the directoryname in the 257 reply."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:550
msgid "Default retrlines callback to print a line."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:555
msgid "Copy file from one FTP-instance to another."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:574
msgid ""
"Class to parse & provide access to 'netrc' format files.\n"
"    See the netrc(4) man page for information on the file format.\n"
"    WARNING: This class is obsolete -- use module netrc instead.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:651
msgid "Return a list of hosts mentioned in the .netrc file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:655
msgid ""
"Returns login information for the named host.\n"
"        The return value is a triple containing userid,\n"
"        password, and the accounting field.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:671
msgid "Return a list of all defined macro names."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:675
msgid "Return a sequence of lines which define a named macro."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ftplib.py:681
msgid ""
"Test program.\n"
"    Usage: ftp [-d] [-r[file]] host [-l[dir]] [-d[dir]] [-p] [file] ..."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/getopt.py:36
msgid ""
"getopt(args, options[, long_options]) -> opts, args\n"
"    Parses command line options and parameter list.  args is the\n"
"    argument list to be parsed, without the leading reference to the\n"
"    running program.  Typically, this means \"sys.argv[1:]\".  shortopts\n"
"    is the string of option letters that the script wants to\n"
"    recognize, with options that require an argument followed by a\n"
"    colon (i.e., the same format that Unix getopt() uses).  If\n"
"    specified, longopts is a list of strings with the names of the\n"
"    long options which should be supported.  The leading '--'\n"
"    characters should not be included in the option name.  Options\n"
"    which require an argument should be followed by an equal sign\n"
"    ('=').\n"
"    The return value consists of two elements: the first is a list of\n"
"    (option, value) pairs; the second is the list of program arguments\n"
"    left after the option list was stripped (this is a trailing slice\n"
"    of the first argument).  Each option-and-value pair returned has\n"
"    the option as its first element, prefixed with a hyphen (e.g.,\n"
"    '-x'), and the option argument as its second element, or an empty\n"
"    string if the option has no argument.  The options occur in the\n"
"    list in the same order in which they were found, thus allowing\n"
"    multiple occurrences.  Long and short options may be mixed.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/getpass.py:19
msgid ""
"Prompt for a password, with echo turned off.\n"
"    Restore terminal settings at end.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/getpass.py:45
msgid "Prompt for password with echo off, using Windows getch()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/getpass.py:86
msgid ""
"Get the username from the environment or password database.\n"
"    First try various environment variables, then the password\n"
"    database.  This works on Windows as long as USERNAME is set.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. We need to & all 32 bit unsigned integers with 0xffffffff for
#. portability to 64 bit machines.
#: Lib/gettext.py:134
msgid "Override this method to support alternative .mo formats."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/glob.py:10
msgid ""
"Return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern.\n"
"    The pattern may contain simple shell-style wildcards a la fnmatch.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:42
msgid "Map all file types to strings; unknown types become TYPE='x'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:57
msgid "Send a selector to a given host and port, return a file with the reply."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:74
msgid "Send a selector and a query string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:78
msgid "Takes a path as returned by urlparse and returns the appropriate selector."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:85
msgid ""
"Takes a path as returned by urlparse and maps it to a string.\n"
"    See section 3.4 of RFC 1738 for details."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:97
msgid "Get a directory in the form of a list of entries."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:129
msgid "Get a text file as a list of lines, with trailing CRLF stripped."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:135
msgid "Get a text file and pass each line to a function, with trailing CRLF stripped."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:152
msgid "Get a binary file as one solid data block."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:157
msgid "Get a binary file and pass each block to a function."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/gopherlib.py:165
msgid "Trivial test program."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:294
msgid ""
"Read the number of bytes requested, compensating for partial reads.\n"
"        Normally, we have a blocking socket, but a read() can be interrupted\n"
"        by a signal (resulting in a partial read).\n"
"        Note that we cannot distinguish between EOF and an interrupt when zero\n"
"        bytes have been read. IncompleteRead() will be raised in this\n"
"        situation.\n"
"        This function should be used when <amt> bytes \"should\" be present for\n"
"        reading. If the bytes are truly not available (due to EOF), then the\n"
"        IncompleteRead exception can be used to detect the problem.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:354
msgid "Connect to the host and port specified in __init__."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:361
msgid "Close the connection to the HTTP server."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:371 Lib/smtplib.py:231
msgid "Send `str' to the server."
msgstr ""

#. check if a prior response has been completed
#: Lib/httplib.py:393
msgid ""
"Send a request to the server.\n"
"        `method' specifies an HTTP request method, e.g. 'GET'.\n"
"        `url' specifies the object being requested, e.g. '/index.html'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:479
msgid ""
"Send a request header line to the server.\n"
"        For example: h.putheader('Accept', 'text/html')\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:490
msgid "Indicate that the last header line has been sent to the server."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:500
msgid "Send a complete request to the server."
msgstr ""

#. check if a prior response has been completed
#: Lib/httplib.py:524
msgid "Get the response from the server."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:573
msgid ""
"Return a readable file-like object with data from socket.\n"
"        This method offers only partial support for the makefile\n"
"        interface of a real socket.  It only supports modes 'r' and\n"
"        'rb' and the bufsize argument is ignored.\n"
"        The returned object contains *all* of the file data\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:606
msgid "This class allows communication via SSL."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:627
msgid "Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:639
msgid "Compatibility class with httplib.py from 1.5."
msgstr ""

#. some joker passed 0 explicitly, meaning default port
#: Lib/httplib.py:649
msgid "Provide a default host, since the superclass requires one."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:674
msgid "Accept arguments to set the host/port, since the superclass doesn't."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:684
msgid "Provide a getfile, since the superclass' does not use this concept."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:688
msgid "The superclass allows only one value argument."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:692
msgid ""
"Compat definition since superclass does not define it.\n"
"        Returns a tuple consisting of:\n"
"        - server status code (e.g. '200' if all goes well)\n"
"        - server \"reason\" corresponding to status code\n"
"        - any RFC822 headers in the response from the server\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:731
msgid ""
"Compatibility with 1.5 httplib interface\n"
"        Python 1.5.2 did not have an HTTPS class, but it defined an\n"
"        interface for sending http requests that is also useful for\n"
"        https.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/httplib.py:788
msgid ""
"Test this module.\n"
"    The test consists of retrieving and displaying the Python\n"
"    home page, along with the error code and error string returned\n"
"    by the www.python.org server.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ihooks.py:97
msgid ""
"Basic module loader.\n"
"    This provides the same functionality as built-in import.  It\n"
"    doesn't deal with checking sys.modules -- all it provides is\n"
"    find_module() and a load_module(), as well as find_module_in_dir()\n"
"    which searches just one directory, and can be overridden by a\n"
"    derived class to change the module search algorithm when the basic\n"
"    dependency on sys.path is unchanged.\n"
"    The interface is a little more convenient than imp's:\n"
"    find_module(name, [path]) returns None or 'stuff', and\n"
"    load_module(name, stuff) loads the module.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. imp interface
#: Lib/ihooks.py:150
msgid ""
"Hooks into the filesystem and interpreter.\n"
"    By deriving a subclass you can redefine your filesystem interface,\n"
"    e.g. to merge it with the URL space.\n"
"    This base class behaves just like the native filesystem.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ihooks.py:206
msgid ""
"Default module loader; uses file system hooks.\n"
"    By defining suitable hooks, you might be able to load modules from\n"
"    other sources than the file system, e.g. from compressed or\n"
"    encrypted files, tar files or (if you're brave!) URLs.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ihooks.py:286
msgid "Fancy module loader -- parses and execs the code itself."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ihooks.py:331
msgid ""
"Basic module importer; uses module loader.\n"
"    This provides basic import facilities but no package imports.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ihooks.py:393
msgid "A module importer that supports packages."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:81
msgid ""
"IMAP4 client class.\n"
"    Instantiate with: IMAP4([host[, port]])\n"
"            host - host's name (default: localhost);\n"
"            port - port number (default: standard IMAP4 port).\n"
"    All IMAP4rev1 commands are supported by methods of the same\n"
"    name (in lower-case).\n"
"    All arguments to commands are converted to strings, except for\n"
"    AUTHENTICATE, and the last argument to APPEND which is passed as\n"
"    an IMAP4 literal.  If necessary (the string contains any\n"
"    non-printing characters or white-space and isn't enclosed with\n"
"    either parentheses or double quotes) each string is quoted.\n"
"    However, the 'password' argument to the LOGIN command is always\n"
"    quoted.  If you want to avoid having an argument string quoted\n"
"    (eg: the 'flags' argument to STORE) then enclose the string in\n"
"    parentheses (eg: \"(Deleted)\").\n"
"    Each command returns a tuple: (type, [data, ...]) where 'type'\n"
"    is usually 'OK' or 'NO', and 'data' is either the text from the\n"
"    tagged response, or untagged results from command.\n"
"    Errors raise the exception class <instance>.error(\"<reason>\").\n"
"    IMAP4 server errors raise <instance>.abort(\"<reason>\"),\n"
"    which is a sub-class of 'error'. Mailbox status changes\n"
"    from READ-WRITE to READ-ONLY raise the exception class\n"
"    <instance>.readonly(\"<reason>\"), which is a sub-class of 'abort'.\n"
"    \"error\" exceptions imply a program error.\n"
"    \"abort\" exceptions imply the connection should be reset, and\n"
"            the command re-tried.\n"
"    \"readonly\" exceptions imply the command should be re-tried.\n"
"    Note: to use this module, you must read the RFCs pertaining\n"
"    to the IMAP4 protocol, as the semantics of the arguments to\n"
"    each IMAP4 command are left to the invoker, not to mention\n"
"    the results.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:198
msgid "Setup 'self.sock' and 'self.file'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:205
msgid ""
"Return most recent 'RECENT' responses if any exist,\n"
"        else prompt server for an update using the 'NOOP' command.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.recent()\n"
"        'data' is None if no new messages,\n"
"        else list of RECENT responses, most recent last.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:222
msgid ""
"Return data for response 'code' if received, or None.\n"
"        Old value for response 'code' is cleared.\n"
"        (code, [data]) = <instance>.response(code)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:232
msgid ""
"Return socket instance used to connect to IMAP4 server.\n"
"        socket = <instance>.socket()\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:244
msgid ""
"Append message to named mailbox.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.append(mailbox, flags, date_time, message)\n"
"                All args except `message' can be None.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:267
msgid ""
"Authenticate command - requires response processing.\n"
"        'mechanism' specifies which authentication mechanism is to\n"
"        be used - it must appear in <instance>.capabilities in the\n"
"        form AUTH=<mechanism>.\n"
"        'authobject' must be a callable object:\n"
"                data = authobject(response)\n"
"        It will be called to process server continuation responses.\n"
"        It should return data that will be encoded and sent to server.\n"
"        It should return None if the client abort response '*' should\n"
"        be sent instead.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:295
msgid ""
"Checkpoint mailbox on server.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.check()\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:303
msgid ""
"Close currently selected mailbox.\n"
"        Deleted messages are removed from writable mailbox.\n"
"        This is the recommended command before 'LOGOUT'.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.close()\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:318
msgid ""
"Copy 'message_set' messages onto end of 'new_mailbox'.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.copy(message_set, new_mailbox)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:326
msgid ""
"Create new mailbox.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.create(mailbox)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:334
msgid ""
"Delete old mailbox.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.delete(mailbox)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:342
msgid ""
"Permanently remove deleted items from selected mailbox.\n"
"        Generates 'EXPUNGE' response for each deleted message.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.expunge()\n"
"        'data' is list of 'EXPUNGE'd message numbers in order received.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:356
msgid ""
"Fetch (parts of) messages.\n"
"        (typ, [data, ...]) = <instance>.fetch(message_set, message_parts)\n"
"        'message_parts' should be a string of selected parts\n"
"        enclosed in parentheses, eg: \"(UID BODY[TEXT])\".\n"
"        'data' are tuples of message part envelope and data.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:371
msgid ""
"List mailbox names in directory matching pattern.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.list(directory='\"\"', pattern='*')\n"
"        'data' is list of LIST responses.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. if not 'AUTH=LOGIN' in self.capabilities:
#.       raise self.error("Server doesn't allow LOGIN authentication." % mech)
#: Lib/imaplib.py:383
msgid ""
"Identify client using plaintext password.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.login(user, password)\n"
"        NB: 'password' will be quoted.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:399
msgid ""
"Shutdown connection to server.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.logout()\n"
"        Returns server 'BYE' response.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:416
msgid ""
"List 'subscribed' mailbox names in directory matching pattern.\n"
"        (typ, [data, ...]) = <instance>.lsub(directory='\"\"', pattern='*')\n"
"        'data' are tuples of message part envelope and data.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:428
msgid ""
"Send NOOP command.\n"
"        (typ, data) = <instance>.noop()\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:439
msgid ""
"Fetch truncated part of a message.\n"
"        (typ, [data, ...]) = <instance>.partial(message_num, message_part, start, length)\n"
"        'data' is tuple of message part envelope and data.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:451
msgid ""
"Rename old mailbox name to new.\n"
"        (typ, data) = <instance>.rename(oldmailbox, newmailbox)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:459
msgid ""
"Search mailbox for matching messages.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.search(charset, criterium, ...)\n"
"        'data' is space separated list of matching message numbers.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Mandated responses are ('FLAGS', 'EXISTS', 'RECENT', 'UIDVALIDITY')
#: Lib/imaplib.py:473
msgid ""
"Select a mailbox.\n"
"        Flush all untagged responses.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.select(mailbox='INBOX', readonly=None)\n"
"        'data' is count of messages in mailbox ('EXISTS' response).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:503
msgid ""
"Request named status conditions for mailbox.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.status(mailbox, names)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:515
msgid ""
"Alters flag dispositions for messages in mailbox.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.store(message_set, command, flags)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:526
msgid ""
"Subscribe to new mailbox.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.subscribe(mailbox)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:534
msgid ""
"Execute \"command arg ...\" with messages identified by UID,\n"
"                rather than message number.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.uid(command, arg1, arg2, ...)\n"
"        Returns response appropriate to 'command'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:557
msgid ""
"Unsubscribe from old mailbox.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.unsubscribe(mailbox)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:565
msgid ""
"Allow simple extension commands\n"
"                notified by server in CAPABILITY response.\n"
"        (typ, [data]) = <instance>.xatom(name, arg, ...)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:864
msgid ""
"Private class to provide en/decoding\n"
"            for base64-based authentication conversation.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:910
msgid ""
"    Returns Python time module tuple.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:955
msgid "Convert integer to A-P string representation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:968
msgid "Convert IMAP4 flags response to python tuple."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imaplib.py:979
msgid ""
"Convert 'date_time' to IMAP4 INTERNALDATE representation.\n"
"    Return string in form: '\"DD-Mmm-YYYY HH:MM:SS +HHMM\"'\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:38
msgid "SGI image library"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:45
msgid "GIF ('87 and '89 variants)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:52
msgid "PBM (portable bitmap)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:60
msgid "PGM (portable graymap)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:68
msgid "PPM (portable pixmap)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:76
msgid "TIFF (can be in Motorola or Intel byte order)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:83
msgid "Sun raster file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:90
msgid "X bitmap (X10 or X11)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imghdr.py:98
msgid "JPEG data in JFIF format"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:23
msgid "Manage the import process."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:26
msgid "Install this ImportManager into the specified namespace."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:42
msgid "Restore the previous import mechanism."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:79
msgid "Python calls this hook to locate and import a module."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:135
msgid ""
"Returns the context in which a module should be imported.\n"
"        The context could be a loaded (package) module and the imported module\n"
"        will be looked for within that package. The context could also be None,\n"
"        meaning there is no context -- the module should be looked for as a\n"
"        \"top-level\" module.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. reloading of a module may or may not be possible (depending on the
#. importer), but at least we can validate that it's ours to reload
#: Lib/imputil.py:186
msgid "Python calls this hook to reload a module."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:203
msgid "Base class for replacing standard import functions."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:206
msgid "Import a top-level module."
msgstr ""

#. has the module already been imported?
#: Lib/imputil.py:249
msgid "Import a single module."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:297
msgid ""
"Import the rest of the modules, down from the top-level module.\n"
"        Returns the last module in the dotted list of modules.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. if '*' is present in the fromlist, then look for the '__all__'
#. variable to find additional items (modules) to import.
#: Lib/imputil.py:309
msgid "Import any sub-modules in the \"from\" list."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:327
msgid ""
"Attempt to import the module relative to parent.\n"
"        This method is used when the import context specifies that <self>\n"
"        imported the parent module.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:346
msgid ""
"Find and retrieve the code for the given module.\n"
"        parent specifies a parent module to define a context for importing. It\n"
"        may be None, indicating no particular context for the search.\n"
"        modname specifies a single module (not dotted) within the parent.\n"
"        fqname specifies the fully-qualified module name. This is a\n"
"        (potentially) dotted name from the \"root\" of the module namespace\n"
"        down to the modname.\n"
"        If there is no parent, then modname==fqname.\n"
"        This method should return None, or a 3-tuple.\n"
"        * If the module was not found, then None should be returned.\n"
"        * The first item of the 2- or 3-tuple should be the integer 0 or 1,\n"
"            specifying whether the module that was found is a package or not.\n"
"        * The second item is the code object for the module (it will be\n"
"            executed within the new module's namespace). This item can also\n"
"            be a fully-loaded module object (e.g. loaded from a shared lib).\n"
"        * The third item is a dictionary of name/value pairs that will be\n"
"            inserted into new module before the code object is executed. This\n"
"            is provided in case the module's code expects certain values (such\n"
"            as where the module was found). When the second item is a module\n"
"            object, then these names/values will be inserted *after* the module\n"
"            has been loaded/initialized.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:391
msgid ""
"Compile (and cache) a Python source file.\n"
"    The file specified by <pathname> is compiled to a code object and\n"
"    returned.\n"
"    Presuming the appropriate privileges exist, the bytecodes will be\n"
"    saved back to the filesystem for future imports. The source file's\n"
"    modification timestamp must be provided as a Long value.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:423
msgid "Set up 'os' module replacement functions for use during import bootstrap."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:470
msgid "Local replacement for os.path.isdir()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/imputil.py:478
msgid "Return the file modification time as a Long."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:34
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is a module.\n"
"    Module objects provide these attributes:\n"
"        __doc__         documentation string\n"
"        __file__        filename (missing for built-in modules)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:42
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is a class.\n"
"    Class objects provide these attributes:\n"
"        __doc__         documentation string\n"
"        __module__      name of module in which this class was defined"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:50
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is an instance method.\n"
"    Instance method objects provide these attributes:\n"
"        __doc__         documentation string\n"
"        __name__        name with which this method was defined\n"
"        im_class        class object in which this method belongs\n"
"        im_func         function object containing implementation of method\n"
"        im_self         instance to which this method is bound, or None"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:61
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is a user-defined function.\n"
"    Function objects provide these attributes:\n"
"        __doc__         documentation string\n"
"        __name__        name with which this function was defined\n"
"        func_code       code object containing compiled function bytecode\n"
"        func_defaults   tuple of any default values for arguments\n"
"        func_doc        (same as __doc__)\n"
"        func_globals    global namespace in which this function was defined\n"
"        func_name       (same as __name__)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:74
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is a traceback.\n"
"    Traceback objects provide these attributes:\n"
"        tb_frame        frame object at this level\n"
"        tb_lasti        index of last attempted instruction in bytecode\n"
"        tb_lineno       current line number in Python source code\n"
"        tb_next         next inner traceback object (called by this level)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:84
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is a frame object.\n"
"    Frame objects provide these attributes:\n"
"        f_back          next outer frame object (this frame's caller)\n"
"        f_builtins      built-in namespace seen by this frame\n"
"        f_code          code object being executed in this frame\n"
"        f_exc_traceback traceback if raised in this frame, or None\n"
"        f_exc_type      exception type if raised in this frame, or None\n"
"        f_exc_value     exception value if raised in this frame, or None\n"
"        f_globals       global namespace seen by this frame\n"
"        f_lasti         index of last attempted instruction in bytecode\n"
"        f_lineno        current line number in Python source code\n"
"        f_locals        local namespace seen by this frame\n"
"        f_restricted    0 or 1 if frame is in restricted execution mode\n"
"        f_trace         tracing function for this frame, or None"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:102
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is a code object.\n"
"    Code objects provide these attributes:\n"
"        co_argcount     number of arguments (not including * or ** args)\n"
"        co_code         string of raw compiled bytecode\n"
"        co_consts       tuple of constants used in the bytecode\n"
"        co_filename     name of file in which this code object was created\n"
"        co_firstlineno  number of first line in Python source code\n"
"        co_flags        bitmap: 1=optimized | 2=newlocals | 4=*arg | 8=**arg\n"
"        co_lnotab       encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices\n"
"        co_name         name with which this code object was defined\n"
"        co_names        tuple of names of local variables\n"
"        co_nlocals      number of local variables\n"
"        co_stacksize    virtual machine stack space required\n"
"        co_varnames     tuple of names of arguments and local variables"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:120
msgid ""
"Return true if the object is a built-in function or method.\n"
"    Built-in functions and methods provide these attributes:\n"
"        __doc__         documentation string\n"
"        __name__        original name of this function or method\n"
"        __self__        instance to which a method is bound, or None"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:129
msgid "Return true if the object is any kind of function or method."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:133
msgid ""
"Return all members of an object as (name, value) pairs sorted by name.\n"
"    Optionally, only return members that satisfy a given predicate."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:145
msgid "Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:150
msgid ""
"Get the documentation string for an object.\n"
"    All tabs are expanded to spaces.  To clean up docstrings that are\n"
"    indented to line up with blocks of code, any whitespace than can be\n"
"    uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:169
msgid "Work out which source or compiled file an object was defined in."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:193
msgid "Get the module name, suffix, mode, and module type for a given file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:203
msgid "Return the module name for a given file, or None."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:208
msgid "Return the Python source file an object was defined in, if it exists."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:220
msgid ""
"Return an absolute path to the source or compiled file for an object.\n"
"    The idea is for each object to have a unique origin, so this routine\n"
"    normalizes the result as much as possible."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:230
msgid "Return the module an object was defined in, or None if not found."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:258
msgid ""
"Return the entire source file and starting line number for an object.\n"
"    The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame,\n"
"    or code object.  The source code is returned as a list of all the lines\n"
"    in the file and the line number indexes a line in that list.  An IOError\n"
"    is raised if the source code cannot be retrieved."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:300
msgid "Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:340
msgid "Provide a readline() method to return lines from a list of strings."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:355
msgid "Provide a tokeneater() method to detect the end of a code block."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:373
msgid "Extract the block of code at the top of the given list of lines."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:380
msgid ""
"Return a list of source lines and starting line number for an object.\n"
"    The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame,\n"
"    or code object.  The source code is returned as a list of the lines\n"
"    corresponding to the object and the line number indicates where in the\n"
"    original source file the first line of code was found.  An IOError is\n"
"    raised if the source code cannot be retrieved."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:393
msgid ""
"Return the text of the source code for an object.\n"
"    The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame,\n"
"    or code object.  The source code is returned as a single string.  An\n"
"    IOError is raised if the source code cannot be retrieved."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:403
msgid "Recursive helper function for getclasstree()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:413
msgid ""
"Arrange the given list of classes into a hierarchy of nested lists.\n"
"    Where a nested list appears, it contains classes derived from the class\n"
"    whose entry immediately precedes the list.  Each entry is a 2-tuple\n"
"    containing a class and a tuple of its base classes.  If the 'unique'\n"
"    argument is true, exactly one entry appears in the returned structure\n"
"    for each class in the given list.  Otherwise, classes using multiple\n"
"    inheritance and their descendants will appear multiple times."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:442
msgid ""
"Get information about the arguments accepted by a code object.\n"
"    Three things are returned: (args, varargs, varkw), where 'args' is\n"
"    a list of argument names (possibly containing nested lists), and\n"
"    'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:491
msgid ""
"Get the names and default values of a function's arguments.\n"
"    A tuple of four things is returned: (args, varargs, varkw, defaults).\n"
"    'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists).\n"
"    'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None.\n"
"    'defaults' is an n-tuple of the default values of the last n arguments."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:502
msgid ""
"Get information about arguments passed into a particular frame.\n"
"    A tuple of four things is returned: (args, varargs, varkw, locals).\n"
"    'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists).\n"
"    'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None.\n"
"    'locals' is the locals dictionary of the given frame."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:518
msgid "Recursively walk a sequence, stringifying each element."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:530
msgid ""
"Format an argument spec from the 4 values returned by getargspec.\n"
"    The first four arguments are (args, varargs, varkw, defaults).  The\n"
"    other four arguments are the corresponding optional formatting functions\n"
"    that are called to turn names and values into strings.  The ninth\n"
"    argument is an optional function to format the sequence of arguments."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:556
msgid ""
"Format an argument spec from the 4 values returned by getargvalues.\n"
"    The first four arguments are (args, varargs, varkw, locals).  The\n"
"    next four arguments are the corresponding optional formatting functions\n"
"    that are called to turn names and values into strings.  The ninth\n"
"    argument is an optional function to format the sequence of arguments."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:576
msgid ""
"Get information about a frame or traceback object.\n"
"    A tuple of five things is returned: the filename, the line number of\n"
"    the current line, the function name, a list of lines of context from\n"
"    the source code, and the index of the current line within that list.\n"
"    The optional second argument specifies the number of lines of context\n"
"    to return, which are centered around the current line."
msgstr ""

#. Written by Marc-André Lemburg; revised by Jim Hugunin and Fredrik Lundh.
#: Lib/inspect.py:607
msgid "Get the line number from a frame object, allowing for optimization."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:622
msgid ""
"Get a list of records for a frame and all higher (calling) frames.\n"
"    Each record contains a frame object, filename, line number, function\n"
"    name, a list of lines of context, and index within the context."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:633
msgid ""
"Get a list of records for a traceback's frame and all lower frames.\n"
"    Each record contains a frame object, filename, line number, function\n"
"    name, a list of lines of context, and index within the context."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:644
msgid "Return the frame object for the caller's stack frame."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:653
msgid "Return a list of records for the stack above the caller's frame."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/inspect.py:657
msgid "Return a list of records for the stack below the current exception."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/cmp.py:15
msgid ""
"Compare two files, use the cache if possible.\n"
"    Return 1 for identical files, 0 for different.\n"
"    Raise exceptions if either file could not be statted, read, etc."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/cmp.py:46
msgid ""
"Return signature (i.e., type, size, mtime) from raw stat data\n"
"    0-5: st_mode, st_ino, st_dev, st_nlink, st_uid, st_gid\n"
"    6-9: st_size, st_atime, st_mtime, st_ctime"
msgstr ""

#. print '    cmp', f1, f2 # XXX remove when debugged
#: Lib/lib-old/cmp.py:55 Lib/lib-old/cmpcache.py:55
msgid "Compare two files, really."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/cmpcache.py:22
msgid ""
"Compare two files, use the cache if possible.\n"
"    May raise os.error if a stat or open of either fails.\n"
"    Return 1 for identical files, 0 for different.\n"
"    Raise exceptions if either file could not be statted, read, etc."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/cmpcache.py:51
msgid "Return signature (i.e., type, size, mtime) from raw stat data."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:11
msgid "Directory comparison class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:14
msgid "Initialize."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:24
msgid "Compare everything except common subdirectories."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:34
msgid "Compute common names."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:49
msgid "Distinguish files, directories, funnies."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:85
msgid "Find out differences between common files."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:90
msgid ""
"Find out differences between common subdirectories.\n"
"        A new dircmp object is created for each common subdirectory,\n"
"        these are stored in a dictionary indexed by filename.\n"
"        The hide and ignore properties are inherited from the parent."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:104
msgid "Recursively call phase4() on subdirectories."
msgstr ""

#. Assume that phases 1 to 3 have been executed
#. Output format is purposely lousy
#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:110
msgid "Print a report on the differences between a and b."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:130
msgid ""
"Print reports on self and on subdirs.\n"
"        If phase 4 hasn't been done, no subdir reports are printed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:142
msgid "Report and do phase 4 recursively."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:151
msgid ""
"Compare common files in two directories.\n"
"    Return:\n"
"        - files that compare equal\n"
"        - files that compare different\n"
"        - funny cases (can't stat etc.)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:164
msgid ""
"Compare two files.\n"
"    Return:\n"
"        0 for equal\n"
"        1 for different\n"
"        2 for funny cases (can't stat, etc.)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:178
msgid "Return a copy with items that occur in skip removed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/dircmp.py:187
msgid "Demonstration and testing."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/ni.py:175
msgid ""
"A subclass of ModuleLoader with package support.\n"
"    find_module_in_dir() will succeed if there's a subdirectory with\n"
"    the given name; load_module() will create a stub for a package and\n"
"    load its __init__ module if it exists.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-old/ni.py:266
msgid "Importer that understands packages and '__'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/FileDialog.py:23
msgid ""
"Standard file selection dialog -- no checks on selected file.\n"
"    Usage:\n"
"        d = FileDialog(master)\n"
"        file = d.go(dir_or_file, pattern, default, key)\n"
"        if file is None: ...canceled...\n"
"        else: ...open file...\n"
"    All arguments to go() are optional.\n"
"    The 'key' argument specifies a key in the global dictionary\n"
"    'dialogstates', which keeps track of the values for the directory\n"
"    and pattern arguments, overriding the values passed in (it does\n"
"    not keep track of the default argument!).  If no key is specified,\n"
"    the dialog keeps no memory of previous state.  Note that memory is\n"
"    kept even when the dialog is canceled.  (All this emulates the\n"
"    behavior of the Macintosh file selection dialogs.)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/FileDialog.py:221
msgid "File selection dialog which checks that the file exists."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/FileDialog.py:235
msgid "File selection dialog which checks that the file may be created."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/FileDialog.py:262
msgid "Simple test program."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:55
msgid ""
"Toplevel widget of Tix which represents mostly the main window\n"
"    of an application. It has an associated Tcl interpreter."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:70
msgid ""
"The Tix Form geometry manager\n"
"    Widgets can be arranged by specifying attachments to other widgets.\n"
"    See Tix documentation for complete details"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:116
msgid ""
"A TixWidget class is used to package all (or most) Tix widgets.\n"
"    Widget initialization is extended in two ways:\n"
"           1) It is possible to give a list of options which must be part of\n"
"       the creation command (so called Tix 'static' options). These cannot be\n"
"       given as a 'config' command later.\n"
"       2) It is possible to give the name of an existing TK widget. These are\n"
"       child widgets created automatically by a Tix mega-widget. The Tk call\n"
"       to create these widgets is therefore bypassed in TixWidget.__init__\n"
"    Both options are for use by subclasses only.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:232
msgid ""
"Subwidget class.\n"
"    This is used to mirror child widgets automatically created\n"
"    by Tix/Tk as part of a mega-widget in Python (which is not informed\n"
"    of this)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:292
msgid ""
"DisplayStyle - handle configuration options shared by\n"
"    (multiple) Display Items"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:339
msgid ""
"Balloon help widget.\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    label       Label\n"
"    message       Message"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:354
msgid ""
"Bind balloon widget to another.\n"
"       One balloon widget may be bound to several widgets at the same time"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:363
msgid "ButtonBox - A container for pushbuttons"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:369
msgid "Add a button with given name to box."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:381
msgid ""
"ComboBox - an Entry field with a dropdown menu\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    entry       Entry\n"
"    arrow       Button\n"
"    slistbox       ScrolledListBox\n"
"    tick       Button }\n"
"    cross       Button } present if created with the fancy option"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:420
msgid ""
"Control - An entry field with value change arrows.\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    incr       Button\n"
"    decr       Button\n"
"    entry       Entry\n"
"    label       Label"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:449
msgid ""
"DirList - Directory Listing.\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    hlist       HList\n"
"    hsb              Scrollbar\n"
"    vsb              Scrollbar"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:467
msgid ""
"DirList - Directory Listing in a hierarchical view.\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    hlist       HList\n"
"    hsb              Scrollbar\n"
"    vsb              Scrollbar"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:485
msgid ""
"ExFileSelectBox - MS Windows style file select box.\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    cancel       Button\n"
"    ok              Button\n"
"    hidden       Checkbutton\n"
"    types       ComboBox\n"
"    dir              ComboBox\n"
"    file       ComboBox\n"
"    dirlist       ScrolledListBox\n"
"    filelist       ScrolledListBox"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:516
msgid ""
"ExFileSelectDialog - MS Windows style file select dialog.\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    fsbox       ExFileSelectBox"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:534
msgid ""
"ExFileSelectBox - Motif style file select box.\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    selection       ComboBox\n"
"    filter       ComboBox\n"
"    dirlist       ScrolledListBox\n"
"    filelist       ScrolledListBox"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:557
msgid ""
"FileSelectDialog - Motif style file select dialog.\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    btns       StdButtonBox\n"
"    fsbox       FileSelectBox"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:577
msgid ""
"FileEntry - Entry field with button that invokes a FileSelectDialog\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    button       Button\n"
"    entry       Entry"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:598
msgid ""
"HList - Hierarchy display.\n"
"    Subwidgets - None"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:780
msgid ""
"InputOnly - Invisible widget.\n"
"    Subwidgets - None"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:788
msgid ""
"LabelEntry - Entry field with label.\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    label       Label\n"
"    entry       Entry"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:802
msgid ""
"LabelFrame - Labelled Frame container.\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    label       Label\n"
"    frame       Frame"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:816
msgid ""
"NoteBook - Multi-page container widget (tabbed notebook metaphor).\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    nbframe       NoteBookFrame\n"
"    <pages>       g/p widgets added dynamically"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:855
msgid "Will be added when Tix documentation is available !!!"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:859
msgid ""
"OptionMenu - Option menu widget.\n"
"    Subwidget       Class\n"
"    ---------       -----\n"
"    menubutton       Menubutton\n"
"    menu       Menu"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:889
msgid ""
"PanedWindow - Multi-pane container widget. Panes are resizable.\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    <panes>       g/p widgets added dynamically"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:913
msgid ""
"PopupMenu widget.\n"
"    Subwidgets       Class\n"
"    ----------       -----\n"
"    menubutton       Menubutton\n"
"    menu       Menu"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:935
msgid "Incomplete - no documentation in Tix for this !!!"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:945
msgid "ScrolledHList - HList with scrollbars."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:955
msgid "ScrolledListBox - Listbox with scrollbars."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:964
msgid "ScrolledText - Text with scrollbars."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:973
msgid "ScrolledTList - TList with scrollbars."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:983
msgid "ScrolledWindow - Window with scrollbars."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:992
msgid ""
"Select - Container for buttons. Can enforce radio buttons etc.\n"
"    Subwidgets are buttons added dynamically"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:1013
msgid "StdButtonBox - Standard Button Box (OK, Apply, Cancel and Help) "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:1028
msgid ""
"TList - Hierarchy display.\n"
"    Subwidgets - None"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tix.py:1114
msgid "Tree - The tixTree widget (general purpose DirList like widget)"
msgstr ""

#. Args: (val, val, ..., cnf={})
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:60 :73 :152 :780 :783 :842 :935 :939 :943 :947 :954
#: :1008 :1016 :1057 :1153 :1866 :1930 :1980 :2406 :2425
msgid "Internal function."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:93
msgid ""
"Container for the properties of an event.\n"
"    Instances of this type are generated if one of the following events occurs:\n"
"    KeyPress, KeyRelease - for keyboard events\n"
"    ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, Motion, Enter, Leave, MouseWheel - for mouse events\n"
"    Visibility, Unmap, Map, Expose, FocusIn, FocusOut, Circulate,\n"
"    Colormap, Gravity, Reparent, Property, Destroy, Activate,\n"
"    Deactivate - for window events.\n"
"    If a callback function for one of these events is registered\n"
"    using bind, bind_all, bind_class, or tag_bind, the callback is\n"
"    called with an Event as first argument. It will have the\n"
"    following attributes (in braces are the event types for which\n"
"    the attribute is valid):\n"
"        serial - serial number of event\n"
"    num - mouse button pressed (ButtonPress, ButtonRelease)\n"
"    focus - whether the window has the focus (Enter, Leave)\n"
"    height - height of the exposed window (Configure, Expose)\n"
"    width - width of the exposed window (Configure, Expose)\n"
"    keycode - keycode of the pressed key (KeyPress, KeyRelease)\n"
"    state - state of the event as a number (ButtonPress, ButtonRelease,\n"
"                            Enter, KeyPress, KeyRelease,\n"
"                            Leave, Motion)\n"
"    state - state as a string (Visibility)\n"
"    time - when the event occurred\n"
"    x - x-position of the mouse\n"
"    y - y-position of the mouse\n"
"    x_root - x-position of the mouse on the screen\n"
"             (ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress, KeyRelease, Motion)\n"
"    y_root - y-position of the mouse on the screen\n"
"             (ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress, KeyRelease, Motion)\n"
"    char - pressed character (KeyPress, KeyRelease)\n"
"    send_event - see X/Windows documentation\n"
"    keysym - keysym of the the event as a string (KeyPress, KeyRelease)\n"
"    keysym_num - keysym of the event as a number (KeyPress, KeyRelease)\n"
"    type - type of the event as a number\n"
"    widget - widget in which the event occurred\n"
"    delta - delta of wheel movement (MouseWheel)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:140
msgid ""
"Inhibit setting of default root window.\n"
"    Call this function to inhibit that the first instance of\n"
"    Tk is used for windows without an explicit parent window.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:156
msgid "Internal function. Calling it will throw the exception SystemExit."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:161
msgid "Internal class. Base class to define value holders for e.g. buttons."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:164
msgid ""
"Construct a variable with an optional MASTER as master widget.\n"
"        The variable is named PY_VAR_number in Tcl.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:176
msgid "Unset the variable in Tcl."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:179
msgid "Return the name of the variable in Tcl."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:182
msgid "Set the variable to VALUE."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:185
msgid ""
"Define a trace callback for the variable.\n"
"        MODE is one of \"r\", \"w\", \"u\" for read, write, undefine.\n"
"        CALLBACK must be a function which is called when\n"
"        the variable is read, written or undefined.\n"
"        Return the name of the callback.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:198
msgid ""
"Delete the trace callback for a variable.\n"
"        MODE is one of \"r\", \"w\", \"u\" for read, write, undefine.\n"
"        CBNAME is the name of the callback returned from trace_variable or trace.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:206
msgid "Return all trace callback information."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:211
msgid "Value holder for strings variables."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:214
msgid ""
"Construct a string variable.\n"
"        MASTER can be given as master widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:220
msgid "Return value of variable as string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:224
msgid "Value holder for integer variables."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:227
msgid ""
"Construct an integer variable.\n"
"        MASTER can be given as master widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:233
msgid "Return the value of the variable as an integer."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:237
msgid "Value holder for float variables."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:240
msgid ""
"Construct a float variable.\n"
"        MASTER can be given as a master widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:246
msgid "Return the value of the variable as a float."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:250
msgid "Value holder for boolean variables."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:253
msgid ""
"Construct a boolean variable.\n"
"        MASTER can be given as a master widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:259
msgid "Return the value of the variable as 0 or 1."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:263
msgid "Run the main loop of Tcl."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:271
msgid "Convert true and false to integer values 1 and 0."
msgstr ""

#. XXX font command?
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:276
msgid ""
"Internal class.\n"
"    Base class which defines methods common for interior widgets."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:283
msgid ""
"Internal function.\n"
"        Delete all Tcl commands created for\n"
"        this widget in the Tcl interpreter."
msgstr ""

#. print '- Tkinter: deleted command', name
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:293
msgid ""
"Internal function.\n"
"        Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:303
msgid ""
"Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel\n"
"        should adhere to Motif.\n"
"        A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color\n"
"        change if mouse passes over slider).\n"
"        Returns the set value."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:312
msgid "Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:315
msgid ""
"Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.\n"
"        A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk\n"
"        widget elements are derived from this.\n"
"        Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated\n"
"        colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:\n"
"        activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,\n"
"        activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,\n"
"        background, highlightColor, selectForeground,\n"
"        disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:328
msgid "Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:331
msgid ""
"Wait until the variable is modified.\n"
"        A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or\n"
"        BooleanVar must be given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:338
msgid ""
"Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.\n"
"        If no parameter is given self is used."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:345
msgid ""
"Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes\n"
"        (e.g. it appears).\n"
"        If no parameter is given self is used."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:353
msgid "Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:356
msgid "Return value of Tcl variable NAME."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:361
msgid "Return 0 or 1 for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:364
msgid ""
"Direct input focus to this widget.\n"
"        If the application currently does not have the focus\n"
"        this widget will get the focus if the application gets\n"
"        the focus through the window manager."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:372
msgid ""
"Direct input focus to this widget even if the\n"
"        application does not have the focus. Use with\n"
"        caution!"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:377
msgid ""
"Return the widget which has currently the focus in the\n"
"        application.\n"
"        Use focus_displayof to allow working with several\n"
"        displays. Return None if application does not have\n"
"        the focus."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:387
msgid ""
"Return the widget which has currently the focus on the\n"
"        display where this widget is located.\n"
"        Return None if the application does not have the focus."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:395
msgid ""
"Return the widget which would have the focus if top level\n"
"        for this widget gets the focus from the window manager."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:401
msgid ""
"The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not\n"
"        be disabled easily."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:405
msgid ""
"Return the next widget in the focus order which follows\n"
"        widget which has currently the focus.\n"
"        The focus order first goes to the next child, then to\n"
"        the children of the child recursively and then to the\n"
"        next sibling which is higher in the stacking order.  A\n"
"        widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set\n"
"        to 0."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:417
msgid "Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:422
msgid ""
"Call function once after given time.\n"
"        MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the\n"
"        function which shall be called. Additional parameters\n"
"        are given as parameters to the function call.  Return\n"
"        identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:446
msgid ""
"Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to\n"
"        process.\n"
"        Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with\n"
"        after_cancel."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:453
msgid ""
"Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.\n"
"        Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be\n"
"        given as first parameter."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:459
msgid "Ring a display's bell."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:463
msgid ""
"Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.\n"
"        A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword\n"
"        argument specifies the target display."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:470
msgid ""
"Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.\n"
"        A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword\n"
"        argument specifies the target display. The clipboard\n"
"        can be retrieved with selection_get."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:480
msgid ""
"Return widget which has currently the grab in this application\n"
"        or None."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:486
msgid "Release grab for this widget if currently set."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:489
msgid ""
"Set grab for this widget.\n"
"        A grab directs all events to this and descendant\n"
"        widgets in the application."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:495
msgid ""
"Set global grab for this widget.\n"
"        A global grab directs all events to this and\n"
"        descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -\n"
"        other applications do not get events anymore."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:502
msgid ""
"Return None, \"local\" or \"global\" if this widget has\n"
"        no, a local or a global grab."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:508 :584
msgid "Lower this widget in the stacking order."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:511
msgid ""
"Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option\n"
"        PATTERN (first parameter).\n"
"        An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority\n"
"        (defaults to 80)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:518
msgid ""
"Clear the option database.\n"
"        It will be reloaded if option_add is called."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:523
msgid ""
"Return the value for an option NAME for this widget\n"
"        with CLASSNAME.\n"
"        Values with higher priority override lower values."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:529
msgid ""
"Read file FILENAME into the option database.\n"
"        An optional second parameter gives the numeric\n"
"        priority."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:535
msgid "Clear the current X selection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:539
msgid ""
"Return the contents of the current X selection.\n"
"        A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of\n"
"        the selection and defaults to PRIMARY.  A keyword\n"
"        parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display\n"
"        to use."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:548
msgid ""
"Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X\n"
"        selection owned by this widget is queried by another\n"
"        application.\n"
"        This function must return the contents of the\n"
"        selection. The function will be called with the\n"
"        arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking\n"
"        of very long selections. The following keyword\n"
"        parameters can be provided:\n"
"        selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),\n"
"        type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:563
msgid ""
"Become owner of X selection.\n"
"        A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of\n"
"        the selection (default PRIMARY)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:570
msgid ""
"Return owner of X selection.\n"
"        The following keyword parameter can\n"
"        be provided:\n"
"        selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),\n"
"        type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:581
msgid "Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:587
msgid "Raise this widget in the stacking order."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:591
msgid "Useless. Not implemented in Tk."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:594
msgid "Return integer which represents atom NAME."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:598
msgid "Return name of atom with identifier ID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:603
msgid "Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:607
msgid "Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:612
msgid "Return window class name of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:615
msgid "Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:619
msgid "Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:626
msgid "Return the number of bits per pixel."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:629
msgid "Return true if this widget exists."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:633
msgid ""
"Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER\n"
"        (e.g. \"3c\") as float."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:638
msgid "Return geometry string for this widget in the form \"widthxheight+X+Y\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:641
msgid "Return height of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:645
msgid "Return identifier ID for this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:649
msgid "Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:653
msgid "Return true if this widget is mapped."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:657
msgid "Return the window mananger name for this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:660
msgid "Return the name of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:663
msgid "Return the name of the parent of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:666
msgid "Return the pathname of the widget given by ID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:671
msgid "Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:675
msgid "Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:679
msgid "Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:683
msgid "Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:687
msgid "Return requested height of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:691
msgid "Return requested width of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:695
msgid ""
"Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for\n"
"        COLOR in this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:700
msgid ""
"Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the\n"
"        root window."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:705
msgid ""
"Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the\n"
"        root window."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:710
msgid "Return the screen name of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:713
msgid ""
"Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen\n"
"        of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:718
msgid ""
"Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the\n"
"        screen of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:723
msgid ""
"Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget\n"
"        in pixel."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:728
msgid ""
"Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of\n"
"        this widget in mm."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:733
msgid ""
"Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of\n"
"        this widget in mm."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:738
msgid ""
"Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,\n"
"        staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default\n"
"        colormodel of this screen."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:743
msgid ""
"Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of\n"
"        this widget in pixel."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:748
msgid ""
"Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in\n"
"        the form \"XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:752
msgid "Return the toplevel widget of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:756
msgid "Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:760
msgid ""
"Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,\n"
"        staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the\n"
"        colormodel of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:765
msgid "Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:768
msgid ""
"Return a list of all visuals available for the screen\n"
"        of this widget.\n"
"        Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a\n"
"        depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:786
msgid ""
"Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this\n"
"        widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the\n"
"        height of the screen."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:792
msgid ""
"Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this\n"
"        widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the\n"
"        width of the screen."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:798
msgid ""
"Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root\n"
"        window of the screen of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:803
msgid ""
"Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root\n"
"        window of the screen of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:808
msgid "Return the width of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:812
msgid ""
"Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget\n"
"        in the parent."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:817
msgid ""
"Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget\n"
"        in the parent."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:822
msgid "Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:825
msgid ""
"Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This\n"
"        will update the display of windows but not process events caused by\n"
"        the user."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:830
msgid ""
"Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.\n"
"        With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with\n"
"        this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are\n"
"        set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are\n"
"        processed (see bind)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:860
msgid ""
"Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.\n"
"        SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event\n"
"        patterns. An event pattern is of the form\n"
"        of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,\n"
"        Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,\n"
"        B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,\n"
"        Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,\n"
"        ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease\n"
"        FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,\n"
"        Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,\n"
"        Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,\n"
"        Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,\n"
"        ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and\n"
"        KeyRelease. Examples are\n"
"        <Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or\n"
"        <Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).\n"
"        An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form\n"
"        <<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This\n"
"        event can be generated by event_generate.\n"
"        If events are concatenated they must appear shortly\n"
"        after each other.\n"
"        FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an\n"
"        instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is\n"
"        \"break\" no further bound function is invoked.\n"
"        An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will\n"
"        be called additionally to the other bound function or whether\n"
"        it will replace the previous function.\n"
"        Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with\n"
"        unbind without memory leak.\n"
"        If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list\n"
"        of bound events are returned."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:900
msgid ""
"Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE  the\n"
"        function identified with FUNCID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:906
msgid ""
"Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.\n"
"        An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will\n"
"        be called additionally to the other bound function or whether\n"
"        it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:912
msgid "Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:916
msgid ""
"Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event\n"
"        SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional\n"
"        boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be\n"
"        called additionally to the other bound function or\n"
"        whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for\n"
"        the return value."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:925
msgid ""
"Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE\n"
"        all functions."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:929
msgid "Call the mainloop of Tk."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:932
msgid "Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:968
msgid ""
"Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by\n"
"        its Tcl name NAME."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:985
msgid ""
"Return a newly created Tcl function. If this\n"
"        function is called, the Python function FUNC will\n"
"        be executed. An optional function SUBST can\n"
"        be given which will be executed before FUNC."
msgstr ""

#. XXX ought to generalize this so tag_config etc. can use it
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1064
msgid ""
"Configure resources of a widget.\n"
"        The values for resources are specified as keyword\n"
"        arguments. To get an overview about\n"
"        the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1089
msgid "Return the resource value for a KEY given as string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1095
msgid "Return a list of all resource names of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1099
msgid "Return the window path name of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1104
msgid ""
"Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.\n"
"        A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information\n"
"        of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument\n"
"        is given the current setting will be returned.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1117 :1125 :1220
msgid ""
"Return a list of all slaves of this widget\n"
"        in its packing order."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1133
msgid ""
"Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding\n"
"        box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.\n"
"        If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from\n"
"        the cell with row and column 0 to the specified\n"
"        cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box\n"
"        starts at that cell.\n"
"        The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left\n"
"        corner in the master widget and the width and height.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1187
msgid ""
"Configure column INDEX of a grid.\n"
"        Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),\n"
"        weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)\n"
"        and pad (how much space to let additionally)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1195
msgid ""
"Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.\n"
"        A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information\n"
"        of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument\n"
"        is given, the current setting will be returned.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1207
msgid ""
"Configure row INDEX of a grid.\n"
"        Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),\n"
"        weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)\n"
"        and pad (how much space to let additionally)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1215
msgid "Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1235
msgid ""
"Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)\n"
"        to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered\n"
"        whenever SEQUENCE occurs."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1242
msgid "Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1247
msgid ""
"Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional\n"
"        keyword arguments specify parameter of the event\n"
"        (e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1256
msgid ""
"Return a list of all virtual events or the information\n"
"        about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1264
msgid "Return a list of all existing image names."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1268
msgid "Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1273
msgid ""
"Internal class. Stores function to call when some user\n"
"    defined Tcl function is called e.g. after an event occurred."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1276
msgid "Store FUNC, SUBST and WIDGET as members."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1281
msgid "Apply first function SUBST to arguments, than FUNC."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1293
msgid "Provides functions for the communication with the window manager."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1297
msgid ""
"Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)\n"
"        of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple\n"
"        of the actual values if no argument is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1306
msgid ""
"Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return\n"
"        current value."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1311
msgid ""
"Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property\n"
"        of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their\n"
"        parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1320
msgid ""
"Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command\n"
"        which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current\n"
"        command if VALUE is None."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1326
msgid ""
"Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.\n"
"        On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1331
msgid ""
"Set focus model to MODEL. \"active\" means that this widget will claim\n"
"        the focus itself, \"passive\" means that the window manager shall give\n"
"        the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1337
msgid "Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1341
msgid ""
"Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return\n"
"        current value if None is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1348
msgid ""
"Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be\n"
"        resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and\n"
"        height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the\n"
"        number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1357
msgid ""
"Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return\n"
"        the group leader of this widget if None is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1362
msgid ""
"Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return\n"
"        the bitmap if None is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1367
msgid "Display widget as icon."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1371
msgid ""
"Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the\n"
"        mask if None is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1376
msgid ""
"Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if\n"
"        None is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1381
msgid ""
"Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return\n"
"        a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1387
msgid ""
"Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current\n"
"        value if None is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1392
msgid ""
"Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded\n"
"        the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None\n"
"        is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1399
msgid ""
"Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded\n"
"        the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None\n"
"        is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1406
msgid ""
"Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget\n"
"        if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None\n"
"        is given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1413
msgid ""
"Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall\n"
"        be defined by the user if WHO is \"user\", and by its own policy if WHO is\n"
"        \"program\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1419
msgid ""
"Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.\n"
"        Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be\n"
"        e.g. \"WM_SAVE_YOURSELF\" or \"WM_DELETE_WINDOW\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1430
msgid ""
"Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized\n"
"        in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1435
msgid ""
"Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall\n"
"        be defined by the user if WHO is \"user\", and by its own policy if WHO is\n"
"        \"program\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1441
msgid ""
"Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,\n"
"        iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1446
msgid "Set the title of this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1450
msgid ""
"Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient\n"
"        with regard to widget MASTER."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1455
msgid ""
"Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped\n"
"        and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1462
msgid ""
"Toplevel widget of Tk which represents mostly the main window\n"
"    of an appliation. It has an associated Tcl interpreter."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1466
msgid ""
"Return a new Toplevel widget on screen SCREENNAME. A new Tcl interpreter will\n"
"        be created. BASENAME will be used for the identification of the profile file (see\n"
"        readprofile).\n"
"        It is constructed from sys.argv[0] without extensions if None is given. CLASSNAME\n"
"        is the name of the widget class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1509
msgid ""
"Destroy this and all descendants widgets. This will\n"
"        end the application of this Tcl interpreter."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1518
msgid ""
"Internal function. It reads BASENAME.tcl and CLASSNAME.tcl into\n"
"        the Tcl Interpreter and calls execfile on BASENAME.py and CLASSNAME.py if\n"
"        such a file exists in the home directory."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1539
msgid "Internal function. It reports exception on sys.stderr."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1562
msgid ""
"Geometry manager Pack.\n"
"    Base class to use the methods pack_* in every widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1566
msgid ""
"Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:\n"
"        after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget\n"
"        anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to\n"
"                                  given direction\n"
"                before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget\n"
"        expand=1 or 0 - expand widget if parent size grows\n"
"        fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows\n"
"        in=master - use master to contain this widget\n"
"        ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction\n"
"        ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction\n"
"        padx=amount - add padding in x direction\n"
"        pady=amount - add padding in y direction\n"
"        side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT -  where to add this widget.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1585
msgid "Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1589
msgid ""
"Return information about the packing options\n"
"        for this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1606
msgid ""
"Geometry manager Place.\n"
"    Base class to use the methods place_* in every widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1610
msgid ""
"Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:\n"
"        in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.\n"
"        x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master\n"
"        y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master\n"
"        relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0\n"
"                      relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)\n"
"            rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0\n"
"                      relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)\n"
"            anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction\n"
"        width=amount - width of this widget in pixel\n"
"        height=amount - height of this widget in pixel\n"
"        relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0\n"
"                          relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width\n"
"                  as the master)\n"
"            relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0\n"
"                           relative to height of master (1.0 is the same\n"
"                   height as the master)\n"
"            bordermode=\"inside\" or \"outside\" - whether to take border width of master widget\n"
"                                               into account\n"
"            "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1639 :1684
msgid "Unmap this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1643
msgid ""
"Return information about the placing options\n"
"        for this widget."
msgstr ""

#. Thanks to Masazumi Yoshikawa (yosikawa@isi.edu)
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1659
msgid ""
"Geometry manager Grid.\n"
"    Base class to use the methods grid_* in every widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1664
msgid ""
"Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:\n"
"        column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)\n"
"        columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns\n"
"        in=master - use master to contain this widget\n"
"        ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction\n"
"        ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction\n"
"        padx=amount - add padding in x direction\n"
"        pady=amount - add padding in y direction\n"
"        row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)\n"
"        rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows\n"
"        sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this\n"
"                      widget stick to the cell boundary\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1688
msgid "Unmap this widget but remember the grid options."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1691
msgid ""
"Return information about the options\n"
"        for positioning this widget in a grid."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1705
msgid ""
"Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell\n"
"        at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master\n"
"        widget is located."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1718
msgid "Internal class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1720
msgid "Internal function. Sets up information about children."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1745
msgid ""
"Construct a widget with the parent widget MASTER, a name WIDGETNAME\n"
"        and appropriate options."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1761
msgid "Destroy this and all descendants widgets."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1772
msgid ""
"Internal class.\n"
"    Base class for a widget which can be positioned with the geometry managers\n"
"    Pack, Place or Grid."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1779
msgid "Toplevel widget, e.g. for dialogs."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1781
msgid ""
"Construct a toplevel widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class,\n"
"        colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground,\n"
"        highlightcolor, highlightthickness, menu, relief, screen, takefocus,\n"
"        use, visual, width."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1807
msgid "Button widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1809
msgid ""
"Construct a button widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: activebackground, activeforeground, anchor,\n"
"        background, bd, bg, bitmap, borderwidth, command, cursor, default,\n"
"        disabledforeground, fg, font, foreground, height,\n"
"        highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, image,\n"
"        justify, padx, pady, relief, state, takefocus, text, textvariable,\n"
"        underline, width, wraplength."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1853
msgid "Canvas widget to display graphical elements like lines or text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1855
msgid ""
"Construct a canvas widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, closeenough,\n"
"        confine, cursor, height, highlightbackground, highlightcolor,\n"
"        highlightthickness, insertbackground, insertborderwidth,\n"
"        insertofftime, insertontime, insertwidth, offset, relief,\n"
"        scrollregion, selectbackground, selectborderwidth, selectforeground,\n"
"        state, takefocus, width, xscrollcommand, xscrollincrement,\n"
"        yscrollcommand, yscrollincrement."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1869
msgid "Add tag NEWTAG to all items above TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1872
msgid "Add tag NEWTAG to all items."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1875
msgid "Add tag NEWTAG to all items below TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1878
msgid ""
"Add tag NEWTAG to item which is closest to pixel at X, Y.\n"
"        If several match take the top-most.\n"
"        All items closer than HALO are considered overlapping (all are\n"
"        closests). If START is specified the next below this tag is taken."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1884
msgid ""
"Add tag NEWTAG to all items in the rectangle defined\n"
"        by X1,Y1,X2,Y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1888
msgid ""
"Add tag NEWTAG to all items which overlap the rectangle\n"
"        defined by X1,Y1,X2,Y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1892
msgid "Add tag NEWTAG to all items with TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1895
msgid ""
"Return a tuple of X1,Y1,X2,Y2 coordinates for a rectangle\n"
"        which encloses all items with tags specified as arguments."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1900
msgid ""
"Unbind for all items with TAGORID for event SEQUENCE  the\n"
"        function identified with FUNCID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1906
msgid ""
"Bind to all items with TAGORID at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.\n"
"        An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be\n"
"        called additionally to the other bound function or whether it will\n"
"        replace the previous function. See bind for the return value."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1914
msgid ""
"Return the canvas x coordinate of pixel position SCREENX rounded\n"
"        to nearest multiple of GRIDSPACING units."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1919
msgid ""
"Return the canvas y coordinate of pixel position SCREENY rounded\n"
"        to nearest multiple of GRIDSPACING units."
msgstr ""

#. XXX Should use _flatten on args
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1924
msgid "Return a list of coordinates for the item given in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1942
msgid "Create arc shaped region with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1945
msgid "Create bitmap with coordinates x1,y1."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1948
msgid "Create image item with coordinates x1,y1."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1951
msgid "Create line with coordinates x1,y1,...,xn,yn."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1954
msgid "Create oval with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1957
msgid "Create polygon with coordinates x1,y1,...,xn,yn."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1960
msgid "Create rectangle with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1963
msgid "Create text with coordinates x1,y1."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1966
msgid "Create window with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1969
msgid ""
"Delete characters of text items identified by tag or id in ARGS (possibly\n"
"        several times) from FIRST to LAST character (including)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1973
msgid "Delete items identified by all tag or ids contained in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1976
msgid ""
"Delete tag or id given as last arguments in ARGS from items\n"
"        identified by first argument in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1984
msgid "Return items above TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1987
msgid "Return all items."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1990
msgid "Return all items below TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1993
msgid ""
"Return item which is closest to pixel at X, Y.\n"
"        If several match take the top-most.\n"
"        All items closer than HALO are considered overlapping (all are\n"
"        closests). If START is specified the next below this tag is taken."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:1999
msgid ""
"Return all items in rectangle defined\n"
"        by X1,Y1,X2,Y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2003
msgid ""
"Return all items which overlap the rectangle\n"
"        defined by X1,Y1,X2,Y2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2007
msgid "Return all items with TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2010
msgid "Set focus to the first item specified in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2013
msgid "Return tags associated with the first item specified in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2017
msgid ""
"Set cursor at position POS in the item identified by TAGORID.\n"
"        In ARGS TAGORID must be first."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2021
msgid "Return position of cursor as integer in item specified in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2024
msgid ""
"Insert TEXT in item TAGORID at position POS. ARGS must\n"
"        be TAGORID POS TEXT."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2028
msgid "Return the resource value for an OPTION for item TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2032
msgid ""
"Configure resources of an item TAGORID.\n"
"        The values for resources are specified as keyword\n"
"        arguments. To get an overview about\n"
"        the allowed keyword arguments call the method without arguments.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2057
msgid ""
"Lower an item TAGORID given in ARGS\n"
"        (optional below another item)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2062
msgid "Move an item TAGORID given in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2065
msgid ""
"Print the contents of the canvas to a postscript\n"
"        file. Valid options: colormap, colormode, file, fontmap,\n"
"        height, pageanchor, pageheight, pagewidth, pagex, pagey,\n"
"        rotate, witdh, x, y."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2072
msgid ""
"Raise an item TAGORID given in ARGS\n"
"        (optional above another item)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2077
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2080 :2190 :2310 :2701
msgid "Remember the current X, Y coordinates."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2083 :2193
msgid ""
"Adjust the view of the canvas to 10 times the\n"
"        difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in\n"
"        scan_mark."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2088
msgid "Adjust the end of the selection near the cursor of an item TAGORID to index."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2091 :2202
msgid "Clear the selection if it is in this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2094
msgid "Set the fixed end of a selection in item TAGORID to INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2097
msgid "Return the item which has the selection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2100
msgid "Set the variable end of a selection in item TAGORID to INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2103
msgid "Return the type of the item TAGORID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2106 :2223 :2343 :2828
msgid "Query and change horizontal position of the view."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2111 :2833
msgid ""
"Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the\n"
"        total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2115 :2230 :2352
msgid "Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in \"units\" or \"pages\" (WHAT)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2118 :2355 :2841
msgid "Query and change vertical position of the view."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2123 :2846
msgid ""
"Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the\n"
"        total height of the canvas is off-screen to the top."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2127 :2364
msgid "Shift the y-view according to NUMBER which is measured in \"units\" or \"pages\" (WHAT)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2131
msgid "Checkbutton widget which is either in on- or off-state."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2133
msgid ""
"Construct a checkbutton widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: activebackground, activeforeground, anchor,\n"
"        background, bd, bg, bitmap, borderwidth, command, cursor,\n"
"        disabledforeground, fg, font, foreground, height,\n"
"        highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, image,\n"
"        indicatoron, justify, offvalue, onvalue, padx, pady, relief,\n"
"        selectcolor, selectimage, state, takefocus, text, textvariable,\n"
"        underline, variable, width, wraplength."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2144 :2511
msgid "Put the button in off-state."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2147 :2515
msgid "Flash the button."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2150 :2518
msgid "Toggle the button and invoke a command if given as resource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2153 :2521
msgid "Put the button in on-state."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2156
msgid "Toggle the button."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2160
msgid "Entry widget which allows to display simple text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2162
msgid ""
"Construct an entry widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor,\n"
"        exportselection, fg, font, foreground, highlightbackground,\n"
"        highlightcolor, highlightthickness, insertbackground,\n"
"        insertborderwidth, insertofftime, insertontime, insertwidth,\n"
"        invalidcommand, invcmd, justify, relief, selectbackground,\n"
"        selectborderwidth, selectforeground, show, state, takefocus,\n"
"        textvariable, validate, validatecommand, vcmd, width,\n"
"        xscrollcommand."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2174
msgid "Delete text from FIRST to LAST (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2177
msgid "Return the text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2180
msgid "Insert cursor at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2183
msgid "Return position of cursor."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2187
msgid "Insert STRING at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2198
msgid "Adjust the end of the selection near the cursor to INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2206
msgid "Set the fixed end of a selection to INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2210
msgid "Return whether the widget has the selection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2215
msgid "Set the selection from START to END (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2219
msgid "Set the variable end of a selection to INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2226 :2348
msgid ""
"Adjust the view in the window so that FRACTION of the\n"
"        total width of the entry is off-screen to the left."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2234
msgid "Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D border."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2236
msgid ""
"Construct a frame widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class,\n"
"        colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground,\n"
"        highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, takefocus, visual, width."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2252
msgid "Label widget which can display text and bitmaps."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2254
msgid ""
"Construct a label widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: anchor, background, bd, bg, bitmap,\n"
"        borderwidth, cursor, fg, font, foreground, height,\n"
"        highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, image,\n"
"        justify, padx, pady, relief, takefocus, text, textvariable,\n"
"        underline, width, wraplength."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2264
msgid "Listbox widget which can display a list of strings."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2266
msgid ""
"Construct a listbox widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor,\n"
"        exportselection, fg, font, foreground, height, highlightbackground,\n"
"        highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, selectbackground,\n"
"        selectborderwidth, selectforeground, selectmode, setgrid, takefocus,\n"
"        width, xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand, listvariable."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2275
msgid "Activate item identified by INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2278
msgid ""
"Return a tuple of X1,Y1,X2,Y2 coordinates for a rectangle\n"
"        which encloses the item identified by index in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#. XXX Ought to apply self._getints()...
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2283
msgid "Return list of indices of currently selected item."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2288
msgid "Delete items from FIRST to LAST (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2291
msgid "Get list of items from FIRST to LAST (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2298
msgid "Return index of item identified with INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2303
msgid "Insert ELEMENTS at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2306
msgid "Get index of item which is nearest to y coordinate Y."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2313
msgid ""
"Adjust the view of the listbox to 10 times the\n"
"        difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in\n"
"        scan_mark."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2318
msgid "Scroll such that INDEX is visible."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2321
msgid "Set the fixed end oft the selection to INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2325
msgid "Clear the selection from FIRST to LAST (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2330
msgid "Return 1 if INDEX is part of the selection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2335
msgid ""
"Set the selection from FIRST to LAST (not included) without\n"
"        changing the currently selected elements."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2340
msgid "Return the number of elements in the listbox."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2360
msgid ""
"Adjust the view in the window so that FRACTION of the\n"
"        total width of the entry is off-screen to the top."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2368
msgid "Menu widget which allows to display menu bars, pull-down menus and pop-up menus."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2370
msgid ""
"Construct menu widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: activebackground, activeborderwidth,\n"
"        activeforeground, background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor,\n"
"        disabledforeground, fg, font, foreground, postcommand, relief,\n"
"        selectcolor, takefocus, tearoff, tearoffcommand, title, type."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2400
msgid "Post the menu at position X,Y with entry ENTRY."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2403
msgid "Activate entry at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2410
msgid "Add hierarchical menu item."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2413
msgid "Add checkbutton menu item."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2416
msgid "Add command menu item."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2419
msgid "Addd radio menu item."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2422
msgid "Add separator."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2429
msgid "Add hierarchical menu item at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2432
msgid "Add checkbutton menu item at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2435
msgid "Add command menu item at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2438
msgid "Addd radio menu item at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2441
msgid "Add separator at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2444
msgid "Delete menu items between INDEX1 and INDEX2 (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2447
msgid "Return the resource value of an menu item for OPTION at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2450
msgid "Configure a menu item at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2465
msgid "Return the index of a menu item identified by INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2470
msgid ""
"Invoke a menu item identified by INDEX and execute\n"
"        the associated command."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2474
msgid "Display a menu at position X,Y."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2477
msgid "Return the type of the menu item at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2480
msgid "Unmap a menu."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2483
msgid "Return the y-position of the topmost pixel of the menu item at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2488
msgid "Menubutton widget, obsolete since Tk8.0."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2493
msgid "Message widget to display multiline text. Obsolete since Label does it too."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2498
msgid "Radiobutton widget which shows only one of several buttons in on-state."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2500
msgid ""
"Construct a radiobutton widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: activebackground, activeforeground, anchor,\n"
"        background, bd, bg, bitmap, borderwidth, command, cursor,\n"
"        disabledforeground, fg, font, foreground, height,\n"
"        highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, image,\n"
"        indicatoron, justify, padx, pady, relief, selectcolor, selectimage,\n"
"        state, takefocus, text, textvariable, underline, value, variable,\n"
"        width, wraplength."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2525
msgid "Scale widget which can display a numerical scale."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2527
msgid ""
"Construct a scale widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: activebackground, background, bigincrement, bd,\n"
"        bg, borderwidth, command, cursor, digits, fg, font, foreground, from,\n"
"        highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, label,\n"
"        length, orient, relief, repeatdelay, repeatinterval, resolution,\n"
"        showvalue, sliderlength, sliderrelief, state, takefocus,\n"
"        tickinterval, to, troughcolor, variable, width."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2537
msgid "Get the current value as integer or float."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2544
msgid "Set the value to VALUE."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2547
msgid ""
"Return a tuple (X,Y) of the point along the centerline of the\n"
"        trough that corresponds to VALUE or the current value if None is\n"
"        given."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2553
msgid ""
"Return where the point X,Y lies. Valid return values are \"slider\",\n"
"        \"though1\" and \"though2\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2558
msgid "Scrollbar widget which displays a slider at a certain position."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2560
msgid ""
"Construct a scrollbar widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: activebackground, activerelief,\n"
"        background, bd, bg, borderwidth, command, cursor,\n"
"        elementborderwidth, highlightbackground,\n"
"        highlightcolor, highlightthickness, jump, orient,\n"
"        relief, repeatdelay, repeatinterval, takefocus,\n"
"        troughcolor, width."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2570
msgid ""
"Display the element at INDEX with activebackground and activerelief.\n"
"        INDEX can be \"arrow1\",\"slider\" or \"arrow2\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2574
msgid ""
"Return the fractional change of the scrollbar setting if it\n"
"        would be moved by DELTAX or DELTAY pixels."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2579
msgid ""
"Return the fractional value which corresponds to a slider\n"
"        position of X,Y."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2583
msgid ""
"Return the element under position X,Y as one of\n"
"        \"arrow1\",\"slider\",\"arrow2\" or \"\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2587
msgid ""
"Return the current fractional values (upper and lower end)\n"
"        of the slider position."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2591
msgid ""
"Set the fractional values of the slider position (upper and\n"
"        lower ends as value between 0 and 1)."
msgstr ""

#. XXX Add dump()
#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2596
msgid "Text widget which can display text in various forms."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2599
msgid ""
"Construct a text widget with the parent MASTER.\n"
"        Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor,\n"
"        exportselection, fg, font, foreground, height,\n"
"        highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness,\n"
"        insertbackground, insertborderwidth, insertofftime,\n"
"        insertontime, insertwidth, padx, pady, relief,\n"
"        selectbackground, selectborderwidth, selectforeground,\n"
"        setgrid, spacing1, spacing2, spacing3, state, tabs, takefocus,\n"
"        width, wrap, xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2611
msgid ""
"Return a tuple of (x,y,width,height) which gives the bounding\n"
"        box of the visible part of the character at the index in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2624
msgid ""
"Return whether between index INDEX1 and index INDEX2 the\n"
"        relation OP is satisfied. OP is one of <, <=, ==, >=, >, or !=."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2629
msgid ""
"Turn on the internal consistency checks of the B-Tree inside the text\n"
"        widget according to BOOLEAN."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2634
msgid "Delete the characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2 (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2637
msgid ""
"Return tuple (x,y,width,height,baseline) giving the bounding box\n"
"        and baseline position of the visible part of the line containing\n"
"        the character at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2642
msgid "Return the text from INDEX1 to INDEX2 (not included)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2646
msgid "Return the value of OPTION of an embedded image at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2653
msgid "Configure an embedded image at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2665
msgid "Create an embedded image at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2670
msgid "Return all names of embedded images in this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2673
msgid "Return the index in the form line.char for INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2676
msgid ""
"Insert CHARS before the characters at INDEX. An additional\n"
"        tag can be given in ARGS. Additional CHARS and tags can follow in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2680
msgid ""
"Change the gravity of a mark MARKNAME to DIRECTION (LEFT or RIGHT).\n"
"        Return the current value if None is given for DIRECTION."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2685
msgid "Return all mark names."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2689
msgid "Set mark MARKNAME before the character at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2692
msgid "Delete all marks in MARKNAMES."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2695
msgid "Return the name of the next mark after INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2698
msgid "Return the name of the previous mark before INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2704
msgid ""
"Adjust the view of the text to 10 times the\n"
"        difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in\n"
"        scan_mark."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2711
msgid ""
"Search PATTERN beginning from INDEX until STOPINDEX.\n"
"        Return the index of the first character of a match or an empty string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2726
msgid "Scroll such that the character at INDEX is visible."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2729
msgid ""
"Add tag TAGNAME to all characters between INDEX1 and index2 in ARGS.\n"
"        Additional pairs of indices may follow in ARGS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2734
msgid ""
"Unbind for all characters with TAGNAME for event SEQUENCE  the\n"
"        function identified with FUNCID."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2740
msgid ""
"Bind to all characters with TAGNAME at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.\n"
"        An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be\n"
"        called additionally to the other bound function or whether it will\n"
"        replace the previous function. See bind for the return value."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2748
msgid "Return the value of OPTION for tag TAGNAME."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2755
msgid "Configure a tag TAGNAME."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2765
msgid "Delete all tags in TAGNAMES."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2768
msgid ""
"Change the priority of tag TAGNAME such that it is lower\n"
"        than the priority of BELOWTHIS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2772
msgid "Return a list of all tag names."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2776
msgid ""
"Return a list of start and end index for the first sequence of\n"
"        characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2 which all have tag TAGNAME.\n"
"        The text is searched forward from INDEX1."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2782
msgid ""
"Return a list of start and end index for the first sequence of\n"
"        characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2 which all have tag TAGNAME.\n"
"        The text is searched backwards from INDEX1."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2788
msgid ""
"Change the priority of tag TAGNAME such that it is higher\n"
"        than the priority of ABOVETHIS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2793
msgid "Return a list of ranges of text which have tag TAGNAME."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2797
msgid "Remove tag TAGNAME from all characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2801
msgid "Return the value of OPTION of an embedded window at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2808
msgid "Configure an embedded window at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2819
msgid "Create a window at INDEX."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2824
msgid "Return all names of embedded windows in this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2837
msgid ""
"Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured\n"
"        in \"units\" or \"pages\" (WHAT)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2850
msgid ""
"Shift the y-view according to NUMBER which is measured\n"
"        in \"units\" or \"pages\" (WHAT)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2854
msgid "Obsolete function, use see."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2858
msgid "Internal class. It wraps the command in the widget OptionMenu."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2869
msgid "OptionMenu which allows the user to select a value from a menu."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2871
msgid ""
"Construct an optionmenu widget with the parent MASTER, with\n"
"        the resource textvariable set to VARIABLE, the initially selected\n"
"        value VALUE, the other menu values VALUES and an additional\n"
"        keyword argument command."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2901
msgid "Destroy this widget and the associated menu."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2906
msgid "Base class for images."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2943
msgid "Configure the image."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2954
msgid "Return the height of the image."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2958
msgid "Return the type of the imgage, e.g. \"photo\" or \"bitmap\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2961
msgid "Return the width of the image."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2966
msgid "Widget which can display colored images in GIF, PPM/PGM format."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2968
msgid ""
"Create an image with NAME.\n"
"        Valid resource names: data, format, file, gamma, height, palette,\n"
"        width."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2974
msgid "Display a transparent image."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2977
msgid "Return the value of OPTION."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2984
msgid "Return a new PhotoImage with the same image as this widget."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2989
msgid ""
"Return a new PhotoImage with the same image as this widget\n"
"        but zoom it with X and Y."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:2996
msgid ""
"Return a new PhotoImage based on the same image as this widget\n"
"        but use only every Xth or Yth pixel."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:3003
msgid "Return the color (red, green, blue) of the pixel at X,Y."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:3006
msgid ""
"Put row formated colors to image starting from\n"
"        position TO, e.g. image.put(\"{red green} {blue yellow}\", to=(4,6))"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:3016
msgid ""
"Write image to file FILENAME in FORMAT starting from\n"
"        position FROM_COORDS."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:3026
msgid "Widget which can display a bitmap."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/Tkinter.py:3028
msgid ""
"Create a bitmap with NAME.\n"
"        Valid resource names: background, data, file, foreground, maskdata, maskfile."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkColorChooser.py:33 :60
msgid "Ask for a color"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFileDialog.py:58 :72
msgid "Ask for a filename to open"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFileDialog.py:63 :77
msgid "Ask for a filename to save as"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFileDialog.py:84
msgid "Ask for a filename to open, and returned the opened file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFileDialog.py:92
msgid "Ask for a filename to save as, and returned the opened file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:29
msgid ""
"Represents a named font.\n"
"    Constructor options are:\n"
"    font -- font specifier (name, system font, or (family, size, style)-tuple)\n"
"       or any combination of\n"
"    family -- font 'family', e.g. Courier, Times, Helvetica\n"
"    size -- font size in points\n"
"    weight -- font thickness: NORMAL, BOLD\n"
"    slant -- font slant: NORMAL, ITALIC\n"
"    underline -- font underlining: false (0), true (1)\n"
"    overstrike -- font strikeout: false (0), true (1)\n"
"    name -- name to use for this font configuration (defaults to a unique name)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:92
msgid "Return a distinct copy of the current font"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:96
msgid "Return actual font attributes"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:105
msgid "Get font attribute"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:109
msgid "Modify font attributes"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:121
msgid "Return text width"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:125
msgid ""
"Return font metrics.\n"
"        For best performance, create a dummy widget\n"
"        using this font before calling this method."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:142
msgid "Get font families (as a tuple)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkFont.py:148
msgid "Get names of defined fonts (as a tuple)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:62
msgid "A message box"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:78
msgid "Show an info message"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:82
msgid "Show a warning message"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:86
msgid "Show an error message"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:90
msgid "Ask a question"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:94
msgid "Ask if operation should proceed; return true if the answer is ok"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:99
msgid "Ask a question; return true if the answer is yes"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py:104
msgid "Ask if operation should be retried; return true if the answer is yes"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:33
msgid ""
"Class to open dialogs.\n"
"    This class is intended as a base class for custom dialogs\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:40
msgid ""
"Initialize a dialog.\n"
"        Arguments:\n"
"            parent -- a parent window (the application window)\n"
"            title -- the dialog title\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:79
msgid "Destroy the window"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:87
msgid ""
"create dialog body.\n"
"        return widget that should have initial focus.\n"
"        This method should be overridden, and is called\n"
"        by the __init__ method.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:96
msgid ""
"add standard button box.\n"
"        override if you don't want the standard buttons\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:139
msgid ""
"validate the data\n"
"        This method is called automatically to validate the data before the\n"
"        dialog is destroyed. By default, it always validates OK.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:148
msgid ""
"process the data\n"
"        This method is called automatically to process the data, *after*\n"
"        the dialog is destroyed. By default, it does nothing.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:240
msgid ""
"get an integer from the user\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"        title -- the dialog title\n"
"        prompt -- the label text\n"
"        **kw -- see SimpleDialog class\n"
"    Return value is an integer\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:259
msgid ""
"get a float from the user\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"        title -- the dialog title\n"
"        prompt -- the label text\n"
"        **kw -- see SimpleDialog class\n"
"    Return value is a float\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/lib-tk/tkSimpleDialog.py:277
msgid ""
"get a string from the user\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"        title -- the dialog title\n"
"        prompt -- the label text\n"
"        **kw -- see SimpleDialog class\n"
"    Return value is a string\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/linecache.py:28
msgid "Clear the cache entirely."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/linecache.py:35
msgid ""
"Get the lines for a file from the cache.\n"
"    Update the cache if it doesn't contain an entry for this file already."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/linecache.py:45
msgid ""
"Discard cache entries that are out of date.\n"
"    (This is not checked upon each call!)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/linecache.py:60
msgid ""
"Update a cache entry and return its list of lines.\n"
"    If something's wrong, print a message, discard the cache entry,\n"
"    and return an empty list."
msgstr ""

#. 'C' locale default values
#: Lib/locale.py:45
msgid ""
" localeconv() -> dict.\n"
"            Returns numeric and monetary locale-specific parameters.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:69
msgid ""
" setlocale(integer,string=None) -> string.\n"
"            Activates/queries locale processing.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:77
msgid ""
" strcoll(string,string) -> int.\n"
"            Compares two strings according to the locale.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:83
msgid ""
" strxfrm(string) -> string.\n"
"            Returns a string that behaves for cmp locale-aware.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:130
msgid ""
"Formats a value in the same way that the % formatting would use,\n"
"    but takes the current locale into account.\n"
"    Grouping is applied if the third parameter is true."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:159
msgid "Convert float to integer, taking the locale into account."
msgstr ""

#. First, get rid of the grouping
#: Lib/locale.py:163
msgid "Parses a string as a float according to the locale settings."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:178
msgid "Converts a string to an integer according to the locale settings."
msgstr ""

#. Normalize the locale name and extract the encoding
#: Lib/locale.py:201
msgid ""
" Returns a normalized locale code for the given locale\n"
"        name.\n"
"        The returned locale code is formatted for use with\n"
"        setlocale().\n"
"        If normalization fails, the original name is returned\n"
"        unchanged.\n"
"        If the given encoding is not known, the function defaults to\n"
"        the default encoding for the locale code just like setlocale()\n"
"        does.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:254
msgid ""
" Parses the locale code for localename and returns the\n"
"        result as tuple (language code, encoding).\n"
"        The localename is normalized and passed through the locale\n"
"        alias engine. A ValueError is raised in case the locale name\n"
"        cannot be parsed.\n"
"        The language code corresponds to RFC 1766.  code and encoding\n"
"        can be None in case the values cannot be determined or are\n"
"        unknown to this implementation.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:277
msgid ""
" Builds a locale code from the given tuple (language code,\n"
"        encoding).\n"
"        No aliasing or normalizing takes place.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:293
msgid ""
" Tries to determine the default locale settings and returns\n"
"        them as tuple (language code, encoding).\n"
"        According to POSIX, a program which has not called\n"
"        setlocale(LC_ALL, \"\") runs using the portable 'C' locale.\n"
"        Calling setlocale(LC_ALL, \"\") lets it use the default locale as\n"
"        defined by the LANG variable. Since we don't want to interfere\n"
"        with the current locale setting we thus emulate the behavior\n"
"        in the way described above.\n"
"        To maintain compatibility with other platforms, not only the\n"
"        LANG variable is tested, but a list of variables given as\n"
"        envvars parameter. The first found to be defined will be\n"
"        used. envvars defaults to the search path used in GNU gettext;\n"
"        it must always contain the variable name 'LANG'.\n"
"        Except for the code 'C', the language code corresponds to RFC\n"
"        1766.  code and encoding can be None in case the values cannot\n"
"        be determined.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:344
msgid ""
" Returns the current setting for the given locale category as\n"
"        tuple (language code, encoding).\n"
"        category may be one of the LC_* value except LC_ALL. It\n"
"        defaults to LC_CTYPE.\n"
"        Except for the code 'C', the language code corresponds to RFC\n"
"        1766.  code and encoding can be None in case the values cannot\n"
"        be determined.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:362
msgid ""
" Set the locale for the given category.  The locale can be\n"
"        a string, a locale tuple (language code, encoding), or None.\n"
"        Locale tuples are converted to strings the locale aliasing\n"
"        engine.  Locale strings are passed directly to the C lib.\n"
"        category may be given as one of the LC_* values.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:378
msgid ""
" Sets the locale for category to the default setting.\n"
"        The default setting is determined by calling\n"
"        getdefaultlocale(). category defaults to LC_ALL.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/locale.py:666
msgid ""
" Test function.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:18
msgid ""
"Return true if a path is absolute.\n"
"    On the Mac, relative paths begin with a colon,\n"
"    but as a special case, paths with no colons at all are also relative.\n"
"    Anything else is absolute (the string up to the first colon is the\n"
"    volume name)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:44
msgid ""
"Split a pathname into two parts: the directory leading up to the final\n"
"    bit, and the basename (the filename, without colons, in that directory).\n"
"    The result (s, t) is such that join(s, t) yields the original argument."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:59
msgid ""
"Split a path into root and extension.\n"
"    The extension is everything starting at the last dot in the last\n"
"    pathname component; the root is everything before that.\n"
"    It is always true that root + ext == p."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:81
msgid ""
"Split a pathname into a drive specification and the rest of the\n"
"    path.  Useful on DOS/Windows/NT; on the Mac, the drive is always\n"
"    empty (don't use the volume name -- it doesn't have the same\n"
"    syntactic and semantic oddities as DOS drive letters, such as there\n"
"    being a separate current directory per drive)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:97
msgid "Return true if the pathname refers to an existing directory."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:125
msgid ""
"Return true if the pathname refers to a symbolic link.\n"
"    Always false on the Mac, until we understand Aliases.)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:132
msgid "Return true if the pathname refers to an existing regular file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:142
msgid "Return true if the pathname refers to an existing file or directory."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:153 Lib/ntpath.py:162 Lib/posixpath.py:123
msgid "Given a list of pathnames, returns the longest common leading component"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:165 :170
msgid "Dummy to retain interface-compatibility with other operating systems."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:176
msgid ""
"Normalize a pathname.  Will return the same result for\n"
"    equivalent paths."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macpath.py:204
msgid ""
"Directory tree walk.\n"
"    For each directory under top (including top itself),\n"
"    func(arg, dirname, filenames) is called, where\n"
"    dirname is the name of the directory and filenames is the list\n"
"    of files (and subdirectories etc.) in the directory.\n"
"    The func may modify the filenames list, to implement a filter,\n"
"    or to impose a different order of visiting."
msgstr ""

#. XXXX The .. handling should be fixed...
#. XXXX The .. handling should be fixed...
#: Lib/macurl2path.py:11 Lib/plat-riscos/rourl2path.py:10
msgid "Convert /-delimited pathname to mac pathname"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/macurl2path.py:52 Lib/plat-riscos/rourl2path.py:46
msgid "convert mac pathname to /-delimited pathname"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mailcap.py:10
msgid ""
"Return a dictionary containing the mailcap database.\n"
"    The dictionary maps a MIME type (in all lowercase, e.g. 'text/plain')\n"
"    to a list of dictionaries corresponding to mailcap entries.  The list\n"
"    collects all the entries for that MIME type from all available mailcap\n"
"    files.  Each dictionary contains key-value pairs for that MIME type,\n"
"    where the viewing command is stored with the key \"view\".\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. XXX Actually, this is Unix-specific
#: Lib/mailcap.py:35
msgid "Return a list of all mailcap files found on the system."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mailcap.py:54
msgid ""
"Read a mailcap file and return a dictionary keyed by MIME type.\n"
"    Each MIME type is mapped to an entry consisting of a list of\n"
"    dictionaries; the list will contain more than one such dictionary\n"
"    if a given MIME type appears more than once in the mailcap file.\n"
"    Each dictionary contains key-value pairs for that MIME type, where\n"
"    the viewing command is stored with the key \"view\".\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mailcap.py:92
msgid ""
"Parse one entry in a mailcap file and return a dictionary.\n"
"    The viewing command is stored as the value with the key \"view\",\n"
"    and the rest of the fields produce key-value pairs in the dict.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mailcap.py:123
msgid "Separate one key-value pair in a mailcap entry."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mailcap.py:139
msgid ""
"Find a match for a mailcap entry.\n"
"    Return a tuple containing the command line, and the mailcap entry\n"
"    used; (None, None) if no match is found.  This may invoke the\n"
"    'test' command of several matching entries before deciding which\n"
"    entry to use.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:93
msgid ""
"Class representing a particular collection of folders.\n"
"    Optional constructor arguments are the pathname for the directory\n"
"    containing the collection, and the MH profile to use.\n"
"    If either is omitted or empty a default is used; the default\n"
"    directory is taken from the MH profile if it is specified there."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:100 :245 :665 :739
msgid "Constructor."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:112 :252 :674 :749
msgid "String representation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:116
msgid "Routine to print an error.  May be overridden by a derived class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:120
msgid "Return a profile entry, None if not found."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:124
msgid "Return the path (the name of the collection's directory)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:128
msgid "Return the name of the current folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:135
msgid "Set the name of the current folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:142
msgid "Return the names of the top-level folders."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:153
msgid ""
"Return the names of the subfolders in a given folder\n"
"        (prefixed with the given folder name)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:178
msgid "Return the names of all folders and subfolders, recursively."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:182
msgid "Return the names of subfolders in a given folder, recursively."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:211
msgid "Return a new Folder object for the named folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:215
msgid "Create a new folder (or raise os.error if it cannot be created)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:224
msgid ""
"Delete a folder.  This removes files in the folder but not\n"
"        subdirectories.  Raise os.error if deleting the folder itself fails."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:242
msgid "Class representing a particular folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:256
msgid "Error message handler."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:260
msgid "Return the full pathname of the folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:264
msgid "Return the full pathname of the folder's sequences file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:268
msgid "Return the full pathname of a message in the folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:272
msgid "Return list of direct subfolders."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:276
msgid "Return list of all subfolders."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:280
msgid ""
"Return the list of messages currently present in the folder.\n"
"        As a side effect, set self.last to the last message (or 0)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:297
msgid "Return the set of sequences for the folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:317
msgid "Write the set of sequences back to the folder."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:334
msgid "Return the current message.  Raise Error when there is none."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:342
msgid "Set the current message."
msgstr ""

#. XXX Still not complete (see mh-format(5)).
#. Missing are:
#. - 'prev', 'next' as count
#. - Sequence-Negation option
#: Lib/mhlib.py:346
msgid ""
"Parse an MH sequence specification into a message list.\n"
"        Attempt to mimic mh-sequence(5) as close as possible.\n"
"        Also attempt to mimic observed behavior regarding which\n"
"        conditions cause which error messages."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:430
msgid "Internal: parse a message number (or cur, first, etc.)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:461
msgid "Open a message -- returns a Message object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:465
msgid "Remove one or more messages -- may raise os.error."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:490
msgid ""
"Refile one or more messages -- may raise os.error.\n"
"        'tofolder' is an open folder object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:525
msgid "Helper for refilemessages() to copy sequences."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:546
msgid ""
"Move one message over a specific destination message,\n"
"        which may or may not already exist."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:578
msgid ""
"Copy one message over a specific destination message,\n"
"        which may or may not already exist."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:604
msgid "Create a message, with text from the open file txt."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:630
msgid ""
"Remove one or more messages from all sequences (including last)\n"
"        -- but not from 'cur'!!!"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:649
msgid "Return the last message number."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:655
msgid "Set the last message number."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:678
msgid ""
"Return the message's header text as a string.  If an\n"
"        argument is specified, it is used as a filter predicate to\n"
"        decide which headers to return (its argument is the header\n"
"        name converted to lower case)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:695
msgid ""
"Return the message's body text as string.  This undoes a\n"
"        Content-Transfer-Encoding, but does not interpret other MIME\n"
"        features (e.g. multipart messages).  To suppress decoding,\n"
"        pass 0 as an argument."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:709
msgid ""
"Only for multipart messages: return the message's body as a\n"
"        list of SubMessage objects.  Each submessage object behaves\n"
"        (almost) as a Message object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mhlib.py:729
msgid "Return body, either a string or a list of messages."
msgstr ""

#. XXX The default begin/end separator means that negative numbers are
#.     not supported very well.
#. XXX There are currently no operations to remove set elements.
#: Lib/mhlib.py:768
msgid ""
"Class implementing sets of integers.\n"
"    This is an efficient representation for sets consisting of several\n"
"    continuous ranges, e.g. 1-100,200-400,402-1000 is represented\n"
"    internally as a list of three pairs: [(1,100), (200,400),\n"
"    (402,1000)].  The internal representation is always kept normalized.\n"
"    The constructor has up to three arguments:\n"
"    - the string used to initialize the set (default ''),\n"
"    - the separator between ranges (default ',')\n"
"    - the separator between begin and end of a range (default '-')\n"
"    The separators must be strings (not regexprs) and should be different.\n"
"    The tostring() function yields a string that can be passed to another\n"
"    IntSet constructor; __repr__() is a valid IntSet constructor itself.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimetools.py:12
msgid ""
"A derived class of rfc822.Message that knows about MIME headers and\n"
"    contains some hooks for decoding encoded and multipart messages."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimetools.py:102
msgid ""
"Return a random string usable as a multipart boundary.\n"
"    The method used is so that it is *very* unlikely that the same\n"
"    string of characters will every occur again in the Universe,\n"
"    so the caller needn't check the data it is packing for the\n"
"    occurrence of the boundary.\n"
"    The boundary contains dots so you have to quote it in the header."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimetools.py:134
msgid "Decode common content-transfer-encodings (base64, quopri, uuencode)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimetools.py:153
msgid "Encode common content-transfer-encodings (base64, quopri, uuencode)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimetypes.py:41
msgid ""
"Guess the type of a file based on its URL.\n"
"    Return value is a tuple (type, encoding) where type is None if the\n"
"    type can't be guessed (no or unknown suffix) or a string of the\n"
"    form type/subtype, usable for a MIME Content-type header; and\n"
"    encoding is None for no encoding or the name of the program used\n"
"    to encode (e.g. compress or gzip).  The mappings are table\n"
"    driven.  Encoding suffixes are case sensitive; type suffixes are\n"
"    first tried case sensitive, then case insensitive.\n"
"    The suffixes .tgz, .taz and .tz (case sensitive!) are all mapped\n"
"    to \".tar.gz\".  (This is table-driven too, using the dictionary\n"
"    suffix_map).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimetypes.py:94
msgid ""
"Guess the extension for a file based on its MIME type.\n"
"    Return value is a string giving a filename extension, including the\n"
"    leading dot ('.').  The extension is not guaranteed to have been\n"
"    associated with any particular data stream, but would be mapped to the\n"
"    MIME type `type' by guess_type().  If no extension can be guessed for\n"
"    `type', None is returned.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:44
msgid ""
"A simple fake file object that knows about limited read-ahead and\n"
"    boundaries.  The only supported method is readline()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:91
msgid "Decode a single line of quoted-printable text to 8bit."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:104
msgid "Decode a header line to 8bit."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:119
msgid "Convert a quoted-printable part of a MIME mail message to 8bit."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:204
msgid "Convert quoted-printable parts of a MIME mail message to 8bit."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:225
msgid ""
"Code a single line as quoted-printable.\n"
"    If header is set, quote some extra characters."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:259
msgid "Code a single header line as quoted-printable."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:277
msgid "Convert an 8bit part of a MIME mail message to quoted-printable."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mimify.py:412
msgid "Convert 8bit parts of a MIME mail message to quoted-printable."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mutex.py:17
msgid "Create a new mutex -- initially unlocked."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mutex.py:22
msgid "Test the locked bit of the mutex."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mutex.py:26
msgid ""
"Atomic test-and-set -- grab the lock if it is not set,\n"
"        return true if it succeeded."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mutex.py:35
msgid ""
"Lock a mutex, call the function with supplied argument\n"
"        when it is acquired.  If the mutex is already locked, place\n"
"        function and argument in the queue."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/mutex.py:44
msgid ""
"Unlock a mutex.  If the queue is not empty, call the next\n"
"        function with its argument."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/netrc.py:11
msgid "Exception raised on syntax errors in the .netrc file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/netrc.py:85
msgid "Return a (user, account, password) tuple for given host."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/netrc.py:94
msgid "Dump the class data in the format of a .netrc file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:42
msgid "Base class for all nntplib exceptions"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:51
msgid "Unexpected [123]xx reply"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:55
msgid "4xx errors"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:59
msgid "5xx errors"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:63
msgid "Response does not begin with [1-5]"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:67
msgid "Error in response data"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:96
msgid ""
"Initialize an instance.  Arguments:\n"
"        - host: hostname to connect to\n"
"        - port: port to connect to (default the standard NNTP port)\n"
"        - user: username to authenticate with\n"
"        - password: password to use with username\n"
"        - readermode: if true, send 'mode reader' command after\n"
"                      connecting.\n"
"        readermode is sometimes necessary if you are connecting to an\n"
"        NNTP server on the local machine and intend to call\n"
"        reader-specific comamnds, such as `group'.  If you get\n"
"        unexpected NNTPPermanentErrors, you might need to set\n"
"        readermode.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:160
msgid ""
"Get the welcome message from the server\n"
"        (this is read and squirreled away by __init__()).\n"
"        If the response code is 200, posting is allowed;\n"
"        if it 201, posting is not allowed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:169
msgid ""
"Set the debugging level.  Argument 'level' means:\n"
"        0: no debugging output (default)\n"
"        1: print commands and responses but not body text etc.\n"
"        2: also print raw lines read and sent before stripping CR/LF"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:178
msgid "Internal: send one line to the server, appending CRLF."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:184
msgid "Internal: send one command to the server (through putline())."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:189
msgid ""
"Internal: return one line from the server, stripping CRLF.\n"
"        Raise EOFError if the connection is closed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:200
msgid ""
"Internal: get a response from the server.\n"
"        Raise various errors if the response indicates an error."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:214
msgid ""
"Internal: get a response plus following text from the server.\n"
"        Raise various errors if the response indicates an error."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:230
msgid "Internal: send a command and get the response."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:235
msgid "Internal: send a command and get the response plus following text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:240
msgid ""
"Process a NEWGROUPS command.  Arguments:\n"
"        - date: string 'yymmdd' indicating the date\n"
"        - time: string 'hhmmss' indicating the time\n"
"        Return:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - list: list of newsgroup names"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:250
msgid ""
"Process a NEWNEWS command.  Arguments:\n"
"        - group: group name or '*'\n"
"        - date: string 'yymmdd' indicating the date\n"
"        - time: string 'hhmmss' indicating the time\n"
"        Return:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - list: list of article ids"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:262
msgid ""
"Process a LIST command.  Return:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - list: list of (group, last, first, flag) (strings)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:273
msgid ""
"Process a GROUP command.  Argument:\n"
"        - group: the group name\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - count: number of articles (string)\n"
"        - first: first article number (string)\n"
"        - last: last article number (string)\n"
"        - name: the group name"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:299
msgid ""
"Process a HELP command.  Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - list: list of strings"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:306
msgid "Internal: parse the response of a STAT, NEXT or LAST command."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:320
msgid "Internal: process a STAT, NEXT or LAST command."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:325
msgid ""
"Process a STAT command.  Argument:\n"
"        - id: article number or message id\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - nr:   the article number\n"
"        - id:   the article id"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:335
msgid "Process a NEXT command.  No arguments.  Return as for STAT."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:339
msgid "Process a LAST command.  No arguments.  Return as for STAT."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:343
msgid "Internal: process a HEAD, BODY or ARTICLE command."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:349
msgid ""
"Process a HEAD command.  Argument:\n"
"        - id: article number or message id\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - nr: article number\n"
"        - id: message id\n"
"        - list: the lines of the article's header"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:360
msgid ""
"Process a BODY command.  Argument:\n"
"        - id: article number or message id\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - nr: article number\n"
"        - id: message id\n"
"        - list: the lines of the article's body"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:371
msgid ""
"Process an ARTICLE command.  Argument:\n"
"        - id: article number or message id\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - nr: article number\n"
"        - id: message id\n"
"        - list: the lines of the article"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:382
msgid ""
"Process a SLAVE command.  Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:388
msgid ""
"Process an XHDR command (optional server extension).  Arguments:\n"
"        - hdr: the header type (e.g. 'subject')\n"
"        - str: an article nr, a message id, or a range nr1-nr2\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - list: list of (nr, value) strings"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:405
msgid ""
"Process an XOVER command (optional server extension) Arguments:\n"
"        - start: start of range\n"
"        - end: end of range\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - list: list of (art-nr, subject, poster, date,\n"
"                         id, references, size, lines)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:431
msgid ""
"Process an XGTITLE command (optional server extension) Arguments:\n"
"        - group: group name wildcard (i.e. news.*)\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        - list: list of (name,title) strings"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:447
msgid ""
"Process an XPATH command (optional server extension) Arguments:\n"
"        - id: Message id of article\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        resp: server response if successful\n"
"        path: directory path to article"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:464
msgid ""
"Process the DATE command. Arguments:\n"
"        None\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        resp: server response if successful\n"
"        date: Date suitable for newnews/newgroups commands etc.\n"
"        time: Time suitable for newnews/newgroups commands etc."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:485
msgid ""
"Process a POST command.  Arguments:\n"
"        - f: file containing the article\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:507
msgid ""
"Process an IHAVE command.  Arguments:\n"
"        - id: message-id of the article\n"
"        - f:  file containing the article\n"
"        Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful\n"
"        Note that if the server refuses the article an exception is raised."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:531
msgid ""
"Process a QUIT command and close the socket.  Returns:\n"
"        - resp: server response if successful"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nntplib.py:542
msgid "Minimal test function."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:21
msgid ""
"Normalize case of pathname.\n"
"    Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:34 Lib/posixpath.py:36
msgid "Test whether a path is absolute"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:42
msgid "Join two or more pathname components, inserting \"\\\" as needed"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:58
msgid ""
"Split a pathname into drive and path specifiers. Returns a 2-tuple\n"
"\"(drive,path)\";  either part may be empty"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:67
msgid ""
"Split a pathname into UNC mount point and relative path specifiers.\n"
"    Return a 2-tuple (unc, rest); either part may be empty.\n"
"    If unc is not empty, it has the form '//host/mount' (or similar\n"
"    using backslashes).  unc+rest is always the input path.\n"
"    Paths containing drive letters never have an UNC part.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:100
msgid ""
"Split a pathname.\n"
"    Return tuple (head, tail) where tail is everything after the final slash.\n"
"    Either part may be empty."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:125
msgid ""
"Split the extension from a pathname.\n"
"    Extension is everything from the last dot to the end.\n"
"    Return (root, ext), either part may be empty."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:148 Lib/posixpath.py:109
msgid "Returns the final component of a pathname"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:155 Lib/posixpath.py:116
msgid "Returns the directory component of a pathname"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:177
msgid "Return the size of a file, reported by os.stat()"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:182
msgid "Return the last modification time of a file, reported by os.stat()"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:187
msgid "Return the last access time of a file, reported by os.stat()"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:196
msgid "Test for symbolic link.  On WindowsNT/95 always returns false"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:204
msgid "Test whether a path exists"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:217 Lib/posixpath.py:182
msgid "Test whether a path is a directory"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:230 Lib/posixpath.py:195
msgid "Test whether a path is a regular file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:242
msgid "Test whether a path is a mount point (defined as root of drive)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:259
msgid ""
"Directory tree walk whth callback function.\n"
"    walk(top, func, arg) calls func(arg, d, files) for each directory d\n"
"    in the tree rooted at top (including top itself); files is a list\n"
"    of all the files and subdirs in directory d."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:287
msgid ""
"Expand ~ and ~user constructs.\n"
"    If user or $HOME is unknown, do nothing."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:321
msgid ""
"Expand shell variables of form $var and ${var}.\n"
"    Unknown variables are left unchanged."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:380 Lib/posixpath.py:351
msgid "Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/ntpath.py:406
msgid "Return the absolute version of a path"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nturl2path.py:4
msgid ""
"Convert a URL to a DOS path.\n"
"            ///C|/foo/bar/spam.foo\n"
"                    becomes\n"
"            C:\\foo\\bar\\spam.foo\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/nturl2path.py:36
msgid ""
"Convert a DOS path name to a file url.\n"
"            C:\\foo\\bar\\spam.foo\n"
"                    becomes\n"
"            ///C|/foo/bar/spam.foo\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:183
msgid ""
"makedirs(path [, mode=0777]) -> None\n"
"    Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones.\n"
"    Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not\n"
"    just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist.  This is\n"
"    recursive.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:199
msgid ""
"removedirs(path) -> None\n"
"    Super-rmdir; remove a leaf directory and empty all intermediate\n"
"    ones.  Works like rmdir except that, if the leaf directory is\n"
"    successfully removed, directories corresponding to rightmost path\n"
"    segments will be pruned way until either the whole path is\n"
"    consumed or an error occurs.  Errors during this latter phase are\n"
"    ignored -- they generally mean that a directory was not empty.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:221
msgid ""
"renames(old, new) -> None\n"
"    Super-rename; create directories as necessary and delete any left\n"
"    empty.  Works like rename, except creation of any intermediate\n"
"    directories needed to make the new pathname good is attempted\n"
"    first.  After the rename, directories corresponding to rightmost\n"
"    path segments of the old name will be pruned way until either the\n"
"    whole path is consumed or a nonempty directory is found.\n"
"    Note: this function can fail with the new directory structure made\n"
"    if you lack permissions needed to unlink the leaf directory or\n"
"    file.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:255
msgid ""
"execl(file, *args)\n"
"    Execute the executable file with argument list args, replacing the\n"
"    current process. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:262
msgid ""
"execle(file, *args, env)\n"
"    Execute the executable file with argument list args and\n"
"    environment env, replacing the current process. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:270
msgid ""
"execlp(file, *args)\n"
"    Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH)\n"
"    with argument list args, replacing the current process. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:277
msgid ""
"execlpe(file, *args, env)\n"
"    Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH)\n"
"    with argument list args and environment env, replacing the current\n"
"    process. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:286
msgid ""
"execp(file, args)\n"
"    Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH)\n"
"    with argument list args, replacing the current process.\n"
"    args may be a list or tuple of strings. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:294
msgid ""
"execv(file, args, env)\n"
"    Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH)\n"
"    with argument list args and environment env , replacing the\n"
"    current process.\n"
"    args may be a list or tuple of strings. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:398
msgid ""
"Get an environment variable, return None if it doesn't exist.\n"
"        The optional second argument can specify an alternate default."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:448
msgid ""
"spawnv(mode, file, args) -> integer\n"
"Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:457
msgid ""
"spawnve(mode, file, args, env) -> integer\n"
"Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess with the\n"
"specified environment.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:469
msgid ""
"spawnvp(mode, file, args) -> integer\n"
"Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from\n"
"args in a subprocess.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:479
msgid ""
"spawnvpe(mode, file, args, env) -> integer\n"
"Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from\n"
"args in a subprocess with the supplied environment.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:493
msgid ""
"spawnl(mode, file, *args) -> integer\n"
"Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:502
msgid ""
"spawnle(mode, file, *args, env) -> integer\n"
"Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess with the\n"
"supplied environment.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:516
msgid ""
"spawnlp(mode, file, *args, env) -> integer\n"
"Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from\n"
"args in a subprocess with the supplied environment.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/os.py:526
msgid ""
"spawnlpe(mode, file, *args, env) -> integer\n"
"Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from\n"
"args in a subprocess with the supplied environment.\n"
"If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process.\n"
"If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally;\n"
"otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:111
msgid "This function is called when we stop or break at this line."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:115
msgid "This function is called when a return trap is set here."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:121
msgid ""
"This function is called if an exception occurs,\n"
"        but only if we are to stop at or just below this level."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:153
msgid "Handle alias expansion and ';;' separator."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:266
msgid "Produce a reasonable default."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:311
msgid ""
"Return line number of first line at or after input\n"
"        argument such that if the input points to a 'def', the\n"
"        returned line number is the first\n"
"        non-blank/non-comment line to follow.  If the input\n"
"        points to a blank or comment line, return 0.  At end\n"
"        of file, also return 0."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:394
msgid "arg is bp number followed by ignore count."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:416
msgid ""
"Three possibilities, tried in this order:\n"
"        clear -> clear all breaks, ask for confirmation\n"
"        clear file:lineno -> clear all breaks at file:lineno\n"
"        clear bpno bpno ... -> clear breakpoints by number"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pdb.py:865
msgid "Helper function for break/clear parsing -- may be overridden."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pickle.py:530
msgid ""
"Figure out the module in which a class occurs.\n"
"    Search sys.modules for the module.\n"
"    Cache in classmap.\n"
"    Return a module name.\n"
"    If the class cannot be found, return __main__.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pickle.py:639
msgid ""
"Return true if s contains a string that is safe to eval\n"
"        The definition of secure string is based on the implementation\n"
"        in cPickle.  s is secure as long as it only contains a quoted\n"
"        string and optional trailing whitespace.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:85
msgid "Class representing a pipeline template."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:88
msgid "Template() returns a fresh pipeline template."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:93
msgid "t.__repr__() implements `t`."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:97
msgid "t.reset() restores a pipeline template to its initial state."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:101
msgid ""
"t.clone() returns a new pipeline template with identical\n"
"        initial state as the current one."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:109
msgid "t.debug(flag) turns debugging on or off."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:113
msgid "t.append(cmd, kind) adds a new step at the end."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:135
msgid "t.prepend(cmd, kind) adds a new step at the front."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:157
msgid ""
"t.open(file, rw) returns a pipe or file object open for\n"
"        reading or writing; the file is the other end of the pipeline."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pipes.py:167
msgid ""
"t.open_r(file) and t.open_w(file) implement\n"
"        t.open(file, 'r') and t.open(file, 'w') respectively."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:48
msgid ""
"split filing system name (including special field) and drive specifier from rest\n"
"of path. This is needed by many riscospath functions.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:77
msgid ""
"Normalize the case of a pathname. This converts to lowercase as the native RISC\n"
"OS filesystems are case-insensitive. However, not all filesystems have to be,\n"
"and there's no simple way to find out what type an FS is argh.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:86
msgid ""
"Return whether a path is absolute. Under RISC OS, a file system specifier does\n"
"not make a path absolute, but a drive name or number does, and so does using the\n"
"symbol for root, URD, library, CSD or PSD. This means it is perfectly possible\n"
"to have an \"absolute\" URL dependent on the current working directory, and\n"
"equally you can have a \"relative\" URL that's on a completely different device to\n"
"the current one argh.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:99
msgid ""
"Join path elements with the directory separator, replacing the entire path when\n"
"an absolute or FS-changing path part is found.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:114
msgid ""
"Split a path in head (everything up to the last '.') and tail (the rest). FS\n"
"name must still be dealt with separately since special field may contain '.'.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:126
msgid ""
"Split a path in root and extension. This assumes the 'using slash for dot and\n"
"dot for slash with foreign files' convention common in RISC OS is in force.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:138
msgid ""
"Split a pathname into a drive specification (including FS name) and the rest of\n"
"the path. The terminating dot of the drive name is included in the drive\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:148
msgid "\nReturn the tail (basename) part of a path.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:155
msgid "\nReturn the head (dirname) part of a path.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:162
msgid ""
"Return the longest prefix of all list elements. Purely string-based; does not\n"
"separate any path parts. Why am I in os.path?\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:183
msgid "\nReturn the size of a file, reported by os.stat().\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:191
msgid "\nReturn the last modification time of a file, reported by os.stat().\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:203
msgid "\nTest whether a path exists.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:213
msgid "\nIs a path a directory? Includes image files.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:223
msgid "\nTest whether a path is a file, including image files.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:233
msgid "\nRISC OS has no links or mounts.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:249
msgid "\nTest whether two pathnames reference the same actual file.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:262
msgid "\nTest whether two open file objects reference the same file.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:304
msgid "\nExpand environment variables using OS_GSTrans.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:321
msgid "\nNormalize path, eliminating up-directory ^s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/plat-riscos/riscospath.py:349
msgid ""
"walk(top,func,args) calls func(arg, d, files) for each directory \"d\" in the tree\n"
"rooted at \"top\" (including \"top\" itself). \"files\" is a list of all the files and\n"
"subdirs in directory \"d\".\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/popen2.py:23
msgid ""
"Class representing a child process.  Normally instances are created\n"
"    by the factory functions popen2() and popen3()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/popen2.py:29
msgid ""
"The parameter 'cmd' is the shell command to execute in a\n"
"        sub-process.  The 'capturestderr' flag, if true, specifies that\n"
"        the object should capture standard error output of the child process.\n"
"        The default is false.  If the 'bufsize' parameter is specified, it\n"
"        specifies the size of the I/O buffers to/from the child process."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/popen2.py:72
msgid ""
"Return the exit status of the child process if it has finished,\n"
"        or -1 if it hasn't finished yet."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/popen2.py:85
msgid "Wait for and return the exit status of the child process."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/popen2.py:119 :140
msgid ""
"Execute the shell command 'cmd' in a sub-process.  If 'bufsize' is\n"
"        specified, it sets the buffer size for the I/O pipes.  The file objects\n"
"        (child_stdout, child_stdin) are returned."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/popen2.py:126 :147
msgid ""
"Execute the shell command 'cmd' in a sub-process.  If 'bufsize' is\n"
"        specified, it sets the buffer size for the I/O pipes.  The file objects\n"
"        (child_stdout, child_stdin, child_stderr) are returned."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/popen2.py:133 :154
msgid ""
"Execute the shell command 'cmd' in a sub-process.  If 'bufsize' is\n"
"        specified, it sets the buffer size for the I/O pipes.  The file objects\n"
"        (child_stdout_stderr, child_stdin) are returned."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:34
msgid ""
"This class supports both the minimal and optional command sets.\n"
"    Arguments can be strings or integers (where appropriate)\n"
"    (e.g.: retr(1) and retr('1') both work equally well.\n"
"    Minimal Command Set:\n"
"            USER name               user(name)\n"
"            PASS string             pass_(string)\n"
"            STAT                    stat()\n"
"            LIST [msg]              list(msg = None)\n"
"            RETR msg                retr(msg)\n"
"            DELE msg                dele(msg)\n"
"            NOOP                    noop()\n"
"            RSET                    rset()\n"
"            QUIT                    quit()\n"
"    Optional Commands (some servers support these):\n"
"            RPOP name               rpop(name)\n"
"            APOP name digest        apop(name, digest)\n"
"            TOP msg n               top(msg, n)\n"
"            UIDL [msg]              uidl(msg = None)\n"
"    Raises one exception: 'error_proto'.\n"
"    Instantiate with:\n"
"            POP3(hostname, port=110)\n"
"    NB:     the POP protocol locks the mailbox from user\n"
"            authorization until QUIT, so be sure to get in, suck\n"
"            the messages, and quit, each time you access the\n"
"            mailbox.\n"
"            POP is a line-based protocol, which means large mail\n"
"            messages consume lots of python cycles reading them\n"
"            line-by-line.\n"
"            If it's available on your mail server, use IMAP4\n"
"            instead, it doesn't suffer from the two problems\n"
"            above.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:171
msgid ""
"Send user name, return response\n"
"        (should indicate password required).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:179
msgid ""
"Send password, return response\n"
"        (response includes message count, mailbox size).\n"
"        NB: mailbox is locked by server from here to 'quit()'\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:189
msgid ""
"Get mailbox status.\n"
"        Result is tuple of 2 ints (message count, mailbox size)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:202
msgid ""
"Request listing, return result.\n"
"        Result without a message number argument is in form\n"
"        ['response', ['mesg_num octets', ...]].\n"
"        Result when a message number argument is given is a\n"
"        single response: the \"scan listing\" for that message.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:216
msgid ""
"Retrieve whole message number 'which'.\n"
"        Result is in form ['response', ['line', ...], octets].\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:224
msgid ""
"Delete message number 'which'.\n"
"        Result is 'response'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:232
msgid ""
"Does nothing.\n"
"        One supposes the response indicates the server is alive.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:240 :261
msgid "Not sure what this does."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:245
msgid "Signoff: commit changes on server, unlock mailbox, close connection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:268
msgid ""
"        - only possible if server has supplied a timestamp in initial greeting.\n"
"        Args:\n"
"                user    - mailbox user;\n"
"                secret  - secret shared between client and server.\n"
"        NB: mailbox is locked by server from here to 'quit()'\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:288
msgid ""
"Retrieve message header of message number 'which'\n"
"        and first 'howmuch' lines of message body.\n"
"        Result is in form ['response', ['line', ...], octets].\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/poplib.py:297
msgid ""
"Return message digest (unique id) list.\n"
"        If 'which', result contains unique id for that message\n"
"        in the form 'response mesgnum uid', otherwise result is\n"
"        the list ['response', ['mesgnum uid', ...], octets]\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixfile.py:57
msgid "File wrapper class that provides extra POSIX file routines."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixfile.py:213
msgid "Public routine to open a file as a posixfile object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixfile.py:217
msgid "Public routine to get a posixfile object from a Python file object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:28
msgid "Normalize case of pathname.  Has no effect under Posix"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:45
msgid "Join two or more pathname components, inserting '/' as needed"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:63
msgid ""
"Split a pathname.  Returns tuple \"(head, tail)\" where \"tail\" is\n"
"    everything after the final slash.  Either part may be empty."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:79
msgid ""
"Split the extension from a pathname.  Extension is everything from the\n"
"    last dot to the end.  Returns \"(root, ext)\", either part may be empty."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:101
msgid ""
"Split a pathname into drive and path. On Posix, drive is always\n"
"    empty."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:157
msgid "Test whether a path is a symbolic link"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:169
msgid "Test whether a path exists.  Returns false for broken symbolic links"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:206
msgid "Test whether two pathnames reference the same actual file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:216
msgid "Test whether two open file objects reference the same file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:226
msgid "Test whether two stat buffers reference the same file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:235
msgid "Test whether a path is a mount point"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:261
msgid ""
"walk(top,func,arg) calls func(arg, d, files) for each directory \"d\"\n"
"    in the tree  rooted at \"top\" (including \"top\" itself).  \"files\" is a list\n"
"    of all the files and subdirs in directory \"d\".\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:290
msgid ""
"Expand ~ and ~user constructions.  If user or $HOME is unknown,\n"
"    do nothing."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/posixpath.py:319
msgid ""
"Expand shell variables of form $var and ${var}.  Unknown variables\n"
"    are left unchanged."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pprint.py:48
msgid "Pretty-print a Python object to a stream [default is sys.sydout]."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pprint.py:54
msgid "Format a Python object into a pretty-printed representation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pprint.py:59
msgid "Determine if saferepr(object) is readable by eval()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pprint.py:64
msgid "Determine if object requires a recursive representation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pprint.py:69
msgid "Version of repr() which can handle recursive data structures."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pprint.py:75
msgid ""
"Handle pretty printing operations onto a stream using a set of\n"
"        configured parameters.\n"
"        indent\n"
"            Number of spaces to indent for each level of nesting.\n"
"        width\n"
"            Attempted maximum number of columns in the output.\n"
"        depth\n"
"            The maximum depth to print out nested structures.\n"
"        stream\n"
"            The desired output stream.  If omitted (or false), the standard\n"
"            output stream available at construction will be used.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:130
msgid ""
"match (pattern, string[, flags]) -> MatchObject or None\n"
"    If zero or more characters at the beginning of string match the\n"
"    regular expression pattern, return a corresponding MatchObject\n"
"    instance. Return None if the string does not match the pattern;\n"
"    note that this is different from a zero-length match.\n"
"    Note: If you want to locate a match anywhere in string, use\n"
"    search() instead.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:145
msgid ""
"search (pattern, string[, flags]) -> MatchObject or None\n"
"    Scan through string looking for a location where the regular\n"
"    expression pattern produces a match, and return a corresponding\n"
"    MatchObject instance. Return None if no position in the string\n"
"    matches the pattern; note that this is different from finding a\n"
"    zero-length match at some point in the string.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:157
msgid ""
"sub(pattern, repl, string[, count=0]) -> string\n"
"    Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost\n"
"    non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the\n"
"    replacement repl. If the pattern isn't found, string is returned\n"
"    unchanged. repl can be a string or a function; if a function, it\n"
"    is called for every non-overlapping occurrence of pattern. The\n"
"    function takes a single match object argument, and returns the\n"
"    replacement string.\n"
"    The pattern may be a string or a regex object; if you need to\n"
"    specify regular expression flags, you must use a regex object, or\n"
"    use embedded modifiers in a pattern; e.g.\n"
"    sub(\"(?i)b+\", \"x\", \"bbbb BBBB\") returns 'x x'.\n"
"    The optional argument count is the maximum number of pattern\n"
"    occurrences to be replaced; count must be a non-negative integer,\n"
"    and the default value of 0 means to replace all occurrences.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:182
msgid ""
"subn(pattern, repl, string[, count=0]) -> (string, num substitutions)\n"
"    Perform the same operation as sub(), but return a tuple\n"
"    (new_string, number_of_subs_made).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:193
msgid ""
"split(pattern, string[, maxsplit=0]) -> list of strings\n"
"    Split string by the occurrences of pattern. If capturing\n"
"    parentheses are used in pattern, then the text of all groups in\n"
"    the pattern are also returned as part of the resulting list. If\n"
"    maxsplit is nonzero, at most maxsplit splits occur, and the\n"
"    remainder of the string is returned as the final element of the\n"
"    list.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:208
msgid ""
"findall(pattern, string) -> list\n"
"    Return a list of all non-overlapping matches of pattern in\n"
"    string. If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a\n"
"    list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern has\n"
"    more than one group. Empty matches are included in the result.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:221
msgid ""
"escape(string) -> string\n"
"    Return string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed; this is\n"
"    useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may\n"
"    have regular expression metacharacters in it.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:237
msgid ""
"compile(pattern[, flags]) -> RegexObject\n"
"    Compile a regular expression pattern into a regular expression\n"
"    object, which can be used for matching using its match() and\n"
"    search() methods.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:254
msgid ""
"Holds a compiled regular expression pattern.\n"
"    Methods:\n"
"    match    Match the pattern to the beginning of a string.\n"
"    search   Search a string for the presence of the pattern.\n"
"    sub      Substitute occurrences of the pattern found in a string.\n"
"    subn     Same as sub, but also return the number of substitutions made.\n"
"    split    Split a string by the occurrences of the pattern.\n"
"    findall  Find all occurrences of the pattern in a string.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:273
msgid ""
"search(string[, pos][, endpos]) -> MatchObject or None\n"
"        Scan through string looking for a location where this regular\n"
"        expression produces a match, and return a corresponding\n"
"        MatchObject instance. Return None if no position in the string\n"
"        matches the pattern; note that this is different from finding\n"
"        a zero-length match at some point in the string. The optional\n"
"        pos and endpos parameters have the same meaning as for the\n"
"        match() method.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:298
msgid ""
"match(string[, pos][, endpos]) -> MatchObject or None\n"
"        If zero or more characters at the beginning of string match\n"
"        this regular expression, return a corresponding MatchObject\n"
"        instance. Return None if the string does not match the\n"
"        pattern; note that this is different from a zero-length match.\n"
"        Note: If you want to locate a match anywhere in string, use\n"
"        search() instead.\n"
"        The optional second parameter pos gives an index in the string\n"
"        where the search is to start; it defaults to 0.  This is not\n"
"        completely equivalent to slicing the string; the '' pattern\n"
"        character matches at the real beginning of the string and at\n"
"        positions just after a newline, but not necessarily at the\n"
"        index where the search is to start.\n"
"        The optional parameter endpos limits how far the string will\n"
"        be searched; it will be as if the string is endpos characters\n"
"        long, so only the characters from pos to endpos will be\n"
"        searched for a match.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:334
msgid ""
"sub(repl, string[, count=0]) -> string\n"
"        Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost\n"
"        non-overlapping occurrences of the compiled pattern in string\n"
"        by the replacement repl. If the pattern isn't found, string is\n"
"        returned unchanged.\n"
"        Identical to the sub() function, using the compiled pattern.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:347
msgid ""
"subn(repl, string[, count=0]) -> tuple\n"
"        Perform the same operation as sub(), but return a tuple\n"
"        (new_string, number_of_subs_made).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:406
msgid ""
"split(source[, maxsplit=0]) -> list of strings\n"
"        Split string by the occurrences of the compiled pattern. If\n"
"        capturing parentheses are used in the pattern, then the text\n"
"        of all groups in the pattern are also returned as part of the\n"
"        resulting list. If maxsplit is nonzero, at most maxsplit\n"
"        splits occur, and the remainder of the string is returned as\n"
"        the final element of the list.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:453
msgid ""
"findall(source) -> list\n"
"        Return a list of all non-overlapping matches of the compiled\n"
"        pattern in string. If one or more groups are present in the\n"
"        pattern, return a list of groups; this will be a list of\n"
"        tuples if the pattern has more than one group. Empty matches\n"
"        are included in the result.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:507
msgid ""
"Holds a compiled regular expression pattern.\n"
"    Methods:\n"
"    start      Return the index of the start of a matched substring.\n"
"    end        Return the index of the end of a matched substring.\n"
"    span       Return a tuple of (start, end) of a matched substring.\n"
"    groups     Return a tuple of all the subgroups of the match.\n"
"    group      Return one or more subgroups of the match.\n"
"    groupdict  Return a dictionary of all the named subgroups of the match.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:527
msgid ""
"start([group=0]) -> int or None\n"
"        Return the index of the start of the substring matched by\n"
"        group; group defaults to zero (meaning the whole matched\n"
"        substring). Return -1 if group exists but did not contribute\n"
"        to the match.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:543
msgid ""
"end([group=0]) -> int or None\n"
"        Return the indices of the end of the substring matched by\n"
"        group; group defaults to zero (meaning the whole matched\n"
"        substring). Return -1 if group exists but did not contribute\n"
"        to the match.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:559
msgid ""
"span([group=0]) -> tuple\n"
"        Return the 2-tuple (m.start(group), m.end(group)). Note that\n"
"        if group did not contribute to the match, this is (-1,\n"
"        -1). Group defaults to zero (meaning the whole matched\n"
"        substring).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:575
msgid ""
"groups([default=None]) -> tuple\n"
"        Return a tuple containing all the subgroups of the match, from\n"
"        1 up to however many groups are in the pattern. The default\n"
"        argument is used for groups that did not participate in the\n"
"        match.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:593
msgid ""
"group([group1, group2, ...]) -> string or tuple\n"
"        Return one or more subgroups of the match. If there is a\n"
"        single argument, the result is a single string; if there are\n"
"        multiple arguments, the result is a tuple with one item per\n"
"        argument. Without arguments, group1 defaults to zero (i.e. the\n"
"        whole match is returned). If a groupN argument is zero, the\n"
"        corresponding return value is the entire matching string; if\n"
"        it is in the inclusive range [1..99], it is the string\n"
"        matching the the corresponding parenthesized group. If a group\n"
"        number is negative or larger than the number of groups defined\n"
"        in the pattern, an IndexError exception is raised. If a group\n"
"        is contained in a part of the pattern that did not match, the\n"
"        corresponding result is None. If a group is contained in a\n"
"        part of the pattern that matched multiple times, the last\n"
"        match is returned.\n"
"        If the regular expression uses the (?P<name>...) syntax, the\n"
"        groupN arguments may also be strings identifying groups by\n"
"        their group name. If a string argument is not used as a group\n"
"        name in the pattern, an IndexError exception is raised.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pre.py:640
msgid ""
"groupdict([default=None]) -> dictionary\n"
"        Return a dictionary containing all the named subgroups of the\n"
"        match, keyed by the subgroup name. The default argument is\n"
"        used for groups that did not participate in the match.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/profile.py:59
msgid ""
"Run statement under profiler optionally saving results in filename\n"
"    This function takes a single argument that can be passed to the\n"
"    \"exec\" statement, and an optional file name.  In all cases this\n"
"    routine attempts to \"exec\" its first argument and gather profiling\n"
"    statistics from the execution. If no file name is present, then this\n"
"    function automatically prints a simple profiling report, sorted by the\n"
"    standard name string (file/line/function-name) that is presented in\n"
"    each line.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/profile.py:93
msgid ""
"Profiler class.\n"
"    self.cur is always a tuple.  Each such tuple corresponds to a stack\n"
"    frame that is currently active (self.cur[-2]).  The following are the\n"
"    definitions of its members.  We use this external \"parallel stack\" to\n"
"    avoid contaminating the program that we are profiling. (old profiler\n"
"    used to write into the frames local dictionary!!) Derived classes\n"
"    can change the definition of some entries, as long as they leave\n"
"    [-2:] intact.\n"
"    [ 0] = Time that needs to be charged to the parent frame's function.\n"
"           It is used so that a function call will not have to access the\n"
"           timing data for the parent frame.\n"
"    [ 1] = Total time spent in this frame's function, excluding time in\n"
"           subfunctions\n"
"    [ 2] = Cumulative time spent in this frame's function, including time in\n"
"           all subfunctions to this frame.\n"
"    [-3] = Name of the function that corresponds to this frame.\n"
"    [-2] = Actual frame that we correspond to (used to sync exception handling)\n"
"    [-1] = Our parent 6-tuple (corresponds to frame.f_back)\n"
"    Timing data for each function is stored as a 5-tuple in the dictionary\n"
"    self.timings[].  The index is always the name stored in self.cur[4].\n"
"    The following are the definitions of the members:\n"
"    [0] = The number of times this function was called, not counting direct\n"
"          or indirect recursion,\n"
"    [1] = Number of times this function appears on the stack, minus one\n"
"    [2] = Total time spent internal to this function\n"
"    [3] = Cumulative time that this function was present on the stack.  In\n"
"          non-recursive functions, this is the total execution time from start\n"
"          to finish of each invocation of a function, including time spent in\n"
"          all subfunctions.\n"
"    [5] = A dictionary indicating for each function name, the number of times\n"
"          it was called by us.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/profile.py:462
msgid ""
"A derived profiler that simulates the old style profile, providing\n"
"    errant results on recursive functions. The reason for the usefulness of\n"
"    this profiler is that it runs faster (i.e., less overhead).  It still\n"
"    creates all the caller stats, and is quite useful when there is *no*\n"
"    recursion in the user's code.\n"
"    This code also shows how easy it is to create a modified profiler.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/profile.py:519
msgid ""
"The fastest derived profile example.  It does not calculate\n"
"    caller-callee relationships, and does not calculate cumulative\n"
"    time under a function.  It only calculates time spent in a\n"
"    function, so it runs very quickly due to its very low overhead.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pstats.py:45
msgid ""
"This class is used for creating reports from data generated by the\n"
"    Profile class.  It is a \"friend\" of that class, and imports data either\n"
"    by direct access to members of Profile class, or by reading in a dictionary\n"
"    that was emitted (via marshal) from the Profile class.\n"
"    The big change from the previous Profiler (in terms of raw functionality)\n"
"    is that an \"add()\" method has been provided to combine Stats from\n"
"    several distinct profile runs.  Both the constructor and the add()\n"
"    method now take arbitrarily many file names as arguments.\n"
"    All the print methods now take an argument that indicates how many lines\n"
"    to print.  If the arg is a floating point number between 0 and 1.0, then\n"
"    it is taken as a decimal percentage of the available lines to be printed\n"
"    (e.g., .1 means print 10% of all available lines).  If it is an integer,\n"
"    it is taken to mean the number of lines of data that you wish to have\n"
"    printed.\n"
"    The sort_stats() method now processes some additional options (i.e., in\n"
"    addition to the old -1, 0, 1, or 2).  It takes an arbitrary number of quoted\n"
"    strings to select the sort order.  For example sort_stats('time', 'name')\n"
"    sorts on the major key of \"internal function time\", and on the minor\n"
"    key of 'the name of the function'.  Look at the two tables in sort_stats()\n"
"    and get_sort_arg_defs(self) for more examples.\n"
"    All methods now return \"self\",  so you can string together commands like:\n"
"        Stats('foo', 'goo').strip_dirs().sort_stats('calls').                            print_stats(5).print_callers(5)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pstats.py:185
msgid "Expand all abbreviations that are unique."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pstats.py:450
msgid ""
"This class provides a generic function for comparing any two tuples.\n"
"    Each instance records a list of tuple-indices (from most significant\n"
"    to least significant), and sort direction (ascending or decending) for\n"
"    each tuple-index.  The compare functions can then be used as the function\n"
"    argument to the system sort() function when a list of tuples need to be\n"
"    sorted in the instances order."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pstats.py:495
msgid "Add together all the stats for two profile entries."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pstats.py:503
msgid "Combine two caller lists in a single list."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pstats.py:515
msgid "Sum the caller statistics to get total number of calls received."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:22
msgid ""
"openpty() -> (master_fd, slave_fd)\n"
"    Open a pty master/slave pair, using os.openpty() if possible."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:34
msgid ""
"master_open() -> (master_fd, slave_name)\n"
"    Open a pty master and return the fd, and the filename of the slave end.\n"
"    Deprecated, use openpty() instead."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:50
msgid ""
"Open pty master and return (master_fd, tty_name).\n"
"    SGI and generic BSD version, for when openpty() fails."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:73
msgid ""
"slave_open(tty_name) -> slave_fd\n"
"    Open the pty slave and acquire the controlling terminal, returning\n"
"    opened filedescriptor.\n"
"    Deprecated, use openpty() instead."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:81
msgid ""
"fork() -> (pid, master_fd)\n"
"    Fork and make the child a session leader with a controlling terminal."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:115
msgid "Write all the data to a descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:121
msgid "Default read function."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:125
msgid ""
"Parent copy loop.\n"
"    Copies\n"
"            pty master -> standard output   (master_read)\n"
"            standard input -> pty master    (stdin_read)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pty.py:140
msgid "Create a spawned process."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/py_compile.py:12
msgid "Internal; write a 32-bit int to a file in little-endian order."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/py_compile.py:19
msgid ""
"Byte-compile one Python source file to Python bytecode.\n"
"    Arguments:\n"
"    file:  source filename\n"
"    cfile: target filename; defaults to source with 'c' or 'o' appended\n"
"           ('c' normally, 'o' in optimizing mode, giving .pyc or .pyo)\n"
"    dfile: purported filename; defaults to source (this is the filename\n"
"           that will show up in error messages)\n"
"    Note that it isn't necessary to byte-compile Python modules for\n"
"    execution efficiency -- Python itself byte-compiles a module when\n"
"    it is loaded, and if it can, writes out the bytecode to the\n"
"    corresponding .pyc (or .pyo) file.\n"
"    However, if a Python installation is shared between users, it is a\n"
"    good idea to byte-compile all modules upon installation, since\n"
"    other users may not be able to write in the source directories,\n"
"    and thus they won't be able to write the .pyc/.pyo file, and then\n"
"    they would be byte-compiling every module each time it is loaded.\n"
"    This can slow down program start-up considerably.\n"
"    See compileall.py for a script/module that uses this module to\n"
"    byte-compile all installed files (or all files in selected\n"
"    directories).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pyclbr.py:122
msgid "Class to represent a Python class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pyclbr.py:137
msgid "Class to represent a top-level Python function"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pyclbr.py:144
msgid ""
"Backwards compatible interface.\n"
"    Like readmodule_ex() but strips Function objects from the\n"
"    resulting dictionary."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pyclbr.py:157
msgid ""
"Read a module file and return a dictionary of classes.\n"
"    Search for MODULE in PATH and sys.path, read and parse the\n"
"    module and return a dictionary with one entry for each class\n"
"    found in the module."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:57
msgid "Convert sys.path into a list of absolute, existing, unique paths."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:69
msgid "Get the doc string or comments for an object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:74
msgid "Split a doc string into a synopsis line (if any) and the rest."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:83
msgid "Get a class name and qualify it with a module name if necessary."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:90
msgid "Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:96
msgid "Do a series of global replacements on a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:103
msgid "Omit part of a string if needed to make it fit in a maximum length."
msgstr ""

#. The behaviour of %p is implementation-dependent; we check two cases.
#: Lib/pydoc.py:111
msgid "Remove the hexadecimal id from a Python object representation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:131
msgid "Guess whether a path refers to a package directory."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:138
msgid "Get the one-line summary out of a module file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:169
msgid "Errors that occurred while trying to import something to document it."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:183
msgid "Import a Python source file or compiled file given its path."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:202
msgid ""
"Import a module; handle errors; return None if the module isn't found.\n"
"    If the module *is* found but an exception occurs, it's wrapped in an\n"
"    ErrorDuringImport exception and reraised.  Unlike __import__, if a\n"
"    package path is specified, the module at the end of the path is returned,\n"
"    not the package at the beginning.  If the optional 'forceload' argument\n"
"    is 1, we reload the module from disk (unless it's a dynamic extension)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:249
msgid "Generate documentation for an object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:257
msgid "Raise an exception for unimplemented types."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:267
msgid "Class for safely making an HTML representation of a Python object."
msgstr ""

#. ------------------------------------------- HTML formatting utilities
#: Lib/pydoc.py:307
msgid "Formatter class for HTML documentation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:316
msgid "Format an HTML page."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:327
msgid "Format a page heading."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:339
msgid "Format a section with a heading."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:360
msgid "Format a section with a big heading."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:365
msgid "Format literal preformatted text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:371
msgid "Format a list of items into a multi-column list."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:386
msgid "Make a link for an identifier, given name-to-URL mappings."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:393
msgid "Make a link for a class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:401
msgid "Make a link for a module."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:405
msgid "Make a link for a module or package to display in an index."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:419
msgid ""
"Mark up some plain text, given a context of symbols to look for.\n"
"        Each context dictionary maps object names to anchor names."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:456
msgid "Produce HTML for a class tree as given by inspect.getclasstree()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:475
msgid "Produce HTML documentation for a module object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:590
msgid "Produce HTML documentation for a class object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:622 :886
msgid "Format an argument default value as text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:627
msgid "Produce HTML documentation for a function or method object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:681
msgid "Produce HTML documentation for a data object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:686
msgid "Generate an HTML index for a directory of modules."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:716
msgid "Class for safely making a text representation of a Python object."
msgstr ""

#. ------------------------------------------- text formatting utilities
#: Lib/pydoc.py:746
msgid "Formatter class for text documentation."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:754
msgid "Format a string in bold by overstriking."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:758
msgid "Indent text by prepending a given prefix to each line."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:766
msgid "Format a section with a given heading."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:772
msgid "Render in text a class tree as returned by inspect.getclasstree()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:788
msgid "Produce text documentation for a given module object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:861
msgid "Produce text documentation for a given class object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:890
msgid "Produce text documentation for a function or method object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:934
msgid "Produce text documentation for a data object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:946
msgid "The first time this is called, determine what kind of pager to use."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:952
msgid "Decide what method to use for paging through text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:981
msgid "Remove boldface formatting from text."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:985
msgid "Page through text by feeding it to another program."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:994
msgid "Page through text by invoking a program on a temporary file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1006
msgid "Page through text on a text terminal."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1044
msgid "Simply print unformatted text.  This is the ultimate fallback."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1048
msgid "Produce a short description of the given thing."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1069
msgid "Locate an object by name or dotted path, importing as necessary."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1093
msgid "Display text documentation, given an object or a path to an object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1116
msgid "Write HTML documentation to a file in the current directory."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1133
msgid "Write out HTML documentation for all modules in a directory tree."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1439
msgid "A generic tree iterator."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1462
msgid "An interruptible scanner that searches module synopses."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1518
msgid "Print all the one-line module summaries that contain a substring."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1622
msgid "Graphical interface (starts web server and pops up a control window)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/pydoc.py:1803
msgid "Command-line interface (looks at sys.argv to decide what to do)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/quopri.py:14
msgid ""
"Decide whether a particular character needs to be quoted.\n"
"    The 'quotetabs' flag indicates whether tabs should be quoted."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/quopri.py:22
msgid "Quote a single character."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/quopri.py:27
msgid ""
"Read 'input', apply quoted-printable encoding, and write to 'output'.\n"
"    'input' and 'output' are files with readline() and write() methods.\n"
"    The 'quotetabs' flag indicates whether tabs should be quoted.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/quopri.py:57
msgid ""
"Read 'input', apply quoted-printable decoding, and write to 'output'.\n"
"    'input' and 'output' are files with readline() and write() methods."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/quopri.py:91
msgid "Return true if the character 'c' is a hexadecimal digit."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/quopri.py:95
msgid "Get the integer value of a hexadecimal number."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:114
msgid ""
"Initialize an instance.\n"
"        Optional argument x controls seeding, as for Random.seed().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:129
msgid ""
"Initialize internal state from hashable object.\n"
"        None or no argument seeds from current time.\n"
"        If a is not None or an int or long, hash(a) is used instead.\n"
"        If a is an int or long, a is used directly.  Distinct values between\n"
"        0 and 27814431486575L inclusive are guaranteed to yield distinct\n"
"        internal states (this guarantee is specific to the default\n"
"        Wichmann-Hill generator).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. Wichman-Hill random number generator.
#. Wichmann, B. A. & Hill, I. D. (1982)
#. Algorithm AS 183:
#. An efficient and portable pseudo-random number generator
#. Applied Statistics 31 (1982) 188-190
#. see also:
#.        Correction to Algorithm AS 183
#.        Applied Statistics 33 (1984) 123
#.        McLeod, A. I. (1985)
#.        A remark on Algorithm AS 183
#.        Applied Statistics 34 (1985),198-200
#. This part is thread-unsafe:
#. This part is thread-unsafe:
#: Lib/random.py:155 Lib/whrandom.py:66
msgid "Get the next random number in the range [0.0, 1.0)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:186
msgid "Return internal state; can be passed to setstate() later."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:190
msgid "Restore internal state from object returned by getstate()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:200
msgid ""
"Act as if n calls to random() were made, but quickly.\n"
"        n is an int, greater than or equal to 0.\n"
"        Example use:  If you have 2 threads and know that each will\n"
"        consume no more than a million random numbers, create two Random\n"
"        objects r1 and r2, then do\n"
"            r2.setstate(r1.getstate())\n"
"            r2.jumpahead(1000000)\n"
"        Then r1 and r2 will use guaranteed-disjoint segments of the full\n"
"        period.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:222
msgid ""
"Set the Wichmann-Hill seed from (x, y, z).\n"
"        These must be integers in the range [0, 256).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:243
msgid ""
"Seed from hashable object's hash code.\n"
"        None or no argument seeds from current time.  It is not guaranteed\n"
"        that objects with distinct hash codes lead to distinct internal\n"
"        states.\n"
"        This is obsolete, provided for compatibility with the seed routine\n"
"        used prior to Python 2.1.  Use the .seed() method instead.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. This code is a bit messy to make it fast for the
#. common case while still doing adequate error checking
#: Lib/random.py:279
msgid ""
"Choose a random item from range(start, stop[, step]).\n"
"        This fixes the problem with randint() which includes the\n"
"        endpoint; in Python this is usually not what you want.\n"
"        Do not supply the 'int' and 'default' arguments.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:318
msgid ""
"Return random integer in range [a, b], including both end points.\n"
"        (Deprecated; use randrange(a, b+1).)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:328 Lib/whrandom.py:92
msgid "Choose a random element from a non-empty sequence."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:332
msgid ""
"x, random=random.random -> shuffle list x in place; return None.\n"
"        Optional arg random is a 0-argument function returning a random\n"
"        float in [0.0, 1.0); by default, the standard random.random.\n"
"        Note that for even rather small len(x), the total number of\n"
"        permutations of x is larger than the period of most random number\n"
"        generators; this implies that \"most\" permutations of a long\n"
"        sequence can never be generated.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/random.py:355 Lib/whrandom.py:81
msgid "Get a random number in the range [a, b)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/reconvert.py:87
msgid ""
"Convert a regex regular expression to re syntax.\n"
"    The first argument is the regular expression, as a string object,\n"
"    just like it would be passed to regex.compile().  (I.e., pass the\n"
"    actual string object -- string quotes must already have been\n"
"    removed and the standard escape processing has already been done,\n"
"    e.g. by eval().)\n"
"    The optional second argument is the regex syntax variant to be\n"
"    used.  This is an integer mask as passed to regex.set_syntax();\n"
"    the flag bits are defined in regex_syntax.  When not specified, or\n"
"    when None is given, the current regex syntax mask (as retrieved by\n"
"    regex.get_syntax()) is used -- which is 0 by default.\n"
"    The return value is a regular expression, as a string object that\n"
"    could be passed to re.compile().  (I.e., no string quotes have\n"
"    been added -- use quote() below, or repr().)\n"
"    The conversion is not always guaranteed to be correct.  More\n"
"    syntactical analysis should be performed to detect borderline\n"
"    cases and decide what to do with them.  For example, 'x*?' is not\n"
"    translated correctly.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/reconvert.py:147
msgid ""
"Convert a string object to a quoted string literal.\n"
"    This is similar to repr() but will return a \"raw\" string (r'...'\n"
"    or r\"...\") when the string contains backslashes, instead of\n"
"    doubling all backslashes.  The resulting string does *not* always\n"
"    evaluate to the same string as the original; however it will do\n"
"    just the right thing when passed into re.compile().\n"
"    The optional second argument forces the string quote; it must be\n"
"    a single character which is a valid Python string quote.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/reconvert.py:179
msgid "Main program -- called when run as a script."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rexec.py:118
msgid "Restricted Execution environment."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:68
msgid "Represents a single RFC-822-compliant message."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:71
msgid "Initialize the class instance and read the headers."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:101
msgid "Rewind the file to the start of the body (if seekable)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:107
msgid ""
"Read header lines.\n"
"        Read header lines up to the entirely blank line that\n"
"        terminates them.  The (normally blank) line that ends the\n"
"        headers is skipped, but not included in the returned list.\n"
"        If a non-header line ends the headers, (which is an error),\n"
"        an attempt is made to backspace over it; it is never\n"
"        included in the returned list.\n"
"        The variable self.status is set to the empty string if all\n"
"        went well, otherwise it is an error message.\n"
"        The variable self.headers is a completely uninterpreted list\n"
"        of lines contained in the header (so printing them will\n"
"        reproduce the header exactly as it appears in the file).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:183
msgid ""
"Determine whether a given line is a legal header.\n"
"        This method should return the header name, suitably canonicalized.\n"
"        You may override this method in order to use Message parsing\n"
"        on tagged data in RFC822-like formats with special header formats.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:196
msgid ""
"Determine whether a line is a legal end of RFC-822 headers.\n"
"        You may override this method if your application wants\n"
"        to bend the rules, e.g. to strip trailing whitespace,\n"
"        or to recognize MH template separators ('--------').\n"
"        For convenience (e.g. for code reading from sockets) a\n"
"        line consisting of 
" also matches.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:207
msgid ""
"Determine whether a line should be skipped entirely.\n"
"        You may override this method in order to use Message parsing\n"
"        on tagged data in RFC822-like formats that support embedded\n"
"        comments or free-text data.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:216
msgid ""
"Find all header lines matching a given header name.\n"
"        Look through the list of headers and find all lines\n"
"        matching a given header name (and their continuation\n"
"        lines).  A list of the lines is returned, without\n"
"        interpretation.  If the header does not occur, an\n"
"        empty list is returned.  If the header occurs multiple\n"
"        times, all occurrences are returned.  Case is not\n"
"        important in the header name.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:240
msgid ""
"Get the first header line matching name.\n"
"        This is similar to getallmatchingheaders, but it returns\n"
"        only the first matching header (and its continuation\n"
"        lines).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:261
msgid ""
"A higher-level interface to getfirstmatchingheader().\n"
"        Return a string containing the literal text of the\n"
"        header but with the keyword stripped.  All leading,\n"
"        trailing and embedded whitespace is kept in the\n"
"        string, however.\n"
"        Return None if the header does not occur.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:277
msgid ""
"Get the header value for a name.\n"
"        This is the normal interface: it returns a stripped\n"
"        version of the header value for a given header name,\n"
"        or None if it doesn't exist.  This uses the dictionary\n"
"        version which finds the *last* such header.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:291
msgid ""
"Get all values for a header.\n"
"        This returns a list of values for headers given more than once;\n"
"        each value in the result list is stripped in the same way as the\n"
"        result of getheader().  If the header is not given, return an\n"
"        empty list.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#. New, by Ben Escoto
#: Lib/rfc822.py:317
msgid ""
"Get a single address from a header, as a tuple.\n"
"        An example return value:\n"
"        ('Guido van Rossum', 'guido@cwi.nl')\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:330
msgid ""
"Get a list of addresses from a header.\n"
"        Retrieves a list of addresses from a header, where each address is a\n"
"        tuple as returned by getaddr().  Scans all named headers, so it works\n"
"        properly with multiple To: or Cc: headers for example.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:353
msgid ""
"Retrieve a date field from a header.\n"
"        Retrieves a date field from the named header, returning\n"
"        a tuple compatible with time.mktime().\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:365
msgid ""
"Retrieve a date field from a header as a 10-tuple.\n"
"        The first 9 elements make up a tuple compatible with\n"
"        time.mktime(), and the 10th is the offset of the poster's\n"
"        time zone from GMT/UTC.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:381
msgid "Get the number of headers in a message."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:385
msgid "Get a specific header, as from a dictionary."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:389
msgid ""
"Set the value of a header.\n"
"        Note: This is not a perfect inversion of __getitem__, because\n"
"        any changed headers get stuck at the end of the raw-headers list\n"
"        rather than where the altered header was.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:403
msgid "Delete all occurrences of a specific header, if it is present."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:425
msgid "Determine whether a message contains the named header."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:429
msgid "Get all of a message's header field names."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:433
msgid "Get all of a message's header field values."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:437
msgid ""
"Get all of a message's headers.\n"
"        Returns a list of name, value tuples.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:458
msgid "Remove quotes from a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:468
msgid "Add quotes around a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:473
msgid "Parse an address into a (realname, mailaddr) tuple."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:483
msgid ""
"Address parser class by Ben Escoto.\n"
"    To understand what this class does, it helps to have a copy of\n"
"    RFC-822 in front of you.\n"
"    Note: this class interface is deprecated and may be removed in the future.\n"
"    Use rfc822.AddressList instead.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:493
msgid ""
"Initialize a new instance.\n"
"        `field' is an unparsed address header field, containing\n"
"        one or more addresses.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:507
msgid "Parse up to the start of the next address."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:516
msgid ""
"Parse all addresses.\n"
"        Returns a list containing all of the addresses.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:526
msgid "Parse the next address."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:584
msgid ""
"Parse a route address (Return-path value).\n"
"        This method just skips all the route stuff and returns the addrspec.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:617
msgid "Parse an RFC-822 addr-spec."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:641
msgid "Get the complete domain name from an address."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:659
msgid ""
"Parse a header fragment delimited by special characters.\n"
"        `beginchar' is the start character for the fragment.\n"
"        If self is not looking at an instance of `beginchar' then\n"
"        getdelimited returns the empty string.\n"
"        `endchars' is a sequence of allowable end-delimiting characters.\n"
"        Parsing stops when one of these is encountered.\n"
"        If `allowcomments' is non-zero, embedded RFC-822 comments\n"
"        are allowed within the parsed fragment.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:695
msgid "Get a quote-delimited fragment from self's field."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:699
msgid "Get a parenthesis-delimited fragment from self's field."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:703
msgid "Parse an RFC-822 domain-literal."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:707
msgid "Parse an RFC-822 atom."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:719
msgid ""
"Parse a sequence of RFC-822 phrases.\n"
"        A phrase is a sequence of words, which are in turn either\n"
"        RFC-822 atoms or quoted-strings.  Phrases are canonicalized\n"
"        by squeezing all runs of continuous whitespace into one space.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:741
msgid "An AddressList encapsulates a list of parsed RFC822 addresses."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:791
msgid "Dump a (name, address) pair in a canonicalized form."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:821
msgid ""
"Convert a date string to a time tuple.\n"
"    Accounts for military timezones.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:900
msgid "Convert a time string to a time tuple."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:908
msgid "Turn a 10-tuple as returned by parsedate_tz() into a UTC timestamp."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rfc822.py:917
msgid ""
"Returns time format preferred for Internet standards.\n"
"    Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rlcompleter.py:51
msgid ""
"Return the next possible completion for 'text'.\n"
"        This is called successively with state == 0, 1, 2, ... until it\n"
"        returns None.  The completion should begin with 'text'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rlcompleter.py:68
msgid ""
"Compute matches when text is a simple name.\n"
"        Return a list of all keywords, built-in functions and names\n"
"        currently defines in __main__ that match.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/rlcompleter.py:86
msgid ""
"Compute matches when text contains a dot.\n"
"        Assuming the text is of the form NAME.NAME....[NAME], and is\n"
"        evaluatable in the globals of __main__, it will be evaluated\n"
"        and its attributes (as revealed by dir()) are used as possible\n"
"        completions.  (For class instances, class members are are also\n"
"        considered.)\n"
"        WARNING: this can still invoke arbitrary C code, if an object\n"
"        with a __getattr__ hook is evaluated.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/robotparser.py:57
msgid ""
"parse the input lines from a robot.txt file.\n"
"           We allow that a user-agent: line is not preceded by\n"
"           one or more blank lines."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/robotparser.py:122
msgid "using the parsed robots.txt decide if useragent can fetch url"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/robotparser.py:147
msgid ""
"A rule line is a single \"Allow:\" (allowance==1) or \"Disallow:\"\n"
"       (allowance==0) followed by a path."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/robotparser.py:161
msgid "An entry has one or more user-agents and zero or more rulelines"
msgstr ""

#. split the name token and make it lower case
#: Lib/robotparser.py:175
msgid "check if this entry applies to the specified agent"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/robotparser.py:189
msgid ""
"        - our agent applies to this entry\n"
"        - filename is URL decoded"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sched.py:37
msgid ""
"Initialize a new instance, passing the time and delay\n"
"        functions"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sched.py:44
msgid ""
"Enter a new event in the queue at an absolute time.\n"
"        Returns an ID for the event which can be used to remove it,\n"
"        if necessary.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sched.py:55
msgid ""
"A variant that specifies the time as a relative time.\n"
"        This is actually the more commonly used interface.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sched.py:64
msgid ""
"Remove an event from the queue.\n"
"        This must be presented the ID as returned by enter().\n"
"        If the event is not in the queue, this raises RuntimeError.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sched.py:73
msgid "Check whether the queue is empty."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sched.py:77
msgid ""
"Execute events until the queue is empty.\n"
"        When there is a positive delay until the first event, the\n"
"        delay function is called and the event is left in the queue;\n"
"        otherwise, the event is removed from the queue and executed\n"
"        (its action function is called, passing it the argument).  If\n"
"        the delay function returns prematurely, it is simply\n"
"        restarted.\n"
"        It is legal for both the delay function and the action\n"
"        function to to modify the queue or to raise an exception;\n"
"        exceptions are not caught but the scheduler's state remains\n"
"        well-defined so run() may be called again.\n"
"        A questionably hack is added to allow other threads to run:\n"
"        just after an event is executed, a delay of 0 is executed, to\n"
"        avoid monopolizing the CPU when other threads are also\n"
"        runnable.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sgmllib.py:47
msgid "Exception raised for all parse errors."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shelve.py:46
msgid ""
"Base class for shelf implementations.\n"
"    This is initialized with a dictionary-like object.\n"
"    See the module's __doc__ string for an overview of the interface.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shelve.py:98
msgid ""
"Shelf implementation using the \"BSD\" db interface.\n"
"    This adds methods first(), next(), previous(), last() and\n"
"    set_location() that have no counterpart in [g]dbm databases.\n"
"    The actual database must be opened using one of the \"bsddb\"\n"
"    modules \"open\" routines (i.e. bsddb.hashopen, bsddb.btopen or\n"
"    bsddb.rnopen) and passed to the constructor.\n"
"    See the module's __doc__ string for an overview of the interface.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shelve.py:140
msgid ""
"Shelf implementation using the \"anydbm\" generic dbm interface.\n"
"    This is initialized with the filename for the dbm database.\n"
"    See the module's __doc__ string for an overview of the interface.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shelve.py:152
msgid ""
"Open a persistent dictionary for reading and writing.\n"
"    Argument is the filename for the dbm database.\n"
"    See the module's __doc__ string for an overview of the interface.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:13
msgid "A lexical analyzer class for simple shell-like syntaxes."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:38
msgid "Push a token onto the stack popped by the get_token method"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:44
msgid "Push an input source onto the lexer's input source stack."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:56
msgid "Pop the input source stack."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:66
msgid "Get a token from the input stream (or from stack if it's nonempty)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:98
msgid "Read a token from the input stream (no pushback or inclusions)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:182
msgid "Hook called on a filename to be sourced."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shlex.py:191
msgid "Emit a C-compiler-like, Emacs-friendly error-message leader."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:15
msgid "copy data from file-like object fsrc to file-like object fdst"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:24
msgid "Copy data from src to dst"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:38
msgid "Copy mode bits from src to dst"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:45
msgid "Copy all stat info (mode bits, atime and mtime) from src to dst"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:55
msgid ""
"Copy data and mode bits (\"cp src dst\").\n"
"    The destination may be a directory.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:66
msgid ""
"Copy data and all stat info (\"cp -p src dst\").\n"
"    The destination may be a directory.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:78
msgid ""
"Recursively copy a directory tree using copy2().\n"
"    The destination directory must not already exist.\n"
"    Error are reported to standard output.\n"
"    If the optional symlinks flag is true, symbolic links in the\n"
"    source tree result in symbolic links in the destination tree; if\n"
"    it is false, the contents of the files pointed to by symbolic\n"
"    links are copied.\n"
"    XXX Consider this example code rather than the ultimate tool.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/shutil.py:109
msgid ""
"Recursively delete a directory tree.\n"
"    If ignore_errors is set, errors are ignored; otherwise, if\n"
"    onerror is set, it is called to handle the error; otherwise, an\n"
"    exception is raised.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtpd.py:291
msgid ""
"Override this abstract method to handle messages from the client.\n"
"        peer is a tuple containing (ipaddr, port) of the client that made the\n"
"        socket connection to our smtp port.\n"
"        mailfrom is the raw address the client claims the message is coming\n"
"        from.\n"
"        rcpttos is a list of raw addresses the client wishes to deliver the\n"
"        message to.\n"
"        data is a string containing the entire full text of the message,\n"
"        headers (if supplied) and all.  It has been `de-transparencied'\n"
"        according to RFC 821, Section 4.5.2.  In other words, a line\n"
"        containing a `.' followed by other text has had the leading dot\n"
"        removed.\n"
"        This function should return None, for a normal `250 Ok' response;\n"
"        otherwise it returns the desired response string in RFC 821 format.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:57
msgid "Base class for all exceptions raised by this module."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:60
msgid ""
"Not connected to any SMTP server.\n"
"    This exception is raised when the server unexpectedly disconnects,\n"
"    or when an attempt is made to use the SMTP instance before\n"
"    connecting it to a server.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:68
msgid ""
"Base class for all exceptions that include an SMTP error code.\n"
"    These exceptions are generated in some instances when the SMTP\n"
"    server returns an error code.  The error code is stored in the\n"
"    `smtp_code' attribute of the error, and the `smtp_error' attribute\n"
"    is set to the error message.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:82
msgid ""
"Sender address refused.\n"
"    In addition to the attributes set by on all SMTPResponseException\n"
"    exceptions, this sets `sender' to the string that the SMTP refused.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:94
msgid ""
"All recipient addresses refused.\n"
"    The errors for each recipient are accessible through the attribute\n"
"    'recipients', which is a dictionary of exactly the same sort as\n"
"    SMTP.sendmail() returns.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:106
msgid "The SMTP server didn't accept the data."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:109
msgid "Error during connection establishment."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:112
msgid "The server refused our HELO reply."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:116
msgid ""
"Quote a subset of the email addresses defined by RFC 821.\n"
"    Should be able to handle anything rfc822.parseaddr can handle.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:132
msgid ""
"Quote data for email.\n"
"    Double leading '.', and change Unix newline '\\n', or Mac '\\r' into\n"
"    Internet CRLF end-of-line.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:142
msgid ""
"This class manages a connection to an SMTP or ESMTP server.\n"
"    SMTP Objects:\n"
"        SMTP objects have the following attributes:\n"
"            helo_resp\n"
"                This is the message given by the server in response to the\n"
"                most recent HELO command.\n"
"            ehlo_resp\n"
"                This is the message given by the server in response to the\n"
"                most recent EHLO command. This is usually multiline.\n"
"            does_esmtp\n"
"                This is a True value _after you do an EHLO command_, if the\n"
"                server supports ESMTP.\n"
"            esmtp_features\n"
"                This is a dictionary, which, if the server supports ESMTP,\n"
"                will _after you do an EHLO command_, contain the names of the\n"
"                SMTP service extensions this server supports, and their\n"
"                parameters (if any).\n"
"                Note, all extension names are mapped to lower case in the\n"
"                dictionary.\n"
"        See each method's docstrings for details.  In general, there is a\n"
"        method of the same name to perform each SMTP command.  There is also a\n"
"        method called 'sendmail' that will do an entire mail transaction.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:177
msgid ""
"Initialize a new instance.\n"
"        If specified, `host' is the name of the remote host to which to\n"
"        connect.  If specified, `port' specifies the port to which to connect.\n"
"        By default, smtplib.SMTP_PORT is used.  An SMTPConnectError is raised\n"
"        if the specified `host' doesn't respond correctly.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:192
msgid ""
"Set the debug output level.\n"
"        A non-false value results in debug messages for connection and for all\n"
"        messages sent to and received from the server.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:201
msgid ""
"Connect to a host on a given port.\n"
"        If the hostname ends with a colon (`:') followed by a number, and\n"
"        there is no port specified, that suffix will be stripped off and the\n"
"        number interpreted as the port number to use.\n"
"        Note: This method is automatically invoked by __init__, if a host is\n"
"        specified during instantiation.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:244
msgid "Send a command to the server."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:252
msgid ""
"Get a reply from the server.\n"
"        Returns a tuple consisting of:\n"
"          - server response code (e.g. '250', or such, if all goes well)\n"
"            Note: returns -1 if it can't read response code.\n"
"          - server response string corresponding to response code (multiline\n"
"            responses are converted to a single, multiline string).\n"
"        Raises SMTPServerDisconnected if end-of-file is reached.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:292
msgid "Send a command, and return its response code."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:298
msgid ""
"SMTP 'helo' command.\n"
"        Hostname to send for this command defaults to the FQDN of the local\n"
"        host.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:311
msgid ""
" SMTP 'ehlo' command.\n"
"        Hostname to send for this command defaults to the FQDN of the local\n"
"        host.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:341
msgid "Does the server support a given SMTP service extension?"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:345
msgid ""
"SMTP 'help' command.\n"
"        Returns help text from server."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:351
msgid "SMTP 'rset' command -- resets session."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:355
msgid "SMTP 'noop' command -- doesn't do anything :>"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:359
msgid "SMTP 'mail' command -- begins mail xfer session."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:367
msgid "SMTP 'rcpt' command -- indicates 1 recipient for this mail."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:375
msgid ""
"SMTP 'DATA' command -- sends message data to server.\n"
"        Automatically quotes lines beginning with a period per rfc821.\n"
"        Raises SMTPDataError if there is an unexpected reply to the\n"
"        DATA command; the return value from this method is the final\n"
"        response code received when the all data is sent.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:398 :405
msgid "SMTP 'verify' command -- checks for address validity."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:412
msgid ""
"This command performs an entire mail transaction.\n"
"        The arguments are:\n"
"            - from_addr    : The address sending this mail.\n"
"            - to_addrs     : A list of addresses to send this mail to.  A bare\n"
"                             string will be treated as a list with 1 address.\n"
"            - msg          : The message to send.\n"
"            - mail_options : List of ESMTP options (such as 8bitmime) for the\n"
"                             mail command.\n"
"            - rcpt_options : List of ESMTP options (such as DSN commands) for\n"
"                             all the rcpt commands.\n"
"        If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command this session, this\n"
"        method tries ESMTP EHLO first.  If the server does ESMTP, message size\n"
"        and each of the specified options will be passed to it.  If EHLO\n"
"        fails, HELO will be tried and ESMTP options suppressed.\n"
"        This method will return normally if the mail is accepted for at least\n"
"        one recipient.  It returns a dictionary, with one entry for each\n"
"        recipient that was refused.  Each entry contains a tuple of the SMTP\n"
"        error code and the accompanying error message sent by the server.\n"
"        This method may raise the following exceptions:\n"
"         SMTPHeloError          The server didn't reply properly to\n"
"                                the helo greeting.\n"
"         SMTPRecipientsRefused  The server rejected ALL recipients\n"
"                                (no mail was sent).\n"
"         SMTPSenderRefused      The server didn't accept the from_addr.\n"
"         SMTPDataError          The server replied with an unexpected\n"
"                                error code (other than a refusal of\n"
"                                a recipient).\n"
"        Note: the connection will be open even after an exception is raised.\n"
"        Example:\n"
"         >>> import smtplib\n"
"         >>> s=smtplib.SMTP(\"localhost\")\n"
"         >>> tolist=[\"one@one.org\",\"two@two.org\",\"three@three.org\",\"four@four.org\"]\n"
"         >>> msg = '''\n"
"         ... From: Me@my.org\n"
"         ... Subject: testin'...\n"
"         ...\n"
"         ... This is a test '''\n"
"         >>> s.sendmail(\"me@my.org\",tolist,msg)\n"
"         { \"three@three.org\" : ( 550 ,\"User unknown\" ) }\n"
"         >>> s.quit()\n"
"        In the above example, the message was accepted for delivery to three\n"
"        of the four addresses, and one was rejected, with the error code\n"
"        550.  If all addresses are accepted, then the method will return an\n"
"        empty dictionary.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:505
msgid "Close the connection to the SMTP server."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/smtplib.py:515
msgid "Terminate the SMTP session."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sndhdr.py:36
msgid "Guess the type of a sound file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sndhdr.py:42
msgid "Recognize sound headers"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/socket.py:92
msgid ""
"Get fully qualified domain name from name.\n"
"    An empty argument is interpreted as meaning the local host.\n"
"    First the hostname returned by gethostbyaddr() is checked, then\n"
"    possibly existing aliases. In case no FQDN is available, hostname\n"
"    is returned.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:50
msgid ""
"Try to apply the pattern at the start of the string, returning\n"
"    a match object, or None if no match was found."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:55
msgid ""
"Scan through string looking for a match to the pattern, returning\n"
"    a match object, or None if no match was found."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:60
msgid ""
"Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost\n"
"    non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in string by the\n"
"    replacement repl"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:66
msgid ""
"Return a 2-tuple containing (new_string, number).\n"
"    new_string is the string obtained by replacing the leftmost\n"
"    non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in the source\n"
"    string by the replacement repl.  number is the number of\n"
"    substitutions that were made."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:74
msgid ""
"Split the source string by the occurrences of the pattern,\n"
"    returning a list containing the resulting substrings."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:79
msgid ""
"Return a list of all non-overlapping matches in the string.\n"
"    If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a\n"
"    list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern\n"
"    has more than one group.\n"
"    Empty matches are included in the result."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:89
msgid "Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a pattern object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:93
msgid "Clear the regular expression cache"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:98
msgid "Compile a template pattern, returning a pattern object"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sre.py:102
msgid "Escape all non-alphanumeric characters in pattern."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/statcache.py:20
msgid "Stat a file, possibly out of the cache."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/statcache.py:27
msgid "Clear the cache."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/statcache.py:32
msgid "Remove a given item from the cache, if it exists."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/statcache.py:39
msgid "Remove all pathnames with a given prefix."
msgstr ""

#. Remove trailing separator, if any.  This is tricky to do in a
#. x-platform way.  For example, Windows accepts both / and \ as
#. separators, and if there's nothing *but* a separator we want to
#. preserve that this is the root.  Only os.path has the platform
#. knowledge we need.
#: Lib/statcache.py:45
msgid "Forget a directory and all entries except for entries in subdirs."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/statcache.py:62
msgid ""
"Remove all pathnames except with a given prefix.\n"
"    Normally used with prefix = '/' after a chdir().\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/statcache.py:72
msgid "Return 1 if directory, else 0."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:46 Lib/stringold.py:44
msgid ""
"lower(s) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s converted to lowercase.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:55 Lib/stringold.py:53
msgid ""
"upper(s) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s converted to uppercase.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:64 Lib/stringold.py:62
msgid ""
"swapcase(s) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s with upper case characters\n"
"    converted to lowercase and vice versa.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:74 Lib/stringold.py:72
msgid ""
"strip(s) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s with leading and trailing\n"
"    whitespace removed.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:84 Lib/stringold.py:82
msgid ""
"lstrip(s) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s with leading whitespace removed.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:93 Lib/stringold.py:91
msgid ""
"rstrip(s) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s with trailing whitespace\n"
"    removed.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:104
msgid ""
"split(s [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n"
"    Return a list of the words in the string s, using sep as the\n"
"    delimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, splits into at most\n"
"    maxsplit words.  If sep is not specified, any whitespace string\n"
"    is a separator.\n"
"    (split and splitfields are synonymous)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:119 Lib/stringold.py:117
msgid ""
"join(list [,sep]) -> string\n"
"    Return a string composed of the words in list, with\n"
"    intervening occurrences of sep.  The default separator is a\n"
"    single space.\n"
"    (joinfields and join are synonymous)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:133 Lib/stringold.py:134
msgid ""
"index(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"    Like find but raises ValueError when the substring is not found.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:142 Lib/stringold.py:143
msgid ""
"rindex(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"    Like rfind but raises ValueError when the substring is not found.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:151 Lib/stringold.py:152
msgid ""
"count(s, sub[, start[,end]]) -> int\n"
"    Return the number of occurrences of substring sub in string\n"
"    s[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are\n"
"    interpreted as in slice notation.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:162 Lib/stringold.py:163
msgid ""
"find(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> in\n"
"    Return the lowest index in s where substring sub is found,\n"
"    such that sub is contained within s[start,end].  Optional\n"
"    arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n"
"    Return -1 on failure.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:175 Lib/stringold.py:176
msgid ""
"rfind(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"    Return the highest index in s where substring sub is found,\n"
"    such that sub is contained within s[start,end].  Optional\n"
"    arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n"
"    Return -1 on failure.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:194 Lib/stringold.py:195
msgid ""
"atof(s) -> float\n"
"    Return the floating point number represented by the string s.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:204 Lib/stringold.py:208
msgid ""
"atoi(s [,base]) -> int\n"
"    Return the integer represented by the string s in the given\n"
"    base, which defaults to 10.  The string s must consist of one\n"
"    or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign.  If base is 0, it\n"
"    is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for octal, 0x or\n"
"    0X for hexadecimal.  If base is 16, a preceding 0x or 0X is\n"
"    accepted.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:219 Lib/stringold.py:235
msgid ""
"atol(s [,base]) -> long\n"
"    Return the long integer represented by the string s in the\n"
"    given base, which defaults to 10.  The string s must consist\n"
"    of one or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign.  If base\n"
"    is 0, it is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for\n"
"    octal, 0x or 0X for hexadecimal.  If base is 16, a preceding\n"
"    0x or 0X is accepted.  A trailing L or l is not accepted,\n"
"    unless base is 0.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:235 Lib/stringold.py:263
msgid ""
"ljust(s, width) -> string\n"
"    Return a left-justified version of s, in a field of the\n"
"    specified width, padded with spaces as needed.  The string is\n"
"    never truncated.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:246 Lib/stringold.py:276
msgid ""
"rjust(s, width) -> string\n"
"    Return a right-justified version of s, in a field of the\n"
"    specified width, padded with spaces as needed.  The string is\n"
"    never truncated.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:257 Lib/stringold.py:289
msgid ""
"center(s, width) -> string\n"
"    Return a center version of s, in a field of the specified\n"
"    width. padded with spaces as needed.  The string is never\n"
"    truncated.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:270 Lib/stringold.py:308
msgid ""
"zfill(x, width) -> string\n"
"    Pad a numeric string x with zeros on the left, to fill a field\n"
"    of the specified width.  The string x is never truncated.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:288 Lib/stringold.py:326
msgid ""
"expandtabs(s [,tabsize]) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s with all tab characters replaced\n"
"    by the appropriate number of spaces, depending on the current\n"
"    column, and the tabsize (default 8).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:299
msgid ""
"translate(s,table [,deletions]) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s, where all characters occurring\n"
"    in the optional argument deletions are removed, and the\n"
"    remaining characters have been mapped through the given\n"
"    translation table, which must be a string of length 256.  The\n"
"    deletions argument is not allowed for Unicode strings.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:318 Lib/stringold.py:357
msgid ""
"capitalize(s) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s with only its first character\n"
"    capitalized.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:329 Lib/stringold.py:368
msgid ""
"capwords(s, [sep]) -> string\n"
"    Split the argument into words using split, capitalize each\n"
"    word using capitalize, and join the capitalized words using\n"
"    join. Note that this replaces runs of whitespace characters by\n"
"    a single space.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:342 Lib/stringold.py:381
msgid ""
"maketrans(frm, to) -> string\n"
"    Return a translation table (a string of 256 bytes long)\n"
"    suitable for use in string.translate.  The strings frm and to\n"
"    must be of the same length.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/string.py:362 Lib/stringold.py:401
msgid ""
"replace (str, old, new[, maxsplit]) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of string str with all occurrences of substring\n"
"    old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxsplit is\n"
"    given, only the first maxsplit occurrences are replaced.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/stringold.py:102
msgid ""
"split(str [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n"
"    Return a list of the words in the string s, using sep as the\n"
"    delimiter string.  If maxsplit is nonzero, splits into at most\n"
"    maxsplit words If sep is not specified, any whitespace string\n"
"    is a separator.  Maxsplit defaults to 0.\n"
"    (split and splitfields are synonymous)\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/stringold.py:345
msgid ""
"translate(s,table [,deletechars]) -> string\n"
"    Return a copy of the string s, where all characters occurring\n"
"    in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the\n"
"    remaining characters have been mapped through the given\n"
"    translation table, which must be a string of length 256.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sunaudio.py:10
msgid "Convert a 4-char value to integer."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sunaudio.py:15
msgid "Read a sound header from an open file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/sunaudio.py:34
msgid "Read and print the sound header of a named file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/symtable.py:40
msgid "Helper to force boolean result to 1 or 0"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/symtable.py:101
msgid "Return true if the scope uses exec"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/symtable.py:105
msgid "Return true if the scope uses import *"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/symtable.py:225
msgid ""
"Returns true if name binding introduces new namespace.\n"
"        If the name is used as the target of a function or class\n"
"        statement, this will be true.\n"
"        Note that a single name can be bound to multiple objects.  If\n"
"        is_namespace() is true, the name may also be bound to other\n"
"        objects, like an int or list, that does not introduce a new\n"
"        namespace.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/symtable.py:238
msgid "Return a list of namespaces bound to this name"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/symtable.py:242
msgid ""
"Returns the single namespace bound to this name.\n"
"        Raises ValueError if the name is bound to multiple namespaces.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:63
msgid ""
"Telnet interface class.\n"
"    An instance of this class represents a connection to a telnet\n"
"    server.  The instance is initially not connected; the open()\n"
"    method must be used to establish a connection.  Alternatively, the\n"
"    host name and optional port number can be passed to the\n"
"    constructor, too.\n"
"    Don't try to reopen an already connected instance.\n"
"    This class has many read_*() methods.  Note that some of them\n"
"    raise EOFError when the end of the connection is read, because\n"
"    they can return an empty string for other reasons.  See the\n"
"    individual doc strings.\n"
"    read_until(expected, [timeout])\n"
"        Read until the expected string has been seen, or a timeout is\n"
"        hit (default is no timeout); may block.\n"
"    read_all()\n"
"        Read all data until EOF; may block.\n"
"    read_some()\n"
"        Read at least one byte or EOF; may block.\n"
"    read_very_eager()\n"
"        Read all data available already queued or on the socket,\n"
"        without blocking.\n"
"    read_eager()\n"
"        Read either data already queued or some data available on the\n"
"        socket, without blocking.\n"
"    read_lazy()\n"
"        Read all data in the raw queue (processing it first), without\n"
"        doing any socket I/O.\n"
"    read_very_lazy()\n"
"        Reads all data in the cooked queue, without doing any socket\n"
"        I/O.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:107
msgid ""
"        When called without arguments, create an unconnected instance.\n"
"        With a hostname argument, it connects the instance; a port\n"
"        number is optional.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:126
msgid ""
"Connect to a host.\n"
"        The optional second argument is the port number, which\n"
"        defaults to the standard telnet port (23).\n"
"        Don't try to reopen an already connected instance.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:143
msgid "Destructor -- close the connection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:147
msgid ""
"Print a debug message, when the debug level is > 0.\n"
"        If extra arguments are present, they are substituted in the\n"
"        message using the standard string formatting operator.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:161
msgid ""
"Set the debug level.\n"
"        The higher it is, the more debug output you get (on sys.stdout).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:169
msgid "Close the connection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:176
msgid "Return the socket object used internally."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:180
msgid "Return the fileno() of the socket object used internally."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:184
msgid ""
"Write a string to the socket, doubling any IAC characters.\n"
"        Can block if the connection is blocked.  May raise\n"
"        socket.error if the connection is closed.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:196
msgid ""
"Read until a given string is encountered or until timeout.\n"
"        When no match is found, return whatever is available instead,\n"
"        possibly the empty string.  Raise EOFError if the connection\n"
"        is closed and no cooked data is available.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:228
msgid "Read all data until EOF; block until connection closed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:238
msgid ""
"Read at least one byte of cooked data unless EOF is hit.\n"
"        Return '' if EOF is hit.  Block if no data is immediately\n"
"        available.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:253
msgid ""
"Read everything that's possible without blocking in I/O (eager).\n"
"        Raise EOFError if connection closed and no cooked data\n"
"        available.  Return '' if no cooked data available otherwise.\n"
"        Don't block unless in the midst of an IAC sequence.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:267
msgid ""
"Read readily available data.\n"
"        Raise EOFError if connection closed and no cooked data\n"
"        available.  Return '' if no cooked data available otherwise.\n"
"        Don't block unless in the midst of an IAC sequence.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:281
msgid ""
"Process and return data that's already in the queues (lazy).\n"
"        Raise EOFError if connection closed and no data available.\n"
"        Return '' if no cooked data available otherwise.  Don't block\n"
"        unless in the midst of an IAC sequence.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:292
msgid ""
"Return any data available in the cooked queue (very lazy).\n"
"        Raise EOFError if connection closed and no data available.\n"
"        Return '' if no cooked data available otherwise.  Don't block.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:305
msgid ""
"Transfer from raw queue to cooked queue.\n"
"        Set self.eof when connection is closed.  Don't block unless in\n"
"        the midst of an IAC sequence.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:341
msgid ""
"Get next char from raw queue.\n"
"        Block if no data is immediately available.  Raise EOFError\n"
"        when connection is closed.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:359
msgid ""
"Fill raw queue from exactly one recv() system call.\n"
"        Block if no data is immediately available.  Set self.eof when\n"
"        connection is closed.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:376
msgid "Test whether data is available on the socket."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:380
msgid "Interaction function, emulates a very dumb telnet client."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:402
msgid "Multithreaded version of interact()."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:412
msgid "Helper for mt_interact() -- this executes in the other thread."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:425
msgid ""
"Read until one from a list of a regular expressions matches.\n"
"        The first argument is a list of regular expressions, either\n"
"        compiled (re.RegexObject instances) or uncompiled (strings).\n"
"        The optional second argument is a timeout, in seconds; default\n"
"        is no timeout.\n"
"        Return a tuple of three items: the index in the list of the\n"
"        first regular expression that matches; the match object\n"
"        returned; and the text read up till and including the match.\n"
"        If EOF is read and no text was read, raise EOFError.\n"
"        Otherwise, when nothing matches, return (-1, None, text) where\n"
"        text is the text received so far (may be the empty string if a\n"
"        timeout happened).\n"
"        If a regular expression ends with a greedy match (e.g. '.*')\n"
"        or if more than one expression can match the same input, the\n"
"        results are undeterministic, and may depend on the I/O timing.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/telnetlib.py:476
msgid ""
"Test program for telnetlib.\n"
"    Usage: python telnetlib.py [-d] ... [host [port]]\n"
"    Default host is localhost; default port is 23.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tempfile.py:16
msgid "Function to calculate the directory to use."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tempfile.py:96
msgid ""
"Function to calculate a prefix of the filename to use.\n"
"    This incorporates the current process id on systems that support such a\n"
"    notion, so that concurrent processes don't generate the same prefix.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tempfile.py:110
msgid "User-callable function to return a unique temporary file name."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tempfile.py:121
msgid ""
"Temporary file wrapper\n"
"    This class provides a wrapper around files opened for temporary use.\n"
"    In particular, it seeks to automatically remove the file when it is\n"
"    no longer needed.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tempfile.py:148
msgid "Create and return a temporary file (opened read-write by default)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/regrtest.py:46
msgid ""
"Execute a test suite.\n"
"    This also parses command-line options and modifies its behavior\n"
"    accordingly.\n"
"    tests -- a list of strings containing test names (optional)\n"
"    testdir -- the directory in which to look for tests (optional)\n"
"    Users other than the Python test suite will certainly want to\n"
"    specify testdir; if it's omitted, the directory containing the\n"
"    Python test suite is searched for.\n"
"    If the tests argument is omitted, the tests listed on the\n"
"    command-line will be used.  If that's empty, too, then all *.py\n"
"    files beginning with test_ will be used.\n"
"    The other seven default arguments (verbose, quiet, generate, exclude,\n"
"    single, randomize, and findleaks) allow programmers calling main()\n"
"    directly to set the values that would normally be set by flags on the\n"
"    command line.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/regrtest.py:210
msgid "Return a list of all applicable test modules."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/regrtest.py:223
msgid ""
"Run a single test.\n"
"    test -- the name of the test\n"
"    generate -- if true, generate output, instead of running the test\n"
"    and comparing it to a previously created output file\n"
"    verbose -- if true, print more messages\n"
"    quiet -- if true, don't print 'skipped' messages (probably redundant)\n"
"    testdir -- test directory\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/sortperf.py:19
msgid "Return a random shuffle of range(n)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/sortperf.py:66
msgid ""
"Tabulate sort speed for lists of various sizes.\n"
"    The sizes are 2**i for i in r (the argument, a list).\n"
"    The output displays i, 2**i, and the time to sort arrays of 2**i\n"
"    floating point numbers with the following properties:\n"
"    *sort: random data\n"
"    sort: descending data\n"
"    /sort: ascending data\n"
"    ~sort: many duplicates\n"
"    -sort: all equal\n"
"    !sort: worst case scenario\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. default range (inclusive)
#: Lib/test/sortperf.py:108
msgid ""
"Main program when invoked as a script.\n"
"    One argument: tabulate a single row.\n"
"    Two arguments: tabulate a range (inclusive).\n"
"    Extra arguments are used to seed the random generator.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/string_tests.py:22
msgid "Run all tests that exercise a function in the string module"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/string_tests.py:52
msgid "Run all tests that exercise a method of a string object"
msgstr ""

#. put the one with larger magnitude second
#: Lib/test/test_complex.py:9
msgid "Return true iff floats x and y \"are close\""
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_complex.py:21
msgid "Return true iff complexes x and y \"are close\""
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_complex.py:26
msgid "Compute complex z=x*y, and check that z/x==y and z/y==x."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_contains.py:137
msgid ""
"Behaves strangely when compared\n"
"    This class is designed to make sure that the contains code\n"
"    works when the list is modified during the check.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_contains.py:155
msgid ""
"Behaves strangely when compared\n"
"    This class raises an exception during comparison.  That in\n"
"    turn causes the comparison to fail with a TypeError.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_funcattrs.py:8
msgid "my docstring"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_getopt.py:9
msgid ""
"Executes a statement passed in teststr, and raises an exception\n"
"       (failure) if the expected exception is *not* raised."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_gettext.py:16 :22 :28 :34 :74 :80 :86 :92
msgid "albatross"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_gettext.py:18 :24 :30 :36 :76 :82 :88 :94
msgid "Raymond Luxury Yach-t"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_gettext.py:40 :98
msgid ""
"This module provides internationalization and localization\n"
"support for your Python programs by providing an interface to the GNU\n"
"gettext message catalog library."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_gettext.py:51
msgid "nudge nudge"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_gettext.py:56
msgid "mullusk"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_imageop.py:120
msgid ""
"return a tuple consisting of image (in 'imgfile' format but\n"
"    using rgbimg instead) width and height"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_imageop.py:137
msgid ""
"return a tuple consisting of\n"
"       image (in 'imgfile' format) width and height\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_imageop.py:155
msgid " return a more qualified path to name"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_imgfile.py:27
msgid ""
"Run through the imgfile's battery of possible methods\n"
"       on the image passed in name.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Create an mmap'ed file
#: Lib/test/test_mmap.py:8
msgid "Test mmap module on Unix systems and Windows"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_poll.py:20
msgid ""
"Basic functional test of poll object\n"
"    Create a bunch of pipe and test that poll works with them.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_support.py:7
msgid "Base class for regression test exceptions."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_support.py:10
msgid "Test failed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_support.py:13
msgid ""
"Test skipped.\n"
"    This can be raised to indicate that a test was deliberatly\n"
"    skipped, but not because a feature wasn't available.  For\n"
"    example, if some resource can't be used, such as the network\n"
"    appears to be unavailable, this should be raised instead of\n"
"    TestFailed.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_support.py:84
msgid ""
"Verify that condition is true. If not, raise TestFailed.\n"
"       The optional argument reason can be given to provide\n"
"       a better error text.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_support.py:117
msgid "Run tests from a unittest.TestCase-derived class."
msgstr ""

#. What's important here is that we're using the first
#. reference in the callback invoked on the second reference
#. (the most recently created ref is cleaned up first).  This
#. tests that all references to the object are invalidated
#. before any of the callbacks are invoked, so that we only
#. have one invocation of _weakref.c:cleanup_helper() active
#. for a particular object at a time.
#: Lib/test/test_weakref.py:67
msgid ""
"Make sure all references are invalidated before callbacks\n"
"        are called."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/test/test_zlib.py:118
msgid ""
"An empty function with a big string.\n"
"    Make the compression algorithm work a little harder.\n"
"    \n"
"       O, fear me not.\n"
"       I stay too long: but here my father comes.\n"
"       Enter POLONIUS\n"
"       A double blessing is a double grace,\n"
"       Occasion smiles upon a second leave.\n"
"       Yet here, Laertes! aboard, aboard, for shame!\n"
"       The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail,\n"
"       And you are stay'd for. There; my blessing with thee!\n"
"       And these few precepts in thy memory\n"
"       See thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,\n"
"       Nor any unproportioned thought his act.\n"
"       Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.\n"
"       Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,\n"
"       Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;\n"
"       But do not dull thy palm with entertainment\n"
"       Of each new-hatch'd, unfledged comrade. Beware\n"
"       Of entrance to a quarrel, but being in,\n"
"       Bear't that the opposed may beware of thee.\n"
"       Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;\n"
"       Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.\n"
"       Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,\n"
"       But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy;\n"
"       For the apparel oft proclaims the man,\n"
"       And they in France of the best rank and station\n"
"       Are of a most select and generous chief in that.\n"
"       Neither a borrower nor a lender be;\n"
"       For loan oft loses both itself and friend,\n"
"       And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.\n"
"       This above all: to thine ownself be true,\n"
"       And it must follow, as the night the day,\n"
"       Thou canst not then be false to any man.\n"
"       Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!\n"
"       Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord.\n"
"       The time invites you; go; your servants tend.\n"
"       Farewell, Ophelia; and remember well\n"
"       What I have said to you.\n"
"       'Tis in my memory lock'd,\n"
"       And you yourself shall keep the key of it.\n"
"       Farewell.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:17
msgid ""
"Print the list of tuples as returned by extract_tb() or\n"
"    extract_stack() as a formatted stack trace to the given file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:28
msgid ""
"Format a list of traceback entry tuples for printing.\n"
"    Given a list of tuples as returned by extract_tb() or\n"
"    extract_stack(), return a list of strings ready for printing.\n"
"    Each string in the resulting list corresponds to the item with the\n"
"    same index in the argument list.  Each string ends in a newline;\n"
"    the strings may contain internal newlines as well, for those items\n"
"    whose source text line is not None.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:47
msgid ""
"Print up to 'limit' stack trace entries from the traceback 'tb'.\n"
"    If 'limit' is omitted or None, all entries are printed.  If 'file'\n"
"    is omitted or None, the output goes to sys.stderr; otherwise\n"
"    'file' should be an open file or file-like object with a write()\n"
"    method.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:74
msgid "A shorthand for 'format_list(extract_stack(f, limit))."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:78
msgid ""
"Return list of up to limit pre-processed entries from traceback.\n"
"    This is useful for alternate formatting of stack traces.  If\n"
"    'limit' is omitted or None, all entries are extracted.  A\n"
"    pre-processed stack trace entry is a quadruple (filename, line\n"
"    number, function name, text) representing the information that is\n"
"    usually printed for a stack trace.  The text is a string with\n"
"    leading and trailing whitespace stripped; if the source is not\n"
"    available it is None.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:109
msgid ""
"Print exception up to 'limit' stack trace entries from 'tb' to 'file'.\n"
"    This differs from print_tb() in the following ways: (1) if\n"
"    traceback is not None, it prints a header \"Traceback (most recent\n"
"    call last):\"; (2) it prints the exception type and value after the\n"
"    stack trace; (3) if type is SyntaxError and value has the\n"
"    appropriate format, it prints the line where the syntax error\n"
"    occurred with a caret on the next line indicating the approximate\n"
"    position of the error.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:130
msgid ""
"Format a stack trace and the exception information.\n"
"    The arguments have the same meaning as the corresponding arguments\n"
"    to print_exception().  The return value is a list of strings, each\n"
"    ending in a newline and some containing internal newlines.  When\n"
"    these lines are concatenated and printed, exactly the same text is\n"
"    printed as does print_exception().\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:147
msgid ""
"Format the exception part of a traceback.\n"
"    The arguments are the exception type and value such as given by\n"
"    sys.last_type and sys.last_value. The return value is a list of\n"
"    strings, each ending in a newline.  Normally, the list contains a\n"
"    single string; however, for SyntaxError exceptions, it contains\n"
"    several lines that (when printed) display detailed information\n"
"    about where the syntax error occurred.  The message indicating\n"
"    which exception occurred is the always last string in the list.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:202
msgid ""
"Shorthand for 'print_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback, limit, file)'.\n"
"    (In fact, it uses sys.exc_info() to retrieve the same information\n"
"    in a thread-safe way.)"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:214
msgid ""
"This is a shorthand for 'print_exception(sys.last_type,\n"
"    sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback, limit, file)'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:223
msgid ""
"Print a stack trace from its invocation point.\n"
"    The optional 'f' argument can be used to specify an alternate\n"
"    stack frame at which to start. The optional 'limit' and 'file'\n"
"    arguments have the same meaning as for print_exception().\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:237
msgid "Shorthand for 'format_list(extract_stack(f, limit))'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/traceback.py:246
msgid ""
"Extract the raw traceback from the current stack frame.\n"
"    The return value has the same format as for extract_tb().  The\n"
"    optional 'f' and 'limit' arguments have the same meaning as for\n"
"    print_stack().  Each item in the list is a quadruple (filename,\n"
"    line number, function name, text), and the entries are in order\n"
"    from oldest to newest stack frame.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. Coded by Marc-Andre Lemburg from the example of PyCode_Addr2Line()
#. in compile.c.
#. Revised version by Jim Hugunin to work with JPython too.
#: Lib/traceback.py:279
msgid ""
"Calculate correct line number of traceback given in tb.\n"
"    Even works with -O on.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tty.py:19
msgid "Put terminal into a raw mode."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tty.py:31
msgid "Put terminal into a cbreak mode."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tzparse.py:17
msgid ""
"Given a timezone spec, return a tuple of information\n"
"    (tzname, delta, dstname, daystart, hourstart, dayend, hourend),\n"
"    where 'tzname' is the name of the timezone, 'delta' is the offset\n"
"    in hours from GMT, 'dstname' is the name of the daylight-saving\n"
"    timezone, and 'daystart'/'hourstart' and 'dayend'/'hourend'\n"
"    specify the starting and ending points for daylight saving time."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tzparse.py:39
msgid ""
"Given a Unix time in seconds and a tuple of information about\n"
"    a timezone as returned by tzparse(), return the local time in the\n"
"    form (year, month, day, hour, min, sec, yday, wday, tzname)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tzparse.py:52
msgid "Determine the current timezone from the \"TZ\" environment variable."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tzparse.py:63
msgid ""
"Return true if daylight-saving time is in effect for the given\n"
"    Unix time in the current timezone."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/tzparse.py:75
msgid "Get the local time in the current timezone."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:63
msgid ""
"Holder for test result information.\n"
"    Test results are automatically managed by the TestCase and TestSuite\n"
"    classes, and do not need to be explicitly manipulated by writers of tests.\n"
"    Each instance holds the total number of tests run, and collections of\n"
"    failures and errors that occurred among those test runs. The collections\n"
"    contain tuples of (testcase, exceptioninfo), where exceptioninfo is a\n"
"    tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:80
msgid "Called when the given test is about to be run"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:84
msgid "Called when the given test has been run"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:88
msgid "Called when an error has occurred"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:92
msgid "Called when a failure has occurred"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:96
msgid "Called when a test has completed successfully"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:100
msgid "Tells whether or not this result was a success"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:104
msgid "Indicates that the tests should be aborted"
msgstr ""

#. This attribute determines which exception will be raised when
#. the instance's assertion methods fail; test methods raising this
#. exception will be deemed to have 'failed' rather than 'errored'
#: Lib/unittest.py:114
msgid ""
"A class whose instances are single test cases.\n"
"    By default, the test code itself should be placed in a method named\n"
"    'runTest'.\n"
"    If the fixture may be used for many test cases, create as\n"
"    many test methods as are needed. When instantiating such a TestCase\n"
"    subclass, specify in the constructor arguments the name of the test method\n"
"    that the instance is to execute.\n"
"    Test authors should subclass TestCase for their own tests. Construction\n"
"    and deconstruction of the test's environment ('fixture') can be\n"
"    implemented by overriding the 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods respectively.\n"
"    If it is necessary to override the __init__ method, the base class\n"
"    __init__ method must always be called. It is important that subclasses\n"
"    should not change the signature of their __init__ method, since instances\n"
"    of the classes are instantiated automatically by parts of the framework\n"
"    in order to be run.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:142
msgid ""
"Create an instance of the class that will use the named test\n"
"           method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does\n"
"           not have a method with the specified name.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:155
msgid "Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:159
msgid "Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:169
msgid ""
"Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no\n"
"        description has been provided.\n"
"        The default implementation of this method returns the first line of\n"
"        the specified test method's docstring.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:221
msgid "Run the test without collecting errors in a TestResult"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:227
msgid ""
"Return a version of sys.exc_info() with the traceback frame\n"
"           minimised; usually the top level of the traceback frame is not\n"
"           needed.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:240
msgid "Fail immediately, with the given message."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:244
msgid "Fail the test if the expression is true."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:248
msgid "Fail the test unless the expression is true."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:252
msgid ""
"Fail unless an exception of class excClass is thrown\n"
"           by callableObj when invoked with arguments args and keyword\n"
"           arguments kwargs. If a different type of exception is\n"
"           thrown, it will not be caught, and the test case will be\n"
"           deemed to have suffered an error, exactly as for an\n"
"           unexpected exception.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:269
msgid ""
"Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '!='\n"
"           operator.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:276
msgid ""
"Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '=='\n"
"           operator.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:293
msgid ""
"A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.\n"
"    For use, create an instance of TestSuite, then add test case instances.\n"
"    When all tests have been added, the suite can be passed to a test\n"
"    runner, such as TextTestRunner. It will run the individual test cases\n"
"    in the order in which they were added, aggregating the results. When\n"
"    subclassing, do not forget to call the base class constructor.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:334
msgid "Run the tests without collecting errors in a TestResult"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:339
msgid ""
"A test case that wraps a test function.\n"
"    This is useful for slipping pre-existing test functions into the\n"
"    PyUnit framework. Optionally, set-up and tidy-up functions can be\n"
"    supplied. As with TestCase, the tidy-up ('tearDown') function will\n"
"    always be called if the set-up ('setUp') function ran successfully.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:387
msgid ""
"This class is responsible for loading tests according to various\n"
"    criteria and returning them wrapped in a Test\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:395
msgid "Return a suite of all tests cases contained in testCaseClass"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:400
msgid "Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the given module"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:409
msgid ""
"Return a suite of all tests cases given a string specifier.\n"
"        The name may resolve either to a module, a test case class, a\n"
"        test method within a test case class, or a callable object which\n"
"        returns a TestCase or TestSuite instance.\n"
"        The method optionally resolves the names relative to a given module.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:452
msgid ""
"Return a suite of all tests cases found using the given sequence\n"
"        of string specifiers. See 'loadTestsFromName()'.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:461
msgid ""
"Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:504
msgid "Used to decorate file-like objects with a handy 'writeln' method"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:517
msgid ""
"A test result class that can print formatted text results to a stream.\n"
"    Used by TextTestRunner.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:583
msgid ""
"A test runner class that displays results in textual form.\n"
"    It prints out the names of tests as they are run, errors as they\n"
"    occur, and a summary of the results at the end of the test run.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:597
msgid "Run the given test case or test suite."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/unittest.py:629
msgid ""
"A command-line program that runs a set of tests; this is primarily\n"
"       for making test modules conveniently executable.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:66
msgid "urlopen(url [, data]) -> open file-like object"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:86
msgid ""
"Class to open URLs.\n"
"    This is a class rather than just a subroutine because we may need\n"
"    more than one set of global protocol-specific options.\n"
"    Note -- this is a base class for those who don't want the\n"
"    automatic handling of errors type 302 (relocated) and 401\n"
"    (authorization needed)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:142
msgid ""
"Add a header to be used by the HTTP interface only\n"
"        e.g. u.addheader('Accept', 'sound/basic')"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:148
msgid "Use URLopener().open(file) instead of open(file, 'r')."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:183 :188
msgid "Overridable interface to open unknown URL type."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:194
msgid ""
"retrieve(url) returns (filename, None) for a local object\n"
"        or (tempfilename, headers) for a remote object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:248
msgid "Use HTTP protocol."
msgstr ""

#. First check if there's a specific handler for this error
#: Lib/urllib.py:301
msgid ""
"Handle http errors.\n"
"        Derived class can override this, or provide specific handlers\n"
"        named http_error_DDD where DDD is the 3-digit error code."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:316
msgid "Default error handler: close the connection and raise IOError."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:323
msgid "Use HTTPS protocol."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:380
msgid "Use Gopher protocol."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:396
msgid "Use local file or FTP depending on form of URL."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:403
msgid "Use local file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:426
msgid "Use FTP protocol."
msgstr ""

#. ignore POSTed data
#. syntax of data URLs:
#. dataurl   := "data:" [ mediatype ] [ ";base64" ] "," data
#. mediatype := [ type "/" subtype ] *( ";" parameter )
#. data      := *urlchar
#. parameter := attribute "=" value
#: Lib/urllib.py:480
msgid "Use \"data\" URL."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:521
msgid "Derived class with handlers for errors we can handle (perhaps)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:530
msgid "Default error handling -- don't raise an exception."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:534
msgid "Error 302 -- relocated (temporarily)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:566
msgid "Error 301 -- also relocated (permanently)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:570
msgid ""
"Error 401 -- authentication required.\n"
"        See this URL for a description of the basic authentication scheme:\n"
"        http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/draft-ietf-http-v10-spec-00.txt"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:627
msgid "Override this in a GUI environment!"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:644
msgid "Return the IP address of the magic hostname 'localhost'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:652
msgid "Return the IP address of the current host."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:660
msgid "Return the set of errors raised by the FTP class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:669
msgid "Return an empty mimetools.Message object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:682
msgid "Class used by open_ftp() for cache of open FTP connections."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:755
msgid "Base class for addinfo and addclosehook."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:777
msgid "Class to add a close hook to an open file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:792
msgid "class to add an info() method to an open file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:802
msgid "class to add info() and geturl() methods to an open file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:817
msgid "Utility to combine a URL with a base URL to form a new URL."
msgstr ""

#. Most URL schemes require ASCII. If that changes, the conversion
#. can be relaxed
#: Lib/urllib.py:891
msgid "toBytes(u\"URL\") --> 'URL'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:903
msgid "unwrap('<URL:type://host/path>') --> 'type://host/path'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:912
msgid "splittype('type:opaquestring') --> 'type', 'opaquestring'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:926
msgid "splithost('//host[:port]/path') --> 'host[:port]', '/path'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:938
msgid "splituser('user[:passwd]@host[:port]') --> 'user[:passwd]', 'host[:port]'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:950
msgid "splitpasswd('user:passwd') -> 'user', 'passwd'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:963
msgid "splitport('host:port') --> 'host', 'port'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:975
msgid ""
"Split host and port, returning numeric port.\n"
"    Return given default port if no ':' found; defaults to -1.\n"
"    Return numerical port if a valid number are found after ':'.\n"
"    Return None if ':' but not a valid number."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:997
msgid "splitquery('/path?query') --> '/path', 'query'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1009
msgid "splittag('/path#tag') --> '/path', 'tag'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1020
msgid ""
"splitattr('/path;attr1=value1;attr2=value2;...') ->\n"
"        '/path', ['attr1=value1', 'attr2=value2', ...]."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1027
msgid "splitvalue('attr=value') --> 'attr', 'value'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1038
msgid "splitgophertype('/Xselector') --> 'X', 'selector'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1044
msgid "unquote('abc%20def') -> 'abc def'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1063
msgid "unquote('%7e/abc+def') -> '~/abc def'"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1090
msgid ""
"quote('abc def') -> 'abc%20def'\n"
"    Each part of a URL, e.g. the path info, the query, etc., has a\n"
"    different set of reserved characters that must be quoted.\n"
"    RFC 2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax lists\n"
"    the following reserved characters.\n"
"    reserved    = \";\" | \"/\" | \"?\" | \":\" | \"@\" | \"&\" | \"=\" | \"+\" |\n"
"                  \"$\" | \",\"\n"
"    Each of these characters is reserved in some component of a URL,\n"
"    but not necessarily in all of them.\n"
"    By default, the quote function is intended for quoting the path\n"
"    section of a URL.  Thus, it will not encode '/'.  This character\n"
"    is reserved, but in typical usage the quote function is being\n"
"    called on a path where the existing slash characters are used as\n"
"    reserved characters.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1121
msgid "Quote the query fragment of a URL; replacing ' ' with '+'"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1131
msgid ""
"Encode a sequence of two-element tuples or dictionary into a URL query string.\n"
"    If any values in the query arg are sequences and doseq is true, each\n"
"    sequence element is converted to a separate parameter.\n"
"    If the query arg is a sequence of two-element tuples, the order of the\n"
"    parameters in the output will match the order of parameters in the\n"
"    input.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1196
msgid ""
"Return a dictionary of scheme -> proxy server URL mappings.\n"
"    Scan the environment for variables named <scheme>_proxy;\n"
"    this seems to be the standard convention.  If you need a\n"
"    different way, you can pass a proxies dictionary to the\n"
"    [Fancy]URLopener constructor.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1213
msgid ""
"Return a dictionary of scheme -> proxy server URL mappings.\n"
"        By convention the mac uses Internet Config to store\n"
"        proxies.  An HTTP proxy, for instance, is stored under\n"
"        the HttpProxy key.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1244
msgid ""
"Return a dictionary of scheme -> proxy server URL mappings.\n"
"        Win32 uses the registry to store proxies.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib.py:1285
msgid ""
"Return a dictionary of scheme -> proxy server URL mappings.\n"
"        Returns settings gathered from the environment, if specified,\n"
"        or the registry.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib2.py:155
msgid "Raised when HTTP error occurs, but also acts like non-error return"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib2.py:380
msgid ""
"Create an opener object from a list of handlers.\n"
"    The opener will use several default handlers, including support\n"
"    for HTTP and FTP.  If there is a ProxyHandler, it must be at the\n"
"    front of the list of handlers.  (Yuck.)\n"
"    If any of the handlers passed as arguments are subclasses of the\n"
"    default handlers, the default handlers will not be used.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib2.py:560
msgid "Accept netloc or URI and extract only the netloc and path"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib2.py:568
msgid ""
"Check if test is below base in a URI tree\n"
"        Both args must be URIs in reduced form.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib2.py:750
msgid ""
"An authentication protocol defined by RFC 2069\n"
"    Digest authentication improves on basic authentication because it\n"
"    does not transmit passwords in the clear.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urllib2.py:840
msgid "Parse list of key=value strings where keys are not duplicated."
msgstr ""

#. XXX this function could probably use more testing
#: Lib/urllib2.py:850
msgid ""
"Parse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2.\n"
"    In particular, parse comman-separated lists where the elements of\n"
"    the list may include quoted-strings.  A quoted-string could\n"
"    contain a comma.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urlparse.py:41
msgid "Clear the parse cache."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urlparse.py:47
msgid ""
"Parse a URL into 6 components:\n"
"    <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>\n"
"    Return a 6-tuple: (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment).\n"
"    Note that we don't break the components up in smaller bits\n"
"    (e.g. netloc is a single string) and we don't expand % escapes."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urlparse.py:114
msgid ""
"Put a parsed URL back together again.  This may result in a\n"
"    slightly different, but equivalent URL, if the URL that was parsed\n"
"    originally had redundant delimiters, e.g. a ? with an empty query\n"
"    (the draft states that these are equivalent)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urlparse.py:132
msgid ""
"Join a base URL and a possibly relative URL to form an absolute\n"
"    interpretation of the latter."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/urlparse.py:184
msgid ""
"Removes any existing fragment from URL.\n"
"    Returns a tuple of the defragmented URL and the fragment.  If\n"
"    the URL contained no fragments, the second element is the\n"
"    empty string.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. If in_file is a pathname open it and change defaults
#: Lib/uu.py:43
msgid "Uuencode file"
msgstr ""

#. Open the input file, if needed.
#: Lib/uu.py:84
msgid "Decode uuencoded file"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/uu.py:142
msgid "uuencode/uudecode main program"
msgstr ""

#. Check category argument
#: Lib/warnings.py:13
msgid "Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/warnings.py:95
msgid "Hook to write a warning to a file; replace if you like."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/warnings.py:101
msgid "Function to format a warning the standard way."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/warnings.py:111
msgid ""
"Insert an entry into the list of warnings filters (at the front).\n"
"    Use assertions to check that all arguments have the right type."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/warnings.py:130
msgid "Reset the list of warnings filters to its default state."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/warnings.py:134
msgid "Exception used by option processing helpers."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/wave.py:95
msgid ""
"Variables used in this class:\n"
"    These variables are available to the user though appropriate\n"
"    methods of this class:\n"
"    _file -- the open file with methods read(), close(), and seek()\n"
"              set through the __init__() method\n"
"    _nchannels -- the number of audio channels\n"
"              available through the getnchannels() method\n"
"    _nframes -- the number of audio frames\n"
"              available through the getnframes() method\n"
"    _sampwidth -- the number of bytes per audio sample\n"
"              available through the getsampwidth() method\n"
"    _framerate -- the sampling frequency\n"
"              available through the getframerate() method\n"
"    _comptype -- the AIFF-C compression type ('NONE' if AIFF)\n"
"              available through the getcomptype() method\n"
"    _compname -- the human-readable AIFF-C compression type\n"
"              available through the getcomptype() method\n"
"    _soundpos -- the position in the audio stream\n"
"              available through the tell() method, set through the\n"
"              setpos() method\n"
"    These variables are used internally only:\n"
"    _fmt_chunk_read -- 1 iff the FMT chunk has been read\n"
"    _data_seek_needed -- 1 iff positioned correctly in audio\n"
"              file for readframes()\n"
"    _data_chunk -- instantiation of a chunk class for the DATA chunk\n"
"    _framesize -- size of one frame in the file\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/wave.py:270
msgid ""
"Variables used in this class:\n"
"    These variables are user settable through appropriate methods\n"
"    of this class:\n"
"    _file -- the open file with methods write(), close(), tell(), seek()\n"
"              set through the __init__() method\n"
"    _comptype -- the AIFF-C compression type ('NONE' in AIFF)\n"
"              set through the setcomptype() or setparams() method\n"
"    _compname -- the human-readable AIFF-C compression type\n"
"              set through the setcomptype() or setparams() method\n"
"    _nchannels -- the number of audio channels\n"
"              set through the setnchannels() or setparams() method\n"
"    _sampwidth -- the number of bytes per audio sample\n"
"              set through the setsampwidth() or setparams() method\n"
"    _framerate -- the sampling frequency\n"
"              set through the setframerate() or setparams() method\n"
"    _nframes -- the number of audio frames written to the header\n"
"              set through the setnframes() or setparams() method\n"
"    These variables are used internally only:\n"
"    _datalength -- the size of the audio samples written to the header\n"
"    _nframeswritten -- the number of frames actually written\n"
"    _datawritten -- the size of the audio samples actually written\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/webbrowser.py:15
msgid "Register a browser connector and, optionally, connection."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/webbrowser.py:19
msgid "Return a browser launcher instance appropriate for the environment."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/webbrowser.py:50
msgid ""
"Attempt to synthesize a controller base on existing controllers.\n"
"    This is useful to create a controller when a user specifies a path to\n"
"    an entry in the BROWSER environment variable -- we can copy a general\n"
"    controller to operate using a specific installation of the desired\n"
"    browser in this way.\n"
"    If we can't create a controller in this way, or if there is no\n"
"    executable for the requested browser, return [None, None].\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/webbrowser.py:99
msgid "Return true if cmd can be found on the executable search path."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/webbrowser.py:138
msgid "Launcher class for Netscape browsers."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/webbrowser.py:178
msgid ""
"Controller for the KDE File Manager (kfm, or Konqueror).\n"
"                See http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/kfmclient.html\n"
"                for more information on the Konqueror remote-control interface.\n"
"                "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/whichdb.py:11
msgid ""
"Guess which db package to use to open a db file.\n"
"    Return values:\n"
"    - None if the database file can't be read;\n"
"    - empty string if the file can be read but can't be recognized\n"
"    - the module name (e.g. \"dbm\" or \"gdbm\") if recognized.\n"
"    Importing the given module may still fail, and opening the\n"
"    database using that module may still fail.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/whrandom.py:42
msgid ""
"Initialize an instance.\n"
"        Without arguments, initialize from current time.\n"
"        With arguments (x, y, z), initialize from them."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/whrandom.py:48
msgid ""
"Set the seed from (x, y, z).\n"
"        These must be integers in the range [0, 256)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/whrandom.py:85
msgid ""
"Get a random integer in the range [a, b] including\n"
"        both end points.\n"
"        (Deprecated; use randrange below.)"
msgstr ""

#. This code is a bit messy to make it fast for the
#. common case while still doing adequate error checking
#: Lib/whrandom.py:96
msgid ""
"Choose a random item from range(start, stop[, step]).\n"
"        This fixes the problem with randint() which includes the\n"
"        endpoint; in Python this is usually not what you want.\n"
"        Do not supply the 'int' and 'default' arguments."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xdrlib.py:13
msgid ""
"Exception class for this module. Use:\n"
"    except xdrlib.Error, var:\n"
"        # var has the Error instance for the exception\n"
"    Public ivars:\n"
"        msg -- contains the message\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xdrlib.py:36
msgid "Pack various data representations into a buffer."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xdrlib.py:113
msgid "Unpacks various data representations from the given buffer."
msgstr ""

#. DOM implementations may use this as a base class for their own
#. Node implementations.  If they don't, the constants defined here
#. should still be used as the canonical definitions as they match
#. the values given in the W3C recommendation.  Client code can
#. safely refer to these values in all tests of Node.nodeType
#. values.
#: Lib/xml/dom/__init__.py:19
msgid "Class giving the NodeType constants."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/__init__.py:61
msgid ""
"Abstract base class for DOM exceptions.\n"
"    Exceptions with specific codes are specializations of this class."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/domreg.py:20
msgid ""
"registerDOMImplementation(name, factory)\n"
"    Register the factory function with the name. The factory function\n"
"    should return an object which implements the DOMImplementation\n"
"    interface. The factory function can either return the same object,\n"
"    or a new one (e.g. if that implementation supports some\n"
"    customization)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/domreg.py:31
msgid "_good_enough(dom, features) -> Return 1 if the dom offers the features"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/domreg.py:38
msgid ""
"getDOMImplementation(name = None, features = ()) -> DOM implementation.\n"
"    Return a suitable DOM implementation. The name is either\n"
"    well-known, the module name of a DOM implementation, or None. If\n"
"    it is not None, imports the corresponding module and returns\n"
"    DOMImplementation object if the import succeeds.\n"
"    If name is not given, consider the available implementations to\n"
"    find one with the required feature set. If no implementation can\n"
"    be found, raise an ImportError. The features list must be a sequence\n"
"    of (feature, version) pairs which are passed to hasFeature."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/minidom.py:263
msgid "Writes datachars to writer."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/minidom.py:336
msgid ""
"The attribute list is a transient interface to the underlying\n"
"    dictionaries.  Mutations here will change the underlying element's\n"
"    dictionary.\n"
"    Ordering is imposed artificially and does not reflect the order of\n"
"    attributes as found in an input document.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/minidom.py:908
msgid "Parse a file into a DOM by filename or file object."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/minidom.py:913
msgid "Parse a file into a DOM from a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/pulldom.py:181
msgid "clear(): Explicitly release parsing structures"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/dom/pulldom.py:240
msgid "clear(): Explicitly release parsing objects"
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/__init__.py:67
msgid ""
"Creates and returns a SAX parser.\n"
"    Creates the first parser it is able to instantiate of the ones\n"
"    given in the list created by doing parser_list +\n"
"    default_parser_list.  The lists must contain the names of Python\n"
"    modules containing both a SAX parser and a create_parser function."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:10
msgid ""
"Encapsulate an XML error or warning. This class can contain\n"
"    basic error or warning information from either the XML parser or\n"
"    the application: you can subclass it to provide additional\n"
"    functionality, or to add localization. Note that although you will\n"
"    receive a SAXException as the argument to the handlers in the\n"
"    ErrorHandler interface, you are not actually required to throw\n"
"    the exception; instead, you can simply read the information in\n"
"    it."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:20
msgid ""
"Creates an exception. The message is required, but the exception\n"
"        is optional."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:27
msgid "Return a message for this exception."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:31
msgid "Return the embedded exception, or None if there was none."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:35 :90
msgid "Create a string representation of the exception."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:39
msgid ""
"Avoids weird error messages if someone does exception[ix] by\n"
"        mistake, since Exception has __getitem__ defined."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:47
msgid ""
"Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning.\n"
"    This exception will include information for locating the error in\n"
"    the original XML document. Note that although the application will\n"
"    receive a SAXParseException as the argument to the handlers in the\n"
"    ErrorHandler interface, the application is not actually required\n"
"    to throw the exception; instead, it can simply read the\n"
"    information in it and take a different action.\n"
"    Since this exception is a subclass of SAXException, it inherits\n"
"    the ability to wrap another exception."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:60
msgid "Creates the exception. The exception parameter is allowed to be None."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:73
msgid ""
"The column number of the end of the text where the exception\n"
"        occurred."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:78
msgid "The line number of the end of the text where the exception occurred."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:82
msgid "Get the public identifier of the entity where the exception occurred."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:86
msgid "Get the system identifier of the entity where the exception occurred."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:101
msgid ""
"Exception class for an unrecognized identifier.\n"
"    An XMLReader will raise this exception when it is confronted with an\n"
"    unrecognized feature or property. SAX applications and extensions may\n"
"    use this class for similar purposes."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:111
msgid ""
"Exception class for an unsupported operation.\n"
"    An XMLReader will raise this exception when a service it cannot\n"
"    perform is requested (specifically setting a state or value). SAX\n"
"    applications and extensions may use this class for similar\n"
"    purposes."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/_exceptions.py:121
msgid ""
"Exception class for a missing driver.\n"
"    An XMLReader module (driver) should raise this exception when it\n"
"    is first imported, e.g. when a support module cannot be imported.\n"
"    It also may be raised during parsing, e.g. if executing an external\n"
"    program is not permitted."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/expatreader.py:23
msgid "SAX driver for the Pyexpat C module."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/expatreader.py:37
msgid "Parse an XML document from a URL or an InputSource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:23
msgid ""
"Basic interface for SAX error handlers.\n"
"    If you create an object that implements this interface, then\n"
"    register the object with your XMLReader, the parser will call the\n"
"    methods in your object to report all warnings and errors. There\n"
"    are three levels of errors available: warnings, (possibly)\n"
"    recoverable errors, and unrecoverable errors. All methods take a\n"
"    SAXParseException as the only parameter."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:33
msgid "Handle a recoverable error."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:37
msgid "Handle a non-recoverable error."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:41
msgid "Handle a warning."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:48
msgid ""
"Interface for receiving logical document content events.\n"
"    This is the main callback interface in SAX, and the one most\n"
"    important to applications. The order of events in this interface\n"
"    mirrors the order of the information in the document."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:58
msgid ""
"Called by the parser to give the application a locator for\n"
"        locating the origin of document events.\n"
"        SAX parsers are strongly encouraged (though not absolutely\n"
"        required) to supply a locator: if it does so, it must supply\n"
"        the locator to the application by invoking this method before\n"
"        invoking any of the other methods in the DocumentHandler\n"
"        interface.\n"
"        The locator allows the application to determine the end\n"
"        position of any document-related event, even if the parser is\n"
"        not reporting an error. Typically, the application will use\n"
"        this information for reporting its own errors (such as\n"
"        character content that does not match an application's\n"
"        business rules). The information returned by the locator is\n"
"        probably not sufficient for use with a search engine.\n"
"        Note that the locator will return correct information only\n"
"        during the invocation of the events in this interface. The\n"
"        application should not attempt to use it at any other time."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:81
msgid ""
"Receive notification of the beginning of a document.\n"
"        The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, before any\n"
"        other methods in this interface or in DTDHandler (except for\n"
"        setDocumentLocator)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:88
msgid ""
"Receive notification of the end of a document.\n"
"        The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, and it will\n"
"        be the last method invoked during the parse. The parser shall\n"
"        not invoke this method until it has either abandoned parsing\n"
"        (because of an unrecoverable error) or reached the end of\n"
"        input."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:97
msgid ""
"Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.\n"
"        The information from this event is not necessary for normal\n"
"        Namespace processing: the SAX XML reader will automatically\n"
"        replace prefixes for element and attribute names when the\n"
"        http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces feature is true (the\n"
"        default).\n"
"        There are cases, however, when applications need to use\n"
"        prefixes in character data or in attribute values, where they\n"
"        cannot safely be expanded automatically; the\n"
"        start/endPrefixMapping event supplies the information to the\n"
"        application to expand prefixes in those contexts itself, if\n"
"        necessary.\n"
"        Note that start/endPrefixMapping events are not guaranteed to\n"
"        be properly nested relative to each-other: all\n"
"        startPrefixMapping events will occur before the corresponding\n"
"        startElement event, and all endPrefixMapping events will occur\n"
"        after the corresponding endElement event, but their order is\n"
"        not guaranteed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:120
msgid ""
"End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.\n"
"        See startPrefixMapping for details. This event will always\n"
"        occur after the corresponding endElement event, but the order\n"
"        of endPrefixMapping events is not otherwise guaranteed."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:127
msgid ""
"Signals the start of an element in non-namespace mode.\n"
"        The name parameter contains the raw XML 1.0 name of the\n"
"        element type as a string and the attrs parameter holds an\n"
"        instance of the Attributes class containing the attributes of\n"
"        the element."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:135
msgid ""
"Signals the end of an element in non-namespace mode.\n"
"        The name parameter contains the name of the element type, just\n"
"        as with the startElement event."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:141
msgid ""
"Signals the start of an element in namespace mode.\n"
"        The name parameter contains the name of the element type as a\n"
"        (uri, localname) tuple, the qname parameter the raw XML 1.0\n"
"        name used in the source document, and the attrs parameter\n"
"        holds an instance of the Attributes class containing the\n"
"        attributes of the element."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:150
msgid ""
"Signals the end of an element in namespace mode.\n"
"        The name parameter contains the name of the element type, just\n"
"        as with the startElementNS event."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:156
msgid ""
"Receive notification of character data.\n"
"        The Parser will call this method to report each chunk of\n"
"        character data. SAX parsers may return all contiguous\n"
"        character data in a single chunk, or they may split it into\n"
"        several chunks; however, all of the characters in any single\n"
"        event must come from the same external entity so that the\n"
"        Locator provides useful information."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:166
msgid ""
"Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.\n"
"        Validating Parsers must use this method to report each chunk\n"
"        of ignorable whitespace (see the W3C XML 1.0 recommendation,\n"
"        section 2.10): non-validating parsers may also use this method\n"
"        if they are capable of parsing and using content models.\n"
"        SAX parsers may return all contiguous whitespace in a single\n"
"        chunk, or they may split it into several chunks; however, all\n"
"        of the characters in any single event must come from the same\n"
"        external entity, so that the Locator provides useful\n"
"        information.\n"
"        The application must not attempt to read from the array\n"
"        outside of the specified range."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:183
msgid ""
"Receive notification of a processing instruction.\n"
"        The Parser will invoke this method once for each processing\n"
"        instruction found: note that processing instructions may occur\n"
"        before or after the main document element.\n"
"        A SAX parser should never report an XML declaration (XML 1.0,\n"
"        section 2.8) or a text declaration (XML 1.0, section 4.3.1)\n"
"        using this method."
msgstr ""

#. ===== DTDHandler =====
#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:194
msgid ""
"Receive notification of a skipped entity.\n"
"        The Parser will invoke this method once for each entity\n"
"        skipped. Non-validating processors may skip entities if they\n"
"        have not seen the declarations (because, for example, the\n"
"        entity was declared in an external DTD subset). All processors\n"
"        may skip external entities, depending on the values of the\n"
"        http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities and the\n"
"        http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities\n"
"        properties."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:209
msgid ""
"Handle DTD events.\n"
"    This interface specifies only those DTD events required for basic\n"
"    parsing (unparsed entities and attributes)."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:215
msgid "Handle a notation declaration event."
msgstr ""

#. ===== ENTITYRESOLVER =====
#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:218
msgid "Handle an unparsed entity declaration event."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:224
msgid ""
"Basic interface for resolving entities. If you create an object\n"
"    implementing this interface, then register the object with your\n"
"    Parser, the parser will call the method in your object to\n"
"    resolve all external entities. Note that DefaultHandler implements\n"
"    this interface with the default behaviour."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/handler.py:231
msgid ""
"Resolve the system identifier of an entity and return either\n"
"        the system identifier to read from as a string, or an InputSource\n"
"        to read from."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/saxutils.py:17
msgid ""
"Escape &, <, and > in a string of data.\n"
"    You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as\n"
"    the optional entities parameter.  The keys and values must all be\n"
"    strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/saxutils.py:104
msgid ""
"This class is designed to sit between an XMLReader and the\n"
"    client application's event handlers.  By default, it does nothing\n"
"    but pass requests up to the reader and events on to the handlers\n"
"    unmodified, but subclasses can override specific methods to modify\n"
"    the event stream or the configuration requests as they pass\n"
"    through."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/saxutils.py:215
msgid ""
"This function takes an InputSource and an optional base URL and\n"
"    returns a fully resolved InputSource object ready for reading."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:12
msgid ""
"Interface for reading an XML document using callbacks.\n"
"    XMLReader is the interface that an XML parser's SAX2 driver must\n"
"    implement. This interface allows an application to set and query\n"
"    features and properties in the parser, to register event handlers\n"
"    for document processing, and to initiate a document parse.\n"
"    All SAX interfaces are assumed to be synchronous: the parse\n"
"    methods must not return until parsing is complete, and readers\n"
"    must wait for an event-handler callback to return before reporting\n"
"    the next event."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:31
msgid "Parse an XML document from a system identifier or an InputSource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:35
msgid "Returns the current ContentHandler."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:39
msgid "Registers a new object to receive document content events."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:43
msgid "Returns the current DTD handler."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:47
msgid "Register an object to receive basic DTD-related events."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:51
msgid "Returns the current EntityResolver."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:55
msgid "Register an object to resolve external entities."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:59
msgid "Returns the current ErrorHandler."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:63
msgid "Register an object to receive error-message events."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:67
msgid ""
"Allow an application to set the locale for errors and warnings.\n"
"        SAX parsers are not required to provide localization for errors\n"
"        and warnings; if they cannot support the requested locale,\n"
"        however, they must throw a SAX exception. Applications may\n"
"        request a locale change in the middle of a parse."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:76
msgid "Looks up and returns the state of a SAX2 feature."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:80
msgid "Sets the state of a SAX2 feature."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:84
msgid "Looks up and returns the value of a SAX2 property."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:88
msgid "Sets the value of a SAX2 property."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:92
msgid ""
"This interface adds three extra methods to the XMLReader\n"
"    interface that allow XML parsers to support incremental\n"
"    parsing. Support for this interface is optional, since not all\n"
"    underlying XML parsers support this functionality.\n"
"    When the parser is instantiated it is ready to begin accepting\n"
"    data from the feed method immediately. After parsing has been\n"
"    finished with a call to close the reset method must be called to\n"
"    make the parser ready to accept new data, either from feed or\n"
"    using the parse method.\n"
"    Note that these methods must _not_ be called during parsing, that\n"
"    is, after parse has been called and before it returns.\n"
"    By default, the class also implements the parse method of the XMLReader\n"
"    interface using the feed, close and reset methods of the\n"
"    IncrementalParser interface as a convenience to SAX 2.0 driver\n"
"    writers."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:128
msgid ""
"This method gives the raw XML data in the data parameter to\n"
"        the parser and makes it parse the data, emitting the\n"
"        corresponding events. It is allowed for XML constructs to be\n"
"        split across several calls to feed.\n"
"        feed may raise SAXException."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:137
msgid ""
"This method is called by the parse implementation to allow\n"
"        the SAX 2.0 driver to prepare itself for parsing."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:142
msgid ""
"This method is called when the entire XML document has been\n"
"        passed to the parser through the feed method, to notify the\n"
"        parser that there are no more data. This allows the parser to\n"
"        do the final checks on the document and empty the internal\n"
"        data buffer.\n"
"        The parser will not be ready to parse another document until\n"
"        the reset method has been called.\n"
"        close may raise SAXException."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:155
msgid ""
"This method is called after close has been called to reset\n"
"        the parser so that it is ready to parse new documents. The\n"
"        results of calling parse or feed after close without calling\n"
"        reset are undefined."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:164
msgid ""
"Interface for associating a SAX event with a document\n"
"    location. A locator object will return valid results only during\n"
"    calls to DocumentHandler methods; at any other time, the\n"
"    results are unpredictable."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:170
msgid "Return the column number where the current event ends."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:174
msgid "Return the line number where the current event ends."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:178
msgid "Return the public identifier for the current event."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:182
msgid "Return the system identifier for the current event."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:188
msgid ""
"Encapsulation of the information needed by the XMLReader to\n"
"    read entities.\n"
"    This class may include information about the public identifier,\n"
"    system identifier, byte stream (possibly with character encoding\n"
"    information) and/or the character stream of an entity.\n"
"    Applications will create objects of this class for use in the\n"
"    XMLReader.parse method and for returning from\n"
"    EntityResolver.resolveEntity.\n"
"    An InputSource belongs to the application, the XMLReader is not\n"
"    allowed to modify InputSource objects passed to it from the\n"
"    application, although it may make copies and modify those."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:211
msgid "Sets the public identifier of this InputSource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:215
msgid "Returns the public identifier of this InputSource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:219
msgid "Sets the system identifier of this InputSource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:223
msgid "Returns the system identifier of this InputSource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:227
msgid ""
"Sets the character encoding of this InputSource.\n"
"        The encoding must be a string acceptable for an XML encoding\n"
"        declaration (see section 4.3.3 of the XML recommendation).\n"
"        The encoding attribute of the InputSource is ignored if the\n"
"        InputSource also contains a character stream."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:237
msgid "Get the character encoding of this InputSource."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:241
msgid ""
"Set the byte stream (a Python file-like object which does\n"
"        not perform byte-to-character conversion) for this input\n"
"        source.\n"
"        The SAX parser will ignore this if there is also a character\n"
"        stream specified, but it will use a byte stream in preference\n"
"        to opening a URI connection itself.\n"
"        If the application knows the character encoding of the byte\n"
"        stream, it should set it with the setEncoding method."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:254
msgid ""
"Get the byte stream for this input source.\n"
"        The getEncoding method will return the character encoding for\n"
"        this byte stream, or None if unknown."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:261
msgid ""
"Set the character stream for this input source. (The stream\n"
"        must be a Python 2.0 Unicode-wrapped file-like that performs\n"
"        conversion to Unicode strings.)\n"
"        If there is a character stream specified, the SAX parser will\n"
"        ignore any byte stream and will not attempt to open a URI\n"
"        connection to the system identifier."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:271
msgid "Get the character stream for this input source."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:279
msgid ""
"Non-NS-aware implementation.\n"
"        attrs should be of the form {name : value}."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/xml/sax/xmlreader.py:341
msgid ""
"NS-aware implementation.\n"
"        attrs should be of the form {(ns_uri, lname): value, ...}.\n"
"        qnames of the form {(ns_uri, lname): qname, ...}."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:73
msgid ""
"Quickly see if file is a ZIP file by checking the magic number.\n"
"    Will not accept a ZIP archive with an ending comment.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:89
msgid "Class with attributes describing each file in the ZIP archive."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:114
msgid "Return the per-file header as a string."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:134
msgid ""
" Class with methods to open, read, write, close, list zip files.\n"
"    z = ZipFile(file, mode=\"r\", compression=ZIP_STORED)\n"
"    file: Either the path to the file, or a file-like object.\n"
"          If it is a path, the file will be opened and closed by ZipFile.\n"
"    mode: The mode can be either read \"r\", write \"w\" or append \"a\".\n"
"    compression: ZIP_STORED (no compression) or ZIP_DEFLATED (requires zlib).\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:147
msgid "Open the ZIP file with mode read \"r\", write \"w\" or append \"a\"."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:195
msgid ""
"Read the directory, making sure we close the file if the format\n"
"        is bad."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:206
msgid "Read in the table of contents for the ZIP file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:276
msgid "Return a list of file names in the archive."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:283
msgid ""
"Return a list of class ZipInfo instances for files in the\n"
"        archive."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:288
msgid "Print a table of contents for the zip file."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:295
msgid "Read all the files and check the CRC."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:303
msgid "Return the instance of ZipInfo given 'name'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:307
msgid "Return file bytes (as a string) for name."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:341
msgid "Check for errors before writing a file to the archive."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:358
msgid ""
"Put the bytes from filename into the archive under the name\n"
"        arcname."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:414
msgid ""
"Write a file into the archive.  The contents is the string\n"
"        'bytes'."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:438
msgid "Call the \"close()\" method in case the user forgot."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:444
msgid ""
"Close the file, and for mode \"w\" and \"a\" write the ending\n"
"        records."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:478
msgid "Class to create ZIP archives with Python library files and packages."
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:481
msgid ""
"Add all files from \"pathname\" to the ZIP archive.\n"
"        If pathname is a package directory, search the directory and\n"
"        all package subdirectories recursively for all *.py and enter\n"
"        the modules into the archive.  If pathname is a plain\n"
"        directory, listdir *.py and enter all modules.  Else, pathname\n"
"        must be a Python *.py file and the module will be put into the\n"
"        archive.  Added modules are always module.pyo or module.pyc.\n"
"        This method will compile the module.py into module.pyc if\n"
"        necessary.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: Lib/zipfile.py:546
msgid ""
"Return (filename, archivename) for the path.\n"
"        Given a module name path, return the correct file path and\n"
"        archive name, compiling if necessary.  For example, given\n"
"        /python/lib/string, return (/python/lib/string.pyc, string).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#.  keep string pieces "small" 
#: Python/exceptions.c:30
msgid ""
"Python's standard exception class hierarchy.\n"
"Before Python 1.5, the standard exceptions were all simple string objects.\n"
"In Python 1.5, the standard exceptions were converted to classes organized\n"
"into a relatively flat hierarchy.  String-based standard exceptions were\n"
"optional, or used as a fallback if some problem occurred while importing\n"
"the exception module.  With Python 1.6, optional string-based standard\n"
"exceptions were removed (along with the -X command line flag).\n"
"The class exceptions were implemented in such a way as to be almost\n"
"completely backward compatible.  Some tricky uses of IOError could\n"
"potentially have broken, but by Python 1.6, all of these should have\n"
"been fixed.  As of Python 1.6, the class-based standard exceptions are\n"
"now implemented in C, and are guaranteed to exist in the Python\n"
"Here is a rundown of the class hierarchy.  The classes found here are\n"
"inserted into both the exceptions module and the `built-in' module.  It is\n"
"recommended that user defined class based exceptions be derived from the\n"
"`Exception' class, although this is currently not enforced.\n"
" |\n"
" +-- SystemExit\n"
" +-- StandardError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- KeyboardInterrupt\n"
" |    +-- ImportError\n"
" |    +-- EnvironmentError\n"
" |    |    |\n"
" |    |    +-- IOError\n"
" |    |    +-- OSError\n"
" |    |         |\n"
" |    |         +-- WindowsError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- EOFError\n"
" |    +-- RuntimeError\n"
" |    |    |\n"
" |    |    +-- NotImplementedError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- NameError\n"
" |    |    |\n"
" |    |    +-- UnboundLocalError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- AttributeError\n"
" |    +-- SyntaxError\n"
" |    |    |\n"
" |    |    +-- IndentationError\n"
" |    |         |\n"
" |    |         +-- TabError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- TypeError\n"
" |    +-- AssertionError\n"
" |    +-- LookupError\n"
" |    |    |\n"
" |    |    +-- IndexError\n"
" |    |    +-- KeyError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- ArithmeticError\n"
" |    |    |\n"
" |    |    +-- OverflowError\n"
" |    |    +-- ZeroDivisionError\n"
" |    |    +-- FloatingPointError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- ValueError\n"
" |    |    |\n"
" |    |    +-- UnicodeError\n"
" |    |\n"
" |    +-- SystemError\n"
" |    +-- MemoryError\n"
" |\n"
" +---Warning\n"
"      |\n"
"      +-- UserWarning\n"
"      +-- DeprecationWarning\n"
"      +-- SyntaxWarning\n"
"      +-- RuntimeWarning"
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:225
msgid "Common base class for all exceptions."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:367
msgid "Base class for all standard Python exceptions."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:370
msgid "Inappropriate argument type."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:375
msgid "Request to exit from the interpreter."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:431
msgid "Program interrupted by user."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:435
msgid "Import can't find module, or can't find name in module."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:440
msgid "Base class for I/O related errors."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:619
msgid "I/O operation failed."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:622
msgid "OS system call failed."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:626
msgid "MS-Windows OS system call failed."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:630
msgid "Read beyond end of file."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:633
msgid "Unspecified run-time error."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:637
msgid "Method or function hasn't been implemented yet."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:640
msgid "Name not found globally."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:644
msgid "Local name referenced but not bound to a value."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:647
msgid "Attribute not found."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:652
msgid "Invalid syntax."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:850
msgid "Assertion failed."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:853
msgid "Base class for lookup errors."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:856
msgid "Sequence index out of range."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:859
msgid "Mapping key not found."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:862
msgid "Base class for arithmetic errors."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:865
msgid "Result too large to be represented."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:869
msgid "Second argument to a division or modulo operation was zero."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:872
msgid "Floating point operation failed."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:875
msgid "Inappropriate argument value (of correct type)."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:878
msgid "Unicode related error."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:881
msgid ""
"Internal error in the Python interpreter.\n"
"Please report this to the Python maintainer, along with the traceback,\n"
"the Python version, and the hardware/OS platform and version."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:887
msgid "Out of memory."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:890
msgid "Improper indentation."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:893
msgid "Improper mixture of spaces and tabs."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:898
msgid "Base class for warning categories."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:901
msgid "Base class for warnings generated by user code."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:905
msgid "Base class for warnings about deprecated features."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:908
msgid "Base class for warnings about dubious syntax."
msgstr ""

#: Python/exceptions.c:912
msgid "Base class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/cobject.c:116
msgid ""
"C objects to be exported from one extension module to another\n"
"C objects are used for communication between extension modules.  They\n"
"provide a way for an extension module to export a C interface to other\n"
"extension modules, so that extension modules can use the Python import\n"
"mechanism to link to one another."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1235
msgid "D.has_key(k) -> 1 if D has a key k, else 0"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1238
msgid "D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if D.has_key(k), else d.  d defaults to None."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1244
msgid ""
"D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a\n"
"2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1248
msgid "D.keys() -> list of D's keys"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1251
msgid "D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1254
msgid "D.values() -> list of D's values"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1257
msgid "D.update(E) -> None.  Update D from E: for k in E.keys(): D[k] = E[k]"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1260
msgid "D.clear() -> None.  Remove all items from D."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/dictobject.c:1263
msgid "D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:727
msgid ""
"S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n"
"Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the\n"
"delimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit\n"
"splits are done. If sep is not specified, any whitespace string\n"
"is a separator."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:799
msgid ""
"S.join(sequence) -> string\n"
"Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the\n"
"sequence.  The separator between elements is S."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:957 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3476
msgid ""
"S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,\n"
"such that sub is contained within s[start,end].  Optional\n"
"arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n"
"Return -1 on failure."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:976 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3545
msgid ""
"S.index(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:996 Objects/unicodeobject.c:4081
msgid ""
"S.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found,\n"
"such that sub is contained within s[start,end].  Optional\n"
"arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n"
"Return -1 on failure."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1015 Objects/unicodeobject.c:4112
msgid ""
"S.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"Like S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1068
msgid ""
"S.strip() -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing\n"
"whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1081
msgid ""
"S.lstrip() -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1093
msgid ""
"S.rstrip() -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1105
msgid ""
"S.lower() -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1135
msgid ""
"S.upper() -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1165
msgid ""
"S.title() -> string\n"
"Return a titlecased version of S, i.e. words start with uppercase\n"
"characters, all remaining cased characters have lowercase."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1202
msgid ""
"S.capitalize() -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S with only its first character\n"
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1241
msgid ""
"S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int\n"
"Return the number of occurrences of substring sub in string\n"
"S[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are\n"
"interpreted as in slice notation."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1303
msgid ""
"S.swapcase() -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S with uppercase characters\n"
"converted to lowercase and vice versa."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1338
msgid ""
"S.translate(table [,deletechars]) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string S, where all characters occurring\n"
"in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the\n"
"remaining characters have been mapped through the given\n"
"translation table, which must be a string of length 256."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1583
msgid ""
"S.replace (old, new[, maxsplit]) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring\n"
"old replaced by new.  If the optional argument maxsplit is\n"
"given, only the first maxsplit occurrences are replaced."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1646 Objects/unicodeobject.c:4379
msgid ""
"S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> int\n"
"Return 1 if S starts with the specified prefix, otherwise return 0.  With\n"
"optional start, test S beginning at that position.  With optional end, stop\n"
"comparing S at that position."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1703 Objects/unicodeobject.c:4410
msgid ""
"S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> int\n"
"Return 1 if S ends with the specified suffix, otherwise return 0.  With\n"
"optional start, test S beginning at that position.  With optional end, stop\n"
"comparing S at that position."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1753 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3396
msgid ""
"S.encode([encoding[,errors]]) -> string\n"
"Return an encoded string version of S. Default encoding is the current\n"
"default string encoding. errors may be given to set a different error\n"
"handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise\n"
"a ValueError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace'."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1772
msgid ""
"S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of S where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.\n"
"If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1867
msgid ""
"S.ljust(width) -> string\n"
"Return S left justified in a string of length width. Padding is\n"
"done using spaces."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1889
msgid ""
"S.rjust(width) -> string\n"
"Return S right justified in a string of length width. Padding is\n"
"done using spaces."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1911
msgid ""
"S.center(width) -> string\n"
"Return S centered in a string of length width. Padding is done\n"
"using spaces."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1938
msgid ""
"S.zfill(width) -> string\n"
"Pad a numeric string x with zeros on the left, to fill a field\n"
"of the specified width. The string x is never truncated."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:1977 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3701
msgid ""
"S.isspace() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if there are only whitespace characters in S,\n"
"0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:2011 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3733
msgid ""
"S.isalpha() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if  all characters in S are alphabetic\n"
"and there is at least one character in S, 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:2045 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3765
msgid ""
"S.isalnum() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if  all characters in S are alphanumeric\n"
"and there is at least one character in S, 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:2079 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3829
msgid ""
"S.isdigit() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if there are only digit characters in S,\n"
"0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:2113 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3577
msgid ""
"S.islower() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if  all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is\n"
"at least one cased character in S, 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:2150 Objects/unicodeobject.c:3614
msgid ""
"S.isupper() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if  all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is\n"
"at least one cased character in S, 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:2187
msgid ""
"S.istitle() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if S is a titlecased string, i.e. uppercase characters\n"
"may only follow uncased characters and lowercase characters only cased\n"
"ones. Return 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/stringobject.c:2238 Objects/unicodeobject.c:4248
msgid ""
"S.splitlines([keepends]]) -> list of strings\n"
"Return a list of the lines in S, breaking at line boundaries.\n"
"Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends\n"
"is given and true."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3060
msgid ""
"S.title() -> unicode\n"
"Return a titlecased version of S, i.e. words start with title case\n"
"characters, all remaining cased characters have lower case."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3074
msgid ""
"S.capitalize() -> unicode\n"
"Return a capitalized version of S, i.e. make the first character\n"
"have upper case."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3089
msgid ""
"S.capwords() -> unicode\n"
"Apply .capitalize() to all words in S and return the result with\n"
"normalized whitespace (all whitespace strings are replaced by ' ')."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3129
msgid ""
"S.center(width) -> unicode\n"
"Return S centered in a Unicode string of length width. Padding is done\n"
"using spaces."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3355
msgid ""
"S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int\n"
"Return the number of occurrences of substring sub in Unicode string\n"
"S[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are\n"
"interpreted as in slice notation."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3414
msgid ""
"S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of S where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.\n"
"If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3651
msgid ""
"S.istitle() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if S is a titlecased string, i.e. upper- and titlecase characters\n"
"may only follow uncased characters and lowercase characters only cased\n"
"ones. Return 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3797
msgid ""
"S.isdecimal() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if there are only decimal characters in S,\n"
"0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3861
msgid ""
"S.isnumeric() -> int\n"
"Return 1 if there are only numeric characters in S,\n"
"0 otherwise."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3893
msgid ""
"S.join(sequence) -> unicode\n"
"Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the\n"
"sequence.  The separator between elements is S."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3915
msgid ""
"S.ljust(width) -> unicode\n"
"Return S left justified in a Unicode string of length width. Padding is\n"
"done using spaces."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3936
msgid ""
"S.lower() -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:3949
msgid ""
"S.lstrip() -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4042
msgid ""
"S.replace (old, new[, maxsplit]) -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of S with all occurrences of substring\n"
"old replaced by new.  If the optional argument maxsplit is\n"
"given, only the first maxsplit occurrences are replaced."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4143
msgid ""
"S.rjust(width) -> unicode\n"
"Return S right justified in a Unicode string of length width. Padding is\n"
"done using spaces."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4164
msgid ""
"S.rstrip() -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4223
msgid ""
"S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n"
"Return a list of the words in S, using sep as the\n"
"delimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit\n"
"splits are done. If sep is not specified, any whitespace string\n"
"is a separator."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4272
msgid ""
"S.strip() -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of S with leading and trailing whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4285
msgid ""
"S.swapcase() -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of S with uppercase characters converted to lowercase\n"
"and vice versa."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4299
msgid ""
"S.translate(table) -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of the string S, where all characters have been mapped\n"
"through the given translation table, which must be a mapping of\n"
"Unicode ordinals to Unicode ordinals or None. Unmapped characters\n"
"are left untouched. Characters mapped to None are deleted."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4320
msgid ""
"S.upper() -> unicode\n"
"Return a copy of S converted to uppercase."
msgstr ""

#: Objects/unicodeobject.c:4334
msgid ""
"S.zfill(width) -> unicode\n"
"Pad a numeric string x with zeros on the left, to fill a field\n"
"of the specified width. The string x is never truncated."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_localemodule.c:33
msgid "Support for POSIX locales."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_localemodule.c:40
msgid "(integer,string=None) -> string. Activates/queries locale processing."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_localemodule.c:221
msgid "() -> dict. Returns numeric and monetary locale-specific parameters."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_localemodule.c:301
msgid "string,string -> int. Compares two strings according to the locale."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_localemodule.c:315
msgid "string -> string. Returns a string that behaves for cmp locale-aware."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_weakref.c:503
msgid ""
"getweakrefcount(object) -- return the number of weak references\n"
"to 'object'."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_weakref.c:526
msgid ""
"getweakrefs(object) -- return a list of all weak reference objects\n"
"that point to 'object'."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_weakref.c:611
msgid ""
"new(object[, callback]) -- create a weak reference to 'object';\n"
"when 'object' is finalized, 'callback' will be called and passed\n"
"a reference to 'object'."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/_weakref.c:665
msgid ""
"proxy(object[, callback]) -- create a proxy object that weakly\n"
"references 'object'.  'callback', if given, is called with a\n"
"reference to the proxy when it is about to be finalized."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:276
msgid "alSetWidth: set the wordsize for integer audio data."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:287
msgid "alGetWidth: get the wordsize for integer audio data."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:298
msgid "alSetSampFmt: set the sample format setting in an audio ALconfig structure."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:309
msgid "alGetSampFmt: get the sample format setting in an audio ALconfig structure."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:320
msgid "alSetChannels: set the channel settings in an audio ALconfig."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:331
msgid "alGetChannels: get the channel settings in an audio ALconfig."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:342
msgid "alSetFloatMax: set the maximum value of floating point sample data."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:360
msgid "alGetFloatMax: get the maximum value of floating point sample data."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:377
msgid "alSetDevice: set the device setting in an audio ALconfig structure."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:388
msgid "alGetDevice: get the device setting in an audio ALconfig structure."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:399
msgid "alSetQueueSize: set audio port buffer size."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:410
msgid "alGetQueueSize: get audio port buffer size."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:628
msgid "alSetConfig: set the ALconfig of an audio ALport."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:645
msgid "alGetConfig: get the ALconfig of an audio ALport."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:661
msgid "alGetResource: get the resource associated with an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:678
msgid "alGetFD: get the file descriptor for an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:697
msgid "alGetFilled: return the number of filled sample frames in an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:714
msgid "alGetFillable: report the number of unfilled sample frames in an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:731
msgid "alReadFrames: read sample frames from an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:800
msgid "alDiscardFrames: discard audio from an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:823
msgid "alZeroFrames: write zero-valued sample frames to an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:849
msgid "alSetFillPoint: set low- or high-water mark for an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:869
msgid "alGetFillPoint: get low- or high-water mark for an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:888
msgid "alGetFrameNumber: get the absolute sample frame number associated with a port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:907
msgid "alGetFrameTime: get the time at which a sample frame came in or will go out."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:935
msgid "alWriteFrames: write sample frames to an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1001
msgid "alClosePort: close an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1353
msgid "alNewConfig: create and initialize an audio ALconfig structure."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1369
msgid "alOpenPort: open an audio port."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1387
msgid "alConnect: connect two audio I/O resources."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1427
msgid "alDisconnect: delete a connection between two audio I/O resources."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1444
msgid "alGetParams: get the values of audio resource parameters."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1588
msgid "alSetParams: set the values of audio resource parameters."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1634
msgid "alQueryValues: get the set of possible values for a parameter."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1714
msgid "alGetParamInfo: get information about a parameter on a particular audio resource."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1797
msgid "alGetResourceByName: find an audio resource by name."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/almodule.c:1814
msgid "alIsSubtype: indicate if one resource type is a subtype of another."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cPickle.c:2407
msgid "Objects that know how to pickle objects\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cPickle.c:4399
msgid "Objects that know how to unpickle"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:129
msgid "flush(): does nothing."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:152
msgid ""
"getvalue([use_pos]) -- Get the string value.\n"
"If use_pos is specified and is a true value, then the string returned\n"
"will include only the text up to the current file position.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:182
msgid "isatty(): always returns 0"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:193
msgid "read([s]) -- Read s characters, or the rest of the string"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:225
msgid "readline() -- Read one line"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:263
msgid "readlines() -- Read all lines"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:300
msgid "reset() -- Reset the file position to the beginning"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:316
msgid "tell() -- get the current position."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:328
msgid "truncate(): truncate the file at the current position."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:350
msgid ""
"seek(position)       -- set the current position\n"
"seek(position, mode) -- mode 0: absolute; 1: relative; 2: relative to EOF"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:388
msgid ""
"write(s) -- Write a string to the file\n"
"Note (hack:) writing None resets the buffer"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:441
msgid "close(): explicitly release resources held."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:459
msgid "writelines(sequence_of_strings): write each string"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:541
msgid "Simple type for output to strings."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:657
msgid "Simple type for treating strings as input file streams"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cStringIO.c:713
msgid "StringIO([s]) -- Return a StringIO-like stream for reading or writing"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/cryptmodule.c:24
msgid ""
"crypt(word, salt) -> string\n"
"word will usually be a user's password. salt is a 2-character string\n"
"which will be used to select one of 4096 variations of DES. The characters\n"
"in salt must be either \".\", \"/\", or an alphanumeric character. Returns\n"
"the hashed password as a string, which will be composed of characters from\n"
"the same alphabet as the salt."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/errnomodule.c:47
msgid ""
"This module makes available standard errno system symbols.\n"
"The value of each symbol is the corresponding integer value,\n"
"e.g., on most systems, errno.ENOENT equals the integer 2.\n"
"The dictionary errno.errorcode maps numeric codes to symbol names,\n"
"e.g., errno.errorcode[2] could be the string 'ENOENT'.\n"
"Symbols that are not relevant to the underlying system are not defined.\n"
"To map error codes to error messages, use the function os.strerror(),\n"
"e.g. os.strerror(2) could return 'No such file or directory'."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:530
msgid ""
"enable() -> None\n"
"Enable automatic garbage collection.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:549
msgid ""
"disable() -> None\n"
"Disable automatic garbage collection.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:568
msgid ""
"isenabled() -> status\n"
"Returns true if automatic garbage collection is enabled.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:584
msgid ""
"collect() -> n\n"
"Run a full collection.  The number of unreachable objects is returned.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:606
msgid ""
"set_debug(flags) -> None\n"
"Set the garbage collection debugging flags. Debugging information is\n"
"written to sys.stderr.\n"
"flags is an integer and can have the following bits turned on:\n"
"  DEBUG_STATS - Print statistics during collection.\n"
"  DEBUG_COLLECTABLE - Print collectable objects found.\n"
"  DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE - Print unreachable but uncollectable objects found.\n"
"  DEBUG_INSTANCES - Print instance objects.\n"
"  DEBUG_OBJECTS - Print objects other than instances.\n"
"  DEBUG_SAVEALL - Save objects to gc.garbage rather than freeing them.\n"
"  DEBUG_LEAK - Debug leaking programs (everything but STATS).\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:633
msgid ""
"get_debug() -> flags\n"
"Get the garbage collection debugging flags.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:648
msgid ""
"set_threshold(threshold0, [threhold1, threshold2]) -> None\n"
"Sets the collection thresholds.  Setting threshold0 to zero disables\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:666
msgid ""
"get_threshold() -> (threshold0, threshold1, threshold2)\n"
"Return the current collection thresholds\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gcmodule.c:682
msgid ""
"This module provides access to the garbage collector for reference cycles.\n"
"enable() -- Enable automatic garbage collection.\n"
"disable() -- Disable automatic garbage collection.\n"
"isenabled() -- Returns true if automatic collection is enabled.\n"
"collect() -- Do a full collection right now.\n"
"set_debug() -- Set debugging flags.\n"
"get_debug() -- Get debugging flags.\n"
"set_threshold() -- Set the collection thresholds.\n"
"get_threshold() -- Return the current the collection thresholds.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:19
msgid ""
"This module provides an interface to the GNU DBM (GDBM) library.\n"
"This module is quite similar to the dbm module, but uses GDBM instead to\n"
"provide some additional functionality. Please note that the file formats\n"
"created by GDBM and dbm are incompatible. \n"
"GDBM objects behave like mappings (dictionaries), except that keys and\n"
"values are always strings. Printing a GDBM object doesn't print the\n"
"keys and values, and the items() and values() methods are not\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:48
msgid ""
"This object represents a GDBM database.\n"
"GDBM objects behave like mappings (dictionaries), except that keys and\n"
"values are always strings. Printing a GDBM object doesn't print the\n"
"keys and values, and the items() and values() methods are not\n"
"GDBM objects also support additional operations such as firstkey,\n"
"nextkey, reorganize, and sync."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:186
msgid ""
"close() -> None\n"
"Closes the database."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:202
msgid ""
"keys() -> list_of_keys\n"
"Get a list of all keys in the database."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:248
msgid ""
"has_key(key) -> boolean\n"
"Find out whether or not the database contains a given key."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:263
msgid ""
"firstkey() -> key\n"
"It's possible to loop over every key in the database using this method\n"
"and the nextkey() method. The traversal is ordered by GDBM's internal\n"
"hash values, and won't be sorted by the key values. This method\n"
"returns the starting key."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:291
msgid ""
"nextkey(key) -> next_key\n"
"Returns the key that follows key in the traversal.\n"
"The following code prints every key in the database db, without having\n"
"to create a list in memory that contains them all:\n"
"      k = db.firstkey()\n"
"      while k != None:\n"
"          print k\n"
"          k = db.nextkey(k)"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:323
msgid ""
"reorganize() -> None\n"
"If you have carried out a lot of deletions and would like to shrink\n"
"the space used by the GDBM file, this routine will reorganize the\n"
"database. GDBM will not shorten the length of a database file except\n"
"by using this reorganization; otherwise, deleted file space will be\n"
"kept and reused as new (key,value) pairs are added."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:349
msgid ""
"sync() -> None\n"
"When the database has been opened in fast mode, this method forces\n"
"any unwritten data to be written to the disk."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/gdbmmodule.c:409
msgid ""
"open(filename, [flags, [mode]])  -> dbm_object\n"
"Open a dbm database and return a dbm object. The filename argument is\n"
"the name of the database file.\n"
"The optional flags argument can be 'r' (to open an existing database\n"
"for reading only -- default), 'w' (to open an existing database for\n"
"reading and writing), 'c' (which creates the database if it doesn't\n"
"exist), or 'n' (which always creates a new empty database).\n"
"Some versions of gdbm support additional flags which must be\n"
"appended to one of the flags described above. The module constant\n"
"'open_flags' is a string of valid additional flags. The 'f' flag\n"
"opens the database in fast mode; altered data will not automatically\n"
"be written to the disk after every change. This results in faster\n"
"writes to the database, but may result in an inconsistent database\n"
"if the program crashes while the database is still open. Use the\n"
"sync() method to force any unwritten data to be written to the disk.\n"
"The 's' flag causes all database operations to be synchronized to\n"
"disk. The 'u' flag disables locking of the database file.\n"
"The optional mode argument is the Unix mode of the file, used only\n"
"when the database has to be created. It defaults to octal 0666. "
msgstr ""

#: Modules/grpmodule.c:110
msgid ""
"Access to the Unix group database.\n"
"Group entries are reported as 4-tuples containing the following fields\n"
"from the group database, in order:\n"
"  name   - name of the group\n"
"  passwd - group password (encrypted); often empty\n"
"  gid    - numeric ID of the group\n"
"  mem    - list of members\n"
"The gid is an integer, name and password are strings.  (Note that most\n"
"users are not explicitly listed as members of the groups they are in\n"
"according to the password database.  Check both databases to get\n"
"complete membership information.)"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:14
msgid ""
"This module provides access to operating system functionality that is\n"
"standardized by the C Standard and the POSIX standard (a thinly\n"
"disguised Unix interface).  Refer to the library manual and\n"
"corresponding Unix manual entries for more information on calls."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:600
msgid ""
"access(path, mode) -> 1 if granted, 0 otherwise\n"
"Test for access to a file."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:633
msgid ""
"ttyname(fd) -> String\n"
"Return the name of the terminal device connected to 'fd'."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:654
msgid ""
"ctermid() -> String\n"
"Return the name of the controlling terminal for this process."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:678
msgid ""
"chdir(path) -> None\n"
"Change the current working directory to the specified path."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:689
msgid ""
"chmod(path, mode) -> None\n"
"Change the access permissions of a file."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:712
msgid ""
"fsync(fildes) -> None\n"
"force write of file with filedescriptor to disk."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:729
msgid ""
"fdatasync(fildes) -> None\n"
"force write of file with filedescriptor to disk.\n"
" does not force update of metadata."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:743
msgid ""
"chown(path, uid, gid) -> None\n"
"Change the owner and group id of path to the numeric uid and gid."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:767
msgid ""
"getcwd() -> path\n"
"Return a string representing the current working directory."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:789
msgid ""
"link(src, dst) -> None\n"
"Create a hard link to a file."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:801
msgid ""
"listdir(path) -> list_of_strings\n"
"Return a list containing the names of the entries in the directory.\n"
"\tpath: path of directory to list\n"
"The list is in arbitrary order.  It does not include the special\n"
"entries '.' and '..' even if they are present in the directory."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1046
msgid ""
"mkdir(path [, mode=0777]) -> None\n"
"Create a directory."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1073
msgid ""
"nice(inc) -> new_priority\n"
"Decrease the priority of process and return new priority."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1092
msgid ""
"rename(old, new) -> None\n"
"Rename a file or directory."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1103
msgid ""
"rmdir(path) -> None\n"
"Remove a directory."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1114
msgid ""
"stat(path) -> (mode,ino,dev,nlink,uid,gid,size,atime,mtime,ctime)\n"
"Perform a stat system call on the given path."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1126
msgid ""
"system(command) -> exit_status\n"
"Execute the command (a string) in a subshell."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1145
msgid ""
"umask(new_mask) -> old_mask\n"
"Set the current numeric umask and return the previous umask."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1162
msgid ""
"unlink(path) -> None\n"
"Remove a file (same as remove(path))."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1166
msgid ""
"remove(path) -> None\n"
"Remove a file (same as unlink(path))."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1178
msgid ""
"uname() -> (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine)\n"
"Return a tuple identifying the current operating system."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1204
msgid ""
"utime(path, (atime, utime)) -> None\n"
"utime(path, None) -> None\n"
"Set the access and modified time of the file to the given values.  If the\n"
"second form is used, set the access and modified times to the current time."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1263
msgid ""
"Exit to the system with specified status, without normal exit processing."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1279
msgid ""
"execv(path, args)\n"
"Execute an executable path with arguments, replacing current process.\n"
"\tpath: path of executable file\n"
"\targs: tuple or list of strings"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1345
msgid ""
"execve(path, args, env)\n"
"Execute a path with arguments and environment, replacing current process.\n"
"\tpath: path of executable file\n"
"\targs: tuple or list of arguments\n"
"\tenv: dictionary of strings mapping to strings"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1476
msgid ""
"spawnv(mode, path, args)\n"
"Execute an executable path with arguments, replacing current process.\n"
"\tmode: mode of process creation\n"
"\tpath: path of executable file\n"
"\targs: tuple or list of strings"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1542
msgid ""
"spawnve(mode, path, args, env)\n"
"Execute a path with arguments and environment, replacing current process.\n"
"\tmode: mode of process creation\n"
"\tpath: path of executable file\n"
"\targs: tuple or list of arguments\n"
"\tenv: dictionary of strings mapping to strings"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1662
msgid ""
"fork1() -> pid\n"
"Fork a child process with a single multiplexed (i.e., not bound) thread.\n"
"Return 0 to child process and PID of child to parent process."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1686
msgid ""
"fork() -> pid\n"
"Fork a child process.\n"
"Return 0 to child process and PID of child to parent process."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1718
msgid ""
"openpty() -> (master_fd, slave_fd)\n"
"Open a pseudo-terminal, returning open fd's for both master and slave end.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1752
msgid ""
"forkpty() -> (pid, master_fd)\n"
"Fork a new process with a new pseudo-terminal as controlling tty.\n"
"Like fork(), return 0 as pid to child process, and PID of child to parent.\n"
"To both, return fd of newly opened pseudo-terminal.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1775
msgid ""
"getegid() -> egid\n"
"Return the current process's effective group id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1790
msgid ""
"geteuid() -> euid\n"
"Return the current process's effective user id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1805
msgid ""
"getgid() -> gid\n"
"Return the current process's group id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1819
msgid ""
"getpid() -> pid\n"
"Return the current process id"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1832
msgid ""
"getgroups() -> list of group IDs\n"
"Return list of supplemental group IDs for the process."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1877
msgid ""
"getpgrp() -> pgrp\n"
"Return the current process group id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1896
msgid ""
"setpgrp() -> None\n"
"Make this process a session leader."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1918
msgid ""
"getppid() -> ppid\n"
"Return the parent's process id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1932
msgid ""
"getlogin() -> string\n"
"Return the actual login name."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1964
msgid ""
"getuid() -> uid\n"
"Return the current process's user id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:1979
msgid ""
"kill(pid, sig) -> None\n"
"Kill a process with a signal."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:2017
msgid ""
"plock(op) -> None\n"
"Lock program segments into memory."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:2036
msgid ""
"popen(command [, mode='r' [, bufsize]]) -> pipe\n"
"Open a pipe to/from a command returning a file object."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:2931
msgid ""
"setuid(uid) -> None\n"
"Set the current process's user id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:2949
msgid ""
"seteuid(uid) -> None\n"
"Set the current process's effective user id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:2968
msgid ""
"setegid(gid) -> None\n"
"Set the current process's effective group id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:2987
msgid ""
"seteuid(ruid, euid) -> None\n"
"Set the current process's real and effective user ids."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3006
msgid ""
"setegid(rgid, egid) -> None\n"
"Set the current process's real and effective group ids."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3025
msgid ""
"setgid(gid) -> None\n"
"Set the current process's group id."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3044
msgid ""
"waitpid(pid, options) -> (pid, status)\n"
"Wait for completion of a given child process."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3079
msgid ""
"wait() -> (pid, status)\n"
"Wait for completion of a child process."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3109
msgid ""
"lstat(path) -> (mode,ino,dev,nlink,uid,gid,size,atime,mtime,ctime)\n"
"Like stat(path), but do not follow symbolic links."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3125
msgid ""
"readlink(path) -> path\n"
"Return a string representing the path to which the symbolic link points."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3148
msgid ""
"symlink(src, dst) -> None\n"
"Create a symbolic link."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3244
msgid ""
"times() -> (utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed_time)\n"
"Return a tuple of floating point numbers indicating process times."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3251
msgid ""
"setsid() -> None\n"
"Call the system call setsid()."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3268
msgid ""
"setpgid(pid, pgrp) -> None\n"
"Call the system call setpgid()."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3287
msgid ""
"tcgetpgrp(fd) -> pgid\n"
"Return the process group associated with the terminal given by a fd."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3306
msgid ""
"tcsetpgrp(fd, pgid) -> None\n"
"Set the process group associated with the terminal given by a fd."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3325
msgid ""
"open(filename, flag [, mode=0777]) -> fd\n"
"Open a file (for low level IO)."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3348
msgid ""
"close(fd) -> None\n"
"Close a file descriptor (for low level IO)."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3368
msgid ""
"dup(fd) -> fd2\n"
"Return a duplicate of a file descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3387
msgid ""
"dup2(fd, fd2) -> None\n"
"Duplicate file descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3407
msgid ""
"lseek(fd, pos, how) -> newpos\n"
"Set the current position of a file descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3459
msgid ""
"read(fd, buffersize) -> string\n"
"Read a file descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3486
msgid ""
"write(fd, string) -> byteswritten\n"
"Write a string to a file descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3506
msgid ""
"fstat(fd) -> (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime)\n"
"Like stat(), but for an open file descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3528
msgid ""
"fdopen(fd, [, mode='r' [, bufsize]]) -> file_object\n"
"Return an open file object connected to a file descriptor."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3554
msgid ""
"isatty(fd) -> Boolean\n"
"Return true if the file descriptor 'fd' is an open file descriptor\n"
"connected to the slave end of a terminal."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3569
msgid ""
"pipe() -> (read_end, write_end)\n"
"Create a pipe."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3623
msgid ""
"mkfifo(file, [, mode=0666]) -> None\n"
"Create a FIFO (a POSIX named pipe)."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3647
msgid ""
"ftruncate(fd, length) -> None\n"
"Truncate a file to a specified length."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3763
msgid ""
"putenv(key, value) -> None\n"
"Change or add an environment variable."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3836
msgid ""
"strerror(code) -> string\n"
"Translate an error code to a message string."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3861
msgid ""
"WIFSTOPPED(status) -> Boolean\n"
"Return true if the process returning 'status' was stopped."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3888
msgid ""
"WIFSIGNALED(status) -> Boolean\n"
"Return true if the process returning 'status' was terminated by a signal."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3915
msgid ""
"WIFEXITED(status) -> Boolean\n"
"Return true if the process returning 'status' exited using the exit()\n"
"system call."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3943
msgid ""
"WEXITSTATUS(status) -> integer\n"
"Return the process return code from 'status'."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3970
msgid ""
"WTERMSIG(status) -> integer\n"
"Return the signal that terminated the process that provided the 'status'\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:3998
msgid ""
"WSTOPSIG(status) -> integer\n"
"Return the signal that stopped the process that provided the 'status' value."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4035
msgid ""
"fstatvfs(fd) -> \n"
" (bsize, frsize, blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree, favail, flag, namemax)\n"
"Perform an fstatvfs system call on the given fd."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4084
msgid ""
"statvfs(path) -> \n"
" (bsize, frsize, blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree, favail, flag, namemax)\n"
"Perform a statvfs system call on the given path."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4131
msgid ""
"tempnam([dir[, prefix]]) -> string\n"
"Return a unique name for a temporary file.\n"
"The directory and a short may be specified as strings; they may be omitted\n"
"or None if not needed."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4158
msgid ""
"tmpfile() -> file object\n"
"Create a temporary file with no directory entries."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4178
msgid ""
"tmpnam() -> string\n"
"Return a unique name for a temporary file."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4328
msgid ""
"fpathconf(fd, name) -> integer\n"
"Return the configuration limit name for the file descriptor fd.\n"
"If there is no limit, return -1."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4356
msgid ""
"pathconf(path, name) -> integer\n"
"Return the configuration limit name for the file or directory path.\n"
"If there is no limit, return -1."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:4544
msgid ""
"confstr(name) -> string\n"
"Return a string-valued system configuration variable."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:5084
msgid ""
"sysconf(name) -> integer\n"
"Return an integer-valued system configuration variable."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:5186
msgid ""
"abort() -> does not return!\n"
"Abort the interpreter immediately.  This 'dumps core' or otherwise fails\n"
"in the hardest way possible on the hosting operating system."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/posixmodule.c:5203
msgid ""
"startfile(filepath) - Start a file with its associated application.\n"
"This acts like double-clicking the file in Explorer, or giving the file\n"
"name as an argument to the DOS \"start\" command:  the file is opened\n"
"with whatever application (if any) its extension is associated.\n"
"startfile returns as soon as the associated application is launched.\n"
"There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no way\n"
"to retrieve the application's exit status.\n"
"The filepath is relative to the current directory.  If you want to use\n"
"an absolute path, make sure the first character is not a slash (\"/\");\n"
"the underlying Win32 ShellExecute function doesn't work if it is."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pwdmodule.c:9
msgid ""
"This module provides access to the Unix password database.\n"
"It is available on all Unix versions.\n"
"Password database entries are reported as 7-tuples containing the following\n"
"items from the password database (see `<pwd.h>'), in order:\n"
"pw_name, pw_passwd, pw_uid, pw_gid, pw_gecos, pw_dir, pw_shell.\n"
"The uid and gid items are integers, all others are strings. An\n"
"exception is raised if the entry asked for cannot be found."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pwdmodule.c:41
msgid ""
"getpwuid(uid) -> entry\n"
"Return the password database entry for the given numeric user ID.\n"
"See pwd.__doc__ for more on password database entries."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pwdmodule.c:60
msgid ""
"getpwnam(name) -> entry\n"
"Return the password database entry for the given user name.\n"
"See pwd.__doc__ for more on password database entries."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pwdmodule.c:80
msgid ""
"getpwall() -> list_of_entries\n"
"Return a list of all available password database entries, in arbitrary order.\n"
"See pwd.__doc__ for more on password database entries."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:760
msgid ""
"Parse(data[, isfinal])\n"
"Parse XML data.  `isfinal' should be true at end of input."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:830
msgid ""
"Parse XML data from file-like object."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:889
msgid ""
"Set the base URL for the parser."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:907
msgid ""
"GetBase() -> url\n"
"Return base URL string for the parser."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:921
msgid ""
"GetInputContext() -> string\n"
"Return the untranslated text of the input that caused the current event.\n"
"If the event was generated by a large amount of text (such as a start tag\n"
"for an element with many attributes), not all of the text may be available."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:954
msgid ""
"ExternalEntityParserCreate(context[, encoding])\n"
"Create a parser for parsing an external entity based on the\n"
"information passed to the ExternalEntityRefHandler."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:1022
msgid ""
"SetParamEntityParsing(flag) -> success\n"
"Controls parsing of parameter entities (including the external DTD\n"
"subset). Possible flag values are XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_NEVER,\n"
"XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS. Returns true if setting the flag\n"
"was successful."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:1341
msgid "XML parser"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:1379
msgid ""
"ParserCreate([encoding[, namespace_separator]]) -> parser\n"
"Return a new XML parser object."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/pyexpat.c:1403
msgid ""
"ErrorString(errno) -> string\n"
"Returns string error for given number."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/shamodule.c:354
msgid "Return a copy of the hashing object."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/shamodule.c:372
msgid "Return the digest value as a string of binary data."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/shamodule.c:389
msgid "Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/shamodule.c:431
msgid "Update this hashing object's state with the provided string."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/shamodule.c:483
msgid "Return a new SHA hashing object.  An optional string argument may be provided; if present, this string will be  automatically hashed."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:5
msgid ""
"Common string manipulations, optimized for speed.\n"
"Always use \"import string\" rather than referencing\n"
"this module directly."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:81
msgid ""
"split(s [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n"
"splitfields(s [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n"
"Return a list of the words in the string s, using sep as the\n"
"delimiter string.  If maxsplit is nonzero, splits into at most\n"
"maxsplit words.  If sep is not specified, any whitespace string\n"
"is a separator.  Maxsplit defaults to 0.\n"
"(split and splitfields are synonymous)"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:151
msgid ""
"join(list [,sep]) -> string\n"
"joinfields(list [,sep]) -> string\n"
"Return a string composed of the words in list, with\n"
"intervening occurrences of sep.  Sep defaults to a single\n"
"(join and joinfields are synonymous)"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:282
msgid ""
"find(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> in\n"
"Return the lowest index in s where substring sub is found,\n"
"such that sub is contained within s[start,end].  Optional\n"
"arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n"
"Return -1 on failure."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:324
msgid ""
"rfind(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n"
"Return the highest index in s where substring sub is found,\n"
"such that sub is contained within s[start,end].  Optional\n"
"arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n"
"Return -1 on failure."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:400
msgid ""
"strip(s) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s with leading and trailing\n"
"whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:413
msgid ""
"lstrip(s) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s with leading whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:425
msgid ""
"rstrip(s) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s with trailing whitespace removed."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:437
msgid ""
"lower(s) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s converted to lowercase."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:475
msgid ""
"upper(s) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s converted to uppercase."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:513
msgid ""
"capitalize(s) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s with only its first character\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:561
msgid ""
"expandtabs(string, [tabsize]) -> string\n"
"Expand tabs in a string, i.e. replace them by one or more spaces,\n"
"depending on the current column and the given tab size (default 8).\n"
"The column number is reset to zero after each newline occurring in the\n"
"string.  This doesn't understand other non-printing characters."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:632
msgid ""
"count(s, sub[, start[, end]]) -> int\n"
"Return the number of occurrences of substring sub in string\n"
"s[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are\n"
"interpreted as in slice notation."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:676
msgid ""
"swapcase(s) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s with upper case characters\n"
"converted to lowercase and vice versa."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:720
msgid ""
"atoi(s [,base]) -> int\n"
"Return the integer represented by the string s in the given\n"
"base, which defaults to 10.  The string s must consist of one\n"
"or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign.  If base is 0, it\n"
"is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for octal, 0x or\n"
"0X for hexadecimal.  If base is 16, a preceding 0x or 0X is\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:772
msgid ""
"atol(s [,base]) -> long\n"
"Return the long integer represented by the string s in the\n"
"given base, which defaults to 10.  The string s must consist\n"
"of one or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign.  If base\n"
"is 0, it is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for\n"
"octal, 0x or 0X for hexadecimal.  If base is 16, a preceding\n"
"0x or 0X is accepted.  A trailing L or l is not accepted,\n"
"unless base is 0."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:822
msgid ""
"atof(s) -> float\n"
"Return the floating point number represented by the string s."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:863
msgid ""
"maketrans(frm, to) -> string\n"
"Return a translation table (a string of 256 bytes long)\n"
"suitable for use in string.translate.  The strings frm and to\n"
"must be of the same length."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:899
msgid ""
"translate(s,table [,deletechars]) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of the string s, where all characters occurring\n"
"in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the\n"
"remaining characters have been mapped through the given\n"
"translation table, which must be a string of length 256."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/stropmodule.c:1098
msgid ""
"replace (str, old, new[, maxsplit]) -> string\n"
"Return a copy of string str with all occurrences of substring\n"
"old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxsplit is\n"
"given, only the first maxsplit occurrences are replaced."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/structmodule.c:7
msgid ""
"Functions to convert between Python values and C structs.\n"
"Python strings are used to hold the data representing the C struct\n"
"and also as format strings to describe the layout of data in the C struct.\n"
"The optional first format char indicates byte ordering and alignment:\n"
" @: native w/native alignment(default)\n"
" =: native w/standard alignment\n"
" <: little-endian, std. alignment\n"
" >: big-endian, std. alignment\n"
" !: network, std (same as >)\n"
"The remaining chars indicate types of args and must match exactly;\n"
"these can be preceded by a decimal repeat count:\n"
" x: pad byte (no data); c:char; b:signed byte; B:unsigned byte;\n"
" h:short; H:unsigned short; i:int; I:unsigned int;\n"
" l:long; L:unsigned long; f:float; d:double.\n"
"Special cases (preceding decimal count indicates length):\n"
" s:string (array of char); p: pascal string (w. count byte).\n"
"Special case (only available in native format):\n"
" P:an integer type that is wide enough to hold a pointer.\n"
"Whitespace between formats is ignored.\n"
"The variable struct.error is an exception raised on errors."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/structmodule.c:982
msgid ""
"calcsize(fmt) -> int\n"
"Return size of C struct described by format string fmt.\n"
"See struct.__doc__ for more on format strings."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/structmodule.c:1004
msgid ""
"pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) -> string\n"
"Return string containing values v1, v2, ... packed according to fmt.\n"
"See struct.__doc__ for more on format strings."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/structmodule.c:1141
msgid ""
"unpack(fmt, string) -> (v1, v2, ...)\n"
"Unpack the string, containing packed C structure data, according\n"
"to fmt.  Requires len(string)==calcsize(fmt).\n"
"See struct.__doc__ for more on format strings."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/termios.c:13
msgid ""
"This module provides an interface to the Posix calls for tty I/O control.\n"
"For a complete description of these calls, see the Posix or Unix manual\n"
"pages. It is only available for those Unix versions that support Posix\n"
"termios style tty I/O control (and then only if configured at installation\n"
"All functions in this module take a file descriptor fd as their first\n"
"argument. This must be an integer file descriptor, such as returned by\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/termios.c:39
msgid ""
"tcgetattr(fd) -> list_of_attrs\n"
"Get the tty attributes for file descriptor fd, as follows:\n"
"[iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc] where cc is a list\n"
"of the tty special characters (each a string of length 1, except the items\n"
"with indices VMIN and VTIME, which are integers when these fields are\n"
"defined).  The interpretation of the flags and the speeds as well as the\n"
"indexing in the cc array must be done using the symbolic constants defined\n"
"in this module."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/termios.c:117
msgid ""
"tcsetattr(fd, when, attributes) -> None\n"
"Set the tty attributes for file descriptor fd.\n"
"The attributes to be set are taken from the attributes argument, which\n"
"is a list like the one returned by tcgetattr(). The when argument\n"
"determines when the attributes are changed: termios.TCSANOW to\n"
"change immediately, termios.TCSADRAIN to change after transmitting all\n"
"queued output, or termios.TCSAFLUSH to change after transmitting all\n"
"queued output and discarding all queued input. "
msgstr ""

#: Modules/termios.c:188
msgid ""
"tcsendbreak(fd, duration) -> None\n"
"Send a break on file descriptor fd.\n"
"A zero duration sends a break for 0.25-0.5 seconds; a nonzero duration \n"
"has a system dependent meaning. "
msgstr ""

#: Modules/termios.c:212
msgid ""
"tcdrain(fd) -> None\n"
"Wait until all output written to file descriptor fd has been transmitted. "
msgstr ""

#: Modules/termios.c:234
msgid ""
"tcflush(fd, queue) -> None\n"
"Discard queued data on file descriptor fd.\n"
"The queue selector specifies which queue: termios.TCIFLUSH for the input\n"
"queue, termios.TCOFLUSH for the output queue, or termios.TCIOFLUSH for\n"
"both queues. "
msgstr ""

#: Modules/termios.c:259
msgid ""
"tcflow(fd, action) -> None\n"
"Suspend or resume input or output on file descriptor fd.\n"
"The action argument can be termios.TCOOFF to suspend output,\n"
"termios.TCOON to restart output, termios.TCIOFF to suspend input,\n"
"or termios.TCION to restart input."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:37
msgid ""
"compressobj() -- Return a compressor object.\n"
"compressobj(level) -- Return a compressor object, using the given compression level.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:42
msgid ""
"decompressobj() -- Return a decompressor object.\n"
"decompressobj(wbits) -- Return a decompressor object, setting the window buffer size to wbits.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:59
msgid ""
"compress(string) -- Compress string using the default compression level, returning a string containing compressed data.\n"
"compress(string, level) -- Compress string, using the chosen compression level (from 1 to 9).  Return a string containing the compressed data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:156
msgid ""
"decompress(string) -- Decompress the data in string, returning a string containing the decompressed data.\n"
"decompress(string, wbits) -- Decompress the data in string with a window buffer size of wbits.\n"
"decompress(string, wbits, bufsize) -- Decompress the data in string with a window buffer size of wbits and an initial output buffer size of bufsize.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:391
msgid ""
"compress(data) -- Return a string containing a compressed version of the data.\n"
"After calling this function, some of the input data may still\n"
"be stored in internal buffers for later processing.\n"
"Call the flush() method to clear these buffers."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:449
msgid ""
"decompress(data) -- Return a string containing the decompressed version of the data.\n"
"After calling this function, some of the input data may still\n"
"be stored in internal buffers for later processing.\n"
"Call the flush() method to clear these buffers."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:520
msgid ""
"flush( [mode] ) -- Return a string containing any remaining compressed data.\n"
"mode can be one of the constants Z_SYNC_FLUSH, Z_FULL_FLUSH, Z_FINISH; the \n"
"default value used when mode is not specified is Z_FINISH.\n"
"If mode == Z_FINISH, the compressor object can no longer be used after\n"
"calling the flush() method.  Otherwise, more data can still be compressed.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:600
msgid "flush() -- Return a string containing any remaining decompressed data.  The decompressor object can no longer be used after this call."
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:665
msgid ""
"adler32(string) -- Compute an Adler-32 checksum of string, using a default starting value, and returning an integer value.\n"
"adler32(string, value) -- Compute an Adler-32 checksum of string, using the starting value provided, and returning an integer value\n"
msgstr ""

#: Modules/zlibmodule.c:687
msgid ""
"crc32(string) -- Compute a CRC-32 checksum of string, using a default starting value, and returning an integer value.\n"
"crc32(string, value) -- Compute a CRC-32 checksum of string, using the starting value provided, and returning an integer value.\n"
msgstr ""