Release 0.6 (in development)

New features added

* Incompatible changes:

  - Templating now requires the Jinja2 library, which is an enhanced
    version of the old Jinja1 engine.  Since the syntax and semantic
    is largely the same, very few fixes should be necessary in
    custom templates.

  - The ``autodoc_skip_member`` event now also gets to decide
    whether to skip members whose name starts with underscores.
    Previously, these members were always automatically skipped.
    Therefore, if you handle this event, add something like this
    to your event handler to restore the old behavior::

       if name.startswith('_'):
           return True

* Markup:

  - Due to popular demand, added a ``:doc:`` role which directly
    links to another document without the need of creating a
    label to which a ``:ref:`` could link to.

  - #4: Added a ``:download:`` role that marks a non-document file
    for inclusion into the HTML output and links to it.

  - The ``literalinclude`` directive now supports several more
    options, to include only parts of a file.

  - The ``toctree`` directive now supports a ``:hidden:`` flag,
    which will prevent links from being generated in place of
    the directive -- this allows you to define your document
    structure, but place the links yourself.

  - #52: There is now a ``hlist`` directive, creating a compact
    list by placing distributing items into multiple columns.

  - #77: If a description environment with info field list only
    contains one ``:param:`` entry, no bullet list is generated.

  - #6: Don't generate redundant ``<ul>`` for top-level TOC tree
    items, which leads to a visual separation of TOC entries.

  - #23: Added a ``classmethod`` directive along with ``method``
    and ``staticmethod``.

* Configuration:

  - The new ``html_add_permalinks`` config value can be used to
    switch off the generated "paragraph sign" permalinks for each
    heading and definition environment.

  - The new ``html_show_sourcelink`` config value can be used to
    switch off the links to the reST sources in the sidebar.

  - The default value for ``htmlhelp_basename`` is now the project
    title, cleaned up as a filename.

* Builders:

  - New builder for Qt help collections, by Antonio Valentino.

  - The new ``html_link_suffix`` config value can be used to select
    the suffix of generated links between HTML files.

* New translations:
  - Italian by Sandro Dentella.

* Extensions and API:

  - Autodoc now handles documented attributes.

  - Autodoc now handles inner classes and their methods.

  - There is now a ``Sphinx.add_lexer()`` method to be able to use
    custom Pygments lexers easily.

* Other changes:

  - Config overrides for single dict keys can now be given on the
    command line.

  - There is now a ``doctest_global_setup`` config value that can
    be used to give setup code for all doctests in the documentation.

  - Source links in HTML are now generated with ``rel="nofollow"``.

  - Quickstart can now generate a Windows ``make.bat`` file.

Release 0.5.2 (in development)

* #81: Write environment and search index in a manner that is safe
  from exceptions that occur during dumping.

* #80: Fix UnicodeErrors when a locale is set with setlocale().

Release 0.5.1 (Dec 15, 2008)

* #67: Output warnings about failed doctests in the doctest extension
  even when running in quiet mode.

* #72: In pngmath, make it possible to give a full path to LaTeX and
  dvipng on Windows.  For that to work, the ``pngmath_latex`` and
  ``pngmath_dvipng`` options are no longer split into command and
  additional arguments; use ``pngmath_latex_args`` and
  ``pngmath_dvipng_args`` to give additional arguments.

* Don't crash on failing doctests with non-ASCII characters.

* Don't crash on writing status messages and warnings containing
  unencodable characters.

* Warn if a doctest extension block doesn't contain any code.

* Fix the handling of ``:param:`` and ``:type:`` doc fields when
  they contain markup (especially cross-referencing roles).

* #65: Fix storage of depth information for PNGs generated by the
  pngmath extension.

* Fix autodoc crash when automethod is used outside a class context.

* #68: Fix LaTeX writer output for images with specified height.

* #60: Fix wrong generated image path when including images in sources
  in subdirectories.

* Fix the JavaScript search when html_copy_source is off.

* Fix an indentation problem in autodoc when documenting classes
  with the option ``autoclass_content = "both"`` set.

* Don't crash on empty index entries, only emit a warning.

* Fix a typo in the search JavaScript code, leading to unusable
  search function in some setups.

Release 0.5 (Nov 23, 2008) -- Birthday release!

New features added

* Markup features:

  - Citations are now global: all citation defined in any file can be
    referenced from any file.  Citations are collected in a bibliography
    for LaTeX output.

  - Footnotes are now properly handled in the LaTeX builder: they appear
    at the location of the footnote reference in text, not at the end of
    a section.  Thanks to Andrew McNamara for the initial patch.

  - "System Message" warnings are now automatically removed from the
    built documentation, and only written to stderr.  If you want the
    old behavior, set the new config value ``keep_warnings`` to True.

  - Glossary entries are now automatically added to the index.

  - Figures with captions can now be referred to like section titles,
    using the ``:ref:`` role without an explicit link text.

  - Added ``cmember`` role for consistency.

  - Lists enumerated by letters or roman numerals are now handled like in
    standard reST.

  - The ``seealso`` directive can now also be given arguments, as a short

  - You can now document several programs and their options with the
    new ``program`` directive.

* HTML output and templates:

  - Incompatible change: The "root" relation link (top left in the
    relbar) now points to the ``master_doc`` by default, no longer to a
    document called "index".  The old behavior, while useful in some
    situations, was somewhat unexpected.  Override the "rootrellink"
    block in the template to customize where it refers to.

  - The JavaScript search now searches for objects before searching in
    the full text.

  - TOC tree entries now have CSS classes that make it possible to
    style them depending on their depth.

  - Highlighted code blocks now have CSS classes that make it possible
    to style them depending on their language.

  - HTML ``<meta>`` tags via the docutils ``meta`` directive are now

  - ``SerializingHTMLBuilder`` was added as new abstract builder that
    can be subclassed to serialize build HTML in a specific format.  The
    ``PickleHTMLBuilder`` is a concrete subclass of it that uses pickle
    as serialization implementation.

  - ``JSONHTMLBuilder`` was added as another ``SerializingHTMLBuilder``
    subclass that dumps the generated HTML into JSON files for further

  - The ``rellinks`` block in the layout template is now called
    ``linktags`` to avoid confusion with the relbar links.

  - The HTML builders have two additional attributes now that can be
    used to disable the anchor-link creation after headlines and
    definition links.

  - Only generate a module index if there are some modules in the

* New and changed config values:

  - Added support for internationalization in generated text with the
    ``language`` and ``locale_dirs`` config values.  Many thanks to
    language contributors:

    * Horst Gutmann -- German
    * Pavel Kosina -- Czech
    * David Larlet -- French
    * Michał Kandulski -- Polish
    * Yasushi Masuda -- Japanese
    * Guillem Borrell -- Spanish
    * Luc Saffre and Peter Bertels -- Dutch
    * Fred Lin -- Traditional Chinese
    * Roger Demetrescu -- Brazilian Portuguese
    * Rok Garbas -- Slovenian

  - The new config value ``highlight_language`` set a global default for
    highlighting.  When ``'python3'`` is selected, console output blocks
    are recognized like for ``'python'``.

  - Exposed Pygments' lexer guessing as a highlight "language" ``guess``.

  - The new config value ``latex_elements`` allows to override all LaTeX
    snippets that Sphinx puts into the generated .tex file by default.

  - Added ``exclude_dirnames`` config value that can be used to exclude
    e.g. CVS directories from source file search.

  - Added ``source_encoding`` config value to select input encoding.

* Extensions:

  - The new extensions ``sphinx.ext.jsmath`` and ``sphinx.ext.pngmath``
    provide math support for both HTML and LaTeX builders.

  - The new extension ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx`` half-automatically
    creates links to Sphinx documentation of Python objects in other

  - The new extension ``sphinx.ext.todo`` allows the insertion of
    "To do" directives whose visibility in the output can be toggled.
    It also adds a directive to compile a list of all todo items.

  - sphinx.ext.autodoc has a new event ``autodoc-process-signature``
    that allows tuning function signature introspection.

  - sphinx.ext.autodoc has a new event ``autodoc-skip-member`` that allows
    tuning which members are included in the generated content.

  - Respect __all__ when autodocumenting module members.

  - The `automodule` directive now supports the ``synopsis``,
    ``deprecated`` and ``platform`` options.

* Extension API:

  - ``Sphinx.add_node()`` now takes optional visitor methods for the
    HTML, LaTeX and text translators; this prevents having to manually
    patch the classes.

  - Added ``Sphinx.add_javascript()`` that adds scripts to load in the
    default HTML template.

  - Added new events: ``source-read``, ``env-updated``,
    ``env-purge-doc``, ``missing-reference``, ``build-finished``.

* Other changes:

  - Added a command-line switch ``-Q``: it will suppress warnings.

  - Added a command-line switch ``-A``: it can be used to supply
    additional values into the HTML templates.

  - Added a command-line switch ``-C``: if it is given, no configuration
    file ```` is required.

  - Added a distutils command `build_sphinx`: When Sphinx is installed,
    you can call ``python build_sphinx`` for projects that have
    Sphinx documentation, which will build the docs and place them in
    the standard distutils build directory.

  - In quickstart, if the selected root path already contains a Sphinx
    project, complain and abort.

Bugs fixed

* #51: Escape configuration values placed in HTML templates.

* #44: Fix small problems in HTML help index generation.

* Fix LaTeX output for line blocks in tables.

* #38: Fix "illegal unit" error when using pixel image widths/heights.

* Support table captions in LaTeX output.

* #39: Work around a bug in Jinja that caused "<generator ...>" to be
  emitted in HTML output.

* Fix a problem with module links not being generated in LaTeX output.

* Fix the handling of images in different directories.

* #29: Support option lists in the text writer.  Make sure that dashes
  introducing long option names are not contracted to en-dashes.

* Support the "scale" option for images in HTML output.

* #25: Properly escape quotes in HTML help attribute values.

* Fix LaTeX build for some description environments with ``:noindex:``.

* #24: Don't crash on uncommon casing of role names (like ``:Class:``).

* Only output ANSI colors on color terminals.

* Update to newest fncychap.sty, to fix problems with non-ASCII
  characters at the start of chapter titles.

* Fix a problem with index generation in LaTeX output, caused by
  hyperref not being included last.

* Don't disregard return annotations for functions without any parameters.

* Don't throw away labels for code blocks.

Release 0.4.3 (Oct 8, 2008)

* Fix a bug in autodoc with directly given autodoc members.

* Fix a bug in autodoc that would import a module twice, once as
  "module", once as "module.".

* Fix a bug in the HTML writer that created duplicate ``id``
  attributes for section titles with docutils 0.5.

* Properly call ``super()`` in overridden blocks in templates.

* Add a fix when using XeTeX.

* Unify handling of LaTeX escaping.

* Rebuild everything when the ``extensions`` config value changes.

* Don't try to remove a nonexisting static directory.

* Fix an indentation problem in production lists.

* Fix encoding handling for literal include files: ``literalinclude``
  now has an ``encoding`` option that defaults to UTF-8.

* Fix the handling of non-ASCII characters entered in quickstart.

* Fix a crash with nonexisting image URIs.

Release 0.4.2 (Jul 29, 2008)

* Fix rendering of the ``samp`` role in HTML.

* Fix a bug with LaTeX links to headings leading to a wrong page.

* Reread documents with globbed toctrees when source files are
  added or removed.

* Add a missing parameter to PickleHTMLBuilder.handle_page().

* Put inheritance info always on its own line.

* Don't automatically enclose code with whitespace in it in quotes;
  only do this for the ``samp`` role.

* autodoc now emits a more precise error message when a module
  can't be imported or an attribute can't be found.

* The JavaScript search now uses the correct file name suffix when
  referring to found items.

* The automodule directive now accepts the ``inherited-members``
  and ``show-inheritance`` options again.

* You can now rebuild the docs normally after relocating the source
  and/or doctree directory.

Release 0.4.1 (Jul 5, 2008)

* Added sub-/superscript node handling to TextBuilder.

* Label names in references are now case-insensitive, since reST
  label names are always lowercased.

* Fix linkcheck builder crash for malformed URLs.

* Add compatibility for admonitions and docutils 0.5.

* Remove the silly restriction on "rubric" in the LaTeX writer: you
  can now write arbitrary "rubric" directives, and only those with
  a title of "Footnotes" will be ignored.

* Copy the HTML logo to the output ``_static`` directory.

* Fix LaTeX code for modules with underscores in names and platforms.

* Fix a crash with nonlocal image URIs.

* Allow the usage of :noindex: in ``automodule`` directives, as

* Fix the ``delete()`` docstring processor function in autodoc.

* Fix warning message for nonexisting images.

* Fix JavaScript search in Internet Explorer.

Release 0.4 (Jun 23, 2008)

New features added

* ``tocdepth`` can be given as a file-wide metadata entry, and
  specifies the maximum depth of a TOC of this file.

* The new config value `default_role` can be used to select the
  default role for all documents.

* Sphinx now interprets field lists with fields like ``:param foo:``
  in description units.

* The new `staticmethod` directive can be used to mark methods as
  static methods.

* HTML output:

  - The "previous" and "next" links have a more logical structure, so
    that by following "next" links you can traverse the entire TOC

  - The new event `html-page-context` can be used to include custom
    values into the context used when rendering an HTML template.

  - Document metadata is now in the default template context, under
    the name `metadata`.

  - The new config value `html_favicon` can be used to set a favicon
    for the HTML output.  Thanks to Sebastian Wiesner.

  - The new config value `html_use_index` can be used to switch index
    generation in HTML documents off.

  - The new config value `html_split_index` can be used to create
    separate index pages for each letter, to be used when the complete
    index is too large for one page.

  - The new config value `html_short_title` can be used to set a
    shorter title for the documentation which is then used in the
    navigation bar.

  - The new config value `html_show_sphinx` can be used to control
    whether a link to Sphinx is added to the HTML footer.

  - The new config value `html_file_suffix` can be used to set the
    HTML file suffix to e.g. ``.xhtml``.

  - The directories in the `html_static_path` can now contain

  - The module index now isn't collapsed if the number of submodules
    is larger than the number of toplevel modules.

* The image directive now supports specifying the extension as ``.*``,
  which makes the builder select the one that matches best.  Thanks to
  Sebastian Wiesner.

* The new config value `exclude_trees` can be used to exclude whole
  subtrees from the search for source files.

* Defaults for configuration values can now be callables, which allows
  dynamic defaults.

* The new TextBuilder creates plain-text output.

* Python 3-style signatures, giving a return annotation via ``->``,
  are now supported.

* Extensions:

  - The autodoc extension now offers a much more flexible way to
    manipulate docstrings before including them into the output, via
    the new `autodoc-process-docstring` event.

  - The `autodoc` extension accepts signatures for functions, methods
    and classes now that override the signature got via introspection
    from Python code.

  - The `autodoc` extension now offers a ``show-inheritance`` option
    for autoclass that inserts a list of bases after the signature.

  - The autodoc directives now support the ``noindex`` flag option.

Bugs fixed

* Correctly report the source location for docstrings included with

* Fix the LaTeX output of description units with multiple signatures.

* Handle the figure directive in LaTeX output.

* Handle raw admonitions in LaTeX output.

* Fix determination of the title in HTML help output.

* Handle project names containing spaces.

* Don't write SSI-like comments in HTML output.

* Rename the "sidebar" class to "sphinxsidebar" in order to stay different
  from reST sidebars.

* Use a binary TOC in HTML help generation to fix issues links without
  explicit anchors.

* Fix behavior of references to functions/methods with an explicit title.

* Support citation, subscript and superscript nodes in LaTeX writer.

* Provide the standard "class" directive as "cssclass"; else it is
  shadowed by the Sphinx-defined directive.

* Fix the handling of explicit module names given to autoclass directives.
  They now show up with the correct module name in the generated docs.

* Enable autodoc to process Unicode docstrings.

* The LaTeX writer now translates line blocks with ``\raggedright``,
  which plays nicer with tables.

* Fix bug with directories in the HTML builder static path.

Release 0.3 (May 6, 2008)

New features added

* The ``toctree`` directive now supports a ``glob`` option that allows
  glob-style entries in the content.

* If the `pygments_style` config value contains a dot it's treated as the
  import path of a custom Pygments style class.

* A new config value, `exclude_dirs`, can be used to exclude whole
  directories from the search for source files.

* The configuration directory (containing ````) can now be set
  independently from the source directory.  For that, a new command-line
  option ``-c`` has been added.

* A new directive ``tabularcolumns`` can be used to give a tabular column
  specification for LaTeX output.  Tables now use the ``tabulary`` package.
  Literal blocks can now be placed in tables, with several caveats.

* A new config value, `latex_use_parts`, can be used to enable parts in LaTeX

* Autodoc now skips inherited members for classes, unless you give the
  new ``inherited-members`` option.

* A new config value, `autoclass_content`, selects if the docstring of the
  class' ``__init__`` method is added to the directive's body.

* Support for C++ class names (in the style ``Class::Function``) in C function

* Support for a ``toctree_only`` item in items for the ``latex_documents``
  config value.  This only includes the documents referenced by TOC trees in the
  output, not the rest of the file containing the directive.

Bugs fixed

* sphinx.htmlwriter: Correctly write the TOC file for any structure of the
  master document.  Also encode non-ASCII characters as entities in TOC
  and index file.  Remove two remaining instances of hard-coded

* sphinx.ext.autodoc: descriptors are detected properly now.

* sphinx.latexwriter: implement all reST admonitions, not just ``note``
  and ``warning``.

* Lots of little fixes to the LaTeX output and style.

* Fix OpenSearch template and make template URL absolute.  The
  `html_use_opensearch` config value now must give the base URL.

* Some unused files are now stripped from the HTML help file build.

Release 0.2 (Apr 27, 2008)

Incompatible changes

* Jinja, the template engine used for the default HTML templates, is now
  no longer shipped with Sphinx.  If it is not installed automatically for
  you (it is now listed as a dependency in ````), install it manually
  from PyPI.  This will also be needed if you're using Sphinx from a SVN
  checkout; in that case please also remove the ``sphinx/jinja`` directory
  that may be left over from old revisions.

* The clumsy handling of the ``index.html`` template was removed.  The config
  value ``html_index`` is gone, and ``html_additional_pages`` should be used
  instead.  If you need it, the old ``index.html`` template is still there,
  called ``defindex.html``, and you can port your html_index template, using
  Jinja inheritance, by changing your template::

     {% extends "defindex.html" %}
     {% block tables %}
     ... old html_index template content ...
     {% endblock %}

  and putting ``'index': name of your template`` in ``html_additional_pages``.

* In the layout template, redundant ``block``\s were removed; you should use
  Jinja's standard ``{{ super() }}`` mechanism instead, as explained in the
  (newly written) templating docs.

New features added

* Extension API (Application object):

  - Support a new method, ``add_crossref_type``.  It works like
    ``add_description_unit`` but the directive will only create a target
    and no output.
  - Support a new method, ``add_transform``.  It takes a standard docutils
    ``Transform`` subclass which is then applied by Sphinx' reader on
    parsing reST document trees.
  - Add support for other template engines than Jinja, by adding an
    abstraction called a "template bridge".  This class handles rendering
    of templates and can be changed using the new configuration value
  - The config file itself can be an extension (if it provides a ``setup()``

* Markup:

  - New directive, ``currentmodule``.  It can be used to indicate the module
    name of the following documented things without creating index entries.
  - Allow giving a different title to documents in the toctree.
  - Allow giving multiple options in a ``cmdoption`` directive.
  - Fix display of class members without explicit class name given.

* Templates (HTML output):

  - ``index.html`` renamed to ``defindex.html``, see above.
  - There's a new config value, ``html_title``, that controls the overall
    "title" of the set of Sphinx docs.  It is used instead everywhere instead of
    "Projectname vX.Y documentation" now.
  - All references to "documentation" in the templates have been removed, so
    that it is now easier to use Sphinx for non-documentation documents with
    the default templates.
  - Templates now have an XHTML doctype, to be consistent with docutils'
    HTML output.
  - You can now create an OpenSearch description file with the
    ``html_use_opensearch`` config value.
  - You can now quickly include a logo in the sidebar, using the ``html_logo``
    config value.
  - There are new blocks in the sidebar, so that you can easily insert content
    into the sidebar.

* LaTeX output:

  - The ``sphinx.sty`` package was cleaned of unused stuff.
  - You can include a logo in the title page with the ``latex_logo`` config
  - You can define the link colors and a border and background color for
    verbatim environments.

Thanks to Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Talin, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven and Sebastian
Wiesner for suggestions.

Bugs fixed

* sphinx.ext.autodoc: Don't check ``__module__`` for explicitly given
  members.  Remove "self" in class constructor argument list.

* sphinx.htmlwriter: Don't use os.path for joining image HREFs.

* sphinx.htmlwriter: Don't use SmartyPants for HTML attribute values.

* sphinx.latexwriter: Implement option lists.  Also, some other changes
  were made to ``sphinx.sty`` in order to enhance compatibility and
  remove old unused stuff.  Thanks to Gael Varoquaux for that!

* sphinx.roles: Fix referencing glossary terms with explicit targets.

* sphinx.environment: Don't swallow TOC entries when resolving subtrees.

* sphinx.quickstart: Create a sensible default latex_documents setting.

* sphinx.builder, sphinx.environment: Gracefully handle some user error

* sphinx.util: Follow symbolic links when searching for documents.

Release 0.1.61950 (Mar 26, 2008)

* sphinx.quickstart: Fix format string for Makefile.

Release 0.1.61945 (Mar 26, 2008)

* sphinx.htmlwriter, sphinx.latexwriter: Support the ``.. image::``
  directive by copying image files to the output directory.

* sphinx.builder: Consistently name "special" HTML output directories
  with a leading underscore; this means ``_sources`` and ``_static``.

* sphinx.environment: Take dependent files into account when collecting
  the set of outdated sources.

* sphinx.directives: Record files included with ``.. literalinclude::``
  as dependencies.

* sphinx.ext.autodoc: Record files from which docstrings are included
  as dependencies.

* sphinx.builder: Rebuild all HTML files in case of a template change.

* sphinx.builder: Handle unavailability of TOC relations (previous/
  next chapter) more gracefully in the HTML builder.

* sphinx.latexwriter: Include fncychap.sty which doesn't seem to be
  very common in TeX distributions.  Add a ``clean`` target in the
  latex Makefile.  Really pass the correct paper and size options
  to the LaTeX document class.

* setup: On Python 2.4, don't egg-depend on docutils if a docutils is
  already installed -- else it will be overwritten.

Release 0.1.61843 (Mar 24, 2008)

* sphinx.quickstart: Really don't create a makefile if the user
  doesn't want one.

* setup: Don't install scripts twice, via setuptools entry points
  and distutils scripts.  Only install via entry points.

* sphinx.builder: Don't recognize the HTML builder's copied source
  files (under ``_sources``) as input files if the source suffix is

* sphinx.highlighting: Generate correct markup for LaTeX Verbatim
  environment escapes even if Pygments is not installed.

* sphinx.builder: The WebHTMLBuilder is now called PickleHTMLBuilder.

* sphinx.htmlwriter: Make parsed-literal blocks work as expected,
  not highlighting them via Pygments.

* sphinx.environment: Don't error out on reading an empty source file.

Release 0.1.61798 (Mar 23, 2008)

* sphinx: Work with docutils SVN snapshots as well as 0.4.

* sphinx.ext.doctest: Make the group in which doctest blocks are
  placed selectable, and default to ``'default'``.

* sphinx.ext.doctest: Replace ``<BLANKLINE>`` in doctest blocks by
  real blank lines for presentation output, and remove doctest
  options given inline.

* sphinx.environment: Move doctest_blocks out of block_quotes to
  support indented doctest blocks.

* sphinx.ext.autodoc: Render ``.. automodule::`` docstrings in a
  section node, so that module docstrings can contain proper

* sphinx.ext.autodoc: Use the module's encoding for decoding
  docstrings, rather than requiring ASCII.

Release 0.1.61611 (Mar 21, 2008)

* First public release.