Release 0.3 (May 6, 2008) ========================= New features added ------------------ * The ``toctree`` directive now supports a ``glob`` option that allows glob-style entries in the content. * If the `pygments_style` config value contains a dot it's treated as the import path of a custom Pygments style class. * A new config value, `exclude_dirs`, can be used to exclude whole directories from the search for source files. * The configuration directory (containing ````) can now be set independently from the source directory. For that, a new command-line option ``-c`` has been added. * A new directive ``tabularcolumns`` can be used to give a tabular column specification for LaTeX output. Tables now use the ``tabulary`` package. Literal blocks can now be placed in tables, with several caveats. * A new config value, `latex_use_parts`, can be used to enable parts in LaTeX documents. * Autodoc now skips inherited members for classes, unless you give the new ``inherited-members`` option. * A new config value, `autoclass_content`, selects if the docstring of the class' ``__init__`` method is added to the directive's body. * Support for C++ class names (in the style ``Class::Function``) in C function descriptions. * Support for a ``toctree_only`` item in items for the ``latex_documents`` config value. This only includes the documents referenced by TOC trees in the output, not the rest of the file containing the directive. Bugs fixed ---------- * sphinx.htmlwriter: Correctly write the TOC file for any structure of the master document. Also encode non-ASCII characters as entities in TOC and index file. Remove two remaining instances of hard-coded "documentation". * sphinx.ext.autodoc: descriptors are detected properly now. * sphinx.latexwriter: implement all reST admonitions, not just ``note`` and ``warning``. * Lots of little fixes to the LaTeX output and style. * Fix OpenSearch template and make template URL absolute. The `html_use_opensearch` config value now must give the base URL. * Some unused files are now stripped from the HTML help file build. Release 0.2 (Apr 27, 2008) ========================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * Jinja, the template engine used for the default HTML templates, is now no longer shipped with Sphinx. If it is not installed automatically for you (it is now listed as a dependency in ````), install it manually from PyPI. This will also be needed if you're using Sphinx from a SVN checkout; in that case please also remove the ``sphinx/jinja`` directory that may be left over from old revisions. * The clumsy handling of the ``index.html`` template was removed. The config value ``html_index`` is gone, and ``html_additional_pages`` should be used instead. If you need it, the old ``index.html`` template is still there, called ``defindex.html``, and you can port your html_index template, using Jinja inheritance, by changing your template:: {% extends "defindex.html" %} {% block tables %} ... old html_index template content ... {% endblock %} and putting ``'index': name of your template`` in ``html_additional_pages``. * In the layout template, redundant ``block``\s were removed; you should use Jinja's standard ``{{ super() }}`` mechanism instead, as explained in the (newly written) templating docs. New features added ------------------ * Extension API (Application object): - Support a new method, ``add_crossref_type``. It works like ``add_description_unit`` but the directive will only create a target and no output. - Support a new method, ``add_transform``. It takes a standard docutils ``Transform`` subclass which is then applied by Sphinx' reader on parsing reST document trees. - Add support for other template engines than Jinja, by adding an abstraction called a "template bridge". This class handles rendering of templates and can be changed using the new configuration value "template_bridge". - The config file itself can be an extension (if it provides a ``setup()`` function). * Markup: - New directive, ``currentmodule``. It can be used to indicate the module name of the following documented things without creating index entries. - Allow giving a different title to documents in the toctree. - Allow giving multiple options in a ``cmdoption`` directive. - Fix display of class members without explicit class name given. * Templates (HTML output): - ``index.html`` renamed to ``defindex.html``, see above. - There's a new config value, ``html_title``, that controls the overall "title" of the set of Sphinx docs. It is used instead everywhere instead of "Projectname vX.Y documentation" now. - All references to "documentation" in the templates have been removed, so that it is now easier to use Sphinx for non-documentation documents with the default templates. - Templates now have an XHTML doctype, to be consistent with docutils' HTML output. - You can now create an OpenSearch description file with the ``html_use_opensearch`` config value. - You can now quickly include a logo in the sidebar, using the ``html_logo`` config value. - There are new blocks in the sidebar, so that you can easily insert content into the sidebar. * LaTeX output: - The ``sphinx.sty`` package was cleaned of unused stuff. - You can include a logo in the title page with the ``latex_logo`` config value. - You can define the link colors and a border and background color for verbatim environments. Thanks to Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Talin, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven and Sebastian Wiesner for suggestions. Bugs fixed ---------- * sphinx.ext.autodoc: Don't check ``__module__`` for explicitly given members. Remove "self" in class constructor argument list. * sphinx.htmlwriter: Don't use os.path for joining image HREFs. * sphinx.htmlwriter: Don't use SmartyPants for HTML attribute values. * sphinx.latexwriter: Implement option lists. Also, some other changes were made to ``sphinx.sty`` in order to enhance compatibility and remove old unused stuff. Thanks to Gael Varoquaux for that! * sphinx.roles: Fix referencing glossary terms with explicit targets. * sphinx.environment: Don't swallow TOC entries when resolving subtrees. * sphinx.quickstart: Create a sensible default latex_documents setting. * sphinx.builder, sphinx.environment: Gracefully handle some user error cases. * sphinx.util: Follow symbolic links when searching for documents. Release 0.1.61950 (Mar 26, 2008) ================================ * sphinx.quickstart: Fix format string for Makefile. Release 0.1.61945 (Mar 26, 2008) ================================ * sphinx.htmlwriter, sphinx.latexwriter: Support the ``.. image::`` directive by copying image files to the output directory. * sphinx.builder: Consistently name "special" HTML output directories with a leading underscore; this means ``_sources`` and ``_static``. * sphinx.environment: Take dependent files into account when collecting the set of outdated sources. * sphinx.directives: Record files included with ``.. literalinclude::`` as dependencies. * sphinx.ext.autodoc: Record files from which docstrings are included as dependencies. * sphinx.builder: Rebuild all HTML files in case of a template change. * sphinx.builder: Handle unavailability of TOC relations (previous/ next chapter) more gracefully in the HTML builder. * sphinx.latexwriter: Include fncychap.sty which doesn't seem to be very common in TeX distributions. Add a ``clean`` target in the latex Makefile. Really pass the correct paper and size options to the LaTeX document class. * setup: On Python 2.4, don't egg-depend on docutils if a docutils is already installed -- else it will be overwritten. Release 0.1.61843 (Mar 24, 2008) ================================ * sphinx.quickstart: Really don't create a makefile if the user doesn't want one. * setup: Don't install scripts twice, via setuptools entry points and distutils scripts. Only install via entry points. * sphinx.builder: Don't recognize the HTML builder's copied source files (under ``_sources``) as input files if the source suffix is ``.txt``. * sphinx.highlighting: Generate correct markup for LaTeX Verbatim environment escapes even if Pygments is not installed. * sphinx.builder: The WebHTMLBuilder is now called PickleHTMLBuilder. * sphinx.htmlwriter: Make parsed-literal blocks work as expected, not highlighting them via Pygments. * sphinx.environment: Don't error out on reading an empty source file. Release 0.1.61798 (Mar 23, 2008) ================================ * sphinx: Work with docutils SVN snapshots as well as 0.4. * sphinx.ext.doctest: Make the group in which doctest blocks are placed selectable, and default to ``'default'``. * sphinx.ext.doctest: Replace ```` in doctest blocks by real blank lines for presentation output, and remove doctest options given inline. * sphinx.environment: Move doctest_blocks out of block_quotes to support indented doctest blocks. * sphinx.ext.autodoc: Render ``.. automodule::`` docstrings in a section node, so that module docstrings can contain proper sectioning. * sphinx.ext.autodoc: Use the module's encoding for decoding docstrings, rather than requiring ASCII. Release 0.1.61611 (Mar 21, 2008) ================================ * First public release.