.. highlight:: rest :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` -- Include documentation from docstrings ================================================================== .. module:: sphinx.ext.autodoc :synopsis: Include documentation from docstrings. .. index:: pair: automatic; documentation single: docstring This extension can import the modules you are documenting, and pull in documentation from docstrings in a semi-automatic way. For this to work, the docstrings must of course be written in correct reStructuredText. You can then use all of the usual Sphinx markup in the docstrings, and it will end up correctly in the documentation. Together with hand-written documentation, this technique eases the pain of having to maintain two locations for documentation, while at the same time avoiding auto-generated-looking pure API documentation. :mod:`autodoc` provides several directives that are versions of the usual :dir:`module`, :dir:`class` and so forth. On parsing time, they import the corresponding module and extract the docstring of the given objects, inserting them into the page source under a suitable :dir:`module`, :dir:`class` etc. directive. .. note:: Just as :dir:`class` respects the current :dir:`module`, :dir:`autoclass` will also do so, and likewise with :dir:`method` and :dir:`class`. .. directive:: automodule autoclass autoexception Document a module, class or exception. All three directives will by default only insert the docstring of the object itself:: .. autoclass:: Noodle will produce source like this:: .. class:: Noodle Noodle's docstring. If you want to automatically document members, there's a ``members`` option:: .. autoclass:: Noodle :members: will document all non-private member functions and properties (that is, those whose name doesn't start with ``_``), while :: .. autoclass:: Noodle :members: eat, slurp will document exactly the specified members. Members without docstrings will be left out, unless you give the ``undoc-members`` flag option. The "auto" directives can also contain content of their own, it will be inserted into the resulting non-auto directive source after the docstring (but before any automatic member documentation). Therefore, you can also mix automatic and non-automatic member documentation, like so:: .. autoclass:: Noodle :members: eat, slurp .. method:: boil(time=10) Boil the noodle *time* minutes. .. note:: In an :dir:`automodule` directive with the ``members`` option set, only module members whose ``__module__`` attribute is equal to the module name as given to ``automodule`` will be documented. This is to prevent documentation of imported classes or functions. .. directive:: autofunction automethod autoattribute These work exactly like :dir:`autoclass` etc., but do not offer the options used for automatic member documentation. There's also one new config value that you can set: .. confval:: automodule_skip_lines This value (whose default is ``0``) can be used to skip an amount of lines in every module docstring that is processed by an :dir:`automodule` directive. This is provided because some projects like to put headings in the module docstring, which would then interfere with your sectioning, or automatic fields with version control tags, that you don't want to put in the generated documentation.