.. _builders: Available builders ================== .. module:: sphinx.builder :synopsis: Available built-in builder classes. These are the built-in Sphinx builders. More builders can be added by :ref:`extensions `. The builder's "name" must be given to the **-b** command-line option of :program:`sphinx-build` to select a builder. .. class:: StandaloneHTMLBuilder This is the standard HTML builder. Its output is a directory with HTML files, complete with style sheets and optionally the reST sources. There are quite a few configuration values that customize the output of this builder, see the chapter :ref:`html-options` for details. Its name is ``html``. .. class:: HTMLHelpBuilder This builder produces the same output as the standalone HTML builder, but also generates HTML Help support files that allow the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop to compile them into a CHM file. Its name is ``htmlhelp``. .. class:: PickleHTMLBuilder This builder produces a directory with pickle files containing mostly HTML fragments and TOC information, for use of a web application (or custom postprocessing tool) that doesn't use the standard HTML templates. It also is the format used by the Sphinx Web application. See :ref:`pickle-details` for details about the output format. Its name is ``pickle``. (The old name ``web`` still works as well.) .. class:: LaTeXBuilder This builder produces a bunch of LaTeX files in the output directory. You have to specify which documents are to be included in which LaTeX files via the :confval:`latex_documents` configuration value. There are a few configuration values that customize the output of this builder, see the chapter :ref:`latex-options` for details. Its name is ``latex``. .. class:: ChangesBuilder This builder produces an HTML overview of all :dir:`versionadded`, :dir:`versionchanged` and :dir:`deprecated` directives for the current :confval:`version`. This is useful to generate a ChangeLog file, for example. Its name is ``changes``. .. class:: CheckExternalLinksBuilder This builder scans all documents for external links, tries to open them with :mod:`urllib2`, and writes an overview which ones are broken and redirected to standard output and to :file:`output.txt` in the output directory. Its name is ``linkcheck``. Built-in Sphinx extensions that offer more builders are: * :mod:`~sphinx.ext.doctest` * :mod:`~sphinx.ext.coverage` .. _pickle-details: Pickle builder details ---------------------- The builder outputs one pickle file per source file, and a few special files. It also copies the reST source files in the directory ``_sources`` under the output directory. The files per source file have the extensions ``.fpickle``, and are arranged in directories just as the source files are. They unpickle to a dictionary with these keys: ``body`` The HTML "body" (that is, the HTML rendering of the source file), as rendered by the HTML translator. ``title`` The title of the document, as HTML (may contain markup). ``toc`` The table of contents for the file, rendered as an HTML ``