Python Doc LaTeX to Sphinx converter

This converter was used to convert the Python docs to Sphinx'
reStructuredText format. It can also be used to convert other
docs using the LaTeX style, with a custom script that directly
calls ``convert_file`` from the converter package. The only
thing you have to be aware of is the include file mapping, which
the converter will consult when it encounters a ``literalinclude``
command.  You can monkey-patch that dictionary like this::

     from converter import restwriter, convert_file

     class IncludeRewrite:
         def get(self, a, b=None):
             if os.path.exists(os.path.join(source, a + '.tex')):
                 return a + '.rst'
             return a
     restwriter.includes_mapping = IncludeRewrite()

     for infile, outfile in <somecollection>:
         convert_file(infile, outfile)