
* how to commands communicate non-option data amongst themselves?
  eg. 'install_py' might want to ask 'build_py' which .py files
  to install and compile -- how should that be handled (NB.
  implies that 'build' must be run before 'install' is run,
  can't just go by what's in the filesystem)
  -> currently done by commands just knowing about each others'
     options and methods; this seems to work, and I don't see
     a need for further bureaucracy here

* I think fancy_getopt needs to get fancier to properly support the
  -I, -D, -l, -L, etc. options of "build_ext": need to be able
  to accumulate multiple options in a list, should be able to
  split a string on a given delimiter, probably want to specify if
  repetitions of the same option will accumulate or replace, etc.


* "site" vs "std" install directories need to be more symmetrical.
    'install_std_lib' and 'install_std_platlib'
    'install_site_lib' and 'install_site_platlib'
  and when we know the installation scheme ('std' or 'site'), we pick
  one of these pairs as 'install_lib' and 'install_platlib'.  Then
  the install_* commands need only refer to 'install_lib' and
  'install_platlib', and not worry about the installation scheme.


* ??? do we need to implement autoconf in Python (shudder) ???
* if not, how to handle the case of "if Tk present, build with it" in
  PIL, or "define HAVE_STRFTIME if we have strftime()" in mxDateTime"?