Distutils - Usage Instructions

Currently, there are two group of users handled by the Distutils: module
developers and module installers (sysadmins or end-users).  Generally,
writing and edting the setup.py script is the domain of the developer,
while running it -- and using its extensive command-line options -- is
for end users.

Of course, developers will need to run the script too.  And in this
early release of the Distutils, there are probably situations where the
user will have to edit the setup script.  (This is something to be
avoided, though, and as the capabilities of the Distutils expand, it
will become Very Bad Form to require your users to edit *anything* in
order to build and install your module distribution!)

Thus, this document first covers using the Distutils for installation
via the setup script, since everyone has to do that.  It then covers the
contents of the setup script, for developers and adventurous/unlucky

Installer instructions

[Eventually, this text should transmute into a short "Installing Python
Modules" document -- perhaps part of the standard documentation, or
perhaps a "how-to" document.]

[Note that in this early development release, not all of the following
examples have been tested: this is how things are *supposed* to work,
not necessarily how they *do* work.  Any deviations of reality from
documentation are bugs in one or the other; please report them.  Patches
are welcome.]

Basic syntax and global options

The standard incantation for installing a Distutils-based module
distribution (including the Distutils themselves) is

    python setup.py -v install

More generally, the syntax of the setup script is

    setup.py [global-options] cmd [cmd-options ...]
                              [cmd [cmd-options] ...]

Currently, there are only two global options: --verbose (-v) and
--dry-run (-n).  Verbosity is an all-or-nothing proposition: if you
don't supply the -v flag, there will no output (apart from warnings and
errors).  For this early development release, use of -v is strongly
recommended, even though it's pretty noisy -- it prints a message for
every filesystem-affecting operation (directory creation, copying a
file, moving a file, compiling and linking files, etc.).  One of the
improvements I hope to make in a future version is to allow different
levels of verbosity (possibly selectable on a per-command basis, with
the global -v just a fallback).

The --dry-run (-n) flag is just what it sounds like: "Don't do anything,
but tell me what you would have done."  Note that -n without -v is
pointless, as it effectively means "Don't do anything, and don't tell me
what you would have done either."  Also, some Distutils commands base
their action on the state of the filesystem, which is often determined
by the action of earlier commands.  For example, if you run

    setup.py -nv build install

on a fresh module distribution, you'll get a detailed report of what
would happen in the 'build' phase -- but since the effects of the
'build' phase control the 'install' phase, you won't see anything
relating to installation, because it doesn't see any files to install.
(This might be considered a bug, or perhaps a design flaw.)

The Distutils commands

After the global options come a series of one or more commands, each
with optional command-specific options.  The commands included with this
release are:

    build       - build everything
    build_py    - "build" pure Python modules
    build_ext   - build C/C++ extension modules (C++ support untested)
    install     - install everything
    install_py  - install pure Python modules
    install_ext - install extension modules
    dist        - create source distribution

Note that commands may run other commands: the 'build' command runs
'build_py' and then 'build_ext', because that is what "everything" means
currently; the 'install' command first runs 'build' (because you can't
install what you haven't built), and then 'install_py' and
'install_ext'.  Distutils is smart enough not to run the same command
twice, and the commands are generally smart enough not to do redundant
work in their run.

This illustrates why, if all you want to do is install a module
distribution, all you have to do is

    python setup.py -v install

-- the 'install' command runs 'build', which runs 'build_py' and
'build_ext' to build everything, and then installs everything with
'install_py' and 'install_ext'.  (Actually, both 'build' and 'install'
are smart enough that they only run 'build_py' or 'install_py' if there
are pure Python modules in the distribution, and likewise with
'build_ext' and 'install_ext'.  That's a minor optimization, though, as
it mainly saves the unnecessary import of all the code for that
operation -- which, in the case of building extensions, is a fair

In the absence of command options (described momentarily), the following 
are all nearly equivalent:

    setup.py -v install
    setup.py -v build install
    setup.py -v build_py build_ext install
    setup.py -v build_py build_ext install_py install_ext

(The main difference is that when you explicitly specify a command, the
module that implements it will be imported -- which can cause a
noticeable delay in the case of 'build_ext'.)

Command options

The actions of every command are controlled by a set of options.  Some
command options can be specified on the command-line of the setup
script; others may only be supplied in the setup script itself.  This
section only covers the command options that may be supplied by the
installer, i.e. on the command-line -- the remaining command options are
generally the domain of the module developer, so will be covered below.

The vast majority of command-line settable command options deal with
where to put various files.  For instance, the 'build*' commands let you
specify where to build to, and the 'install*' commands let you specify
where to install to.

Command option names are only unique within their command, so multiple
commands may have (e.g.) a 'build_base' option.  All command options
have a long name (e.g. 'build_base' in the setup script or
'--build-base' on the command line), and many have a one letter form
that only appears on the command line.  There's no guarantee that the
same option name has the same one-letter form (or even the same meaning)
across different commands, although this is certainly a desirable goal
for command implementors.

Before launching into a reference of all options for all commands, we'll
see a few examples.  First, the 'build_base' option: by default, the
Distutils 'build*' commands put ready-to-install modules and extensions
into the "build/" subdirectory of the distribution root.  (The
distribution root is the directory where setup.py exists and is run
from, and most files and directories used by the Distutils are relative
to this directory.  Thus, you can generally read "distribution root" as
"current directory".)  If you want these files put somewhere else, use
the 'build_base' option to 'build':

    setup.py -v build --build-base=/tmp/pybuild

In this case, pure Python modules will be put in /tmp/pybuild/lib, and
extension modules will go in /tmp/pybuild/platlib.  If you want exact
control over these two directories, you can specify them to the 'build'

    setup.py -v build --build-lib=/tmp/pybuild.shared \

In this case, you don't need to specify 'build_base', since it is only
used to generate 'build_lib' and 'build_plat'.

Of course, if you then attempt to install the module distribution with
"setup.py -v install", it won't work as intended: 'install' looks in the
default build directory ("./build"), but the ready-to-install built
files aren't there.  So your files will be re-built to "./build" instead
of fetched from "/tmp/pybuild" (or wherever).  If you run 'install'
separately from 'build', you have to tell it the build directories.  For
instance, the 'install' command to go with the first 'build' command
above would be

    setup.py -v install --build-base=/tmp/pybuild

and to go with the second 'build' command:

    setup.py -v install --build-lib=/tmp/pybuild.shared \

(Note that the great similarity of these commands is due not to some
conspiracy within the Distutils, but to the deliberate choice of the
same option names for the same purposes across the two commands.
Nothing enforces this design principle except common sense!)

Obviously, it's preferable to supply the build directory only once, as

    setup.py build --build-base=/tmp/pybuild install

or, since 'install' implies 'build',

    setup.py install --build-base=/tmp/pybuild

but note that this:

    setup.py build install --build-base=/tmp/pybuild

DOES NOT WORK -- when you explicitly specify the 'build' command in this
way, its options are decided *before* the options for the 'install'
command are parsed.  (This may be another bug/design flaw that would be
nice, but tricky, to fix.)

Of course, you may be perfectly happy with the default build directories
(heck, I think they're fine), but want to install elsewhere -- e.g. if
you don't have superuser privileges on a Unix system, you'll probably
want to install to your home directory.  Naturally, this is an option --
well, several options really -- to the 'install' command:

    setup.py -v install --prefix=/home/greg --exec-prefix=/home/greg

will install both pure Python modules and extension modules under
/home/greg/lib/python1.5 (assuming you're using Python 1.5, of course).

If you want more precise control, you can specify the 'install_site_lib' 
and 'install_site_platlib' options directly:

    setup.py -v install --install-site-lib=/home/greg/lib/python \

Note that the "lib" and "platlib" directories are completely
independent; if you want to control both of them, you must specify both
(or both 'prefix' and 'exec_prefix').  This is a feature (I think).

The command options that may be supplied by the installer as arguments
to the setup script for each command are:

      --build-base (-b):
        base directory to build to [default: "build"]
      --build-lib (-l):
        directory to build pure Python modules to
        [default: 'build_base' + "lib", eg. "build/lib"]
      --build-platlib (-p):
        directory to build extension modules to
        [default: 'build_base' + "platlib", eg. "build/platlib"]

      --build-dir (-d):
        directory to build pure Python modules to
        [default: 'build_lib' option of 'build' command]

      --build-dir (-d):
        directory to build extension modules to
        [default: 'build_platlib' option of 'build' command]

      [warning: the following options are not terribly well thought-out
       or implemented, completely untested, and probably won't work in
       the current release; patches are welcome]
      --include-dirs (-I):
        list of directories to search for header files when compiling
        C/C++ code; list is delimited by the local path delimiter
        (colon on Unix, semicolon on DOS/Windows, ...?)
      --define (-D):
        C pre-processor macro to define, as "var=value"
      --undef (-U):
        C pre-process macros to undefine
      --libs (-l):
        external C libraries to link with
      --library-dirs (-L):
        directories to search at link-time for external C libraries
      --rpath (-R):
        directories to search at run-time for external shared C libraries
      --link-objects (-O):
        extra explicit link objects to include in the link (eg. object
        files, static or shared libraries, compiled resource files,

        installation prefix for platform-neutral files
        [default: Python's sys.prefix]
        installation prefix for platform-specific files
        [default: Python's sys.exec_prefix]

        base build directory -- where to find all files to install
        pure Python module build directory -- where to find pure Python
        modules to install
        extension module build directory -- where to find extension
        modules to install

        system installation directory for pure Python modules
        system installation directory for extension modules
        site-specific installation directory for pure Python modules
        site-specific installation directory for extension modules
        "system" or "site" -- which pair of installation directories
        to actually use
        [not currently implemented]
        extra intervening directory (and .pth file) to put between
        install-site-lib/install-site-platlib and the actual

        [all currently unimplemented and unused, as there is not yet
         a standard format for Python module documentation]

        compile .py to .pyc files and/or .pyo files
        [not really working -- currently always compiles to whatever
         format the current interpreter outputs]

        build directory -- where to find pure Python modules to install
        installation directory -- where to install pure Python modules
        [see --compile-py and --optimize-py under 'install']

        build directory -- where to find extension modules to install
        installation directory -- where to install extension modules

      [the 'dist' command is really meant for use by developers,
       but I'm documenting its command-line options here for consistency]
      --formats (-f):
        comma-separated list of source distribution formats to generate
        [currently allowed values: "gztar", "zip"; "tar", "ztar" are
         planned to be added]
        [default: "gztar" on Unix, "zip" on DOS/Windows]
      --manifest (-m):
        name of manifest file
        [default: "MANIFEST"]

Developer instructions

[Eventually, this text should transmute into a "Guidelines for
Distributing Python Modules" document.]

If you want to learn how to write your own setup script, or what's going
on in the examples I've provided, you've come to the right place.
First, in order to understand writing setup scripts, you have to
understand running them -- so if you skipped straight down here from the
top, you should skip right back up again and read the "Installer
instructions" section.

Right, now that you know about commands and command options, we can
reveal the full truth, which is that command options can actually have
three sources -- two of them in the setup file.  (This ignores where
developers extend the Distutils by subclassing command classes,
something that is meant to be possible but that I haven't even tried yet
-- and thus remains undocumented.  It also ignores configuration files,
which have been speculated about but remain blue-sky-ware.)

Option theory

The first option source is, as described above, the command line to the
setup script.  Whatever happens, this option source is the last word;
options supplied here should override all other sources (so that the
installer, or developer/distributor running the setup script, has the
final word).  However, not all options can appear on the command line:
of course we allow the installer to specify the build and installation
directories, but they don't get to specify the extension modules to
build or what package they belong to.

That sort of information -- what's included in the module distribution
and where it belongs in the space of Python modules -- goes in the setup
script.  However, I said there are *two* sources of options in the setup
script, and to understand why you need to understand the difference
between *distribution options* and *command options*.  Consider the
following setup script fragment:

    setup (name = "FooBar"
           version = "1.1",
           description = "Modules to foo bars and bar foos",
           py_modules = ['foobar.foo', 'foobar.bar'],
           options = { 'build': { 'build_base': 'blib' } }

This illustrates a microcosm of the Distutils option universe.  First,
(almost) all keyword arguments to 'setup()' are "distribution options":
things that wind up as instance attributes of the Distribution object
that underlies everything.  (Whoops! that's an implementation detail
that you don't have to know about.  But I thought you might be curious.)
A few special arguments to 'setup()' are, well, special and are not
treated as distribution options: 'distclass' and 'options'.
('distclass' is intended to allow developers to extend the Distutils by
subclassing Distribution and providing the subclass; we'll get to
'options' in a moment.)

The other keyword arguments here -- 'name', 'version', 'description',
and 'py_modules' -- are all distribution options.  'py_modules' is not a
*pure* distribution option, though, as it is hijacked by a particular
command ('build_py') to guide its actions in the guise of a command
option.  'py_modules' is thus called an *alias option*, because it is a
stand-ins for a command options, 'build_py.modules'.  (Alias options
don't have to have the same name in the distribution as they do in
whatever command(s) hijack them; in fact, the various commands that use
them don't even have to call them by the same name.)  Alias options are
needed for convenience (so there's an easy and obvious place to list
your packages or pure Pythom modules) and authoritativeness (so that all
the commands that care about extension modules have one place to go for
that information).

Finally, the 'options' argument lets you supply any arbitrary command
option.  The example shown here makes things look more familiar to Perl
refugees (Perl's MakeMaker, the main inspiration for the Distutils, uses
"blib" as the name of the "build library" directory).  Note that this
sort of mischief is anti-social and officially Frowned Upon, but it is
possible.  Setting options in the 'options' dictionary is deliberately
awkward: it should not be needed often; if a particular command option
frequently needs to be set for many module distributions, an alias
option should be created for it.  Also, note that options from the
'options' dictionary generally override alias options (depending on how
the particular command is implemented), so before you go setting the
list of extension modules or packages this way, you had better know
exactly what you are doing and what ramifications doing so will have.

Options in practice

In case it wasn't clear yet, let me state it explicitly: using the
Distutils, whether as a developer, distributor, or installer, boils down
to specifying the commands to run and the options to guide them.  (At
least until we figure out how to extend the Distutils by subclassing
Distribution or creating new commands.  That has been explicitly allowed
for in the design, but never actually tested in practice, so I'll shut
up about it now.)

Specifying the commands to run is entirely up to the person (or program)
that runs the setup script.  Since we're concentrating on *writing* the
setup script here, let's stick to supplying options -- in particular,
options that are relevant in the setup script.  The place to start is
probably by documenting all pure distribution options:

    [Miscellaneous options]
      see the descriptions of the '--verbose' and '--dry-run'
      command-line options above.  Yes, this means you could set
      these in as keyword arguments to 'setup()', but this too is
      anti-social and Frowned Upon.

      a dictionary mapping command names to command classes.  This
      is part of the infrastructure for making the Distutils
      extensible, but has not been tried in practice.

    [Distribution meta-data options]
      the name and version number of the module distribution.  The name
      should be brief, descriptive, and unique across all Python module
      distributions.  It is used to build filenames and directory names
      (and, someday, database records, web pages, etc.), so should not
      contain any punctuation except *possibly* underscores.  The
      version number should be a reasonably normal-looking version
      number; there are no strict requirements for what a version
      number should be, but there will someday be guidelines: see 
      distutils/version.py for details.  Both of these are required
      by the 'dist' command.

      identifies the author of the module distribution; if 'author' is
      given, 'author_email' really should be as well.

      identifies the current maintainer of the distribution.  If
      'author'/'author_email' not given, these two must be.

      where to find out about the distribution: generally, this
      should be a web page with (at the very least) pointers to
      download the latest version.

      a brief description of the licence under which the distribution
      is distributed (sorry).  Examples: "GPL", "LGPL", "BSD".

      a *brief* description of the module distribution itself.  If
      you can't describe your distribution in 40 characters, perhaps
      it needs to be refactored into more focussed sub-distributions.

The alias options will be documented along with the commands that use
them.  Note that it is possible for a distribution option to be aliased
to more than one command, but I don't think this actually happens
anywhere in the current code.

[Notation note: in the documentation for individual commands, 'bar'
refers to option 'bar' in the present command, and 'foo.bar' refers
to option 'bar' in command 'foo'.]

The `build' command

Creates and fills in the "build directories" with ready-to-install
files.  All the real work is done by other 'build_*' commands, currently
'build_py' and 'build_ext' to build, respectively, pure Python modules
and extension modules.  Options:

    base build directory; it has a subdirectory for every family of
    related files to install, which are generally "built" by a dedicated
    'build_*' command.
    [default: "build"]
    build directory for pure Python modules
    [default: build_base + "lib"]
    build directory for extension modules
    [default: build_base + "platlib"]

The `build_py' command

"Build" pure Python modules by copying the source files into a build
directory.  This may seem pointless, but it makes running test scripts,
installation, and generation of build distributions a snap.  Options:

    directory to build into.  Note that only top-level modules will
    go straight into 'build_dir'; most will wind up in some
    subdirectory according to the package they belong to.
    [default: 'build.build_lib']
    list of modules to build, specified in fully-qualified package
    form: ['pkg.mod1', 'pkg.mod2', 'mod3'] selects two modules in
    package 'pkg' and one top-level module.  Does the sensible thing
    to find source files: 'pkg.mod1' is expected to be in
    "pkg/mod1.py"; use the 'package_dir' option to override this.
    Mutually exclusive with 'packages'.
    [default: distribution option 'py_modules', which is empty by default]
    [that is, the distribution option 'py_modules' is an alias for
    list of packages to build.  This selects all pure Python modules
    from the listed packages, eg. ['pkg', 'pkg.subpkg'] means "install
    all pure Python modules in the pkg and pkg.subpkg packages".  No
    search for sub-packages is performed.  There's no provision for
    "install everything *except* ..." because there're so many ways
    to do it and I didn't want to get sucked into that morass yet.
    Again, does the sensible thing to find modules: in this case,
    look for "pkg/*.py" and "pkg/subpkg/*.py"; and again, you can
    use 'package_dir' to override this.  Mutually exclusive with
    [default: distribution option 'packages', is empty by default]
    dictionary mapping package name to directories where the Python
    source files comprising the package can be found.  Useful when your
    source files are not laid out according to the plan outlined above.
    For instance, if your modules are all in the 'foo' package, but the
    sources are right in the distribution directory, ie. module
    'foo.bar' is in "./bar.py", then 'package_dir' would be {'foo': ''}.
    If those same source files are down one level in "src",
    eg. "src/bar.py", then supply {'foo': 'src'}.  If they're in
    "src/foo", make it {'foo': 'src/foo'}.  Does the right thing with
    sub-packages, ie.  as long as package 'foo.bar' is in a subdirectory
    of package 'foo', you don't have to specify 'foo.bar' in
    'package_dir'.  [default: distribution option 'package_dir', which
    is empty by default]

The `build_ext' command

Builds extension modules by compiling the C/C++ source files that
comprise them, and linking them together into shared object files (.so
on most Unices, .dll on DOS/Windows).  (Currently there's no provision
for creating a new, statically linked Python binary.)  Options:

    directory to build into.  Like with the 'build_py' command, only
    top-level extension modules get dropped right into 'build_dir'; most
    extensions will wind up in a directory determined by their package.
    [default: 'build.build_platlib']
    list of directories to search for C/C++ header files.
    [default: distribution option 'include_dirs']
    list of C preprocessor macros to define, as (name,value) tuples.
    A 'value' of None means "no specified value", eg. ('FOO',None)
    is like putting "#define FOO" in your source, or "-DFOO" on the
    traditional Unix C compiler command line.
    [default: distribution option 'define']
    list of C preprocessor macros to undefine. Eg. including 'FOO'
    in the list is like putting "#undef FOO" in the source, or
    "-UFOO" on the command line.
    list of libraries to link with.  These are just bare library names,
    eg. "foo" stands for "libfoo.a" on Unix and "foo.lib" on
    DOS/Windows.  Currently there's no provision for forcing a library
    to be found in a particular directory, although there should be
    to support Distutils for use as a developer-only build system.
    list of directories to search for libraries at link-time.
    list of directories to search for shared libraries at run-time.
    list of extra filenames to include in the link; could include
    explicitly specified library files ('/funky/devel/version/libfoo.a'),
    or compiled resource files, or other stuff that doesn't come from
    a C/C++ source file.

The `install' command

Install everything in the build directories to a sensible place.
Currently this just means pure Python modules and extension modules,
since that's all we know how to build so far.  In general, every build
directory (ie. every subdirectory of 'build.build_base') has its own
installation location, which is specified by its own 'install' option --
and the installation is taken care of by one of the 'install_*'

Almost all of the options used by the 'install' command are installation
directories of some sort.  No one will have to set *all* of these -- the
reason there are so many is to give installers flexibility to customize
their installation directories at however fine a grain they wish.  Note
that many of the default values are taken from the 'Makefile.pre.in'
installed with Python -- these are what I mean by "Makefile value" in
the below text.  To illustrate, I will give the default values for many
options on a Unix system with prefix "/usr/local" and exec-prefix


    where to find the build directories
    [default: 'build.build_base']

    where to find pure Python modules to install
    [default: 'build.build_lib']

    where to find extension modules to install
    [default: 'build.build_platlib']

    the installation prefix and exec-prefix, i.e. the default starting
    directory for, respectively, platform-neutral and platform-specific
    files.  Only used to build default values for other directories.
    [default: Python's 'sys.prefix' and 'sys.exec_prefix']

    unused; will be a list of documentation formats to install once
    we have a standard documentation format for Python modules.

    base installation directory for pure Python modules that are part
    of the standard library [currently unused]
    [default: 'prefix' + the post-prefix part of Makefile value LIBDEST,
     eg. "/usr/local/python/lib/python1.5"]

    base installation directory for extension modules that are part
    of the standard library [currently unused]
    [default: 'exec_prefix' + the post-prefix part of Makefile BINLIBDEST,
     eg. "/usr/local.plat/python/lib/python1.5"]

    base installation directory for third-party pure Python modules
    [Unix default: 'install_lib' + "site-packages", eg.
    [DOS/Windows default: 'prefix', eg. "C:\Python"]
    [actually it gets more complicated in the presence of the
     'install_path' option; see below]

    base installation directory for third-party extension modules
    [Unix default: 'install_platlib' + "site-packages", eg.
    [DOS/Windows default: 'exec_prefix', eg. "C:\Python"]

    information about extra intervening directories to put between
    'install_lib' and 'install_sitelib', along with a .pth file to
    ensure that those directories wind up in sys.path.  Can be a 1- or
    2-tuple, or a comma-delimited string with 1 or 2 parts.  The
    1-element case is simpler: the .pth file and directory have the same
    name (except for ".pth").  Eg. if install_path is "foo" or ("foo",),
    then Distutils sets 'install_site_lib' to 'install_lib' +
    "site-packages/foo", and puts foo.path in the "site-packages"
    directory; it contains just "foo".  The 2-element case allows the
    .pth file and intervening directories to be named differently; eg.
    if 'install_path' is ("foo","foo/bar/baz") (or "foo,foo/bar/baz"),
    then Distutils will set 'install_site_lib' to 'install_lib' +
    "site-packages/foo/bar/baz", and put "foo.pth" containing
    "foo/bar/baz" in the "site-packages" directory.


    sort of used, but not really fully supported.

The `install_py' command

Installs pure Python modules by copying the entire 'build_lib' build
directory to the appropriate installation destination.  Both the build
and install directory may be specified as 'install_py' options, but it
usually makes more sense to let them take their default values from
'install'.  Options:

    where to find pure Python modules to install
    [default: 'install.build_lib']

    installation directory; only top-level modules will actually wind up 
    in 'install_dir', since the build process took care of putting
    packagized modules into their package directories under 'build_dir'.
    [default: 'install.install_site_lib' if the module distribution
     consists entirely of pure Python modules, or
     'install.install_site_platlib' if there are any extension modules
     in the distribution]

    sort of used, but not really fully supported.
    [default: same-named options in 'install']

The `install_ext' command

Installs extension modules by copying the entire 'build_platlib' build
directory to the appropriate installation destination.  Again, both of
these can be set as 'install_ext' options, but it's usually better to
let them take their defaults here.  Options:

    where to find extension modules to install
    [default: 'install.build_platlib']

    where to install them; again, thanks to the build process,
    extensions will actually wind up in a package directory somewhere
    under 'install_dir'
    [default: 'install.install_site_platlib']

The `dist' command

Creates a source distribution.  By default, Distutils includes just
enough files for the distribution to be usable: all source files
mentioned or implied by the 'packages', 'py_modules', and 'ext_modules'
distribution options, plus the setup script "setup.py" and a README
file.  It also includes anything that looks like a test script
("test/test*.py"), although there's not yet a framework for running test
scripts and reporting the results.  Issues warnings if any essential
pieces are missing, such as distribution meta-data in the setup script
(eg. the 'name', 'version', 'url' distribution options), the setup
script itself, or the README file.

The 'dist' command supports generating multiple archive formats in
the same run; currently, only "gztar" and "zip" are supported.  The name
of the source distribution is built from the 'name' and 'version'
distribution options plus the archive format.  For example:

    setup (name = "foobar",
           version = "1.23")


    setup.py -v dist -f gztar

will result in a source distribution called "foobar-1.23.tar.gz".  You
don't have to specify a format; Distutils will pick a default for your
platform (currently gztar on Unix, zip on DOS/Windows).  You don't get
to pick the name of your source distribution (this is a feature).

If the defaults aren't enough for you (are they ever?), you can specify
additional files to include in (or exclude from) the source distribution
in a manifest file (called "MANIFEST" by default).  As each line in the
manifest is processed, it adds to or deletes from the list of files that 
will be distributed.  There are three kinds of manifest lines:

  * simple include pattern
    a Unix-style wildcard (see the standard "glob" module for details)
    that specifies a set of files to include in one directory,
    eg. "examples/*.py"
  * simple exclude pattern
    a Unix-style wildcard prefixed with a bang (!) that specifies
    a set of files to exclude from one directory, eg.
    "! src/hackedup_*.py"
  * directory pattern
    a directory name, followed by a list of include and exclude
    patterns which apply recursively within that directory

Before processing the manifest file, Distutils already has a set of
default files to distribute: sources for all your pure Python and
extension modules, plus the setup script, README, and any test scripts.
Processing the manifest can add to or remove from this list.

When a simple include pattern is encountered, Distutils adds all
matching files to its file list.  When a simple exclude pattern is
encountered, Distutils removes all files from the list that match it.
This means that an exclude pattern line can only affect what comes
before it, namely the default fileset and manifest lines that precede
the exclude line.  For example, consider the "foobar" distribution,
which distributes modules in the "foo" and "foo.bar" packages:

    setup (name = "foobar",
           version = "1.23",
           # ...
           packages = ['foo', 'foo.bar'])

If the source tree looks like this:

    foo/ ------+ mod1.py
               | mod2.py
               | hackedup_mod2.py
               + bar/ ------ mod3.py
    examples/ -+ README
               | example1.py
               + example2.py

Then the default fileset will be:


You probably want to exclude "hackedup_mod2.py", and add the examples
directory.  This is easily done with the following manifest:

    ! foo/hackedup*

Of course, this will gobble up everything in "examples" -- you might
want to exclude .pyc files, Emacs turds, etc.  You could do this with 
separate exclude lines:

    ! examples/*.pyc
    ! examples/*~

but that could get tedious pretty quickly; it would be especially
tiresome if you want to do it on a whole directory tree.  (What happens
when you have so many examples you want to split the "examples"
directory up?)  The solution is to use a directory pattern, which in its 
simplest form is this:

    examples *

meaning "Recursively gather up all files under examples".  Again, this
will get backups, .pyc files, etc. -- so you probably want either this:

    examples *.py README

or this

    examples * !*~ !*.pyc

depending on whether you subscribe to the Prussian ("forbid everything
not explicitly allowed") or American ("allow everything not explicitly
forbidden") viewpoint.  Your call.

Incidentally, a directory name on its own on a manifest line is *not* a
simple include pattern, it is a directory pattern -- eg. in this example


is shorthand for

    examples *

In fact, any directory pattern that doesn't start with an include
pattern implicitly starts with "*", because there's not much point
excluding files from nothing.  That is,

   examples !*~ !*.pyc

is shorthand for

    examples * !*~ !*.pyc

The current implementation of the 'dist' command is very Unix-biased,
even Linux-biased (hey, I needed it in a hurry).  It uses 'os.link()' to
generate the directory tree of files to distribute, and thus will only
work on Unix.  Furthermore, it assumes that "tar" is GNU tar and
supports the "-z" option, which limits its usefulness for non-Linux
Unices.  To generate ZIP files, it assumes the existence of a "zip" on
the path that is the usual Unix "zip" utility -- ie. it doesn't know
about PKZIP for DOS/Windows.  (Does anyone still use PKZIP?)  These
shortcomings will be addressed in the next version.  Patches are


    list of strings, or comma-delimitd string, naming all the
    formats to generate (currently limited to "gztar" and "zip")
    [default: "gztar" on Unix, "zip" on DOS/Windows]

    name of the manifest file that describes additional files,
    on top of the defaults, to include in/exclude from the source
    [default: "MANIFEST"]

Well, that's all for now: happy module distributing!
