ctypes FAQ - frequently asked questions "ctypes home":../ctypes.html :: "tutorial":tutorial.html :: "reference":reference.html :: faq Windows topics How do I pass a win32all 'PyHandle' to a dll function? 'win32all' functions often return a 'PyHandle' object, for example the 'CreateFile' function. 'ctypes' has it's own protocol to convert Python objects into C parameters when it calls functions loaded from a dll, so it does not know how to pass the 'PyHandle' object to the C function. 'PyHandle' objects have a '.handle' attribute which is an integer, and this can be passed to a function by 'ctypes' :: h = win32file.CreateFile(....) windll.kernel32.DeviceIoControl(h.handle, ...) Another possibility is to convert the 'PyHandle' object into an integer by writing the call in this way:: h = win32file.CreateFile(....) windll.kernel32.DeviceIoControl(int(h), ...) How can I load a dll named 'gpib-32.dll'? 'ctypes' loads dlls by retrieving them as attributes from 'windll' or 'cdll', like 'windll.gdi32' which loads 'gdi32.dll'. This approach cannot work when the filename contains characters not allowed in Python identifiers, or when the dll is not on the default Windows search path. In these cases you should call the 'CDLL' or 'WinDLL' classes directly with the filename:: gpib32 = CDLL("c:\\gpib\\gpib-32.dll") How can I call functions in a dll written in Delphi? Delphi uses the 'PASCAL' calling convention as default, and this expects the parameters in reverse order. Write the arguments in reverse order in the call, and it should work when using the __stdcall calling convention (load the Delphi dll with 'windll'). How can I call functions written in "C++" ? Jimmy Retzlaff explains how the C++ compiler mangles function names and how it can be avoided in this "*post*":http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=1604647&forum_id=24606 to the ctypes-users mailing list. General topics How can I help to improve this FAQ? Send new questions, better answers, or other comments to the "ctypes-users":mailto:ctypes-users@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list.