Structure and union types +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ctypes provides the abstract base classes ``Structure`` and ``Union`` to define structure and union types. Subclasses must at least define a ``_fields_`` attribute. Defining field names and types ------------------------------ ``_fields_`` must be a sequence of tuples. The first item of each tuple is a string specifying the name of the structure/union field. The second item must by a ctypes type. A descriptor will be created for each field, allowing you to access the field's contents from instances. Accessed from the class, the fields expose readonly ``.offset`` and ``.size`` attributes. ``offset`` is the byte-offset of the field from the beginning of the structure/union, ``size`` is the number of bytes the field contains. A simple example is a POINT structure containing integer fields named ``x`` and ``y``:: class Point(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_int)] Packing fields -------------- Normally fields are aligned in the same way as the host's C compiler would do it. This native alignment can be overridden by setting a ``_pack_`` attribute in the type. It must be a small positive integer which is the maximum field alignment. Bit fields ---------- Integer fields support bit sizes. The bit-size must be specified as the third item of the ``_fields_`` tuple. Bit fields are constructed in the same way the host's C compiler does it. For bit fields, the field descriptor's ``.size`` attribute contains the number of bits in the high word, and the bit offset from the beginning of the structure in the low word. XXX is that correct? Recursive data types -------------------- To define recursive types, it is possible to assign the ``_fields_`` value *after* the class statement. Here is an example of a linked list data structure, which contains a pointer to itself:: class Node(Structure): pass Node._fields_ = [("next", POINTER(Node)), ("value", ...)] ``_fields_`` must be set, and cannot be changed, after the type is used for the first time. Byte order ---------- It is possible to create Structure and Union types using non-native byte order by using the ``BigEndianStructure``, ``LittleEndianStructure``, ``BigEndianUnion``, and ``LittleEndianUnion`` base classes. Structures and Unions with non-native byte order do *not* support pointer fields.