ctypes manual +++++++++++++ Shared Libraries, DLLs ---------------------- Shared libraries are accessed when compiling/linking a program, and when the program is run. The purpose of the ``find`` method is to locate a library in a way similar to what the compiler does (on platforms with several versions of a shared library the most recent should be loaded), while ``load`` acts like when a program is run, and uses the runtime loader directly. ``load_version`` works like ``load`` but tries to be platform independent (for cases where this makes sense). Loading via attribute access is a shorthand notation especially usefull for interactive use, it is equivalent to calling ``load_version`` with no version specified. class LibraryLoader ................... Instances of ``LibraryLoader`` are used to load shared libraries. Usually there is no need to create a libraryloader, instead one of the predefined loaders should be used. Libraryloaders have the following methods: ``find(name, mode=None)`` Try to find a library, load and return it. ``name`` is the library name without any prefix like ``lib``, suffix like ``.so``, ``.dylib`` or version number (this is the form used for the posix linker option ``-l``). ``mode`` allows to override the default flags passed to the ``dlopen()`` function, ignored on Windows. On Windows, this method does exactly the same as the ``load`` method. On other platforms, this function might call other programs like the compiler to find the library. When using ctypes to write a shared library wrapping, consider using ``load_version`` or ``load`` instead. ``load_version(name, version=None, mode=None)`` Build a system dependent filename from ``name`` and optionally ``version``, then load and return it. ``name`` is the library name without any prefix like ``lib`` and suffix like ``.so`` or ``.dylib``. This method should be used if a library is available on different platforms, using the particular naming convention of each platform. ``mode`` allows to override the default flags passed to the ``dlopen()`` function, ignored on Windows. Example: calling ``loader.load_version('z', '1.1.3')`` would possibly load ``/usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib`` on Mac OS X, or ``/lib/libz.so.1.1.3`` on a Linux system. ``load(libname, mode=None)`` Load and return the library with the given libname. On most systems ``libname`` is the filename of the shared library; when it's not a pathname it will be searched in a system dependent list of locations (on many systems additional search paths can be specified by an environment variable). Sometimes the file extension (like ``.dll`` on Windows) can be omitted. ``mode`` allows to override the default flags passed to the ``dlopen()`` function. ``RTLD_LOCAL`` and ``RTLD_GLOBAL`` are typical values. On Windows, ``mode`` is ignored. ``load_library(pathname, mode=None`` Load and return the library with the given pathname. This method passes the ``pathname`` directly to the underlying ``dlopen`` or ``LoadLibrary`` function. ``mode`` allows to override the default flags passed to the ``dlopen()`` function. ``RTLD_LOCAL`` and ``RTLD_GLOBAL`` are typical values. On Windows, ``mode`` is ignored. ``LoadLibrary(pathname, mode=None)`` This is an alias for the ``load_library`` method documented above, maintained for backwards comatibility only. Libaries can also be loaded by accessing them as attributes of the loader instance, internally this calls ``load_version`` without specifying ``version`` or ``mode``. Obviously this only works for libraries with names that are valid Python identifiers, and when the name does not start with a ``_`` character. Predefined library loaders .......................... ctypes provides some LibraryLoader instances, the differences between them are the calling conventions the functions will use and the default return type of the functions. All these loaders use the ``RTLD_LOCAL`` mode flag. Functions can be accessed as named attributes of loaded libraries. On Windows, structured exception handling is used around the function call to protect Python from crashing in case you pass invalid parameters to the function. ``cdll`` Functions provided by libraries loaded using the ``cdll`` loader will be called with the standard C calling convention, and have a default return type of ``int``. ctypes releases the Python global interpreter lock (GIL) just before calling the foreign function, and reacquires it before returing, so other threads are able to run. ``windll`` Windows only. Functions provided by libraries loaded by ``windll`` will be called using the Windows ``__stdcall`` calling convention. ctypes can detect when the wrong number of parameters has been passed to the function call by examining the stack pointer before and after the function call. If the wrong parameter count was used, an exception is raised (although the function really *has* been called). The return value of the function is lost in this case. Again, the GIL is released during the duration of the function call. ``oledll`` Windows only. ``oledll`` behaves in the same way as ``windll``, except that the called function is expected to return a ``HRESULT`` value. These are long values containing error or success codes. In case the function returns an error ``HRESULT`` value, a ``WindowsError`` is raised. The GIL is released during the duration of function call. ``pydll`` This loader allows to call functions in libraries using the *Python* calling convention, for example Python C API functions. The GIL is *not* released during the function call, and the state of the Python error flag is examined after the function returns. If the error flag is set, the Python exception is raised. ctypes provides a prefabricated instance of ``pydll`` exposing the Python C api as the ``pythonapi`` symbol, you should however make sure to set the correct ``restype`` for the functions you use. Library objects ............... The library loaders create instances of ``CDLL``, ``WinDLL``, ``OleDLL``, or ``PyDLL`` classes. You can, however, also load a library by constructing one of these classes by calling the constructor with the pathname of the library and an optional ``mode`` argument as described in the previous section. Library objects implement ``__getattr__`` and ``__getitem__`` methods that allow to access foreign functions by attribute access or indexing. The latter is useful if the name of the function is not a valid Python identifier, or clashes with special Python method names that start and end with two underscore characters. Library objects have two private attributes: ``_name`` is the pathname of the library, ``_handle`` is the handle to the library that ``dlopen`` has returned. Foreign functions ----------------- Functions exported from loaded shared libraries (foreign functions) can be accessed in two ways. The easiest way is to retrieve them as attributes of library objects by name:: libc = cdll.find("c") # posix libc = cdll.msvcrt # windows # attribute access atoi = libc.atoi # alternative indexing notation atoi = libc["atoi"] This creates an instance of a foreign function object, using the calling convention specified by the library object ``cdll``, bound to the C library ``atoi`` function. The C function is assumed to return an integer (which is correct for ``atoi``), and the argument types are not specified (``atoi`` expects a single ``char *`` argument). If the library function returns a type different from ``int``, the ``restype`` attribute can be set to a ctypes type that describes the return type, or to ``None`` meaning no return value (``void``). The optional ``argtypes`` attribute can be set to a sequence of ctypes types that the function expects. If needed, the function can (as in C) be called with more arguments than the length of the argtypes sequence. The optional ``errcheck`` attribute can be set to a Python callable, which can be used to validate and/or process the library function's return value. ``errcheck`` will be called with three arguments, after the library function has returned:: errcheck(retval, function, arguments) ``retval`` is the value that the library function returned, converted according to ``restype``. ``function`` is the ctypes function object (libc.atoi in this case), and ``arguments`` is a tuple containing the arguments that have been used to call ``function``. ``errcheck`` should validate the library function result, raise an error if it detects a failure, or return the needed return value otherwise. Function prototypes ................... Another way to access a function exported from shared libraries is to first create a prototype by calling a factory function, specifying the return type and the argument types. The factory function itself specifies the calling convention: ``CFUNCTYPE`` uses the standard C calling convention, ``WINFUNCTYPE`` (Windows only) uses the stdcall calling convention. The factory function must be called with the return type plus the argument types. For the C ``atoi`` function one would use ``CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p)``. This returns a function prototype, which is a ctypes type representing all functions that are compatible with the calling convention, return type, and argument types. The ``CFUNCTYPE`` and ``WINFUNCTYPE`` factory functions cache and reuse the types they create in internal caches, so is is cheap to call them over and over with the same or different arguments. An instance of this function prototype, bound to a foreign library function, can be created by calling the prototype with the name of the function as string, and a loaded library:: proto = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p) atoi = proto("atoi", libc) Parameter flags ............... It is possible to specify a third argument ``paramflags`` when calling the prototype. This is used to specify additional information for each argument: direction of data transfer, the name, and a default value. A tuple with the same length as ``argtypes`` (the second argument in the prototype call) must be used. Each item in this tuple must be a tuple, having either one, two, or three items. The first item is the direction flag, an integer specifying if this is an input (use ``1``) or an output (use ``2``) parameter. The optional second item is a string containing the parameter name, the optional third item is a default value for the parameter. If parameter names are specified, the function object created can be called with named arguments in the usual way. Arguments with default values do not need to be specified when the function is called. ``out`` parameter types must be pointer types. When the function object is called, ctypes will automatically create empty instances of them, pass them to the library function, retrieve the value from them, and return the value, if there is exactly one ``out`` parameter, or a tuple of values, if there is more than one ``out`` parameter. The original foreign function return value is lost in this case (but see below for how it can be retrieved). If ``paramflags`` have been used in the prototype call, and an ``errcheck`` attribute is also present, the ``errcheck`` callable will be called with a fourth parameter ``outargs``:: errcheck(retval, function, arguments, outargs) ``outargs`` is a tuple containing all the ``out`` parameters that ctypes has created. Without the ``errcheck`` function ctypes would retrieve the values contained in these pointer objects, and return them. The ``errcheck`` function can let ctypes continue this processing by returning the ``outargs`` tuple. It could also return something else, or raise an error if it detects that the library function has failed. Callback functions .................. ctypes is able to create C callable functions from Python callables. This is useful because sometimes library functions need a callback function parameter; the ``qsort`` C function is such an example. Callback functions are created by first creating a function prototype with a call to ``CFUNCTYPE`` or ``WINFUNCTYPE``, specifying the return type and the argument types that the callback function will receive. Calling the prototype with a single Python callable will create and return a C-callable function pointer or callback function. Note that this allows using prototypes as decorators creating callback functions (Windows example):: @WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) def enumwindowsproc(hwnd, lParam): .... return True When a Python exception is raised in the Python callable, the return value of the C callable function is undefined. Important note: You must keep a reference to the callback AS LONG as foreign code will call it! Segfaults will result if the callback is cleaned up by Python's garbage collector and external code then tries to call it. Callback objects can also be called from Python - this may be useful for debugging. COM methods (Windows only) .......................... XXX Should this be left undocumented? Mentioned for completeness. The prototypes created by ``WINFUNCTYPE`` can be called with a positive small integer ``index``, a string ``name``, an optional ``paramflags`` tuple, and a optional ``iid`` parameter. This creates a function object wrapping a COM method. ``index`` is the index into the COM object's virtual function table, ``name`` is the name of the COM method (only useful for debugging), ``paramflags`` has the same meaning as for normal function objects, and ``iid`` is a string or buffer containing the interface id of the COM interface this method belongs to. ``iid`` is used to get extended COM error information in case the method returns a FAILED ''HRESULT`` value. Note that COM methods expect an additional first argument that is NOT listed in the prototypes ``argtypes`` when they are called: this must be the integer address of a COM interface pointer. Simple types ------------ Simple types have some special behaviour: When they are accessed as structure or union fields, items of array instances, or as foreign function return values, they are transparently converted from and to the native Python types int, long, string, and unicode. This is *not* the case for subclasses of simple data types, so while a ``c_void_p`` type is transparently converted from and to Python integer or long, a subclass of c_void_p is *not* converted. This allows you to define new behaviour almost completely. Class attributes of simple types ................................ ``__ctype__be__``, ``__ctype_le__`` If the type supports different byte order (pointer types do NOT support this), ``__ctype_be__`` and ``__ctype_le__`` are types with bug endian and little endian byte order. For example, ``c_int.__ctype_be__`` is an integer type with the memory block in big endian byte order. ``_type_`` Implementation artifact: the typecode for this type, a single character string code compatible to what the ``struct`` module uses. Additional characters are used for types that the ``struct`` module does not support. Class methods of simple types ............................. (To be exact, these are not class methods, instead these are methods of the metaclass. The most prominent difference to classmethods is that you can call these methods on the class, but not on the instance of the simple type.) ``__ctypes_from_outparam__`` TBD ``from_address`` TBD ``from_param`` This class method is used to adapt function parameters. If a type is specified in a function's argtypes sequence, in a function call the ``from_param(arg)`` method will be called with the actual argument, and the result will be passed to the foreign function call as a parameter. ``from_param`` usually returns an internal object that you cannot use in Python code - it only makes sense to pass this object to foreign functions. On one hand, ``from_param`` is a performance optimization - it allows you to pass Python integers to function calls expecting a ``c_int`` argument type, without having to create a full-featured ``c_int`` instance. On the other hand, ``from_param`` can adapt other objects to parameters. XXX explain the automatic ``byref`` call for byref arguments. ``in_dll`` TBD Instance attributes of simple types ................................... ``value`` Allows to get or set the current value of the object. For simple types, this is always a native Python object like integer, long, string, unicode, or None. ``_objects`` (never modify this) Implementation artifact: a Python object keeping references to other objects which must be kept alive. Never modify anything on the returned object. XXX Should probably not be exposed. ``_b_base_`` (readonly) Implementation artifact: the base object owning the memory block (if any). ``_b_needsfree_`` (readonly) Implementation artifact: does this object have to free its memory block on destruction. ``_as_parameter_`` (readonly) Implementation artifact (?): how to pass this object as a function parameter. Numeric types ............. Integer types are ``c_byte``, ``c_short``, ``c_int``, ``c_long``, ``c_longlong`` and their unsigned variants ``c_ubyte``, ``c_ushort``, ``c_uint``, ``c_ulong`` and ``c_ulonglong``, floating point types are ``c_float`` and ``c_double``. The constructor and the ``from_param`` class method accept a Python integer for integer types, a Python float for floating point types. On 32-bit platforms where sizeof(int) == sizeof(long), ``c_int`` is an alias for ``c_long``, on 64-bit platforms where sizeof(long) == sizeof(long long), ``c_long`` is an alias for ``c_longlong``. Character types ............... Character types are ``c_char`` and ``c_wchar``, representing the C ``char`` and ``wchar_t`` types. The constructor and the ``from_param`` class method accept a single character Python string or unicode string. Conversion between string and unicode, if needed, is done according to the ctypes encoding/decoding rules. Pointer types ............. The only simple pointer type is ``c_void_p``, which represents the C ``void *`` data type. ``c_void_p`` can also be written as ``POINTER(None)``. The constructor accepts one optional argument, which must be an integer or long (interpreted as an address), or ``None``. The ``from_param`` class method accepts everything that could be used as a pointer. XXX Should accept objects using the buffer interface as well. The ``value`` attribute accepts and returns None or integer. XXX Shouldn't the constructor accept the same types as from_param? String types ............ ctypes has the ``c_char_p`` and ``c_wchar_p`` types which represent const pointers to zero terminated strings in C: ``const char *`` and ``const wchar_t *``. Since strings and Unicode instances are immutable, these types should be considered readonly: do not pass them to functions that write into the buffer. The constructor accepts one optional argument, which must be a Python or unicode string, an integer, or ``None``. The ``from_param`` class method accepts a string or a Unicode string, as well as ``None``. Conversion between string and Unicode, if needed, is done according to the ctypes encoding/decoding rules. XXX Why does the constructor accept an integer, and from_param doesn't? Structure and union types ------------------------- ctypes provides the abstract base classes ``Structure`` and ``Union`` to define structure and union types. Subclasses must at least define a ``_fields_`` attribute. Defining field names and types .............................. ``_fields_`` must be a sequence of tuples. The first item of each tuple is a string specifying the name of the structure/union field. The second item must by a ctypes type. A descriptor will be created for each field, allowing you to access the field's contents from instances. Accessed from the class, the fields expose readonly ``.offset`` and ``.size`` attributes. ``offset`` is the byte-offset of the field from the beginning of the structure/union, ``size`` is the number of bytes the field contains. A simple example is a POINT structure containing integer fields named ``x`` and ``y``:: class Point(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_int)] Field alignment ............... Normally fields are aligned in the same way as the host's C compiler would do it. This native alignment can be overridden by setting a ``_pack_`` attribute in the type. It must be a small positive integer which is the maximum field alignment. Bit fields .......... Integer fields support bit sizes. The bit-size must be specified as the third item of the ``_fields_`` tuple. Bit fields are constructed in the same way the host's C compiler does it. For bit fields, the field descriptor's ``.size`` attribute contains the number of bits in the high word, and the bit offset from the beginning of the structure in the low word. XXX is that correct? Recursive data types .................... To define recursive types, it is possible to assign the ``_fields_`` value *after* the class statement. Here is an example of a linked list data structure, which contains a pointer to itself:: class Node(Structure): pass Node._fields_ = [("next", POINTER(Node)), ("value", ...)] ``_fields_`` must be set, and cannot be changed, after the type is used for the first time. Byte order .......... It is possible to create Structure and Union types using non-native byte order by using the ``BigEndianStructure``, ``LittleEndianStructure``, ``BigEndianUnion``, and ``LittleEndianUnion`` base classes. Structures and Unions with non-native byte order do *not* support pointer fields. Builtin functions ----------------- ``addressof(object)`` Returns the address of a ctypes instance as an integer. ``alignment(type_or_object)`` Returns the alignment requirements in bytes of a ctypes type or instance. ``byref(object)`` Returns a light-weight pointer to a ctypes instance. The returned object can only be used as function call parameter. Behaves the same as calling ``pointer(object)``, but is a lot faster. Same as ``&object`` in C. ``cast(object, typ)`` This function is similar to the cast operator in C. Returns a new instance of ``type`` which shares the memory block of ``object``. ``typ`` must be a pointer type. ``CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes)`` Create a function prototype using the C calling convention. ``create_string_buffer(init, size=None)`` Convenience function to create a mutable character buffer. ``init`` must be a string. If ``size`` is supplied it must be a positive integer that specifies the size of the buffer, otherwise the length of the ``init`` string is used. This function returns a ctypes array of characters ``c_char``. ``create_unicode_buffer(init, size=None)`` Convenience function to create a mutable unicode buffer. ``init`` must be a unicode string. If ``size`` is supplied it must be a positive integer that specifies the number of characters in the buffer, otherwise the length of the ``init`` string is used. This function returns a ctypes array of characters ``c_wchar``. ``DllCanUnloadNow()``, ``DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv)`` (Windows only) Functions used to implement COM servers. ``FormatError([code])`` (Windows only) Returns a textual description of the error code, or the last error code set by Windows. ``GetLastError()`` (Windows only) Returns the last error code set by Windows. ``memmove(dst, src, count)`` Same as the standard C ``memmove`` library function: copies ``count`` bytes from ``src`` to ``dst``. ``dst`` and ``src`` must be integers or anything else that can be converted into a pointer. ``memset(dst, c, count)`` Same as the standard C ``memset`` function. Fills the memory block at address ``dst`` with ``count`` bytes of value ``c``. ``dst`` must be an integer specifying an address, or a ctypes instance. ``pointer(object)`` This function creates a new pointer instance, pointing to the supplied argument which must be an instance of a ctypes type. The return pointer is of type ``POINTER(type(object))``. If you have a ctypes instance, and you want to pass the address of it to a function call, you should use ``byref(object)`` instead which is much faster. NULL pointer instances are boolean``False``, so to check for a NULL pointer do this:: # assuming ptr is in ctypes pointer instance if ptr: print "Non-NULL pointer instance" else: print "NULL pointer instance" ``POINTER(cls)`` This factory function creates and returns a new ctypes type. Pointer types are cached, so calling this function is cheap. To create a ``NULL`` pointer instance, call the created type without an argument:: null_ptr = POINTER(c_int)() ``set_conversion_mode(encoding, errors)`` This function sets the encoding/decoding rules which are used when ctypes has to convert between unicode and byte strings. It returns the previous encoding, as well as a tuple of any errors. If not set, default conversions are used: On Windows, ``msbc, ignore`` , on other systems, ``ascii, strict``. ``sizeof(type_or_object)`` Returns the size in bytes of a ctypes type or instance memory buffer. Does the same as the C sizeof() function. ``string_at(addr[, size])`` This function does the same as the Python ``PyString_FromString`` / ``PyString_FromStringAndSize`` C api functions. ``WinError(code=None, descr=None)`` XXX This is probably the worst named thing in ctypes! This function creates a ``WindowsError`` instance. If ``code`` is not specified, GetLastError() is called to determine the error code. If ``descr`` is not specified, ``FormatError`` is called to get a textual description of the error. ``WINFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes)`` (Windows only) Create a function prototype using the __stdcall calling convention (on Windows), or using the C calling convention (on Windows CE). ``wstring_at(addr[, size])`` This function does the same as the Python ``PyUnicode_FromWideString`` C api function. If ``size`` is not specified, ``wcslen`` is used to determine the string length. Deprecated functions .................... These deprecated functions are still supported for backwards comatibility, they should not be used for new code: ``c_buffer(init, size=None)`` Deprecated. Use ``create_string_buffer()`` instead. ``ARRAY(cls, len)`` Deprecated. Use ``cls * len`` instead. ``SetPointerType(pointer_class, cls)`` Deprecated.