The ctypes COM framework "overview":index.html :: "tutorial":tutorial.html :: "reference":reference.html :: "faq":faq.html ( Work in progress: COM :: "COM sample":sum_sample.html ) **Warning: work in progress** On Windows, the 'ctypes' distribution contains a simple COM framework. This document is a short reference to the modules contained in the '' package. '' 'GUID' Instances of this type represent a global unique identifier 'guid' used everywhere by COM. 'GUID' is a subclass of 'ctypes.Structure'. 'HRESULT(value)' A function to be used as restype for COM interface methods. It returns the value passed to it, or automatically raises a WindowsError with a description if the integer value represents an error code. 'STDMETHOD(restype, name, *argtypes)' This is a helper function to define COM interface methods. It returns nothing interesting, except that the return value are used by the *interface metaclass* to construct the interface vtable. 'restype' is the result type of the COM method, typically 'HRESULT', but you can also use other ctypes types. 'name' is the name of the COM method. 'argtypes' is a sequence of argument types this method requires, these must be ctypes types like 'c_int', 'POINTER(GUID)' or whatever. 'IUnknown' This is the base class for all COM interfaces. Subclasses must have a '_methods_' attribute, which is a list of all COM interface methods used in this interface in vtable order. The '_methods_' attribute for derived classes must include the methods of the base class. It is not necessary to define the '_methods_' attribute in the class definition statement, it can also be assigned later. But it must be set the first time the interface class is used. Subclasses must also have an '_iid_' attribute, which must be a 'GUID' instance, and which is the global unique identifier for this interface. Here a is sample interface definition:: class IPersist(IUnknown): _iid_ = GUID("{0000010C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") _methods_ = IUnknown._methods_ + [ STDMETHOD(HRESULT, "GetClassID", POINTER(GUID)) ] These interface definitions are used to *implement* COM interfaces, or to *use* COM interfaces. In client code, if you are using the interface, an instance of the interface class is created and you can call methods on it, in server code the interface class provides information to the metaclass so that the interface vtable can be created. Note that '' contains a tool named 'readtlb' which creates Python wrapper modules from type libraries ('.tlb' files). In addition to interface subclasses these modules also contain information about the type library itself, the coclasses, structure, unions, and enums contained in the type libraries. The 'CreateInstance' function (see below), if successful, returns a pointer to an interface. These interface pointers have instance methods dynamically created by the metaclass for all methods defined in the COM interface, which directly call the underlying C vatble method. 'IUnknown', for example, has 'QueryInterface', 'AddRef', and 'Release' methods. Although the COM reference counting is handled automatically by the framework, and you don't need to call 'AddRef' and 'Release' yourself, it may be useful in debugging - they return the COM reference count of the interface after incrementing or decrementing it. 'QueryInterface' is useful for client side COM programming, it requires a pointer to a 'GUID' instance and a pointer to a pointer to an interface instance, so a typical call would be:: # assuming iunk is a valid pointer to an IUnknown interface... # create an empty pointer to a dispatch interface instance from import IDispatch idisp = pointer(IDispatch()) # ask the object for a dispatch interface iunk.QueryInterface(byref(IDispatch._iid_), byref(idisp)) This code will request an IDispatch interface pointer and store it in 'idisp', or raise an exception if the object doesn't support the IDispatch interface. If the call is successful, you can for example call the 'GetTypeInfoCount' method to see if this object exposes type information:: count = c_uint() idisp.GetTypeInfoCount(byref(count)) print count.value 'CreateInstance(coclass [,interface [,clsctx]])' Calls the 'CoCreateInstance' api to create a COM object, and returns a COM interface pointer. 'coclass' must have a '_reg_clsid_' attribute which is a string representation of a *guid*. If 'interface' is not specified, the default COM interface which is the first item in the '_com_interfaces_' attribute of 'coclass' is used. 'clsctx' can be used to specify the context in which the object is run, if not specified, 'CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER|CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER' is used. 'COMObject' This is an abstract base class used to implement COM objects. Concrete subclasses must provide a '_com_interfaces_' class attribute, which must be a list containing interfaces this object implements. The interfaces must be subclasses of 'IUnknown'. The 'COMObject' class contains the implementation of the 'IUnknown' interface, you must implement other interfaces yourself by providing the interface method in the subclass. '' This module contains automation interfaces, data types and functions. '' This module contains additional functions and interfaces to implement COM servers. '' This module contains functions to register and unregister COM servers with the Windows registry. '' This module contains the connectionpoint interfaces definitions, and support code to receive events from COM objects. '' This module contains some ole interfaces. '' This module contains persist interfaces. '' XXX The code in this module will probably be moved into a '' module. It contains a 'w_getopt' function used to parse Windows style command lines.