{% extends "propmgr/base.html" %}{% load adminmedia %} {% block feeds %} {% include "propmgr/feeds.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block styles %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% load propmgr %}

Proposal Author Statistics

{{ sub_count }} submitters and {{ authors|length }} authors for {{ proposal_count }} proposals.

{% for author in authors %} {% var numauth = author.proposals_submitted_set.count %} {% var numcoauth = author.proposals_coauthored_set.count %} {% if numauth %} {% for proposal in author.proposals_submitted_set.all %} {% if not forloop.first %}{% endif %} {% if not forloop.first %}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if numcoauth %} {% for proposal in author.proposals_coauthored_set.all %} {% if not forloop.first or numauth %}{% endif %} {% if not forloop.first or numauth %}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not numauth and not numcoauth %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ author.html_name }}{{ numauth }} {{ numcoauth }}
{% if user|can_view_reviews:proposal %}{% for review in proposal.review_set.all %} {{ review.score }}{% endfor %}{% else %}X X X{% endif %} {% if user|can_view_proposal_status:proposal %}{{ proposal.get_status_display|escape }}{% else %}Under Decision{% endif %} {% include_proposal_link proposal %}
{% if user|can_view_reviews:proposal %}{% for review in proposal.review_set.all %} {{ review.score }}{% endfor %}{% else %}X X X{% endif %} {% if user|can_view_proposal_status:proposal %}{{ proposal.get_status_display|escape }}{% else %}Under Decision{% endif %} {% include_proposal_link proposal %}
{% endblock %}