{% extends "pycon/main.html" %} {% load appmedia %}{% load adminmedia %} {% block scripts %} {# #} {# #} {% endblock %} {% block styles %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
Print Options
Calendar Feed help : All Events (iCal | Google/Outlook) Selected Events ( iCal | Google/Outlook)

{% load features %}
Click on events to create a personal schedule. Organizers can use this information to help estimate interest in events.
Users with PyCon login accounts have extra features. See the helphelp for more information.

{% for table in tables %}
{% for room in table.header %}{% endfor %} {% for row in table.cells %}{% for cell in row %} {% spaceless %}{% endspaceless %}{% endfor %} {% endfor %}

{{ table.title|escape }}help

{% if not user.is_anonymous %} re-sync with server revert changes {% endif %} {{ room|escape }}
{% if forloop.first and cell.is_time %}{{ cell.time|time:"h:iA"|lower }}{% else %} {% if cell.event %} {% if cell.event.attachedfile_set.count %}slides
{% endif %} {% if cell.event.videolink_set.count %}video
{% endif %}
{% if cell.sched.session_chair.id %}{{cell.sched.session_chair}}
{% endif %} {% if cell.sched.session_runner.id %}{{cell.sched.session_runner}}
{% endif %} {% else %}class='hidden'>{% endif %}
{{ cell.event|escape }} {% if cell.event.authors %}
{% for author in cell.event.authors %}{% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{{ author|escape }}{% endfor %}{% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %}{% if cell.event.level %}
{{ cell.event.get_level_diamonds }}{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% spaceless %} ◊ beginner  ◊◊ intermediate   ◊◊◊ advanced   {% endspaceless %} {% spaceless %} 30min talk {# #selected # #} 45min talk {# #selected # #} plenary event {# #selected # #} meeting/etc. {# #selected # #} {# #selected # #} tutorial {# #selected # #} break{% endspaceless %} {% spaceless %} slidesslides videovideo session chairsession chair session runnersession runner {% endspaceless %}{% if not user.is_anonymous %}{% spaceless %} presenterpresenting re-sync with server re-sync revert changes revert {% endspaceless %}{% endif %}
{% for row in table.cells %}{% for cell in row %}{% if cell.event %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %}