{% load i18n %}{% load adminmedia %}{% load appmedia %} {{ title }} {% spaceless %}
Close Window

Instructions For the best results it is recommended that you use Firefox.
Internet Explorer does not support the printing of background colors.
Neither Opera or IE support page-break CSS and table header printing standards.
You will need to turn on the printing of background colors (under 'Page Setup' in Firefox, 'Print Options...' in Opera).
It is recommended that you remove the browsers default headers and footers.
The margins can also be adjusted to achieve a better layout.
Changing your browsers default font and font size will also effect printing.
Use 'Print Preview' to fine tune your changes.
(this section will not appear in the printed version)

{% if options.floorplan %}
{% endif %} {% endspaceless %}{% for table in tables %} {% for room in table.header %}{% endfor %} {% for row in table.cells %}{% for cell in row %} {% spaceless %}{% endspaceless %}{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% if options.color or options.selected %} {% endspaceless %}{% endif %}

{{ table.title|escape }}

{{ room|escape }}
{% if forloop.first and cell.is_time %}{{ cell.time|time:"h:iA"|lower }}{% else %} {% if cell.event %} {% ifequal cell.selected 2 %}presenter{% endifequal %} {% ifequal cell.selected 3 %}session chair{% endifequal %} {{ cell.event|escape }} {% else %} {% endif %}{% endif %}
{% spaceless %}{% if options.color %} 30min talk {# #selected # #} 45min talk {# #selected # #} plenary event {# #selected # #} meeting/etc. {# #selected # #} {# #selected # #} tutorial {# #selected # #} break{% endif %} {% if not user.is_anonymous and options.selected %} presenterpresenting session chairsession chair {% endif %}
{% endfor %}