{% extends "propmgr/base_edit.html" %} {% load restructuredtext %} {% load form_helpers %} {% load propmgr %} {% load adminmedia %} {% block subheading %}{% if not preview and not form.manipulator.change %} {% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block main_csslinks %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block edit_preview %}

{{ propid }}.{{ form.title.data|escape }} {% if is_new or user|can_view_proposal_status:proposal %}({% if is_new %}Pre-Submission{% else %}{{ proposal.get_status_display }}{% endif %}){% endif %}

All the information in this section, except the Description, will be made public if the proposal is accepted.
Durring the review process other authors will be able to see this information to help foster communication between like proposals.
Just because there are multiple proposals on a subject does not mean that only one will be accepted.

See the Call for Proposals for detailed instructions.

{% if is_new %}{% if example_author %}{{ example_author|escape }}{% else %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %}

{{ form.summary.data|escape|urlize|preserveindentbr }}

The information below is only for the review process.

{{ form.description.data|restructuredtext }}
{% endblock %} {% block edit_form %}

Proposal Information

{% if example_author %}
This proposal was written and submitted by {{ example_author|escape }} for PyCon 2007.
{% endif %}

All the information in this section, except the Description, will be made public if the proposal is accepted.
{% if is_new %}After you submit your proposal you will be able to make edits to all the fields below, assign Co-Authors, attach files, and communicate with the reviewers.
{% endif %} Durring the review process other authors will be able to see this information to help foster communication between like proposals.
Just because there are multiple proposals on a subject does not mean that only one will be accepted.
See the Call for Proposals for detailed instructions.

{{ form.title.errors }} {{ form.title }}

The first impression reviewers and attendees will have of your talk is its title.
Some media such as the printed schedule will only have the talk title.
Panel discussions should have a title with the prefix 'Panel: '

{{ form.duration.errors }} {{ form.duration }}

If you wish a different duration than those listed, leave a comment to that effect on the submitted proposal.
Panel discussions must be 45min long.

{{ form.level.errors }} {{ form.level }}
{{ form.categories.errors }} {{ form.categories }}

Examples: games, software development, testing, web framework

{{ form.summary.errors }} {{ form.summary }}

This summary will be included in the talks listing, the schedule, and conference materials.
The summary is pre-formated text. Newlines and indenting is preserved.
Any links discovered will be made clickable. (i.e. google.com, http://www.example.com/foo/)

{{ form.description.errors }} {{ form.description }}

The detailed description is for the purpose of reviewing the proposal. Only reviewers, authors, and organizers will see it. Portions may be extracted for the website.

Be sure to include the following:

The description uses the ReStructuredText markup language.

{% filter escape %}
*italic*, **bold**, ``literal``


  A block quote is
  just indented text



    preformatted code block
    for code and the like

{% endfilter %}
{% restructuredtext %} *italic*, **bold**, ``literal`` Title ===== A block quote is just indented text Subtitle -------- :: preformatted code block for code and the like {% endrestructuredtext %}
Lists: * one
* two
* three
{% restructuredtext %} * one * two * three {% endrestructuredtext %} #. first
#. second
#. third
{% restructuredtext %} #. first #. second #. third {% endrestructuredtext %}
{% filter escape %}

`Python `_

`Python PEP index`_

.. _Python PEP index: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/
{% endfilter %}
{% restructuredtext %} http://python.org/ `Python `_ `Python PEP index`_ .. _Python PEP index: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/ {% endrestructuredtext %}
{% endblock %}