{% extends "attendeereg/base.html" %} {% block content %}{% load attendeereg %}{% load restructuredtext %}

Registration R{{ registration.id }} Edit

{% if registration.invoice %} Invoice: {% if user|can_view_invoice:registration.invoice %}{{ registration.invoice }}{% else %}{{ registration.invoice }} {% endif %}

{% endif %} {% restructuredtext %} :Name: {{ registration.name }} :Badge Name: {{ registration.badge_name }} :E-Mail: {{ registration.email }} :Created: {{ registration.created|date }} :Last Updated: {{ registration.updated|date }} :Flags: {{ registration.list_types }} :Status: {% if registration.paid or registration.active %}{% if registration.paid %}Paid{% endif %} {% if registration.active %}Active{% endif %}{% else %}Not an active registration{% endif %} :Shirt Size: {{ registration.get_shirt_size_display }} :Shirt Type: {{ registration.get_shirt_type_display }} :Food Option: {% if registration.vegan %}Vegan{% else %}None{% endif %} :Notify: {% if registration.email_ok %}It is ok to email me PyCon 2008 related materials{% else %}I do not wish to recieve non-registration related e-mails.{% endif %} :Listing: {% if registration.listing_ok %}My name may be used in attendee listings{% else %}My name will not be made public in registration listings.{% endif %} :Tutorials: {{ registration.tutorials.count }} {% if registration.tutorials.count %} {% for tut in registration.tutorials.all %} * {{ tut.get_session_display }} - {{ tut.title }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if registration.extra_info %} :Notes: {{ registration.extra_info|indent }} {% endif %} {% endrestructuredtext %} {% endblock %}