================================================================================ {{ site.name }} Registration Invoice ================================================================================ :Date: {{ invoice.updated|date }} :Invoice ID: {{ invoice }} :URL: {{ invoice.get_site_absolute_url }}{% if include_status %} :Status: {{ invoice.get_payment_status }}{% endif %} :Contact: {{ invoice.user }} :Contact E-Mail: {{ invoice.user.email }} {% if invoice.donation_name %} :Donation: ${{ invoice.donation }} Non-Refundable donation to the Python Software Foundatiaon :Amount: ${{ invoice.donation }} :In the name of: {{ invoice.donation_name }} {% endif %} {% for reg in invoice.registrations.all %} :Registration {{ forloop.counter}}: ${{ reg.cost }} :Name: {{ reg.name }} :E-Mail: {{ reg.email }} :Type: {{ reg.list_types }} :Tutorials: {{ reg.tutorials.count }} {% if reg.tutorials.count %}{% for tut in reg.tutorials.all %} * {{ tut.get_session_display }} - {{ tut.title }}{% endfor %} {% endif %}{% endfor %} :Total: ${{ invoice.total_cost }}