{% extends "pycon/main.html" %} {% load appmedia %}{% load adminmedia %} {% block content %} {% load schedule %}{% load appmedia %}{% load features %}{% load propmgr %}

{{ event|escape }}{% if user|can_edit_event_in_admin %} admin {% endif %}

{% for author in event.authors %}{% if author.img %}
{{ author }}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}

{% for author in event.authors %}{% else %}">; {% endif %}{{ author.html_name }}{% endfor %}
{{ event.duration }}min {% if event.proposal %}{{ event.proposal.get_level_display|escape }}{% else %}{{ event.get_type_display|escape }}{% endif %} {% if event.proposal %}
categories: {% if "ViewAcceptedProposals"|feature_is_disabled %}{{ event.proposal.categories|escape }}{% else %} {% for cat in event.proposal.get_categories %}{{ cat|escape }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endif %}{% endif %}

{{ event.summary|escape|urlize|preserveindentbr }}

{% if attached_files_table %}
{{ attached_files_table }}
{% endif %}

# Permalink
{% if user|can_view_sesison_chairs:event %}
Session Chair: {{ event|get_session_chair|escape }}

{% endif %}
{% if can_assign_self_as_chair %} Volunteer as the Session Chair for this session:
{{ session_start|date:"l" }} {{ session_start|time:"h:iA"|lower }} to {{ session_end|time:"h:iA"|lower }} {{ session_room|escape }}
{% for sch in session_scheds %}{{ sch|escape }}
{% endfor %}
NOTE: this is for the specific room and session ({{ session_start|time:"h:iA"|lower }} to {{ session_end|time:"h:iA"|lower }});
These talks might be rescheduled to different times or rooms, but the
session chair assignment will not. You may decline later if conflicts occur.
{% else %}{% if can_unassign_self_as_chair %} Decline Being Session Chair:
{{ session_start|date:"l" }} {{ session_start|time:"h:iA"|lower }} to {{ session_end|time:"h:iA"|lower }} {{ session_room|escape }}
{% for sch in session_scheds %}{{ sch|escape }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endblock %}