{% extends "attendeereg/base.html" %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %} {% block styles %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}{% load humanize %}

{{ title|escape }}

{% if user.is_superuser %} Click on the counts to expand/collapse.{% endif %}

{% for opt in rubric %} {% endfor %}
{{ opt.0|escape }} {% if user.is_superuser and opt.1.0.count %} {{ opt.1.0.count }}({{ opt.1.1 }}) {% for reg in opt.1.0 %} {% endfor %} {% else %}{{ opt.1.0.count }}({{ opt.1.1 }}){% endif %} {% if user.is_superuser and opt.2.0.count %} {{ opt.2.0.count }}({{ opt.2.1 }}) {% for reg in opt.2.0 %} {% endfor %} {% else %}{{ opt.2.0.count }}({{ opt.2.1 }}){% endif %}
{{ special.0|escape }}{{ special.1.0 }}({{ special.1.1 }}){{ special.2.0 }}({{ special.2.1 }})
{{ noopt.0|escape }}{{ noopt.1.0 }}({{ noopt.1.1 }}){{ noopt.2.0 }}({{ noopt.2.1 }})
{{ totals.0|escape }}{{ totals.1 }}(100.00%){{ totals.2 }}(100.00%)
{% endblock %}