{% extends "attendeereg/email_base.txt" %} {% block body %} {{ invoice.user }} has registered you for {{ site.name }}. {% include "attendeereg/registration.rst" %} If you have a {{ site.name }} login you can edit your registration on the site. If you do not have a login you can create one here: http://{{ site.domain }}{{ settings.PROFILE_URL }}new/?next={% url reg-invoice-listing %} Once you have a login, you must first connect your account to your registration here: {{ registration.get_site_connect_url }} All of your registration-related information can be found here: http://{{ site.domain }}{% url reg-invoice-listing %} Make your hotel reservations here: https://www.cteusa.com/pycon1 We are gathering information on the use of Python in business. Please fill out our short survey (only 6 questions), below. Thanks! http://us.pycon.org/2008/survey/business/ {% endblock %}