{% extends "attendeereg/base.html" %}{% load adminmedia %}{% load appmedia %} {% block content %}{% load restructuredtext %}{% load attendeereg %} {% progressbar 'registration' %} {% if at_door %}

At-Door Registration

{% else %}


{% endif %} {% if have_invoice_or_reg %}

We have detected that you may already have a registration, or pending invoice. Please check your Registrations page first.
If you had a problem with the credit card processing, or there is an outstanding issue, please use the change request form for the specific invoice or registration.

{% endif %} Note: all prices are in US dollars.

Donation to the Python Software Foundation (optional)

This is a one-time, non-refundable donation. If you make a donation it will be included in your registration price and invoice. A separate invoice for just the donation will be sent via e-mail from the Python Software Foundation for your tax records. Please refer to the main Python Software Foundation Donations page for more information on donations and their tax status.

{{ donation_form.as_table }}


Multiple registrations with a single payment may be entered by clicking the "Add Registration" button at the bottom of this page. Show and hide individual registrations by clicking on the headers.

{% for form in reg_forms %}

${{ form.subtotal }} {% if form.name.data %}{{ form.name.data|escape }} {% else %} Registration #{{ forloop.counter }}{% endif %} (click to show/hide) {% if forloop.counter0 %}{% endif %}

{{ form.as_table }}
{% if not forloop.last and form.is_valid %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
  Total: ${{ total }}
{% endblock %}