{% extends "attendeereg/email_base.txt" %} {% block body %} {% if live %}{% include "attendeereg/invoice.rst" %}{% else %}{{ invoice.text }}{% if include_status %} :Status: {{ invoice.get_payment_status }}{% endif %}{% endif %} {% if comment %}Comment: {{ comment }} {% endif %}{% if bReg %} You can review your invoice and edit your registration on the site: http://{{ site.domain }}{% url reg-invoice-listing %} {% endif %} {% if bCheck %} {% include "attendeereg/check.rst" %} {% endif %} {% if bReg %} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{ site.name }} Registration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% include "attendeereg/registration.rst" %} {% endif %} Make your hotel reservations here: https://www.cteusa.com/pycon1 We are gathering information on the use of Python in business. Please fill out our short survey (only 6 questions), below. Thanks! http://us.pycon.org/2008/survey/business/ {% endblock %}