{% extends "attendeereg/base.html" %} {% block content %}{% load restructuredtext %}
{{ invoice.text|restructuredtext }}
Status: {{ invoice.get_payment_status|escape }}
{% ifequal invoice.status 'CO' %}

{% endifequal %} {% ifequal invoice.status 'WP' %}

{% endifequal %}
If you are trying to pay for your registration and are unable to proceed to checkout, please ask to "reset my invoice for checkout" in a change request.

Report a problem, or request a change, refund or modification to this invoice.

{% if bTreasurer %}

Administrative Commands

{% if invoice.is_paid %} This is a PAID Invoice! Make No Changes Which Change the Price!!! (changing from one registered tutorial to a different one is fine.) {% endif %}
- Edit this invoice in the Django Admin. (Only use this if you Really know what you are doing)
{% if invoice.is_waiting_for_payment %}
- The Attendee had problems with the checkout, or there was a PayPal error. Reset it and let them at it again. No e-mail sent.
- Regnerate the invoice cost and text after making changes to registrations in the admin (below). No e-mails sent.
- [Form] For the Treasurer to use when a check or money order has cleared. Will send e-mail to invoice owner.
- [Form] Mark an Invoice as invalid. Will send e-mail to invoice owner.
{% endif %} {% if invoice.is_paid %}
- Regnerate the invoice cost and text after making changes to registrations in the admin (below).
{% ifnotequal invoice.status 'WR' %}
- Just changes the Status, so the Attendee knows we recieved the request. No e-mail sent.
{% endifnotequal %}
- [Form] For the Treasurer to use when a refund has been made in the virtual terminal. Will send e-mail to the invoice owner.
{% endif %}

{% endif %}


{% if bTreasurer and invoice.is_paid %} This is a PAID Invoice! Make No Changes Which Change the Price!!! (changing from one registered tutorial to a different one is fine.) {% endif %} {% if bTreasurer %}{% endif %} {% for reg in invoice.registrations.all %} {% if bTreasurer %}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
costReg IDnametutorialsflagsAdmin
${{ reg.cost}} R{{ reg.id }} {{ reg.name|escape }} {{ reg.tutorials.count }} {{ reg.list_types|escape }}Edit in Admin
{% endblock %}