{% extends "attendeereg/base.html" %} {% block content %}

Process Invoice {{ invoice }} as Manually Paid

This is for the Treasurer to mark an invoice as paid and send the invoice e-mail.
This should only be done once the Check or Money-Order has cleared.

{% ifequal invoice.status 'WA' %} This invoice is waiting for a PayPal CCard Ack.
Only process as paid if you really know this to be the fact.
Make sure you have the option to send e-mails to the registrants even if this is for a single reg.

{% endifequal %}
{{ form.as_p }}


Process Invoice {{ invoice }} as VeriSign CCard Paid

This is for the Treasurer to mark an invoice as paid by Credit Card, when there was a payment e-mail from PayPal, but we did not recieve an ACK. Doing this will send the e-mail to both the invoice owner and any other registrants. {% ifequal invoice.status 'WP' %} This invoice is waiting for a Manual Payment.
Only process as paid by CCard if you really know this to be the fact.

{% endifequal %}
{{ paypal_form.as_p }}


Raw Invoice:

{{ invoice.text|escape }}
{% endblock %}