:mod:`compileall` --- Byte-compile Python libraries =================================================== .. module:: compileall :synopsis: Tools for byte-compiling all Python source files in a directory tree. This module provides some utility functions to support installing Python libraries. These functions compile Python source files in a directory tree, allowing users without permission to write to the libraries to take advantage of cached byte-code files. This module may also be used as a script (using the :option:`-m` Python flag) to compile Python sources. Directories to recursively traverse (passing :option:`-l` stops the recursive behavior) for sources are listed on the command line. If no arguments are given, the invocation is equivalent to ``-l sys.path``. Printing lists of the files compiled can be disabled with the :option:`-q` flag. In addition, the :option:`-x` option takes a regular expression argument. All files that match the expression will be skipped. The :option:`-b` flag may be given to write legacy ``.pyc`` file path names, otherwise :pep:`3147` style byte-compiled path names are written. .. function:: compile_dir(dir, maxlevels=10, ddir=None, force=False, rx=None, quiet=False, legacy=False) Recursively descend the directory tree named by *dir*, compiling all :file:`.py` files along the way. The *maxlevels* parameter is used to limit the depth of the recursion; it defaults to ``10``. If *ddir* is given, it is used as the base path from which the filenames used in error messages will be generated. If *force* is true, modules are re-compiled even if the timestamps are up to date. If *rx* is given, it specifies a regular expression of file names to exclude from the search; that expression is searched for in the full path. If *quiet* is true, nothing is printed to the standard output in normal operation. If *legacy* is true, old-style ``.pyc`` file path names are written, otherwise (the default), :pep:`3147` style path names are written. .. function:: compile_path(skip_curdir=True, maxlevels=0, force=False, legacy=False) Byte-compile all the :file:`.py` files found along ``sys.path``. If *skip_curdir* is true (the default), the current directory is not included in the search. The *maxlevels* parameter defaults to ``0``, and the *force* and *legacy* parameters default to ``False``. All are passed to the :func:`compile_dir` function. To force a recompile of all the :file:`.py` files in the :file:`Lib/` subdirectory and all its subdirectories:: import compileall compileall.compile_dir('Lib/', force=True) # Perform same compilation, excluding files in .svn directories. import re compileall.compile_dir('Lib/', rx=re.compile('/[.]svn'), force=True) .. seealso:: Module :mod:`py_compile` Byte-compile a single source file.