+++++++++++ Python News +++++++++++ (editors: check NEWS.help for information about editing NEWS using ReST.) What's New in Python 3.0a3? =========================== *Release date: XX-XXX-2008* Core and Builtins ----------------- <<<<<<< .working - Issue #1762972: __file__ points to the source file instead of the pyc/pyo file if the py file exists. ======= - Patch #1668: renamed THREADDEBUG envvar to PYTHONTHREADDEBUG. - Patch #602345: Add -B command line option, PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE envvar and sys.dont_write_bytecode attribute. All these can be set to forbid Python to attempt to write compiled bytecode files. - Improve some exception messages when Windows fails to load an extension module. Now we get for example '%1 is not a valid Win32 application' instead of 'error code 193'. >>>>>>> .merge-right.r59840 - Issue #1393: object_richcompare() returns NotImplemented instead of False if the objects aren't equal, to give the other side a chance. - Issue #1692: Interpreter was not displaying location of SyntaxError. - Improve some exception messages when Windows fails to load an extension module. Now we get for example '%1 is not a valid Win32 application' instead of 'error code 193'. Also use Unicode strings to deal with non-English locales. - Issue #1587: Added instancemethod wrapper for PyCFunctions. The Python C API has gained a new type *PyInstanceMethod_Type* and the functions *PyInstanceMethod_Check(o)*, *PyInstanceMethod_New(func)* and *PyInstanceMethod_Function(im)*. - Constants gc.DEBUG_OBJECT and gc.DEBUG_INSTANCE have been removed from the gc module; gc.DEBUG_COLLECTABLE or gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE are now enough to print the corresponding list of objects considered by the garbage collector. - Issue #1580: New free format floating point representation based on "Floating-Point Printer Sample Code", by Robert G. Burger. For example repr(11./5) now returns '2.2' instead of '2.2000000000000002'. - Issue #1573: Improper use of the keyword-only syntax makes the parser crash. - Issue #1564: The set implementation should special-case PyUnicode instead of PyString. <<<<<<< .working ======= - Issue #1534: Added ``PyFloat_GetMax()``, ``PyFloat_GetMin()`` and ``PyFloat_GetInfo()`` to the float API. - Issue #1521: On 64bit platforms, using PyArgs_ParseTuple with the t# of w# format code incorrectly truncated the length to an int, even when PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is set. The str.decode method used to return incorrect results with huge strings. - Issue #1402: Fix a crash on exit, when another thread is still running, and if the deallocation of its frames somehow calls the PyGILState_Ensure() / PyGILState_Release() functions. - Expose the Py_Py3kWarningFlag as sys.py3kwarning. - Issue #1445: Fix a SystemError when accessing the ``cell_contents`` attribute of an empty cell object. - Issue #1460: The utf-7 incremental decoder did not accept truncated input. It now correctly saves its state between chunks of data. - Patch #1739468: Directories and zipfiles containing a __main__.py file can now be directly executed by passing their name to the interpreter. The directory/zipfile is automatically inserted as the first entry in sys.path. - Issue #1265: Fix a problem with sys.settrace, if the tracing function uses a generator expression when at the same time the executed code is closing a paused generator. - sets and frozensets now have an isdisjoint() method. - optimize the performance of builtin.sum(). - Fix warnings found by the new version of the Coverity checker. - The enumerate() builtin function is no longer bounded to sequences smaller than LONG_MAX. Formerly, it raised an OverflowError. Now, automatically shifts from ints to longs. - Issue #1686386: Tuple's tp_repr did not take into account the possibility of having a self-referential tuple, which is possible from C code. Nor did object's tp_str consider that a type's tp_str could do something that could lead to an inifinite recursion. Py_ReprEnter() and Py_EnterRecursiveCall(), respectively, fixed the issues. - Issue #1164: It was possible to trigger deadlock when using the 'print' statement to write to a file since the GIL was not released as needed. Now PyObject_Print() does the right thing along with various tp_print implementations of the built-in types and those in the collections module. - Issue #1147: Exceptions were directly allowing string exceptions in their throw() method even though string exceptions no longer allowed. - Issue #1096: Prevent a segfault from getting the repr of a very deeply nested list by using the recursion counter. - Issue #1202533: Fix infinite recursion calls triggered by calls to PyObject_Call() never calling back out to Python code to trigger recursion depth updates/checks. Required the creation of a static RuntimeError instance in case normalizing an exception put the recursion check value past its limit. Fixes crashers infinite_rec_(1|2|4|5).py. - Patch #1031213: Decode source line in SyntaxErrors back to its original source encoding. - Py_ssize_t fields work in structmember when HAVE_LONG_LONG is not defined. - PEP 3123: Provide forward compatibility with Python 3.0, while keeping backwards compatibility. Add Py_Refcnt, Py_Type, Py_Size, and PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT. - Patch #1673759: add a missing overflow check when formatting floats with %G. - Patch #1733960: Allow T_LONGLONG to accept ints. - T_PYSSIZET can now be used in PyMemberDef lists for Py_ssize_t members. - Prevent expandtabs() on string and unicode objects from causing a segfault when a large width is passed on 32-bit platforms. - Bug #1733488: Fix compilation of bufferobject.c on AIX. - Bug #1722485: remove docstrings again when running with -OO. - Add new attribute names for function objects. All the func_* become __*__ attributes. (Some already existed, e.g., __doc__ and __name__.) - Add -3 option to the interpreter to warn about features that are deprecated and will be changed/removed in Python 3.0. - Patch #1686487: you can now pass any mapping after '**' in function calls. - except clauses may now be spelled either "except E, target:" or "except E as target:". This is to provide forwards compatibility with Python 3.0. - Deprecate BaseException.message as per PEP 352. - Bug #1303614: don't expose object's __dict__ when the dict is inherited from a builtin base. - When __slots__ are set to a unicode string, make it work the same as setting a plain string, ie don't expand to single letter identifiers. - Request #1191699: Slices can now be pickled. - Request #1193128: str.translate() now allows a None argument for translations that only remove characters without re-mapping the remaining characters. - Patch #1682205: a TypeError while unpacking an iterable is no longer masked by a generic one with the message "unpack non-sequence". - Remove unused file Python/fmod.c. - Bug #1683368: The object.__init__() and object.__new__() methods are now stricter in rejecting excess arguments. The only time when either allows excess arguments is when it is not overridden and the other one is. For backwards compatibility, when both are overridden, it is a deprecation warning (for now; maybe a Py3k warning later). Also, type.__init__() insists on the same signature as supported by type.__new__(). - Patch #1675423: PyComplex_AsCComplex() now tries to convert an object to complex using its __complex__() method before falling back to the __float__() method. Therefore, the functions in the cmath module now can operate on objects that define a __complex__() method. - Patch #1623563: allow __class__ assignment for classes with __slots__. The old and the new class are still required to have the same slot names. - Patch #1642547: Fix an error/crash when encountering syntax errors in complex if statements. - Patch #1462488: Python no longer segfaults when ``object.__reduce_ex__()`` is called with an object that is faking its type. - Patch #1680015: Don't modify __slots__ tuple if it contains an unicode name. - Patch #1444529: the builtin compile() now accepts keyword arguments. - Bug #1678647: write a newline after printing an exception in any case, even when converting the value to a string failed. - The dir() function has been extended to call the __dir__() method on its argument, if it exists. If not, it will work like before. This allows customizing the output of dir() in the presence of a __getattr__(). - Patch #922167: Python no longer segfaults when faced with infinitely self-recursive reload() calls (as reported by bug #742342). - Patch #1675981: remove unreachable code from ``type.__new__()`` method. - Patch #1491866: change the complex() constructor to allow parthensized forms. This means complex(repr(x)) now works instead of raising a ValueError. - Patch #703779: unset __file__ in __main__ after running a file. This makes the filenames the warning module prints much more sensible when a PYTHONSTARTUP file is used. - Variant of patch #697613: don't exit the interpreter on a SystemExit exception if the -i command line option or PYTHONINSPECT environment variable is given, but break into the interactive interpreter just like on other exceptions or normal program exit. - Patch #1638879: don't accept strings with embedded NUL bytes in long(). - Bug #1674503: close the file opened by execfile() in an error condition. - Patch #1674228: when assigning a slice (old-style), check for the sq_ass_slice instead of the sq_slice slot. - When printing an unraisable error, don't print exceptions. before the name. This duplicates the behavior whening normally printing exceptions. - Bug #1653736: Properly discard third argument to slot_nb_inplace_power. - PEP 352: Raising a string exception now triggers a TypeError. Attempting to catch a string exception raises DeprecationWarning. - Bug #1377858: Fix the segfaulting of the interpreter when an object created a weakref on itself during a __del__ call for new-style classes (classic classes still have the bug). - Bug #1579370: Make PyTraceBack_Here use the current thread, not the frame's thread state. - patch #1630975: Fix crash when replacing sys.stdout in sitecustomize.py - Bug #1637022: Prefix AST symbols with _Py_. - Prevent seg fault on shutdown which could occur if an object raised a warning. - Bug #1566280: Explicitly invoke threading._shutdown from Py_Main, to avoid relying on atexit. - Bug #1590891: random.randrange don't return correct value for big number - Patch #1586791: Better exception messages for some operations on strings, tuples and lists. - Bug #1067760: Deprecate passing floats to file.seek. - Bug #1591996: Correctly forward exception in instance_contains(). - Bug #1588287: fix invalid assertion for `1,2` in debug builds. - Bug #1576657: when setting a KeyError for a tuple key, make sure that the tuple isn't used as the "exception arguments tuple". - Bug #1565514, SystemError not raised on too many nested blocks. - Bug #1576174: WindowsError now displays the windows error code again, no longer the posix error code. - Patch #1549049: Support long values in structmember, issue warnings if the assigned value for structmember fields gets truncated. - Update the peephole optimizer to remove more dead code (jumps after returns) and inline unconditional jumps to returns. - Bug #1545497: when given an explicit base, int() did ignore NULs embedded in the string to convert. - Bug #1569998: break inside a try statement (outside a loop) is now recognized and rejected. - list.pop(x) accepts any object x following the __index__ protocol. - Fix some leftovers from the conversion from int to Py_ssize_t (relevant to strings and sequences of more than 2**31 items). - A number of places, including integer negation and absolute value, were fixed to not rely on undefined behaviour of the C compiler anymore. - Bug #1566800: make sure that EnvironmentError can be called with any number of arguments, as was the case in Python 2.4. - Patch #1567691: super() and new.instancemethod() now don't accept keyword arguments any more (previously they accepted them, but didn't use them). - Fix a bug in the parser's future statement handling that led to "with" not being recognized as a keyword after, e.g., this statement: from __future__ import division, with_statement - Bug #1557232: fix seg fault with def f((((x)))) and def f(((x),)). - Fix %zd string formatting on Mac OS X so it prints negative numbers. - Allow exception instances to be directly sliced again. - Bug #1551432: Exceptions do not define an explicit __unicode__ method. This allows calling unicode() on exceptions classes directly to succeed. - Make _PyGILState_NoteThreadState() static, it was not used anywhere outside of pystate.c and should not be necessary. - Bug #1542051: Exceptions now correctly call PyObject_GC_UnTrack. Also make sure that every exception class has __module__ set to 'exceptions'. - Bug #1550983: emit better error messages for erroneous relative imports (if not in package and if beyond toplevel package). - Overflow checking code in integer division ran afoul of new gcc optimizations. Changed to be more standard-conforming. - Patch #1542451: disallow continue anywhere under a finally. - Patch #1546288: fix seg fault in dict_equal due to ref counting bug. - The return tuple from str.rpartition(sep) is (tail, sep, head) where head is the original string if sep was not found. - Bug #1520864: unpacking singleton tuples in list comprehensions and generator expressions (x for x, in ... ) works again. Fixing this problem required changing the .pyc magic number. This means that .pyc files generated before 2.5c2 will be regenerated. - with and as are now keywords. - Bug #1664966: Fix crash in exec if Unicode filename can't be decoded. - Issue #1537: Changed GeneratorExit's base class from Exception to BaseException. Library ------- - Patch #467924: add ZipFile.extract() and ZipFile.extractall() in the zipfile module. - Issue #1646: Make socket support the TIPC protocol. - Bug #1742: return os.curdir from os.path.relpath() if both arguments are equal instead of raising an exception. - Patch #1637: fix urlparse for URLs like 'http://x.com?arg=/foo'. - Patch #1698: allow '@' in username parsed by urlparse.py. - Issue #1735: TarFile.extractall() now correctly sets directory permissions and times. - Bug #1713: posixpath.ismount() claims symlink to a mountpoint is a mountpoint. - Bug #1687: Fxed plistlib.py restricts to Python int when writing - Issue #1700: Regular expression inline flags incorrectly handle certain unicode characters. - Issue #1689: PEP 3141, numeric abstract base classes. - Tk issue #1851526: Return results from Python callbacks to Tcl as Tcl objects. - Issue #1642: Fix segfault in ctypes when trying to delete attributes. - Issue #1727780: Support loading pickles of random.Random objects created on 32-bit systems on 64-bit systems, and vice versa. As a consequence of the change, Random pickles created by Python 2.6 cannot be loaded in Python 2.5. - Issue #1455: The distutils package now supports VS 2005 and VS 2008 for both the msvccompiler and cygwincompiler. - Issue #1531: tarfile.py: Read fileobj from the current offset, do not seek to the start. - Issue #1534: Added a dictionary sys.float_info with information about the internal floating point type to the sys module. - Issue 1429818: patch for trace and doctest modules so they play nicely together. - doctest made a bad assumption that a package's __loader__.get_data() method used universal newlines. - Issue #1705170: contextlib.contextmanager was still swallowing StopIteration in some cases. This should no longer happen. - Issue #1292: On alpha, arm, ppc, and s390 linux systems the --with-system-ffi configure option defaults to "yes". - IN module for FreeBSD 8 is added and preexisting FreeBSD 6 and 7 files are updated. - Issues #1181, #1287: unsetenv() is now called when the os.environ.pop() and os.environ.clear() methods are used. - ctypes will now work correctly on 32-bit systems when Python is configured with --with-system-ffi. - Patch #1203: ctypes now does work on OS X when Python is built with --disable-toolbox-glue. - collections.deque() now supports a "maxlen" argument. - itertools.count() is no longer bounded to LONG_MAX. Formerly, it raised an OverflowError. Now, automatically shifts from ints to longs. - Patch #1541463: optimize performance of cgi.FieldStorage operations. - Decimal is fully updated to the latest Decimal Specification (v1.66). - Bug #1153: repr.repr() now doesn't require set and dictionary items to be orderable to properly represent them. - A 'c_longdouble' type was added to the ctypes module. - Bug #1709599: Run test_1565150 only if the file system is NTFS. - When encountering a password-protected robots.txt file the RobotFileParser no longer prompts interactively for a username and password (bug 813986). - TarFile.__init__() no longer fails if no name argument is passed and the fileobj argument has no usable name attribute (e.g. StringIO). - The functools module now provides 'reduce', for forward compatibility with Python 3000. - Server-side SSL support and cert verification added, by Bill Janssen. - socket.ssl deprecated; use new ssl module instead. - uuid creation is now threadsafe. - EUC-KR codec now handles the cheot-ga-keut composed make-up hangul syllables. - GB18030 codec now can encode additional two-byte characters that are missing in GBK. - Add new codecs for UTF-32, UTF-32-LE and UTF-32-BE. - Bug #1704793: Return UTF-16 pair if unicodedata.lookup cannot represent the result in a single character. - Bug #978833: Close https sockets by releasing the _ssl object. - Change location of the package index to pypi.python.org/pypi - Bug #1701409: Fix a segfault in printing ctypes.c_char_p and ctypes.c_wchar_p when they point to an invalid location. As a sideeffect the representation of these instances has changed. - tarfile.py: Added "exclude" keyword argument to TarFile.add(). - Bug #1734723: Fix repr.Repr() so it doesn't ignore the maxtuple attribute. - The urlopen function of urllib2 now has an optional timeout parameter (note that it actually works with HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS connections). - In ftplib, the FTP.ntransfercmd method, when in passive mode, now uses the socket.create_connection function, using the timeout specified at connection time. - Bug #1728403: Fix a bug that CJKCodecs StreamReader hangs when it reads a file that ends with incomplete sequence and sizehint argument for .read() is specified. - Bug #1730389: Change time.strptime() to use ``\s+`` instead of ``\s*`` when matching spaces in the specified format argument. - SF 1668596/1720897: distutils now copies data files even if package_dir is empty. - sha now raises a DeprecationWarning upon import. - md5 now raises a DeprecationWarning upon import. - Issue1385: The hmac module now computes the correct hmac when using hashes with a block size other than 64 bytes (such as sha384 and sha512). - mimify now raises a DeprecationWarning upon import. - MimeWriter now raises a DeprecationWarning upon import. - tarfile.py: Improved unicode support. Unicode input names are now officially supported. Added "errors" argument to the TarFile class. - urllib.ftpwrapper class now accepts an optional timeout. - shlex.split() now has an optional "posix" parameter. - The posixfile module now raises a DeprecationWarning. - Remove the gopherlib module. This also leads to the removal of gopher support in urllib/urllib2. - Fix bug in marshal where bad data would cause a segfault due to lack of an infinite recursion check. - Removed plat-freebsd2 and plat-freebsd3 directories (and IN.py in the directories). - HTML-escape the plain traceback in cgitb's HTML output, to prevent the traceback inadvertently or maliciously closing the comment and injecting HTML into the error page. - The popen2 module and os.popen* are deprecated. Use the subprocess module. - Added an optional credentials argument to SMTPHandler, for use with SMTP servers which require authentication. - Patch #1695948: Added optional timeout parameter to SocketHandler. - Bug #1652788: Minor fix for currentframe. - Patch #1598415: Added WatchedFileHandler to better support external log file rotation using e.g. newsyslog or logrotate. This handler is only useful in Unix/Linux environments. - Bug #1706381: Specifying the SWIG option "-c++" in the setup.py file (as opposed to the command line) will now write file names ending in ".cpp" too. - As specified in RFC 2616, an HTTP response like 2xx indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and accepted. Now in these cases no error is raised in urllib (issue #1177) and urllib2. - Bug #1290505: time.strptime's internal cache of locale information is now properly recreated when the locale is changed. - Patch #1685563: remove (don't add) duplicate paths in distutils.MSVCCompiler. - Added a timeout parameter to the constructor of other protocols (telnetlib, ftplib, smtplib and poplib). This is second part of the work started with create_connection() and timeout in httplib, and closes patch #723312. - Patch #1676823: Added create_connection() to socket.py, which may be called with a timeout, and use it from httplib (whose HTTPConnection and HTTPSConnection now accept an optional timeout). - Bug #978833: Revert r50844, as it broke _socketobject.dup. - Bug #1675967: re patterns pickled with Python 2.4 and earlier can now be unpickled with Python 2.5 and newer. - Patch #1630118: add a SpooledTemporaryFile class to tempfile.py. - Patch #1273829: os.walk() now has a "followlinks" parameter. If set to True (which is not the default), it visits symlinks pointing to directories. - Bug #1681228: the webbrowser module now correctly uses the default GNOME or KDE browser, depending on whether there is a session of one of those present. Also, it tries the Windows default browser before trying Mozilla variants. - Patch #1339796: add a relpath() function to os.path. - Patch #1681153: the wave module now closes a file object it opened if initialization failed. - Bug #767111: fix long-standing bug in urllib which caused an AttributeError instead of an IOError when the server's response didn't contain a valid HTTP status line. - Patch #957650: "%var%" environment variable references are now properly expanded in ntpath.expandvars(), also "~user" home directory references are recognized and handled on Windows. - Patch #1429539: pdb now correctly initializes the __main__ module for the debugged script, which means that imports from __main__ work correctly now. - The nonobvious commands.getstatus() function is now deprecated. - Patch #1393667: pdb now has a "run" command which restarts the debugged Python program, optionally with different arguments. - Patch #1649190: Adding support for _Bool to ctypes as c_bool. - Patch #1530482: add pydoc.render_doc() which returns the documentation for a thing instead of paging it to stdout, which pydoc.doc() does. - Patch #1533909: the timeit module now accepts callables in addition to strings for the code to time and the setup code. Also added two convenience functions for instantiating a Timer and calling its methods. - Patch #1537850: tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile now has a "delete" parameter which can be set to False to prevent the default delete-on-close behavior. - Patch #1581073: add a flag to textwrap that prevents the dropping of whitespace while wrapping. - Patch #1603688: ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser now checks values that are set for invalid interpolation sequences that would lead to errors on reading back those values. - Added support for the POSIX.1-2001 (pax) format to tarfile.py. Extended and cleaned up the test suite. Added a new testtar.tar. - Patch #1449244: Support Unicode strings in email.message.Message.{set_charset,get_content_charset}. - Patch #1542681: add entries for "with", "as" and "CONTEXTMANAGERS" to pydoc's help keywords. - Patch #1555098: use str.join() instead of repeated string concatenation in robotparser. - Patch #1635454: the csv.DictWriter class now includes the offending field names in its exception message if you try to write a record with a dictionary containing fields not in the CSV field names list. - Patch #1668100: urllib2 now correctly raises URLError instead of OSError if accessing a local file via the file:// protocol fails. - Patch #1677862: Require a space or tab after import in .pth files. - Patch #1192590: Fix pdb's "ignore" and "condition" commands so they trap the IndexError caused by passing in an invalid breakpoint number. - Patch #1599845: Add an option to disable the implicit calls to server_bind() and server_activate() in the constructors for TCPServer, SimpleXMLRPCServer and DocXMLRPCServer. - Bug #1531963: Make SocketServer.TCPServer's server_address always be equal to calling getsockname() on the server's socket. Fixed by patch #1545011. - Bug #1651235: When a tuple was passed to a ctypes function call, Python would crash instead of raising an error. - Bug #1646630: ctypes.string_at(buf, 0) and ctypes.wstring_at(buf, 0) returned string up to the first NUL character. - Patch #957003: Implement smtplib.LMTP. - Patch #1481079: add support for HTTP_REFERER to CGIHTTPServer. - Patch #1675424: Added tests for uncovered code in the zipfile module. The KeyError raised by Zipfile.getinfo for nonexistent names now has a descriptive message. - Bug #1115886: os.path.splitext('.cshrc') gives now ('.cshrc', ''). - unittest now verifies more of its assumptions. In particular, TestCase and TestSuite subclasses (not instances) are no longer accepted in TestSuite.addTest(). This should cause no incompatibility since it never made sense with ordinary subclasses -- the failure just occurred later, with a more cumbersome exception. - Patch #787789: allow to pass custom TestRunner instances to unittest's main() function. - Patches #1550273, #1550272: fix a few bugs in unittest and add a comprehensive test suite for the module. - Patch #1001604: glob.glob() now returns unicode filenames if it was given a unicode argument and os.listdir() returns unicode filenames. - Patch #1673619: setup.py identifies extension modules it doesn't know how to build and those it knows how to build but that fail to build. - Patch #912410: Replace HTML entity references for attribute values in HTMLParser. - Patch #1663234: you can now run doctest on test files and modules using "python -m doctest [-v] filename ...". - Patch #1121142: Implement ZipFile.open. - Taught setup.py how to locate Berkeley DB on Macs using MacPorts. - Added heapq.merge() for merging sorted input streams. - Added collections.namedtuple() for assigning field names to tuples. - Added itertools.izip_longest(). - Have the encoding package's search function dynamically import using absolute import semantics. - Patch #1647484: Renamed GzipFile's filename attribute to name. - Patch #1517891: Mode 'a' for ZipFile now creates the file if it doesn't exist. - Patch #698833: Support file decryption in zipfile. - Patch #685268: Consider a package's __path__ in imputil. - Patch 1463026: Support default namespace in XMLGenerator. - Patch 1571379: Make trace's --ignore-dir facility work in the face of relative directory names. - Bug #1600860: Search for shared python library in LIBDIR, not lib/python/config, on "linux" and "gnu" systems. - Patch #1652681: tarfile.py: create nonexistent files in append mode and allow appending to empty files. - Bug #1124861: Automatically create pipes if GetStdHandle fails in subprocess. - Patch #1634778: add missing encoding aliases for iso8859_15 and iso8859_16. - Patch #1638243: the compiler package is now able to correctly compile a with statement; previously, executing code containing a with statement compiled by the compiler package crashed the interpreter. - Bug #1643943: Fix time.strptime's support for the %U directive. - Patch #1507247: tarfile.py: use current umask for intermediate directories. - Patch #1627441: close sockets properly in urllib2. - Bug #494589: make ntpath.expandvars behave according to its docstring. - Changed platform module API python_version_tuple() to actually return a tuple (it used to return a list). - Added new platform module APIs python_branch(), python_revision(), python_implementation() and linux_distribution(). - Added support for IronPython and Jython to the platform module. - The sets module has been deprecated. Use the built-in set/frozenset types instead. - Bug #1610795: make ctypes.util.find_library work on BSD systems. - Fixes for 64-bit Windows: In ctypes.wintypes, correct the definitions of HANDLE, WPARAM, LPARAM data types. Make parameterless foreign function calls work. - The version number of the ctypes package changed to "1.1.0". - Bug #1627575: logging: Added _open() method to FileHandler which can be used to reopen files. The FileHandler instance now saves the encoding (which can be None) in an attribute called "encoding". - Bug #411881: logging.handlers: bare except clause removed from SMTPHandler.emit. Now, only ImportError is trapped. - Bug #411881: logging.handlers: bare except clause removed from SocketHandler.createSocket. Now, only socket.error is trapped. - Bug #411881: logging: bare except clause removed from LogRecord.__init__. Now, only ValueError, TypeError and AttributeError are trapped. - Patch #1504073: Fix tarfile.open() for mode "r" with a fileobj argument. - Patch #1182394 from Shane Holloway: speed up HMAC.hexdigest. - Patch #1262036: Prevent TarFiles from being added to themselves under certain conditions. - Patch #1230446: tarfile.py: fix ExFileObject so that read() and tell() work correctly together with readline(). - Patch #1484695: The tarfile module now raises a HeaderError exception if a buffer given to frombuf() is invalid. - Bug #1503765: Fix a problem in logging.config with spaces in comma- separated lists read from logging config files. - Patch #1604907: Fix problems in logging.handlers caused at logging shutdown when syslog handlers fail to initialize because of syslogd problems. - Patch #1608267: fix a race condition in os.makedirs() if the directory to be created is already there. - Patch #1610437: fix a tarfile bug with long filename headers. - Patch #1371075: Make ConfigParser accept optional dict type for ordering, sorting, etc. - Bug #1563807: _ctypes built on AIX fails with ld ffi error. - Bug #1598620: A ctypes Structure cannot contain itself. - Patch #1070046: Marshal new-style objects like InstanceType in xmlrpclib. - cStringIO.truncate(-1) now raises an IOError, like StringIO and regular files. - Patch #1472877: Fix Tix subwidget name resolution. - Patch #1594554: Always close a tkSimpleDialog on ok(), even if an exception occurs. - Patch #1538878: Don't make tkSimpleDialog dialogs transient if the parent window is withdrawn. - Bug #1597824: return the registered function from atexit.register() to facilitate usage as a decorator. - Patch #1360200: Use unmangled_version RPM spec field to deal with file name mangling. - Patch #1359217: Process 2xx response in an ftplib transfer that precedes an 1xx response. - Patch #1355023: support whence argument for GzipFile.seek. - Patch #1065257: Support passing open files as body in HTTPConnection.request(). - Bug #1569790: mailbox.py: Maildir.get_folder() and MH.get_folder() weren't passing the message factory on to newly created Maildir/MH objects. - Patch #1514543: mailbox.py: In the Maildir class, report errors if there's a filename clash instead of possibly losing a message. (Patch by David Watson.) - Patch #1514544: Try to ensure that messages/indexes have been physically written to disk after calling .flush() or .close(). (Patch by David Watson.) - Patch #1592250: Add elidge argument to Tkinter.Text.search. - Patch #838546: Make terminal become controlling in pty.fork() - Patch #1351744: Add askyesnocancel helper for tkMessageBox. - Patch #1060577: Extract list of RPM files from spec file in bdist_rpm - Bug #1586613: fix zlib and bz2 codecs' incremental en/decoders. - Patch #1583880: fix tarfile's problems with long names and posix/ GNU modes. - Bug #1586448: the compiler module now emits the same bytecode for list comprehensions as the builtin compiler, using the LIST_APPEND opcode. - Fix codecs.EncodedFile which did not use file_encoding in 2.5.0, and fix all codecs file wrappers to work correctly with the "with" statement (bug #1586513). - Lib/modulefinder.py now handles absolute and relative imports correctly. - Patch #1567274: Support SMTP over TLS. - Patch #1560695: Add .note.GNU-stack to ctypes' sysv.S so that ctypes isn't considered as requiring executable stacks. - ctypes callback functions only support 'fundamental' data types as result type. Raise an error when something else is used. This is a partial fix for Bug #1574584. - Fix turtle so that time.sleep is imported for the entire library. Allows the demo2 function to be executed on its own instead of only when the module is run as a script. - Bug #813342: Start the IDLE subprocess with -Qnew if the parent is started with that option. - Bug #1565150: Fix subsecond processing for os.utime on Windows. - Support for MSVC 8 was added to bdist_wininst. - Bug #1446043: correctly raise a LookupError if an encoding name given to encodings.search_function() contains a dot. - Bug #1560617: in pyclbr, return full module name not only for classes, but also for functions. - Bug #1457823: cgi.(Sv)FormContentDict's constructor now takes keep_blank_values and strict_parsing keyword arguments. - Bug #1566602: correct failure of posixpath unittest when $HOME ends with a slash. - Bug #1565661: in webbrowser, split() the command for the default GNOME browser in case it is a command with args. - Made the error message for time.strptime when the data data and format do match be more clear. - Fix a bug in traceback.format_exception_only() that led to an error being raised when print_exc() was called without an exception set. In version 2.4, this printed "None", restored that behavior. - Make webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser usable in Windows (it wasn't because the close_fds arg to subprocess.Popen is not supported). - Reverted patch #1504333 to sgmllib because it introduced an infinite loop. - Patch #1553314: Fix the inspect.py slowdown that was hurting IPython & SAGE by adding smarter caching in inspect.getmodule() - Fix missing import of the types module in logging.config. - Patch #1550886: Fix decimal module context management implementation to match the localcontext() example from PEP 343. - Bug #1545341: The 'classifier' keyword argument to the Distutils setup() function now accepts tuples as well as lists. - Bug #1541863: uuid.uuid1 failed to generate unique identifiers on systems with low clock resolution. - Bug #1531862: Do not close standard file descriptors in subprocess. - idle: Honor the "Cancel" action in the save dialog (Debian bug #299092). - Fix utf-8-sig incremental decoder, which didn't recognise a BOM when the first chunk fed to the decoder started with a BOM, but was longer than 3 bytes. - The implementation of UnicodeError objects has been simplified (start and end attributes are now stored directly as Py_ssize_t members). >>>>>>> .merge-right.r59840 Extension Modules ----------------- - Issue #1762972: Readded the reload() function as imp.reload() Library ------- - Issue #1703: getpass() should flush after writing prompt. - Issue #1585: IDLE uses non-existent xrange() function. - Issue #1578: Problems in win_getpass. Build ----- - Renamed --enable-unicode configure flag to --with-wide-unicode, since Unicode strings can't be disabled anymore. C API ----- - Issue #1629: Renamed Py_Size, Py_Type and Py_Refcnt to Py_SIZE, Py_TYPE and Py_REFCNT. - New API PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock(), works like PyImport_ImportModule() but won't block on the import lock (returning an error instead). What's New in Python 3.0a2? =========================== *Release date: 07-Dec-2007* (Note: this list is incomplete.) Core and Builtins ----------------- - str8 now has the same construction signature as bytes. - Comparisons between str and str8 now return False/True for ==/!=. sqlite3 returns str8 when recreating on object from it's __conform__ value. The struct module returns str8 for all string-related formats. This was true before this change, but becomes more apparent thanks to string comparisons always being False. - Replaced `PyFile_FromFile()` with `PyFile_FromFd(fd, name. mode, buffer, encoding, newline)` - Fixed `imp.find_module()` to obey the -*- coding: -*- header. - Changed `__file__` and `co_filename` to unicode. The path names are decoded with `Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding` and a new API method `PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(char*)` was added. - io.open() and _fileio.FileIO have grown a new argument closefd. A false value disables the closing of the file descriptor. - Added a new option -b to issues warnings (-bb for errors) about certain operations between bytes/buffer and str like str(b'') and comparsion. - The standards streams sys.stdin, stdout and stderr may be None when the when the C runtime library returns an invalid file descriptor for the streams (fileno(stdin) < 0). For now this happens only for Windows GUI apps and scripts started with `pythonw.exe`. - Added PCbuild9 directory for VS 2008. - Renamed structmember.h WRITE_RESTRICTED to PY_WRITE_RESTRICTED to work around a name clash with VS 2008 on Windows. - Unbound methods are gone for good. ClassObject.method returns an ordinary function object, instance.method still returns a bound method object. The API of bound methods is cleaned up, too. The im_class attribute is removed and im_func + im_self are renamed to __func__ and __self__. The factory PyMethod_New takes only func and instance as argument. - intobject.h is no longer included by Python.h. The remains were moved to longobject.h. It still exists to define several aliases from PyInt_ to PyLong_ functions. - Removed sys.maxint, use sys.maxsize instead. Extension Modules ----------------- - The `hotshot` profiler has been removed; use `cProfile` instead. Library ------- - When loading an external file using testfile(), the passed-in encoding argument was being ignored if __loader__ is defined and forcing the source to be UTF-8. - The methods `os.tmpnam()`, `os.tempnam()` and `os.tmpfile()` have been removed in favor of the tempfile module. - Removed the 'new' module. - Removed all types from the 'types' module that are easily accessable through builtins. What's New in Python 3.0a1? ========================== *Release date: 31-Aug-2007* Core and Builtins ----------------- - PEP 3131: Support non-ASCII identifiers. - PEP 3120: Change default encoding to UTF-8. - PEP 3123: Use proper C inheritance for PyObject. - Removed the __oct__ and __hex__ special methods and added a bin() builtin function. - PEP 3127: octal literals now start with "0o". Old-style octal literals are invalid. There are binary literals with a prefix of "0b". This also affects int(x, 0). - None, True, False are now keywords. - PEP 3119: isinstance() and issubclass() can be overridden. - Remove BaseException.message. - Remove tuple parameter unpacking (PEP 3113). - Remove the f_restricted attribute from frames. This naturally leads to the removal of PyEval_GetRestricted() and PyFrame_IsRestricted(). - PEP 3132 was accepted. That means that you can do ``a, *b = range(5)`` to assign 0 to a and [1, 2, 3, 4] to b. - range() now returns an iterator rather than a list. Floats are not allowed. xrange() is no longer defined. - Patch #1660500: hide iteration variable in list comps, add set comps and use common code to handle compilation of iterative expressions - By default, != returns the opposite of ==, unless the latter returns NotImplemented. - Patch #1680961: sys.exitfunc has been removed and replaced with a private C-level API. - PEP 3115: new metaclasses: the metaclass is now specified as a keyword arg in the class statement, which can now use the full syntax of a parameter list. Also, the metaclass can implement a __prepare__ function which will be called to create the dictionary for the new class namespace. - The long-deprecated argument "pend" of PyFloat_FromString() has been removed. - The dir() function has been extended to call the __dir__() method on its argument, if it exists. If not, it will work like before. This allows customizing the output of dir() in the presence of a __getattr__(). - Removed support for __members__ and __methods__. - Removed indexing/slicing on BaseException. - input() became raw_input(): the name input() now implements the functionality formerly known as raw_input(); the name raw_input() is no longer defined. - Classes listed in an 'except' clause must inherit from BaseException. - PEP 3106: dict.iterkeys(), .iteritems(), .itervalues() are now gone; and .keys(), .items(), .values() return dict views, which behave like sets. - PEP 3105: print is now a function. Also (not in the PEP) the 'softspace' attribute of files is now gone (since print() doesn't use it). A side effect of this change is that you can get incomplete output lines in interactive sessions: >>> print(42, end="") 42>>> We may be able to fix this after the I/O library rewrite. - PEP 3102: keyword-only arguments. - Int/Long unification is complete. The 'long' built-in type and literals with trailing 'L' or 'l' have been removed. Performance may be sub-optimal (haven't really benchmarked). - 'except E, V' must now be spelled as 'except E as V' and deletes V at the end of the except clause; V must be a simple name. - Added function annotations per PEP 3107. - Added nonlocal declaration from PEP 3104 >>> def f(x): ... def inc(): ... nonlocal x ... x += 1 ... return x ... return inc ... >>> inc = f(0) >>> inc() 1 >>> inc() 2 - Moved intern() to sys.intern(). - exec is now a function. - Renamed nb_nonzero to nb_bool and __nonzero__ to __bool__. - Classic classes are a thing of the past. All classes are new style. - Exceptions *must* derive from BaseException. - Integer division always returns a float. The -Q option is no more. All the following are gone: * PyNumber_Divide and PyNumber_InPlaceDivide * __div__, __rdiv__, and __idiv__ * nb_divide, nb_inplace_divide * operator.div, operator.idiv, operator.__div__, operator.__idiv__ (Only __truediv__ and __floordiv__ remain, not sure how to handle them if we want to re-use __div__ and friends. If we do, it will make it harder to write code for both 2.x and 3.x.) - 'as' and 'with' are keywords. - Absolute import is the default behavior for 'import foo' etc. - Removed support for syntax: backticks (ie, `x`), <> - Removed these Python builtins: apply(), callable(), coerce(), execfile(), file(), reduce(), reload() - Removed these Python methods: {}.has_key - Removed these opcodes: BINARY_DIVIDE, INPLACE_DIVIDE, UNARY_CONVERT - Remove C API support for restricted execution. - zip(), map() and filter() now return iterators, behaving like their itertools counterparts. This also affect map()'s behavior on sequences of unequal length -- it now stops after the shortest one is exhausted. - Additions: set literals, set comprehensions, ellipsis literal. - Added class decorators per PEP 3129. Extension Modules ----------------- - Remove the imageop module. Obsolete long with its unit tests becoming useless from the removal of rgbimg and imgfile. - Removed these attributes from Python modules: * operator module: div, idiv, __div__, __idiv__, isCallable, sequenceIncludes * sys module: exc_clear(), exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback Library ------- - Remove the compiler package. Use of the _ast module and (an eventual) AST -> bytecode mechanism. - Removed these modules: * audiodev, Bastion, bsddb185, exceptions, linuxaudiodev, md5, MimeWriter, mimify, popen2, rexec, sets, sha, stringold, strop, sunaudiodev, timing, xmllib. - Moved these modules to Tools/Demos: * toaiff - Remove obsolete IRIX modules: al/AL, cd/CD, cddb, cdplayer, cl/CL, DEVICE, ERRNO, FILE, fl/FL, flp, fm, GET, gl/GL, GLWS, IN, imgfile, IOCTL, jpeg, panel, panelparser, readcd, sgi, sv/SV, torgb, WAIT. - Remove obsolete functions: * commands.getstatus(), os.popen*, - Remove functions in the string module that are also string methods; Remove string.{letters, lowercase, uppercase}. - Remove support for long obsolete platforms: plat-aix3, plat-irix5. - Remove xmlrpclib.SlowParser. It was based on xmllib. - Patch #1680961: atexit has been reimplemented in C. - Add new codecs for UTF-32, UTF-32-LE and UTF-32-BE. Build ----- C API ----- - Removed these Python slots: __coerce__, __div__, __idiv__, __rdiv__ - Removed these C APIs: PyNumber_Coerce(), PyNumber_CoerceEx(), PyMember_Get, PyMember_Set - Removed these C slots/fields: nb_divide, nb_inplace_divide - Removed these macros: staticforward, statichere, PyArg_GetInt, PyArg_NoArgs, _PyObject_Del - Removed these typedefs: intargfunc, intintargfunc, intobjargproc, intintobjargproc, getreadbufferproc, getwritebufferproc, getsegcountproc, getcharbufferproc, memberlist Tests ----- Documentation ------------- Mac --- - The cfmfile was removed. Platforms --------- - Support for BeOS and AtheOS was removed (according to PEP 11). - Support for RiscOS, Irix, Tru64 was removed (alledgedly). Tools/Demos ----------- **(For information about older versions, consult the HISTORY file.)**