.. highlightlang:: python The build configuration file ============================ .. module:: conf :synopsis: Build configuration file. The :term:`configuration directory` must contain a file named :file:`conf.py`. This file (containing Python code) is called the "build configuration file" and contains all configuration needed to customize Sphinx input and output behavior. The configuration file if executed as Python code at build time (using :func:`execfile`, and with the current directory set to its containing directory), and therefore can execute arbitrarily complex code. Sphinx then reads simple names from the file's namespace as its configuration. Important points to note: * If not otherwise documented, values must be strings, and their default is the empty string. * The term "fully-qualified name" refers to a string that names an importable Python object inside a module; for example, the FQN ``"sphinx.builder.Builder"`` means the ``Builder`` class in the ``sphinx.builder`` module. * Remember that document names use ``/`` as the path separator and don't contain the file name extension. * Since :file:`conf.py` is read as a Python file, the usual rules apply for encodings and Unicode support: declare the encoding using an encoding cookie (a comment like ``# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-``) and use Unicode string literals when you include non-ASCII characters in configuration values. * The contents of the config namespace are pickled (so that Sphinx can find out when configuration changes), so it may not contain unpickleable values -- delete them from the namespace with ``del`` if appropriate. Modules are removed automatically, so you don't need to ``del`` your imports after use. General configuration --------------------- .. confval:: extensions A list of strings that are module names of Sphinx extensions. These can be extensions coming with Sphinx (named ``sphinx.addons.*``) or custom ones. Note that you can extend :data:`sys.path` within the conf file if your extensions live in another directory -- but make sure you use absolute paths. If your extension path is relative to the :term:`configuration directory`, use :func:`os.path.abspath` like so:: import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('sphinxext')) extensions = ['extname'] That way, you can load an extension called ``extname`` from the subdirectory ``sphinxext``. The configuration file itself can be an extension; for that, you only need to provide a :func:`setup` function in it. .. confval:: source_suffix The file name extension of source files. Only files with this suffix will be read as sources. Default is ``.rst``. .. confval:: master_doc The document name of the "master" document, that is, the document that contains the root :dir:`toctree` directive. Default is ``'contents'``. .. confval:: project The documented project's name. .. confval:: copyright A copyright statement in the style ``'2008, Author Name'``. .. confval:: version The major project version, used as the replacement for ``|version|``. For example, for the Python documentation, this may be something like ``2.6``. .. confval:: release The full project version, used as the replacement for ``|release|`` and e.g. in the HTML templates. For example, for the Python documentation, this may be something like ``2.6.0rc1``. If you don't need the separation provided between :confval:`version` and :confval:`release`, just set them both to the same value. .. confval:: today today_fmt These values determine how to format the current date, used as the replacement for ``|today|``. * If you set :confval:`today` to a non-empty value, it is used. * Otherwise, the current time is formatted using :func:`time.strftime` and the format given in :confval:`today_fmt`. The default is no :confval:`today` and a :confval:`today_fmt` of ``'%B %d, %Y'``. .. confval:: unused_docs A list of document names that are present, but not currently included in the toctree. Use this setting to suppress the warning that is normally emitted in that case. .. confval:: exclude_dirs A list of directory names, relative to the source directory, that are to be excluded from the search for source files. .. versionadded:: 0.3 .. confval:: exclude_trees A list of directory names, relative to the source directory, that are to be recursively exlucded from the search for source files, that is, their subdirectories won't be searched too. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: pygments_style The style name to use for Pygments highlighting of source code. Default is ``'sphinx'``, which is a builtin style designed to match Sphinx' default style. .. versionchanged:: 0.3 If the value is a fully-qualified name of a custom Pygments style class, this is then used as custom style. .. confval:: templates_path A list of paths that contain extra templates (or templates that overwrite builtin templates). Relative paths are taken as relative to the configuration directory. .. confval:: template_bridge A string with the fully-qualified name of a callable (or simply a class) that returns an instance of :class:`~sphinx.application.TemplateBridge`. This instance is then used to render HTML documents, and possibly the output of other builders (currently the changes builder). .. confval:: default_role The name of a reST role (builtin or Sphinx extension) to use as the default role, that is, for text marked up ```like this```. This can be set to ``'obj'`` to make ```filter``` a cross-reference to the function "filter". The default is ``None``, which doesn't reassign the default role. The default role can always be set within individual documents using the standard reST :dir:`default-role` directive. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: add_function_parentheses A boolean that decides whether parentheses are appended to function and method role text (e.g. the content of ``:func:`input```) to signify that the name is callable. Default is ``True``. .. confval:: add_module_names A boolean that decides whether module names are prepended to all :term:`description unit` titles, e.g. for :dir:`function` directives. Default is ``True``. .. confval:: show_authors A boolean that decides whether :dir:`moduleauthor` and :dir:`sectionauthor` directives produce any output in the built files. .. _html-options: Options for HTML output ----------------------- These options influence HTML as well as HTML Help output, and other builders that use Sphinx' HTMLWriter class. .. confval:: html_title The "title" for HTML documentation generated with Sphinx' own templates. This is appended to the ```` tag of individual pages, and used in the navigation bar as the "topmost" element. It defaults to :samp:`'{<project>} v{<revision>} documentation'`, where the placeholders are replaced by the config values of the same name. .. confval:: html_short_title A shorter "title" for the HTML docs. This is used in for links in the header and in the HTML Help docs. If not given, it defaults to the value of :confval:`html_title`. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: html_style The style sheet to use for HTML pages. A file of that name must exist either in Sphinx' :file:`static/` path, or in one of the custom paths given in :confval:`html_static_path`. Default is ``'default.css'``. .. confval:: html_logo If given, this must be the name of an image file (within the static path, see below) that is the logo of the docs. It is placed at the top of the sidebar; its width should therefore not exceed 200 pixels. Default: ``None``. .. confval:: html_favicon If given, this must be the name of an image file (within the static path, see below) that is the favicon of the docs. Modern browsers use this as icon for tabs, windows and bookmarks. It should be a Windows-style icon file (``.ico``), which is 16x16 or 32x32 pixels large. Default: ``None``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: html_static_path A list of paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets or script files). Relative paths are taken as relative to the configuration directory. They are copied to the output directory after the builtin static files, so a file named :file:`default.css` will overwrite the builtin :file:`default.css`. .. versionchanged:: 0.4 The paths in :confval:`html_static_path` can now contain subdirectories. .. confval:: html_last_updated_fmt If this is not the empty string, a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, using the given :func:`strftime` format. Default is ``'%b %d, %Y'``. .. confval:: html_use_smartypants If true, *SmartyPants* will be used to convert quotes and dashes to typographically correct entities. Default: ``True``. .. confval:: html_sidebars Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names to template names. Example:: html_sidebars = { 'using/windows': 'windowssidebar.html' } This will render the template ``windowssidebar.html`` within the sidebar of the given document. .. confval:: html_additional_pages Additional templates that should be rendered to HTML pages, must be a dictionary that maps document names to template names. Example:: html_additional_pages = { 'download': 'customdownload.html', } This will render the template ``customdownload.html`` as the page ``download.html``. .. note:: Earlier versions of Sphinx had a value called :confval:`html_index` which was a clumsy way of controlling the content of the "index" document. If you used this feature, migrate it by adding an ``'index'`` key to this setting, with your custom template as the value, and in your custom template, use :: {% extend "defindex.html" %} {% block tables %} ... old template content ... {% endblock %} .. confval:: html_use_modindex If true, add a module index to the HTML documents. Default is ``True``. .. confval:: html_use_index If true, add an index to the HTML documents. Default is ``True``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: html_split_index If true, the index is generated twice: once as a single page with all the entries, and once as one page per starting letter. Default is ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: html_copy_source If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as :file:`_sources/{name}`. The default is ``True``. .. confval:: html_use_opensearch If nonempty, an `OpenSearch <http://opensearch.org>` description file will be output, and all pages will contain a ``<link>`` tag referring to it. Since OpenSearch doesn't support relative URLs for its search page location, the value of this option must be the base URL from which these documents are served (without trailing slash), e.g. ``"http://docs.python.org"``. The default is ``''``. .. confval:: html_file_suffix If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for generated HTML files. The default is ``".html"``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: html_translator_class A string with the fully-qualified name of a HTML Translator class, that is, a subclass of Sphinx' :class:`~sphinx.htmlwriter.HTMLTranslator`, that is used to translate document trees to HTML. Default is ``None`` (use the builtin translator). .. confval:: html_show_sphinx If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is ``True``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. confval:: htmlhelp_basename Output file base name for HTML help builder. Default is ``'pydoc'``. .. _latex-options: Options for LaTeX output ------------------------ These options influence LaTeX output. .. confval:: latex_paper_size The output paper size (``'letter'`` or ``'a4'``). Default is ``'letter'``. .. confval:: latex_font_size The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). Default is ``'10pt'``. .. confval:: latex_documents This value determines how to group the document tree into LaTeX source files. It must be a list of tuples ``(startdocname, targetname, title, author, documentclass, toctree_only)``, where the items are: * *startdocname*: document name that is the "root" of the LaTeX file. All documents referenced by it in TOC trees will be included in the LaTeX file too. (If you want only one LaTeX file, use your :confval:`master_doc` here.) * *targetname*: file name of the LaTeX file in the output directory. * *title*: LaTeX document title. Can be empty to use the title of the *startdoc*. * *author*: Author for the LaTeX document. * *documentclass*: Must be one of ``'manual'`` or ``'howto'``. Only "manual" documents will get appendices. Also, howtos will have a simpler title page. * *toctree_only*: Must be ``True`` or ``False``. If ``True``, the *startdoc* document itself is not included in the output, only the documents referenced by it via TOC trees. With this option, you can put extra stuff in the master document that shows up in the HTML, but not the LaTeX output. .. versionadded:: 0.3 The 6th item ``toctree_only``. Tuples with 5 items are still accepted. .. confval:: latex_logo If given, this must be the name of an image file (relative to the configuration directory) that is the logo of the docs. It is placed at the top of the title page. Default: ``None``. .. confval:: latex_use_parts If true, the topmost sectioning unit is parts, else it is chapters. Default: ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.3 .. confval:: latex_appendices A list of document names to append as an appendix to all manuals. .. confval:: latex_preamble Additional LaTeX markup for the preamble. Keep in mind that backslashes must be doubled in Python string literals to avoid interpretation as escape sequences. .. confval:: latex_use_modindex If true, add a module index to LaTeX documents. Default is ``True``.