.. _maclib-index: ############################## Macintosh Library Modules ############################## :Release: |version| :Date: |today| This library reference manual documents Python's extensions for the Macintosh. It should be used in conjunction with :ref:`library-index`, which documents the standard library and built-in types. This manual assumes basic knowledge about the Python language. For an informal introduction to Python, see :ref:`tutorial-index`; :ref:`reference-index` remains the highest authority on syntactic and semantic questions. Finally, the manual entitled :ref:`extending-index` describes how to add new extensions to Python and how to embed it in other applications. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 using.rst mac.rst macic.rst macos.rst macostools.rst macui.rst framework.rst autogil.rst scripting.rst toolbox.rst colorpicker.rst undoc.rst